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Thinh tra

Period 4

Irish and United Kingdom

In the early 1798 the irish rebellion happen and it was a big tragedy for them because 2000

people killed by the machines and this, makes them go on rebelled to the people that killed their

race, and it was a difficult time because they had to hide away from the people that wanted to

kill them. And the english tried to conquered them and this makes them want to support their

union, but some people were disagree on it. In 1922 irish were freed in southern provinces of

leinster and most of the northern were still part of the ulster part if the United Kingdom. In the

text it says Ireland must be governed in the english interest this means that ireland will be

dominated by the english they must do what say to do and this makes them look like a slave. In

my second controversies which is in the text says all of the civilization, arts comfort wealth that

ireland enjoys she owes exclusively to england this means that the queen should fight for her

country and try to keep her inheritance and not make other country own it and dominate their

land, and the people should be strong and fight for their country's freedom from other country

and makes them strong defence and untouchable. And the last controversies is the text says

the land of ireland belongs to the people of ireland. Those who cultivate it have higher claim to

its absolute possession that landlords who use it only for profit or pressure this means that

people who dont want to fight for their country should live and save their life and not to be

include to the war and killing. This makes lead to the world today because people from other

country wants to conquer the small country so that they will have more resources and this

makes the small country dont fight because they dont have enough country and in the past is

the same thing because people get killed for no reason and it lead to nowhere and that's where
the US helps the small country from the big country. In my conclusion is that the past and

today's world is big difference and is that today has less war than the pass and that people

today are more free than the pass it is a big difference from today and the pass

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