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Year Vips

Related issue 1

Transportation as a globalization force?

How do collective express who you are?
How do some forces of globalization present challenges to identity?
How is diversity affected by the dominance of american media?
How do governments affirm and promote languages a in a globalizing world/

Related issue 2

How the silk road was the turning point for globalization?
How effectively have people responded to the legacies of historical globalization?
How does historical globalization continue to affect the world?
How has historical globalization affected indigenous people in canada?
How has the exchange of goods and technologies affected people ?

Related issue 3

What does economic globalization mean?

How do transnational corporation contribute to expanding globalization?
What is sustainable prosperity?
How are globalization and sustainability related?
What choices are associated with sustainable prosperity?

Related issue 4

How has globalization affected awareness of issues?

How has global awareness affected gender issues ?
How does globalization change communities?
What does a global citizen do?
How does the global need for resources affect people?

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