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Observa el ejemplo y describe al menos 4 miembros de toda tu familia.

olvides adjuntar una foto real o ficticia, y no usar el mismo vocabulario brindado
aqu. Usa tu creatividad!

These are the members of my small family Arias Caon. They are from Caracas, Venezuela.
My family is composed by:

Richard Arias: He is my father. He is 50 years old. He is an engineer. He works for

Ecopetrol. He enjoys swimming every day. He hates snakes and spiders. He is a very
responsible man.

Callie Caon: She is my mother. She is 42 years old. She is a waitress. She works for
Kokorico. She likes cats and dogs. He doesnt like doing exercise. She is a strong

Kevin Arias Caon: He is my brother. He is 14 years old. He is a high school student.

He studies at Champagnat School. He loves doing Taekwondo daily. He doesnt like
sharks and mosquitoes. He is a very smart boy.

Sophie Arias Caon: This is me! I am 10 years old. I am a primary student. I study at
English School. I like butterflies and monkeys. I cant stand cockroaches and rats. I
am very beautiful.

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