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Yo vivo en san Jos.

mi barrio es demasiado ruidoso y hay bastantes nios porque vivo al

frente de un parque.

Ah hay demasiada contaminacin porque los nios arrojan basura al suelo.

Hay demasiados centros deportivos pero el problema es que la pelota se va a las casas.

Tambin ah hay ruido por la noche porque llegan en motos y se estacin por ah y se quedan
bastante tiempo.

En verano hay demasiados mosquitos y tienes que llevar demasiado repelente.

I live in San Jose. My neighborhood is too noisy and there are quite a few children because I
live in front of a park.

There is too much pollution because children throw garbage on the ground.

There are too many sports centers but the problem is that the ball goes to the houses.

There is also noise there at night because they get on bikes and they station around and they
stay a long time.

In summer there are too many mosquitoes and you have to carry too repellent

I live in san Jose. my neighborhood is too noisy and there are quite a
few children because I live in front of a park.
Then there is too much pollution because children throw trash on the
There are too many sports centers but the problem is that the ball is
going to the houses.
Also there is noise at night because they arrive on motorcycles and is
station out there, so they are long enough.
In summer there are too many mosquitoes and you have to take too

write about the most common problems in your neighborhood and things that should be done
to improve the place where you live

Escribir sobre los problemas ms comunes en su vecindario y las cosas que deben hacerse para
mejorar el lugar donde usted vive

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