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How to dual-boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.


1. First you have to install Windows 10 (Make sure you leave enough space for
Ubuntu at least 15 GB)
2. Start Ubuntu in live mode
3. Make sure all devices work (wifi, sound, display, etc.)
4. Click Install Ubuntu (from launcher)
5. When making partition, you'll create 2 formated as `ext4`:
a. the first is mounted in "/";
b. the second is mounted in "/home";
6. Reboot.

If, after reboot, your pc has a boot loop insert the Windows DVD/USB, go to
"Repair" -> "Avanced" -> "Command prompt".
In cmd:
bootrec /rebuildbcd
bootrec /ficmbr
bootrec /fixboot
Install easyBCD and set thins up.

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