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The Blessing of Saint Benedict Joseph Labre


Jesus Christus Rex gloriae venit in pace.

Deus homo factus est.
Verbum caro factum est.
Christus de Maria Virgine natus est.
Christus per medium illorum ibat in pace.
Christus crucifixus est.
Christus mortuus est.
Christus sepultus est.
Christus resurrexit.
Christus ascendit in coelum.
Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat.
Christus ab omni fulgure nos defendat.
Jesus nobiscum est.
Pater noster - Ave Maria - Gloria Patri

Jesus Christ, the King of glory, came in peace.

God was made man.
The Word was made flesh.
Christ was born of the Virgin Mary.
Christ passed through the midst of them in peace.
Christ was crucified.
Christ died.
Christ was buried.
Christ is risen.
Christ ascended into heaven.
Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands.
From every lightening bolt may Christ defend us.
Jesus is with us.
Our Father - Hail Mary - Glory be

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