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1 Design Constraints

Design constraints are the limit and conditions that are set on how the project will be developed. It could be
on the function of the project, time or duration of the project for it to be finished, equipment and materials
and the overall budget of the project. These design constraints are important because it shows that overall
boundary of the design process for the project. The following are the identified constraints of the project.

3.1.1 Economic Constraint

As far as any project is concern, the cost will always be the first thing a client would ask. The designers
should always identify and choose what the best alternative to be used is. It should also meet the clients
standard and requests in a project. Due to the economic restraint of the project, the quality can be affected
and it may not meet the projects standard.

3.1.2 Constructability Constraint

The time for a project to be finished is an important factor to be considered. Projects should be finished in
the shortest period of time as possible. An extension of the construction of the project means more money
to be allocated for its construction. In an irrigation project, this means that the farmers cannot use the
farmland as long as it is under construction.

3.1.3 Sustainability Constraint

Irrigation management in humid areas should take rainfall into account. The rainfall data should be used in
order to compute for the irrigation requirements and to lessen the adverse effects of soil waterlogging,
reduced soil aeration and soil erosion produced by surface runoff.


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