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JA Academic Books i | Freque ncy Lists with Definitions, | Pronuncation Guide, and Index | BIBLICAL HEBREW ARAMAIC Larry A.Mitchel “ ~ ZondervanPublishingHouse Grand Rapids, Michigan A Division of HarperCollinsPublishers | Vocabulary a | | Requests for information should be addressed to: Zondervan Publishing House Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Mitchel, Larry A. A student's vocabulary for biblical Hebrew and Aramaic. Bibliography: p. Includes index, 1. Hebrew language—Word frequency. 2. Hebrew language— Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. 3. Aramaic language— Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. 4. Bible. 0.7. Language, style. I Title. PJ4845.M5 1984 221.44 84-5219 ISBN 0-310-45461-1 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means— electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher, Printed in the United States of America 00 01 02/ DH/22 24 20 To Leona Glidden Running for whom Semitic languages are a consuming and contagious interest. CONTENTS PREFACE HOW TO USE THIS STUDENT'S VOCABULARY BIBLIOGRAPHY TABLE OF VALUES ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS SECTION 1; HEBREW WORDS OCCURRING MORE THAN 500 TIMES SECTION 2: HEBREW WORDS OCCURRING 500 - 200 TIMES SECTION 3: HEBREW WORDS OCCURRING 199 - 100 TIMES SECTION 4: HEBREW WORDS OCCURRING 99 - 50 TIMES SECTION 5: HEBREW WORDS OCCURRING 49 - 10 TIMES SECTION 6: ARAMAIC VOCABULARY INDEX ix xiii XViii xxi XXxiii 23 52 66 PREFACE Purpose of this Student’s Vocabulary - . . In light of the availability of a number of Hebrew vocabulary lists, it is . proper to ask why another such list should be put in print. The volumes that first come to mind each make a real contribution. George M. Landes’s A Student’s Vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew has an obvious advantage in its grouping of Hebrew words by root, a helpful aid in learning vocabulary. The Hebrew Vocabularies of J. Barton Payne present the Hebrew particles in a particularly helpful way. And the small volume by John D. W. Watts (Lists of Words Occurring Frequently in the Hebrew Bible.), which like Payne’s is based on William Rainey Harper’s Hebrew Vocabularies (published in 1890), presents Hebrew vocabulary down to 25 occurrences in a very compact form. However, in my experience in teaching biblical Hebrew on the undergradu- ate level, I have felt that each of the above excellent works have presented two fundamental problems for entry-level Hebrew students: (1) each volume incor- porates a number of separate lists, requiring reference to various parts of the book in order to find all Hebrew words of a given frequency; and (2) the lists themselves are apparently set by somewhat arbitrary word-frequency limits, resulting in lists of greatly variable length. The present work seeks to remedy both of those basic problems. The lexicon of Old Testament Hebrew contains some 10,000 words in all. Of these, approximately 740 occur fifty times or more. A full 490 occur as hapax legomena by Harold R. Cohen’s definition (see volume in Bibliography; pages xv and 6-7). Many more words in the MT occur only once, though other occurrences of that same Hebrew root may also appear. The Aramaic lexicon consists of approximately 650 words. Since the amount of Aramaic text in the OT is so much less than that of Hebrew text, the number of occurrences of Aramaic words is lower. For the Hebrew vocabulary sections (Sections 1-5) an attempt has been made to include every word that occurs ten times or more. The one exception to this inclusive statement has to do with proper nouns: only those personal and place names that are used fifty times or more are included. The primary reason for including proper nouns at all is that while some Hebrew place names and personal names are reasonably ‘‘transparent’’ to students familiar with the OT in English translation, many are rather ‘‘opaque.”” This is the case because the English transliteration that the student knows often reflects Greek forms more than the original Hebrew name. For examples of the latter, see ‘‘Isaac’’ (Section 3.F), or ‘‘Solomon’’ (2.C). Preface Avsection containing Hebrew words occurring Jess than ten times was. "prepared for this’ project. Simply for considerations of length it has not been oe included in this volume. (It was twice as long as Sections 1-4, both in number ~- of entries and estimated page length!) Most Hebrew students would probably «find little use for this section of Hebrew vocabulary. ‘In the case of the Aramaic vocabulary (Section 6), the effort has been made -° toinclude every Aramaic word, except for proper nouns. (No personal or place » fiames have been included, except for a few that occur more than fifty times in Aramaic and Hebrew and thus are listed in Sections 1-4 with a note regarding the number of occurrences in Aramaic.) ; - Aglance at the Table of Contents and the first few vocabulary lists should be enough to clarify the arrangement of this volume. Instead of juggling two or three (or more) different frequency lists, all words of a given frequency tange have been gathered into one list. By learning one list (or series of lists)— not two or three— a student can master all Hebrew (or Aramaic) words in that frequency range. Vocabulary learning effort can thus be better focused. Furthermore, instead of setting arbitrary frequency ranges, this Student's Vocabulary has had as its priority the production of consistently short, man- ageable lists. In general, this means lists not in excess of thirty words. This ideal holds true until sheer numbers of words of identical frequency make smaller lists impossible, short of artificially breaking up longer lists alphabeti- cally. (You can’t have words that occur between 1.5 and 1.2 times in the MT!) By these two devices then, combining all MT vocabulary into one sequence of lists’ containing less and less frequently-occurring words, and adjusting frequency ranges to keep lists reasonably short, this Student’ s Vocabulary has sought to meet the pedagogical shortcomings of other available Hebrew vocabularies. Resources for the Preparation of A Student’s Vocabulary A number of reference works have been used in the determination of word frequencies. Trial lists were prepared based on frequencies given by Landes and Payne. However, all the words included in this vocabulary have been independently checked— except where the number of occurrences obviously exceed 5000— by an actual count. The primary reference works have been the concordances by Lisowsky and Mandelkern. Additionally, occasional reference has been made to Wigram’s Englishman’s Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance. Consult the Bibliography for publication details, Acknowledgements Without the help and encouragement of a large number of people this volume would not have been produced. In particular I think of two of my students at Pacific Union College, Larry Errett and Cathemae Cecchin. Larry Errett, an able linguist, did some of the earliest work on word counts, espe- cially in the highest frequencies. And Cathe Cecchin, who worked as my ‘handedly accomplished the staggering task of entering encoded text destined Preface xi secretary for three years during her undergraduate study, has nearly single- to be translated by computer into printed and pointed Hebrew script and (at the cost of even more effort) phonetic spellings. W. Larry Richards, Religion Department chairman during the more critical stages of research for this volume, provided much-needed encouragement, but also the sorts of scheduling concessions without which this entire project might well have foundered. Small academic institutions seldom have adequate re- search-support resources. However, the administration of Pacific Union Col- lege has been most helpful and cooperative, supplying both the funds for student assistants and the resources and expertise of the College computer facility. . For computer aid and expertise, Harold E. Hunt and Bernard Maron of Autographics, Inc., in Monterey Park, California, richly deserve praise. It was their work that helped tun a concept into reality, and this even though all too often my idea of how to reach reality represented rather different ways of doing things. And here at Pacific Union College, our work of data entry was made immeasurably easier, and therefore more accurate and less time-consuming, by the efforts of Dr. Gilbert Muth, chairman of the Biology Department, a man who writes elegant computer programs that work (no mean feat!). And finally, to my wife Carola, and to Carmie and Jason, lowe a large debt for constant support and understanding. Work on this project has consumed time that would have otherwise been theirs. While every reasonable effort has been made to reduce errors to an absolute minimum, it is virtually certain a few such will remain. I would welcome any notices for corrections or improvements. Send these either directly to me or to the publisher. Learning Hebrew vocabulary requires a lot of time and effort. I hope this volume will help both instructors and students of biblical Hebrew and Aramaic to make the most efficient use possible of their vocabulary study time. Larry A. Mitchel Pacific Union College Angwin, California 94508 December 1983 HOW TO USE THIS STUDENT'S VOCABULARY General Orientation . . The purpose of vocabulary study is to learn the correct spelling, pronuncia- tion, and meaning of a set of new (foreign or native) words. Since correct pronunciation of Hebrew words is an integral part of effective vocabulary learning, the student should from the beginning take seriously the matter of consonant and vowel values in Hebrew. For convenience a Table of Values has been provided for reference. However, these values will simply have to be committed to memory before efficient study of Hebrew vocabulary can” begin. Beyond the phonetic value of the Hebrew consonants and vowels, them- selves, Hebrew pronunciation is also determined by several other interrelated factors: (1) Syllable division. Hebrew syllables may be either ‘‘open’’ (consisting of a consonant followed by a vowel) or ‘‘closed’’ (a consonant, a vowel, and a consonant— in that order). For the rules governing the use of long or short vowels (and non-vowels) in a Hebrew word, the student should consult his/ her grammar. (The ‘‘half-open syllables’? are discussed below under ‘‘Phonet- ic Spelling.’’) | . (2) Use of Sawé. Pronunciation of Hebrew words also depends upon a determination as to whether the ‘tnon-vowel’’ Jawa is ‘‘vocal’’ (stands under the opening consonant of a syllable) or “‘silent’’ (under the closing consonant of a syllable). (3) Accent. The placement of the stress in a Hebrew word can materially affect its pronunciation. This is especially obvious when the form of a word changes, for example in the formation of a plural or the addition of suffixes. In this vocabulary, accent marks are only used for multi-syllable Hebrew words that are stressed on other than the final syllable. The mark“ is used. (4) Furtive pdtah. Some Hebrew words that end in guttural-letters (especially Nand ¥) must be treated uniquely in pronunciation. Though the final consonant has a patah under it, the vowel is pronounced before the consonant. Note that furtive pdtah is written in phonetic spelling as a raised a (*). The common practice, observed herein, is not to show a syllable division in phonetic spelling for furtive pdtah. Contrary to the practice of some grammars and lexicons, in this vocabulary the Hebrew forms show the accent mark. (Example: ¥*P5, ra/qi*".) Because of these and other variables, it was decided to include in this 4 How to Use This Student’s Vocabulary - xiv vocabulary a phonetic rendition (transliteration) of each form presented. In cases where more than one Semitic form is involved, transliterations are given in the same order as the Hebrew (or Aramaic) words. Syllable divisions and stress accents are also indicated. Beyond proper, spelling and pronunciation, the student needs to learn the meaning of the Hebrew words he/she is studying. The definitions that have been provided in this volume are basically correct, and have been chosen in consultation with standard Hebrew lexicons (particularly William L. Holla- day’s A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament.). These meanings are in no sense full and exhaustive. For the meanings of nouns in various contexts, or of verbs in different contexts or in derived conjugation stems, the student must consult a trustworthy dictionary or lexicon. See the Bibliography for a number of helpful and reliable lexicons and dictionaries. Individual language teachers may wish for whatever reason to supplement or emphasize (and even in some cases supplant) given definitions. But in general the meanings’ given for the Hebrew words in this vocabulary have been chosen with the beginning student in mind, and do provide base meanings that will serve those needs. This Student's Vocabulary can be used to great advantage along with A Reader’ s Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament by Armstrong, Busby, and Carr. By simply learning the Hebrew vocabulary down to fifty occur- rences, about 739 words in all, a student should be able to read plain Hebrew text by following along in the appropriate section of the Reader’ s Lexicon, and referring there for all forms which occur less than fifty times (assuming a minimum knowledge of grammar and syntax). Sample Entry and Explanation Perhaps the best way to explain how the individual vocabulary entries in this volume are presented is to give examples and provide some detailed explana- tions. The following entries are in no way complete and exhaustive, but what they do not contain can be easily described. *WP2' (Pi)? seek? [ba/gas*]* 2255 (I)6 AX (prep)? with, beside PEt] soos ' Hebrew/Aramaic Words. An attempt has been made to use forms and spellings that are favored today. In making such choices, personal judgments are inevitable. Not all decisions may seem to every trained reader to be the best ones. Hopefully no decision Will mislead the beginning student. One such judgment relates to Hebrew and Aramaic words spelled with a long ‘‘o."? In very many cases the word appears in the MT spelied with both ‘‘defective holem (, 6) and with ‘‘full kolem’? (i, 6). This vocabulary has not achieved consistency on the matter: if you can not find a word under one spelling, try the alternate spelling before giving up! (The same goes for full i spellings with— and without— yéd.) g for full and defective av How to Use This: Student's Vocabulary a. Verbs: unpronounceable words are more difficult to to leam— at least if the ear helps‘at all in vocabulary study. For this reason all verb roots have been provided with vowels. In the case of verbs that only occur in non-Qal stems (and are thus left unpointed in most lexicons), this Student’ s Vocabulary gives to the root those vowels that pertain to the (missing) Qal form. Since this form is hypothetical, an asterisk (*) is placed after the entry. This practice has also been observed for the so-called hollow verbs (verbs with a yod or waw in the second position), even though the verb may in fact appear in just that form: (This has been done because there is often uncertainty, and some disagree- ment, regarding the appropriate vowel.) Furthermore, in many cases the verb, though used in the Qa/, may not occur in the third masculine singular even though the asterisk is missing. b. Nouns, adjectives, prepositions: an asterisk after these forms signals that while this is the dictionary form of the word, for one reason or another the word never appears just this way in the MT. (As a rule, simple changes in form, such as the addition of a suffixed pronoun or the construct state have not been listed in this vocabulary with an asterisk.) An explanation of the reason for the asterisk is provided in the definition section. c, General comments: the names of ancient Near Eastern countries and their respective gentilic (people-naming) nouns have been combined in single en- tries, and listed according to total number of occurrences. Numerals have also been gathered into single entries, corresponding words for multiples of ten (‘‘twenty,’’ ‘‘thirty,”’ etc.) being given under the Hebrew word for that number. Numbers from three to ten are identified by the gender of the form. (In that range Hebrew uses feminine numerals for masculine nouns, and vice versa— a device called ‘‘chiastic concord’’ in some gram- mars). . Occasionally, particularly for words of low frequency, there is considerable uncertainty even regarding a hypothetical vowel-point assignment. In such cases the Semitic word is followed by a question mark in parentheses (?). Defective #dlem can be located in a variety of places over a Hebrew word. The practice of placing this vowel point toward the left margin of wider Hebrew consonants has been followed herein, as well as the practice of not double-dotting 3in when it is preceeded by defective hélem. Defective Adler preceeding dep is commonly written over the right margin of the latter, and has been written that way in this volume. ? Grammar/Morphology: information of importance or convenience about a word’s part of speech, conjugation stem, or person/gender/number is given in abbreviated form preceding the definitions. The meaning of these abbrevia- tions may be found in the list of Abbreviations and Symbols. In the case of verbs that do not appear in the MT in the Qal stem, the Hebrew form appears in this vocabulary with an asterisk (as mentioned above). The note in parentheses at the beginning of the definition section then indicates the How-to Use This Student’s Vocabulary xvi most commonly-used (or the simplest) derived-conjugation stem in which that vetb does: occur. "Inthe case of nouns, adjectives, prepositions, and such, the note in paren- theses identifies the part of speech and/or the reason why the asterisk has been >» 3. Word Meaning: levels of difference in the meanings for a given word have been indicated by separating punctuation marks: a comma divides words which are more or less synonymous, whereas a semicolon sets off extended meanings or rather different definitions. Roman numerals in parentheses refer to one of two or more roots with an identical spelling in Hebrew/Aramaic. These desig- nations follow Holladay’s lexicon. Definitions are of the Semitic word as given (not, for example, in plural, even if the asterisk means that this word only occurs in the plural form). Cross references in the vocabulary are identified by Section number and Subsection letter (Example: Cf 1.D). 4 Phonetic Spelling: as an aid to self-study, each entry includes a phonetic spelling. Beginning students should find this feature to be helpful as they begin to.learn Semitic vocabulary, since it wiil aid in correct pronunciation of Hebrew/Aramaic words, thus enlisting the ear as well in vocabulary learning. It will be necessary to learn the proper values for each symbol from the Table of Values. Syllables are separated by slashes (/). Accented syllables have been indicated, except for mono-syllabic words. ““Half-open syllables’’ are neither open nor closed. Such syllables appear to defy syllable-formation rules in that they contain a short vowel, are unac- cented, but stand without a closing consonant. Printed Hebrew Bibles com- monly use a méteg to mark these syllables (a short verticle mark just to the left of the vowel point). Lexicons vary in their treatment of half-open syllables. In this volume those few such syllables are not marked in the Hebrew word. Rather, in the phonetic spelling the syllable is followed by an exclamation point (Example: 7>7y0, ma!/‘Ara/k&). $ Number of Occurrences: counts for Hebrew words are inclusive and for that reason somewhat overlapping. This means, for example, that a Qal active participle may be counted among the occurrences of the verb, and counted again when used as a noun. Such situations are limited primarily to words which occur often enough as substantives to justify also treating them as a vocabulary entry in their own right. In the case of Qal participles, only those occuring ten times or more have been listed in their own entries. Commonly, word counts include forms of the word that have been prefixed (by the article or prepositions), pluralized, and/or suffixed (by pronouns). In Some situations in which such forms have become standardized (and ‘are numerous), prefixed or suffixed forms are listed in separate entries. For verbs the indicated count includes not only the implied or indicated verbal stems (Qal, Hifril, etc.), but all stems in which that verb appears. xvii How to Use This Student's Vocabulary : Word counts: from Lisowsky’s concordance include Qaré readings as well as normal occurrences. With proper nouns (where given), all occurrences of a given name are included, even though in many cases more than one referent is intended. In cases where Mandelkern and Lisowsky disagree as to number of occur- rences, the general practice has been to enter the higher of the counts, unless further work (sometimes including entry-by-entry comparisons) has made it clear the lower number is to be preferred. Words identified as occurring 5000 times occur more than 5000 times; no attempt has been made to precisely establish the occurrences of these twelve Hebrew words. © Root Number: as indicated earlier, root designations follow Holladay’s lexicon. In some cases several roots have been combined, for one reason or another, into one entry. In such situations the meanings of the various roots have been designated within the definition section. Suggestions for Using this Student’s Vocabulary As has been widely acknowledged, learning vocabulary and retaining it are probably the most challenging aspects of learning Hebrew or Aramaic. In my experience the principal reason for this fact is that, in contrast to New Testa- ment Greek, Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic have virtually no cognate words in English. This requires much more rote memorization, or the forma- tion of idiosyncratic memory devices. While each student must determine what works best for vocabulary study, here are a few common sense suggestions: (1) Flash cards. While not all language students use them, home-made flash cards provide several advantages in vocabulary learning. First, you must go through the motions of writing the foreign word and its definition. Second, punched and carded on a ring holder, flash cards are very transportable for study at odd times and in many places. Third, flash cards can be (and probably should be) rearranged as you learn words, so that less time is spent on words that only need to be reviewed while more effort is concentrated on new or recalcitrant forms. (2) Oral repetition. Repeating Hebrew and Aramaic words and their mean- ings out loud over and over (correctly!) introduces two critical factors into your vocabulary learning— pronunciation and hearing. (3) Repeated writing. Used alone and in connection with oral repetition, repeated writing of OT vocabulary helps to establish a memory pattern. Given the descending-frequency scheme with which this volume is pre- pared, a student can develop a Hebrew or Aramaic vocabulary as far as is necessary or desired (within the limits of this vocabulary volume). Within the ranges covered herein, by using the Index and referring to the appropriate Section/ Subsection location, the number of times a given word occurs in the OT can be determined. BIBLIOGRAPHY . Armstrong, Terry A.; Busby, Douglas S.; and Carr, Cyril F. A Reader's Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament. Vol. I: Genesis- Deuteronomy. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1980. . Vol, Il: Joshua - 2 Kings (1982). —______.. Vol. III: Announced. Brown, Francis; Driver, §. R.; and Briggs, Charles A. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907. Cohen, Harold R. (Chaim). Biblical Hapax Legomena in the Light of Akkadian and Ugaritic. SBL Dissertation Series, 37, Missoula: Scholars Press, 1978. Feyerabend, Karl. Langenscheidt’s Pocket Hebrew Dictionary to the Old Testament. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1961. Fohrer, Georg. Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament. Trans. by W. Johnstone. Berlin: Walter de Gryter, 1971. Holladay, William L. A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1971; sixth impression, January 1982. Koehler, Ludwig and Baumgartner, Walter, editors. Lexicon in Veteris Tes- tamenti Libros. One volume with Supplement. Leiden: Brill, 1958. . Hebrdisches und aramdisches Lexicon zum alten Testament. Third edition. Parts I and II. Leiden: Brill, 1967, 1974. Lambdin, Thomas. Introduction to Biblical Hebrew. New York: Scribner’s, 1971. Landes, George M. A Student’s Vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew. Listed Ac- cording to Frequency and Cognate. New York: Scribner's, 1961. Lisowsky, Gerhard. Konkordanz zum Hebrdischen alten Testament. Second edition. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1958. Mandelkern, Solomon. Veteris Testamenti Concordantiae Hebraicae atque Chaldaicae. Third edition. Jerusalem: Schocken, 1967. Veteris Testamenti Concordantiae Hebraicae atque Chal- daicae. Seventh edition, augmented and revised by F. Margolin and M. Gottstein. Jerusalem: Shocken, 1967. Payne, J. Barton. Hebrew Vocabularies. Based on Harper’ s Hebrew Vocabu- laries. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1956, Watts, John D. W. Lists of Words Occurring Frequently in the Hebrew Bible. Second edition. Leiden: Brill, 1967 xix Bibliography Wigram, George V. The Englishman’ s Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament. Fourth edition. London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, 1843, Young, Robert. Analytical Concordance to the Bible. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, n.d. TABLE OF VALUES NOTE: Protocols adopted here are essentially those of Thomas Lambdin (Introduction to Biblical Hebrew. New York: Scribner’s, 1971; pages XXII- XXIII.) See also G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren, eds. Theolog- ical Dictionary of the Old Testament. Vol. 1. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974; page XX. Transliteration Pronunciation Symbol (Name) Value Guidelines Consonants . X (alep) , (glottal stop—none) 3 (én) b b as in ‘‘best’’ 3 b y as in ‘‘vest’’ 3 (gimel) zg g as in ‘‘give”’ a gz throaty gh 1 (dalet) d das in *‘day”’ 1 d th as in ‘‘the one’’ Tl (hé) h fas in **hay’* 1 (waw) Ww w as in ‘“‘well’’ 1 (zdyin) Zz z as in ‘‘zero”’ Nn (hat) h ch as in Scots loch or German buch 0 (rér) t tas in ‘‘time’’ > (vod) y yas in ‘‘yes’” > (kap) k k as in ‘‘key”’ 3 k ch as in German Bach 7 (final form) k ch as in German Bach 4 (lamed) 1 fas in ‘‘look”’ 2 (mem) m mas in ‘‘more”’ O (final form) m mt as in *“*more’* J (niin) n nas in ‘“‘now”’ 1 (final form) n nas in ‘“‘now’’ D (samek) s 5 as in “‘say”’ v Cayin) . (glottal stop—none) B (péh) p pas in “‘pay’” Table of Values. 5 “| final form) - 3 (gadéh) Y (final form) P (96) " (ré3). @ (Sin) W Gin) Ri (taw) n Vowels and Diphthongs 1, *. (hfreq-yod) >. (géré-yod) 1 (full hdlem) * (defective hdlem) ) (Sdreq) ~ (games) . (geré) . (hireq) . (Sagal) - (atah) ~ (qames-hatip) , (gibbiés) . (furtive pdtah) , (simple Sowa) » (hajép-patah) » (hatép-sagol) » (harép-qames) 5 r y 4, oo 4 1 Km OD Hg 2 Ooo > m ra co, oo éy, dy aw aw éw, éw fas in ‘‘face’’ fas in ‘‘face’’ ts as in ‘‘sits’” ts as in ‘‘sits’” harder than c in ‘‘cool’’ ras in ‘‘ran’’ sas in ‘‘say”’ sh as in ‘“‘show’’ tas in “‘try”’ th as in ‘‘thin’’ @ as in ‘‘father’’ fas in ‘‘machine’’ ey as in ‘‘they’’ o as in ‘“‘note’’ @ as in ‘‘note’’ , was in ‘‘flute’’ a as in ‘‘father’’ ey as in ‘‘they’” das in “‘pin”’ Perret é as in “‘let a as in *‘that’” o as in “‘top"’ was in “‘bull’’ @ as in “‘account’” @ as in ‘‘about’* @ as in ‘‘about’’ a as in ‘‘about’’ a as in ‘‘about’’ ay as in “‘say’” fas in ‘‘sigh’’ ey as in “‘they’’ oy as in “‘toy’’ uey as in ‘‘gluey”’ ow as in ‘‘how”’ ow as in ‘‘prow’’ ue as in ‘‘hue’’ av as in ‘‘save’’ xxii abs act adj adv advs alw cf gj coll comp conj cons cstr ctxt def dem den ditt du emph ext fract gent Ha Hi Hisht Hith Hithpa ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS absolute active adjective adverb adversative (conjunction) always common (gender) compare, see also; see instead conjecture; conjectural collective comparison; comparative conjunction consonant construct context(ual); in context definite demonstrative denominative dittography dual emphatic (Aramaic) by extension; extended meaning feminine fractional (number) gentilic (noun) Hajiel (Aramaic) Aipil Hi3tap el Hitpa'el (Hebrew); Hitpe‘el (Aramaic) Hitpa‘al (Aramaic) Hithpal Hithpol Ho idiom imprec impv inf interj interr intrans irr K" m MT met neg ord Pa part pass pers Pe Pi Pil Pilp pl Po poet Pol Hitpalpel — Hitpo let Hop'al idiom; idiomatic expression imprecative imperative infinitive interjection interrogative intransitive irregular Kotib (what is written in MT) ‘masculine Masoretic Text metaphor(ically) noun negative Nip'al ordinal (number) Pa‘el (Aramaic) participle passive person(al) Pe‘al (Aramaic) Piel Pi‘lel Pilpel plural Poel poetic; in poetry Po'lel, Po'lal Abbreviations and Symbols . poss possible pre pronoun pred predicate pref prefix(ed) prep preposition prob probable Pul Pulal Q Qaré (what should be read in MT) rel relative s singular stat stative trad traditional (ly) trans transitive txt corr —_text(ual) corrupt(ion} unc uncertain unex unexplained v verb voc vocative wp word play Q) xxiv hypothethical form (as such does not occur in MT) indicates half-open syllable indicates uncertainty regarding definition indicates uncertainty regarding Semitic vowel(s) indicates Aramaic cognate spelled like a Hebrew word indicates Aramaic cognate with different vowels from Hebrew indicates Aramaic cognate spelled differently but recognizably 1.A-B SECTION 1: HEBREW WORDS OCCURRING MORE THAN 500 TIMES (106) A. Words Occurring More Than 2200 Times (25) OR (prep) unto, toward Fel] sooo (11) D978 God ['elo/him] 2706 ad) TN say [a/mér] 5000 PIR earth [’é/res] 2498 “WR (rel pr) who, which, that {’8ér] 5000 (1) MX (accusative particle; definite object marker; not trans- lated) [’&t] 5000 (II) MX (prep) with, beside ['ét] sooo “a (pref prep) in 5000 N12 go in, enter, come {bé°] 2530 (I) Ja son [bén} 4887 “i (pref def art) the (with dagéd in following cons) 5000 “1 (pref interr particle) 5000 721] be, happen, become [ha/ya] 3514 “Y (pref conj) and, also, even 5000 > ,A? 553977 (full; short form) The Lord [K ““Yahweh’’ 2; Q add/nai; ya] 5766 08) or day [yém] 2241 ONY? Israel [yis/ra/"l] 2513 “? (pref prep) as, like 5000 (ID) 73 (conj) because, for, that, when, but; indeed, truly [ki] 4395 ip, 99 all, every [kal, kél] 5000 % (pref prep) to, toward (D; (voc) Do! Yes! (IT) s000 Xd (neg) no, not [16°] 4973 (1) 128 king [mé/tek} 2522 (II) ¥¥ (prep) on, upon, against, over [‘al] 4898 YY do, make; (Pi) press, squeeze (II?) [‘a/6&] 2573 B. Words Occurring between 2199 and 1000 Times (27) AX father [’ab] 1568 (1) DoWYN sR (s; pl) man [F; *and/$im] 2149 DR (conj) if, then (’im] 1046 9238 5°2N (pers pec) I ["ani; “Wnd/kT] 1316 (1) 1°5 house [bé/yit] 2039 (II) *937 (Pi) speak [da/bér*] 1130 ‘IQ word; thing, matter “(da/bar} 1426 "} David [da/wid] 1031 3511 (pers pr) he [hd’] 1533 ay go, walk [ha/l4k] 1504 mH $QIT (pers pr pl m; f) they . (hém/mé; -hén/na] 1553 797 (dem interj) behold! lo! (cf 173, 3.G) [hin/néh] 1037 “tt 311 (dem pr, s m; f) this [zeh; z6°t] 1752 ‘T? hand [yad) 1580 R¥? go (come) out, go (come) forth [ya/s4’] 1058 IW" sit, dwell, inhabit lya/$4b] 1078 “3p (prep) before [lip/né] 1099 ‘Ya (prep) from, out of, . art of, because of; (comp) than [min] 1279 1M give [na/tan] 1994 (IE) 3 (prep) to, unto, as far i as (spacial); until, a while (temporal) i [‘ad] 1246 (I) OY 37° (f; irr pl) city (ir; “Wrim] 1080 (HH) OY people [‘am] 1827 OY (prep) with [‘im] 1076 0°38 face [pa/nim] 2120 TR} see [ra/°] 1294 *21M turn, return [80b*) 1055 YOW hear, give ear to, obey [$4/ma‘} 1136 me = C. Words Occurring from 999 Times to 730 Times (28) o7T% STIR lord, master; the Lord (I) "777 s1J? Judah; (gent adj, n) (a/d6n; *&dd/ndi} 770 NNR TNR (s m; £) one [’e/hdd; *al/hat] 959 (D PR sTA (abs; ostr) there is/are not (non-existence) [ayin; én) 773 SOK eat, devour [’/kal] 795 ad) Of no, not [’al] 738 ‘dem pr; c pl) these (élleb] 738 OPW s7WR (s; irr pl) woman [i884 n&/Sim] 779 AR SBAR (sm; f) you [arta *at] 893 DA (adv, conj) also, indeed [gam] 812 YT? know, notice [ya/da‘] 924 Judean, Judahite (yaha/d&; yaht/dt] 889 99 priest [ko/nén] 749 23% :2° heart [léb; lé/b4b] 844 M2? take [la/qah] 964 M2) ,11%) ,i19 (interr pr) what? how? [ma, meh, mah] 760 *D4 die [rat*] 737 WM Moses [mo/¥éh] 763 WPI life, self; throat [né/- pes) 753 ) 79 servant [‘é/bed] 800 ry eye; fountain [‘é/yin] 867 72Y go up [‘WIx} 879 DPIVY s WY (s m; c pl) ten (plus num. = 11-19); twenty [‘a/Sér; ‘eS/tim] 819 (1) 83? call, meet; read (aloud) [qa/r8’] 730 N2W stretch out, let go, send [88/lah] 839 D. Words Occurring between 729 and 500 Times (26) (1) OFS man ['a/dim) 353 (ID M& brother ['ah] 626 “INK behind, after [’a!/nar] © m3 (I) 3 daughter [bat] 582 TTR (adj) great [ga/do1] 525 742 people, nation [géy] 545 1 way, road, journey; (ext) custom [dé/rek] 698 8H] (pers pr) she [hi7] sat 0 mountain, range [har] 554 (D) 4” (v) be good; (adj) good; (n) goodness [16b] 612 APYIT? (Q) Jerusalem (26 times in Aramaic) [yard/3a/la/im] 667 WN (conj) as [kal/A8ér] 504 115 (adv) thus, so [kGh] 554 JP (adv, adj, n) rightly, upright, right (1); he-p OY (adv) there (Sam}.s17 © () OY name [3ém] 862 ny year (8/n4] 871 PAW, 30°90 (du m; f) two [Sond/- yim; Sot4/yim] 739 (adv) thus, so (HI) {kén] 707 (I) ARP hundred; (du) two hundred [mé/’&] 577 03 water [mé/yim] 574 “182 aR Egypt; (gent) Egyptian [mis/ré/- yim; mis/rT] 708 *11}] (Ni) be hit; (Hi) smite [na/ka*] so4 8] lift up, bear, carry {na/sa"] 651 (1) 13Y pass over, transgress ['a/bar] 539 ‘Tay stand ["a/m4d] 519 *DAP rise, stand [qam*] 624 (J) WN head [16's] 593 oY} s¥I VD (s m; f adj, n) evil [ra’, ra‘; ra/‘@] 661 (1) *a°Y set, place (Sim*] 584 impo wow (s m, f; pl) three; OWOW thirty [$4/188, Sald/- 84; Sal6/8fm] see 200 TIMES .(136) HR thousand (112); tribe, clan (HI?) [’é/lep] 494 VOIR (sm, f; pl) four; saY2TR — forty [’ar/ba*, ’ar/- () OvaIN ba/'a, ’ar/ba/"Im] 444 yina cfT s7Wan WAN (sm, f; pl) five; fifty O'wAN [ha/més, hamis/sa; hami¥/sim] 478 2H sword [hé/reb] 407 ‘72> bring forth, bear [ya/- _ Tad] aga y 1319 altar [miz/béh} 401 ° (interr) who? [mi] 406 R39 find; (Hi) present [ma/s@’] 451 DWI judgment, custom, Justice [mis/pat] 425 (1) 8} (particle of entreaty) pray, now; please [na’] 401 5D) fall (na/pal] 433 TAY yet, still, again {‘6d] 481 nvy ,D?1¥ remote time; forever, eternity [‘6/lém; “O/ldm] 434 TIDY now [‘at/t&] 432 ECT {ON 2: HEBREW WORDS OCCURRING BETWEEN 500 AND A Words Occurring between 500 and 400 Times (28) °D? ,°DD s719 mouth; (conj) - according to [peh; kapf, leapt] 492 (I) 83¥ service in war; host, army [sa/b’] 485 *71¥ (Pi) command [sa/- wa*] 494 ses WT? (adj, n) holy (thing) [gd/de8} 430 DIP voice, sound [gél] 499 3 (adj) much, many (12); (ctxt) captain, chief (11?) [rab] 475 W official, leader, prince [Sar] 412 ARY Saul [8a/“0T] 406 myaqw y2y (s m, f; pl) seven; @ yay seventy [sé/ba’, Sib/"@; Sib/‘Tm] 492 nay heavens, sky [8a/ma/yim] 416 ow keep watch, guard (84/mér] 465 If] midst, middle; (prep) within, through [t&/wek; baték] 416 1) FINE} (prep) beneath, under, instead of [ta/hat] 490 wina ; B. Words Occurring 399 through 310 Times (29) (1) AR tent [’orhel] 342 TDN Aaron (’alsharon) 347 1 (conj) or (°6] 311 (1) WR fire [788] 375 aoe en emma Te sONR (pl m; f) you [’at/tém; ’at/tén] 330 pi #12 (cstr prep) between; * {n): interval [bén; bé/- yin} 396 1193 build [ba/na] 373 (1D) 339 bless [ba/rak] 328 QT blood [dam] 356 iJ} gold [za/hab] 383 5° 3° (n) life (D, (adj) living (11); (pl) lifetime (1) [hai; hay/yim] 386 0? sea; (ext) west [yam] 392 PY? Jacob [ya!/Aqdb] 348 (1) 8°79 (stat) fear, be afraid Lya/ré’] 377 TT? go down [ya/réd] 380 °%99 vessel, utensil {kalf] 324 | -MIDS silver [ké/sep] 399° °7? Levi (4 times in Aramaic) [lé/wi] 353, ivan'y2 war, battle (mil ma] 319 (1) 72% reign, be king {ma/lak] 347 DPQ place [ma/qaim] 399 ORI utterance, declaration {no’am) 378 8°23 prophet [na/bf’] 313 *73] (Hi) make known, report, tell [na/gad*] 369 (2) 139 answer ['a/na] 314 F¥ (also coll) tree [‘és] 330 1 spirit, wind [ré*h] 376 si1TY open field [$a/déh; $&/ddi] 332 (I) WO gate (84/"ar] 368 C. Words Occurring 309 through 270 Times (26) IiN IK enemy [avyéb; *Olyéb) 281 (ID) 78 nose, nostril; (ext) anger [’ap] 279 °29 +223 Babylon (Babel); (gent) Babylonians [ba/bél; bab/4i] 288 7°03 covenant {barit] 287 TW flesh [ba/sAr] 270 (I) wii new moon, month {h6/des] 278 iT be(come) strong; (Hi) seize, grasp [ha/zéq] 288 NNN sin, sin-offering, expiation [hat/t4’t] 296 Fi2T) live, be (stay) alive (ha/ya] 281 N79 cut off, fell, exterminate; make (a covenant) [ka/rdt} 287 ON bread [1é/hem] 296 ‘TW (n) force, might; (adv) very, ex- ceedingly [m2’dd] 287 (1) 137% pasturage, wilderness, steppe [mid/bar] 271 MDW (extended) family; clan [mi8/pa/h&] 300 2°30 (n) circuit; (adv) all around, round about, surrounding [sa/bib] 309 *70 turn aside; (Hi) take away, remove [sir*] 298 20D. . ve ome serve [‘B/bad] 289 5° es QDR burnt offering (6/18) S288 : » AVY time [‘@t] 282 ooT59 sep (gent n) Philistine(s); [ wen ve Philistia [pali/tf; palé/Set] 294 ‘328 visit, number, ap- point; miss; take care of; muster [p/q4d] 301 6 ny Pharach [par/‘6h] 273 MAY s TRB flock [56'n; s6/néh] 215 37? draw near [qa/r4b) 291 m8Y Solomon [8ol6/méh] 293 SWS WY (s m, f; pl) six; sixty CD OWW [8e8, 518/88; 5/8] 272 D. Words Occurring 269 through 220 Times (31) Tae (f) stone [’é/ben] 268 OTIS s:OP IAN Abraham; Abram [ab/rayham, “ab/rém) 235 (1) 778 ground ['adi/ma] 225 (V) 98 Mighty One, God (god) [’él] 236 (1) F98 forearm, cubit ) ['am/ma] 226 *WP3 (Pi) seek [bi/qd8*} 225 bra boundary, territory [gobal] 241 73t remember [z4/kér] 230 VU seed [zé/ra‘] 228 NOM miss (a mark), sin (ha/ta’] 237 bon strength; wealth; army [ha/yil] 246 (i) 7On loyalty, kindness, devotion, steadfast love [hé/sed] 250 Mim? Joshua [yaho/ke*; ye/Sii8*] 247 wp subdue, possess, dispossess (1?); tread (11?) [ya/r48] 231 2W? (Qal part) inhabitant (ya/3éb] 260 ce nme IND write [ka/téb] 222 9 tbe cm) night (lavyalas la ‘yil) 231 wa? (prep) for the sake of, on account of; (conj) in order that {lam4/‘an] 269 ‘V2 appointed place or time; season [mé/‘éd] 223 “02 rod, staff; (ext) tribe (may/téh] 252 non (stat) be full; (Pi) fill, fulfill (ma/ié’] 250 WYN work [mal/‘Aséh] 235 (1) 92M} inheritance [na!/halé] 223 svi lad, youth [n4/‘ar] 240 TY transgression, iniq- . . uity [“@/wén] 231 3}22 53? inward part, midst; (prep) in (the midst of) [gé/reb; bagé/- reb] 227 (1) 329 be(come) numerous, be great; (Hi) multiply, make many [ra/b&] 226 co cy tae meme 445 foot [ré/gel] 252 TYP) +VY) (8 mf, adj) guilty; (n) wicked (one) [ra/34'; rosa/‘H] 264 . Words Occurring 219 through 200 Times (22) AIR love, like [’a/h4b] 205 ON mother [Em] 219 "ON gather, take in ['a/sap] 203 Ts ark, chest ["ar6n] 202 (II) 7A3 garment [bé/ged) 214 408) apa morning [bd/qer] 200 AO}? Joseph [yé/sép] 214 NO? add [ya/sap] 212 *Y@? (Ni) be saved; (Hi) save [ya/S4"*] 205 Ti} possessions, honor, glory [ka/b6d] 200 *119 (Ni) be firm, established; (Pol) establish; (Hi) prepare [kiin*] 219 00) 93 cease, come to an end, finish, complete (ka/1d] 204 71302 camp, army [ma!/hanéh] 219 BHDW peace, health [Ka/léim]” 242 MTJIN teaching, Jaw. [t6/rd] 20 : Ww messenger [mal/"k] 213 72 gift; offering [min/ha] 21 #109) turn, stretch out (na/ta] 215 *9¥1 (Ni) be delivered: (Hi) snatch away [na/s4i*] 208 (1) 31¥ leave, abandon [‘a/- zAb] 212 P°T¥ (adj) righteous, just [sad/diq] 206 a3 lie down; have sexual intercourse [82/k4b] 2 DOW judge, enter into controversy; (Ni) plead [84/pat] 203 (ID) ANW (v) drink [84/4] 217 ASB 100 TIMES (185) ‘TAN perish; (Pi) destroy; te exterminate [abd] 183 us ear [‘S/zen] 187 NER O78 Ephraim; (gent) Ephraimite [(ep/ra/- yim; ‘ep/ra/tf] 182 nin :972 cattle, animals; (pl of ext) crocodile?, [bahé/ma; bahé/mét] 192 "PTA +929 Benjamin; (gent) Benjamites [bin/ya/- ) min; ben-yomi/ni] 180 @ by5 owner, husband; Ba‘al [bé/‘al] 198 “W2 (coll) cows, herd(s), cattle [ba/qdr] 183 ma reveal, uncover (I?); depart, go into cap- tivity (I?) [ga/la} 187 WI (adj) old; (n) old man, elder {z4/qén] 178 ‘“I$N permanent settlement, court, enclosure [ha/sér] 193 SECTION 3: HEBREW WORDS OCCURRING FROM 199 THROUGH “ A. Words Occurring 199 through 175 Times (24) ‘95? (stat) be able [ya/kél] 194 TT Jordan [yar/dén] 181 "> hand, palm [kap] 192 PR (adv) therefore [la/- kén] 196 canto sayin Moab; (gent) Moabite(s) [m6/"Ab; mé/'a/bi] 199 i113) commandment [mis/- wa] 181 “BD scroll [sé/per} 185 THON (ord) first [1i7/8G'n] 182 *D97 be(come) high, exalted [rdm*] 195 (I) ¥4 friend, fellow, . companion [ré‘] 195 TIDY lip; (ext) shore [sara] 178 DAW rod, staff; (ext) tribe [5é/bet] 190 *¥19 (Ni, Hi) swear [Sa/ba"*] 186 TRY oil [3é/men] 193 B. Words Occurring 174 through 160 Times (27) (1) ‘YOR (adj) another [’a!/hér] 166 (1) DR ram [‘4/yil] 161 JK (adv) only; surely (ak] 160 (1) 7112 choose [ba/hér] 173 i #193) understand, perceive [bin*] 171 “133 warrior, mighty man [gib/b6r] 161 (IE) ‘Vi generation, lifetime, life-span [d6r] 169 WIT seek [da/ra8} 163 VD Kill (havrdg] 168 (1) M134 (n) sacrifice [2é/bah] 162 (I) *7118 (Hisht) bow down [ha/wa*] 174 7M (n) place outside the house, street; (prep, adv) outside, without [has] 165 N20 (stat) be unclean [ya/mé"] 161 °193 s1919 Canaan; (gent) Canaanite (kand/‘an; kana!/‘Ani] 163 (D On (Ni) fight (a/h4m] 171 im? ,799 (interr pr) why? (l4m/ma, 14/m&] 173 TAN work [mala /k4] 167. *O1l-fiee [ns*] 160 339 tum around [sa/bab} 1620 1B} write, count, number; (Pi) recount, report, enumerate [sa/par} 162 TIWY + WH (group of) ten, decade [‘é/Ser; . “a/SarH] 173 NNB gate, opening, entrance [pé/tah] 163 WP be holy; (Pi) conse- crate [qa/da8] 172 (I) 18) feed, graze, tend (cattle) [ra/‘#] 171 ORY ask (for), demand [381] 173 TINY see (I) *nyN 174 *NNW (Ni) be corrupt, spoiled; (Pi) spoil, tuin; (Hi) destroy [Sa/hat*] 161 C. Words Occurring 159 through 144 Times (26) nix (pers prc) we ['anéh/nd] 156 ORS OWS Aram, Syria; (gent) Aramean(s), Syrian(s) (dram; “Sram/mi] 155 “WWE Assyria, (as gent) Assyrian [’a3/Sfir} 152 (II) *9'29) (Pi) praise; (Hith) boast [ha/lal*] 145 s199M experience, shrewd- ness, wisdom [hok/ma] 152 ANP Joab [y6/"Ab] 146 aay 3717) Jeremiah [yir/mayd; yir/mey4a/hi) 147 *7109 (Pi) cover, conceal [ka/sa*] 157 2 (adv) alone; (prep) besides [lobad] 155 nya death [ma/wet] 159 m2) Manasseh [manai/Séh] 150 ‘TAs (n, prep, adv) oppo- site, before [né/ged] 151 ¥Al touch, reach; come to [na/Z4’] 150 13 depart [nd/sé'] 146 i7JY. congregation ['€/d8] bag 4 8 i; f) young bull; i “cow [par; pa/r4] 159 = nno. ‘open; (Pi) loosen, free [pa/téh] 144 ae righteousness [sada/- ga] 157 TPS Zion [siy/yOn] 154 (1) TIDY north [sa/pSn] 153 34 multitude, abundance [rdb] 153 10.. M9 rejoice; (Pi) gladden {§a/mah] 156 Nay hate; (Qal and Pi part) adversary, enemy [§a/né”] 148 (1) 73 break [Sa/b4r] 149 s7]OY TAY (sm, f; pl) eight; my eighty [Semd/néh, Samd/nd; SomG/nim] 147 "2W (ord) second [8é/ni] 156 D. Words Occurring 143 through 134 Times (26) TRI iT (adv) then; formerly, since [’az; mé/"4z} 141 Nt slaughter, sacrifice; (Pi) sacrifice y [24/4] 136 D9N (adj) wise (ha/kém] 138 (1) *99N (Ni) be defiled; (Pi) pollute, profane; (Hi) begin [ha/l4l*] 134 (D mn encamp [ha/n&] 143 Tm 7m (n) community; (adv) together, at the same time [y@/had; yahy- daw] 142 YP? wine [y4/yin} 141 (1) 17? right hand/side; south (ya/min] 139 wo there is/are [y8&] 139 ‘WAD (rel particle) just like {kemé] 139 NOD seat, throne [kis/s¢”] 136 (I) 4802 (n) number [mis/par] 134 ad) bya (adj) upwards; (prep) above [md/‘al] 138 JW dwelling, tabernacle [mis/kan] 139 W mi (v) rest, settle down, make quiet; (Hi) lay, deposit [ni*h} 143 (1) 93 torrent valley, wadi {nd/hal] 138 @ nwn3 copper, bronze * [nahd/Set] 139 (I) 1910 5020 (m; f) horse; mare [sds; sO/sa] 139 ATIAY service [‘abs/da] 143 (II) 37Y evening [‘é/red] 134 #138 turn about, turn aside [pana] 134 (ID) 832 happen; (inf cstr as prep) against [qa/r4’] 139 "\T) pursue, persecute [ra/d4p) 143 oY “Y (pref rel particle) who, which; that (with dagés in following cons) 139 SeVOY Samuel (Somd"El] 139 WOW sun [8é/med] 134 E. Words Occurring 133 through 121 Times (28) “VIN light [Or] 125 NRX trustworthiness, Stability, truth (’émet] 127 (I) AR (conj) also, even, the more so [’ap] 130 (1) Wid be ashamed (bd5] 126 S423 ,153 firstborn [bakdr, bakér) 122 oa be(come) strong, great; (Pi) bring up, let grow, nourish [ga/dal] 122 TDN (city) wall [ho/ma] 133 ATSPIN STP Hezekiah [hiz/giy/ya: hiz/qiy/ya/hd] 131 179M] heat; rage, wrath; poison [hé/ma] 126 °$N half (hast) 123 Pf prescription, rule [hq] 128 3WN (v) account, regard, value [ha/S4b] 124 0347? Jonathan [yah6/na/tan] 124 nya 393 (m; f) young ram; ewe-lamb [ké/bes; kib/S4] 129 @M n5 strength, power - {kd"h] 125 © mpyp sav) Cr wad [ké/seb; kis- ba] 127 seize, capture [la/kéd] 121 Wj draw near, approach [na/gas] 125 ; (D) 8°) prince [na/87"] 133 >yimy :]ia¥ Ammon; (gent) Am- monites [‘am/mén; ‘anv/mé/ni) 122 (1) ORY {s, coll) bone ['é/sem] 123 “18 (conj) lest [pen-] 133 V3 assemble, gather together [qa/b4s] 127 Jae bury [qa/bér] 132 bap assembly, congre- gation (qa/hal] 123 NY remain; (Ni, Hi) be Jeft over (84/"r] 133 12¥ (v) tent, dwell, settle [3a/kén] 130 * 720 (Hi) throw, cast [84/ 14k*] 125 F. Words Occurring 120 through 112 Times (27) MITE sDITN Edom; (gent) Edomite(s) [’'€dém; “4d6/mi] 112 NINN sister (4/64) 114 (I) NY3 trust; fall to the ground? be reckless (IE?) [ba/téh] 119 133 weep [ba/k4] 114 3.F-G “ap an , (i) throw, cast; (Hi, - << Hith) thank, praise, - . confess [ya/da*] 115 fF 2Y? be good (cf 290, » 4B; 0) 370, 1.D) [ya/t4b] 120 PRY? Isaac [yisfh4g] 112 IW? (adj) straight, right, upright [ya/Sar} 119 ‘TAD (stat) be heavy, honored [ka/béd] 114 W2? put on, clothe [14/43] 13 DNR? (inf cstr as prep) over against, opposite [lig/ra’t} 120 TW? tongue [1/86n] 117 W942 pasture, untilled ground; produce (mig/ras) 115 72220 kingdom [mam/li/ka] 7 *83) (Ni, Hith) prophesy [na/ba™*] 115 “Wii river, stream (na/har] nny 12 "09 fruit; offspring [pari] Hg ard righteousness; what is right, just [sé/deq] 116 WTP (adj) holy [qa/d63] 115 * 02 (Pi) send an offering up in smoke; (Hi) make smoke [qa/tar*] 116 235 chariot, chariotry [ré/keb] 120 ANY burn [$4/r4p] 117 DY (stat) be whole, com- plete; (Pi) repay; (Hi) make peace with [8a/lém] 117 VW Samaria (2 times in Aramaic) [S6m/r6n] 12 BP pour out [3a/p4k] 116 Pe lie, falsehood, de- _ ception [8é/ger] 113 MDVIN abomination [t6/€/ba] 1g G. Words Occurring 111 through 100 Times (27) DYWAN Absalom [‘ab/34/l6im] 107 (1) *18X (Ni) be steady, firm, trustworthy, faithful; (Hi) believe Ua/mén*) 100 ona (n) non-existence; (adv) not; (prep) except {bil/tf] 111 i192 high place, funerary installation [ba/m%] 103 (I) TY $7¥2 (n) distance; (prep) behind, through, for (the benefit of) {ba/‘ad] 101 (D ORD redeem [g4/“Al] 104 sya. TYDA Gilead; (gent) Gileadites [gil/‘4d; gil/‘a/di] 108 (1) 12 (dem interj) behold!; (conj) if (cf 737, 1.B) [hén] 100 PH statute, prescription (hug/qa] 104 OVI}? Jeroboam [ya/rab/- “Am) 104 *9D? (Ni, Hi) be left, remain [ya/taér*] 106 WD wing [ka/ndp] 110 13 IBD cover; (Pi ext) expiate [ka/par] 102 INV) sight, appearance ___ [mar/’6h] 103 344 the dry country; south, Negev [né/geb} 110 *DN} (Ni) be sorry, repent; (Pi) comfort, console {na/ham*] 108 ‘TAY pillar, column [‘am/miid] 111 ‘BY dry earth, dust {"a/- par) 110 ays foot, step; time [pa/‘am] 111 3G *P7% run [ras*] 103 an} breadth {ré/hab] 101 a} hunger, famine [ri/- “Ab] 103 (II) P71 (adv) only [raq]: 108 NZ sabbath, rest [Sab/bat] 106 TI forget [8a/kah] 102 WY (ord) third; (fract) one-third [Sali/St] 107 PAM (n) continuance; (adv) continually, regularly [ta/mfd] 104 4:AB 50 TIMES (313) ANTS Ahab {’ah/“Ab] 93 ae length [’d/rek] 95 “VA stranger [gér] 93 20 tum, overturn [ha/pak] 95 Ti] commit fornication; play the harlot {za/- nd] 95 (I) 79M (s or pl coll) animals {hay/ya] 97 YON (n, adj) slain, struck dead [ha/14l] 94 p (1) Way] (mate) ass [hamét] 97 (1) 230 be(come) hot, burning, angry [hav/ra} 94 ‘iA (adj) clean, pure [ta/hdr] 95 ‘WY be clean, pure [sW/hér] 94 w (prep) on account of; (conj) because [ya/‘an] 93 (1) 1D} remainder [yé/ter] 96 (1) D3 vineyard [ké/rem] 93 14 ECTION 4: HEBREW. WORDS OCCURRING FROM 99 THROUGH _ A. Words Occurring 99 through 93 Times (26) (1) *02%9 (Ni) escape; (Pi) save, deliver [ma/lat*] 95 ty (adj) (a) few; (n) a little [mea*at] 96 UY skin, leather [‘ér] 99 TY ,1Y strength, power, might [‘6z, ‘az] 94 WY Esau [‘/SAw] 96 YW rebellion, revolt, transgression (pé/Sa’] 93 (I) YB") be wicked, evil [ra/"4"] 99 YW satisfy, be satiated [sa/ba"] 97 ANAW joy, rejoicing [Sim/ha] 94 °Y°3W (ord) seventh [Sabi/T] 96 OV (stat) be astonished; be desolate [34/mém] 95 *NW (Pi) minister to, serve [Sa/rat*] 98 B. Words Occurring 92 through 86 Times (31) VAX (gent) Amorite(s) Uémd/ri] 86 ‘I¥2 consume, bum (1); graze (II?) [ba/‘ar] 87 net door {dé/let] 87 nyt knowledge [da/‘at] 91 Ta tumult, turmoil, mul- . titude [ha/mdén] 86 YIN arm, forearm [zaré*’] 91 (1) 239 fat théteb] 92 15 (I) 79N please, delight, take pleasure [ha/pés] 86 *310 be good, pleasant (cf 2p, 3.F () 9, LD) [t6b*] 90 ANAD sR2Y (adj, m; f) unclean “ [ti/mé?; tomé/’a] 88 wDWiT? Jehoshaphat : [yah6/sa/pat} 86 772 +12? (s m; f) male child, boy; girl [yé/led; yal/da} 92 (I) 3499 cherub [kara] 92 (d) os Chaldea; (gent) Chaldean (9 times in Aramaic) [ka§/dim] 89 1137) dominion; kingdom [mal/kiit] 91 ‘WRITIIAI Nebuchadnezzar (spelled 5 ways in MT; 31x Aramaic) {nabi/kad/ne’s/sar ] 91 120 shut, close; (Hi) deliver up, give in one's power {sa/Bar] 0 (Day side, region; opposite side [“é/ber] 91 A rs wickedness, iniquity (aé/wen] 80 I¥5X supply, store-house, treasure [’6/s4r] 79 (Dik sign [6t] 79 TOW 7X (m; m and f) lion Vari: “ar/éh] 33 74 s'TA Gad: (gent) Gadites (gad; ga/di] 85 (1) *944 sojourn [gar*] 81 Words Occurring 85 through 79 Times (27) 4 () 1Y clouds ['/nan] 6°, (D) M¥Y advice, counsel. [e/a] 89° MNS side, rim, corner; — piece? (II?); luxury? (HI?) [p8/°A] 86 op DIP in front, east; east(ward) [qé/dem; gé/dem] 87 “Zi? end, border, extre- mity [qa/séh] 90 “TAIN sJIIND Reuben; (gent) Reubenite [ra’d/bén; ra W/be/ni] 87 *TY sing [Sir*] 88 PY VW (m; f) song [Sir; Si/ra] 91 *D°Y put, place [3it*] 87 poy final (or peace) "offering [8é/lem] 87 * 108 (Ni) be destroyed, exterminated; (Hi) exterminate [Sa/mad*] 90 Spy shekel (unit of weight) [Sé/qel} 88 OF (adj) whole, entire; blameless [ta/mfm] 91 ONNIT Daniel (52 times in Aramaic section of Daniel) [da/niy/yé1] 81 v7 palace, temple (hé/ kal] 80 133 man; male (animal) . [za/kar} 82 WN darkness [hd/Sek] 82 P'¥? give counsel, advice lya/“s] 82 4.C-D° “Soho tg) dearth; (Pi) teach — [l/mad] 8s : (#9379 (Pi) hasten [ma/hér*] ‘ 83 ~ INP sell [ma/kdr] 81 (I) YY rule, govern (ma/SAl] 82 *"7N9 (Ni, intrans) conceal, hide; (Hi, trans) hide (someone) [sa/tér*] 83 (I) WTY NITY warning sign, reminder; precept, commandment [‘e/dit; da] 83 MY help, assist [‘a/zar] 82 (II) 739 bend down, be afflicted, humble; (Pi) oppress, humiliate [‘a/na] 79 16 (ID #928 (Hith) pray [pa/l4l*] 80 5p be slight, trifting, swift; (Pi) declare cursed; (Hi) make light [qa/1ét] 82 2? offering, gift ane [qor/ban] 80 PIN) (adj) far, distant; (n) distance [ra/hdq] 85 my (Qal part) shepherd [ro/‘Eh] 94 VW buil(ock), steer [86r] 0 (D ony slaughter, kill [8a/h4t) 85 *TRY (Hi) give to drink [sa/qa*} 79 p D. Words Occurring 78 through 75 Times (28) NN iron [bar/zél] 76 DIA lot; (ext) allotment [g6/ral] 78 "23 37 Dan; (gent) Danites [dan; da/ni] 78 TAN Hebron {heb/ron] 77 791 be(come) weak, sick (hala) 77 (1) 330 be gracious to, favor; (Hith) implore favor or compassion (ha/ndn] 77 AYIW? deliverance, salvation {yas0/'4] 78 * (1) ORD reject [ma/"4s} 75 O°DN (du) two hundred [ma’/té/yim] 77 TP possession (of land, cattle) [miq/néh] 76 MGW (n) guard, obligation, service [mi3/mé/ret] B yu blow, assault; plague [né/ga'] 78 *3¥1 (Ni) take one’s stand, be stationed (1?); wretched? (II?) [na/- sb*] 75 (II) *1Y arouse, awake [‘ar*] 76 “2¥ (adj) afflicted, poor (‘ani}76 ‘1 arrange, set in order [‘arak] 75 (1) V8 boulder, (large) rock [sar] 75 (ID V¥ adversary, foe [sar] 76 17 (1) 32 acquire, buy (qa/ni] 8 mQI7 :247P (adj m; f) near, imminent [qa/réb; . qard/ba] 78 eR horn [qé/ren} 76 NWP bow (weapon); (met) - rainbow [gé/8et] 76 399 ride (ra/céb] 78 (I) 92& have success; (Hi) understand [$a/k4l] 75 E. Words Occurring 74 through 71 POR TPN Elijah (Eliy/ya, “@/liy/ya/¢hQ] 71 NYPN Eleazar [’el/'a/zAr] 72 ‘JOR bind; (Ni, Pu) be fettered, imprisoned (sar) 71 TaN (trad) cedar [’€/rez] 73 belly, womb [bé/ten] 2 (D) 42°73 blessing [bara/ka] 71 33 (stat) be high [ga/bah} 74 (I ‘aa breath; vanity, idol(s) (hé/bel] 73 iP¥I cry out; (Ni) called to arms (cf P¥¥, 4.1) [za/Aq] 73 ‘Mi (adj) strange, diffe- Tent; illicit [zar} 71 ‘IIT see, perceive [ha/za} n 18°00 reproach, disgrace [her/pa] 73 T1329 Lebanon [laba/néin) 71 *1°9 spend the night, lodge [lin*] 71 4D-E PW plunder, booty [4/14] 16 TPEM prayer (topil/ia] 78 iT9N tribute, contribution, heave-offering [tard/ma] 77 MYON ,YWA (sm, f; pl) nine; OYWN ninety [téRa’, ti8/'H: ti8/‘im] 77 Times (28) yi) (interr adv) wherefore? why? {mad/dé**] 72 NV sunrise, east [miz/rah] 74 WP sanctuary [mig/d4g] 74 1) (adj) dead [mét] 72 mo selah (unexplained technical term of music or recitation) [sé/lah] 74 (I) 38 s7¥ (m; £ witness ['éd; ‘e/da] 72 ‘iY (coll) flying creatures; fowl, insects [“6p] 71 TY goat; goathair [‘éz] 74 (D bp (Ni) be extraordinary, wonderful [pa/14"*] 1 (1) VS distress [sa/r] 72 (I) “YP wall (qir] 74 PI} wash (oneself) [ra/hds] 72 NY cease, rest [$i/bAt] 71 “IW ram’s hom, trumpet [$6/par] 72 x Abimelech [‘Abi/- = pg stek] ¢ 67 : " Pahuz/2a] 66 “ADR (adj) familiar; (0) . confidant (1); tribal chief GI) [’al/ip] 69 13 cistern [bér] 69 OR(-)N°D Bethel [béi(-)"él] 70 z 52 (neg) not; surely? (II?) [bal} 66 ® 734 young man; strong man [gé/ber] 66 DIT dream (halém] 66 J charm, favor; grace {hén] 68 139 loaf of bread; talent; environs (all cir- cular) [kik/kar] 67 . (1) 9°92 (adj) insolent (spiri- y tual); stupid, duil (practical things) {kesil] 70 op? 3°DD (conj) according to, as; so that [kapi: lopi] 67 ae *N2 shoulder(-blade) [kastép] 67 Words Occurring 70-throwgh 66 Times (28) 18 95” Cf BD °pTA rT Midian; (gent) Midi- anite (ID) [mid/yan; mid/ya/ni] 67 N29 (adj, n, pred adj) full [ma/ié’] 67 NW anoint [m4/S4h] 70 *02 (Pi, Hi) look at, regard [na/bat*] 70 pay valley [‘é/meq] 68 ND ;19 sib here [pdh; pd; po’) 68 WD (trans) spread out; (met) flaunt [pa/ras] _ 67 73 grave (qé/ber] 67 O°? east side, east [qa/dim] 69 YP end; limit, boundary [gés] 67 N°) heal (someone) [ra/pa’) 67 now remainder [8a°/rit] 66 IN?W table [ul/hdn] 70 & YPA drive, thrust; strike (ta/qa’] 67 G. Words Occurring 65 through 63 Times (24) WAX Abner [’ab/nér] 63 (I) THR seize, hold fast [haz] 63 MWR offering by fire [i8/Séh] 65 (1) BY22 Balaam [bil/‘Am) 64 (1) AYA hill; (cultic) high place [gib/‘@] 63 (1) PYM part, portion [hé/leq] 65 » (great) river (Nile, Euphrates) [ya°6r] 64 WR Joash [y6/"A8] 64 “V¥? form, shape, fashion [ya/sdr] 64 SW stumble, totter [ka/Sal] 63 #N92 7192) Micah [mi/ka, mi/ka?: YP milka/yohit] 63 19 (1). 7)Y2 young girl, maid {na!/Ara] 63 *N¥) (Pi) lead; supervise [na/sah*] 65 a “W¥i watch, guard [na/sér] 63 *P45 (intrans) scatter, disperse [pis*] 65 WPPTY sePP TR Zedekiah [sid/qiy/ya; sid/qiy/y4/hQ] 63 nog (be) strong, effective; succeed [5&/l4h] 65 #2" contend, plead (a case) {rib*] 64 4G INW sheol, underworld [828i] 65 . *D3Y (den; Hi) rise'early -. [Sa/kém*) 65 : (II) B2Y Shechem [Sokem] 64 ANDY female stave [3ip/ha] 63: OM be complete [té/mém] 6 ' WON seize, take hold of [ta/pas] 64 H. Words Occurring 62 through 58 Times (31} WRN (adj) poor, oppressed Ceb/y6n] 61 "IER end, outcome [al/harit] 61 APR Job ['iy/ydb] 58 PN (interr) how? (cf APR, 5.V) [’ek] 60 ywoon Elisha ['Eli/S4'] 58 RON Asa [’A/sa’] 58 eR (n) side; (prep) beside ['a/sel} 61 VN curse ["H/rar] 59 (1) 172 run away, flee [ba/rah] 62 W2 Bashan [ba/SAn] 60 113A strength [gabdv/ra] 62 TIT beloved, lover [déd] 59 JI] ead; (Hi) stamp firm [da/rak} 61 AN 341 procession; feast, festival [hag; hag] 60 ON violence, wrong {ha/més] 60 °nn iN Heth; (gent) Hittite(s) (het: hit/t?] 62 N17? Jehu [yé/ho"] 58 (1) 149 shield [ma/gén] 59 "279 Mordecai [mor/ddkéi] 60 7 rae vow [né/der, né/der] 60 ony obtain, receive property [na/hdl] 59 (1) 34,7103 libation [né/sek, né/- sek] 60 (II) 1399 desert, plain [“ara/b&] 61 “Y7¥ wrap up (1); be hostile toward (I) (cf (1) 8, 5.3) (sa/rar] 61 noe smoke (of sacrifice); incense [qaté/ret] 61 Ni? (measuring) reed, tube [qa/néh] 62 Vp tear up, away (qa/ré"] 62 #799 599 (m; f pl) contention, suit; legal speech [rib; ri/ba*] 62 mo odor, scent [ré*h] 59 pty) (a; Qal: part act) judge [So/pét) s8 "Words Oc 2 g& *7NE (pD pedestal, socket fo. Gen] ss TYPE widow ['al/ma/nd] 55 F198 female slave (a‘ma] 56 TOR Esther [’es/tér} 55 ot = TOR way, path [’é/rah] 57 © wa vine [gé/pen] 55 y'IT sow (2a/ré"} 56 PIN (adj) hard, strong [ha/z4q] 56 (1) *9°M be in labor [bil*] 57 (I) 7'2N divide, apportion; (Pi) scatter (IIE?) (ha/léq] 56 078 (neg) not yet; (conj, y ~ prep) before [té/rem; baté/rem] 56 WP (stat) be dry; (in- trans) dry up Lya/bés] 55 VPI Jehoiada lyahd/ya/- da‘) 56 *M2° (Ni) dispute; (Hi) teprove [ya/kah*] 56 (1) 3? thicket [y4/“ar] 57 AND Jericho [yari/na] 57 s°RYOW" Ishmael; (gent) Ish- “ORYOW? — maelite [yi8/ma/‘él; yid/ma'é/IT} 56 J. Words Occurring 54 and 53 Times (29) JAK accede, accept [’a/ba] 54 AJAX steadiness ["Ema/ng] 53 Sma camel [ga/mdl] 54 20 h TPAN glory, praise [tahil1a] 58 ring 57 through 55 Times (34) ‘inte psalm [mizimér] 37 TWIN thought [ma!/h’sa/bs] 56 $39 conductor? (Pi part of M¥32) [manas/sé*h] 57 yb} (v) plant [na/ta’] 57 ¥20 rock [sé/la’] 57 "1O scribe, writer [sd/pér] 35 (1) DY distress, trouble; effort [‘3/mal] 55 179 buy (off), ransom [parda] s6 “YB make, do [pa/“al] 57 WD horsemen; horse {paras} 57 °°) (ord) fourth; (fract) one-fourth [rabi/7] 55 (M7 be(come) far (away), distant [ra/haq] 57 (II) 7799 Ramah [ra/m] 57 1985 pleasure; favor [ra/s6n] 56 PY (n) he-goat (ID); (adj) hairy (1) {84/‘ir] 55 TTY devastate, lay waste [Sa/ddd] 56 2p TORY horror, desolation [Sama/ma] 56 Pa stick, cling to [da/béiq] sa W27 honey [dabas] 54 V2 Haman (ha/man] 54 21 (1) 77M cease, desist [ha/dal] 33 WIN (adj) new, fresh [ha/das] 53 YN arrow [hés] 54 TDN be shattered; (ext) filled with terror {ha/tat] 53 P¥? dish up (food); pour out (liquid) [ya/saq] 53 (III) #79? (Hi) instruct, teach [ya/ra*] 54 ny")? curtain, tent (fabric) [yari/‘a] 54 "WID ;WID Cush; (gent) Cushite [kd8; kO/S7) 5a DVD (be) irritated, angry [ka/‘4s} 54 (IE) 129 Laban [1a/ban} s4 (I) 1177) (n) measure [mid/da} 53 K. Words Occurring 52 through 50 Times (27) TAIN (adj) behind; (adv) last [’a!/har6in] 50 TPR (interr) where? Cay/yéh] 52 DVIN ;OPR vestibule ['é/lam; *a/lam] 50 YPD (v) split [ba/qa‘} 51 WIN virgin [bata/a) 51 (1) DDN devote to the ban [ba/ram] 51 WP WR? SPWN? Josiah [yO /Siy/ya, yo /Siy/ya/hi] 51 O97” in the daytime [yd/mam] 51 032 full (cloth); (Pi) wash [ka/bds} 51 TY) (v) measure [ma/dad] 52 44 (1) 782 unleavened bread. | fmas/sa] 53 ai height [mi/rdm] 54 n%0 fine wheat ‘flour [sé/let] 53 128 upper; Most High (‘el/y6n] 53 “YY nakedness [‘er/wa] 53 PATE Zadok [si/d6q] 53 OX shadow, shade [sél] 53 PY¥ cry out (cf pyt, 4.£) (sa/“Aq] 54 TOP (adj) small, insigni- ficant [qa/tén] 54 ONnW left (side); left hand [Semo'l] 54 (I) "IY SY Sarah; Sarai [$4/ra; Sardi] 53 Ww tooth; (ext) crag [Sén] 53 101 chastening, correction [mi/sar] 50 WN?) tomorrow [ma/har] 52 (I) *13] (Ni) be scattered (na/dah*] 51 #99) (Ni) pretend: (Hi) investigate, recognize (na/kar*} 50 °%MDI Naphtali [nap/ta/It] so * {1 (Hi) overtake [na/sag*} 50 spony sp20¥ Amalek; (gent) Amalekite [“ama/léq: ‘ama/lé/qi] 51 77 make a breach; burst out (pa/r4s] 50 4K *97°19 (Hi) break out, burst forth; shake (11?) __(pirér*] 0 WP plank [gé/res] 51 TVR beginning, first [ré’ Bit] 51 DyIN7 Rehoboam [rohab/“am] $0 421) shout (for joy) [ra/nén] 52 22 (1) 1135) be pleased with; like [ra/s@] 50 RY (adj, m) worthless- (ness); (adv) in vain 1 (Saw ] 52 i YR wander off, stagger | ____ (tal 50 | NNDA (f) omament, decora- | tion (tip/"é/ret] 51 10 TIMES (1248) wb aR saying, word [’é/mer] 49 (1) ‘IHS ephod (priestly gar- ment; cult object) (erpéd] 49 “TAZ teat faithlessly [ba/gad] 49 “VWAY3 on account of, for the sake of, because of, i in order that [ba!/“abiir] 49 (I) 833 create [ba/ra’] 48 TINS loftiness; pride [ga/’Gn] 49 *59>3 (pl) idols [gil/1*] 48 () 137 (bubonic) plague idé/ber] 49 dD >t (adj) mean, scanty; (n) poor [dal] 48 247 (interj) alas! woe! [hoy] 48 (i) mat (adv; spacial) hither, here; (temporal) until now [hén/na] 49 273 (adv) great number, many, much [har/béh] 49 (ID) YAR rope; (ext) measure, "" plot [hé/bel] 49 nyav ring, signet-ring [tab/ba/‘at] 49 *¥° (Hith) take one’s stand, position, SECTION 5: HEBREW WORDS OCCURRING FROM 49 THROUGH A. Words Occurring 49 and 48 Times (30) S.A stand (firm); appear, arrive [ya/saéb*] 48 (1) 934% tower [mig/dal] 49 132 blow, wound [mak/k@] 48 SPW weight [mis/qal] 49 ma2 corpse [nabé/!a] 48 AWA] injure, strike [na/4p] 49 ‘WQ support [sd/mék] 48 (I) #792 (alw with pref ~3) Cf aya [‘abar*] 49 (I) TY eternity, always [ad] 48 (D 75 trembling, terror _ (pathad) 49 nod Passover (festival, sacrifice) [pé/sah] 29 (I) P82 crop, harvest [qa/sir} 49 PW goathair cloth, sack- cloth; sack [Saq] 48 al (those who are/that which is) taken captive [Sabi] 48 "TY (adj) Almighty [Rad/dai] 48 NY9N purple wool [také/let] 49 5.B-C ‘B. Words Occurring 47 and 46 Times (26) OWN guilt, wrong; guilt vs v ffering Taisen] 46 © MMA redeemer [g6/'6l] 46 12 valley [gay’] 47 “WG banish, divorce, drive out (I?); toss up (II?) [ga/r48) 47 TIN spear [hanit] 47 (11) WIN (stat) be deaf; (Hi) be silent [ha/rés} 47 TDW hall {(1i8/ka] 47 + *IND (Pi) refuse, refuse to [ma/"an*] 46 M297 ascent [ma!/“Ala] 47 32W2 couch, bed [mi8/kab] 46 nw? (drinking-) feast [mig/téh] 46 O°UN% (du) loins [mot/nd/- yim] 47 "131 (adj) foreign, strange: (n) foreigner (nok/ri] 46 BY2 youth [no‘/rim] 47 C. Words Occurring 45 and 44 Times (27) GD AR (adv) perhaps ['a/4i] 45 YOK food [*é/kel] 45 * WR (pl) fortune; happi- ness [€/Ser*] 45 (1) 7AN3 young man [ba/hiit] 45 *5°3 shriek ecstatically, shout with joy [gil*] 45 “lan gird, put on a belt [ha/gar) 44 29M mitk [ha/lab) 44 24. N29 forgive (sa/ldh] 46 (1) ANY SUF (6 m; f) support, help, (ext or coll) helper(s) [‘&/zer; ‘ez/ral] 47 ‘¥Y restrain, detain (‘a/sar] 46 YD encounter, meet; entreat (pa/z4'] 46 (IE) 11D¥ arrange; (Pi) overlay [s4/pa] 46 (I) it}? wait, await [qa/wa] 47 MmpiP height, stature {q6/ma] 46 (I) 107 (adj) small, young er, -est) [qa/tan} 47 WP be sharp, attentive [qa/S4b] 46 *ON} (Pi) show love for [ra/hdm*] 47 M¥F kill [ra/sh] 47 12 take captive [8a/b&] 47 V2 take off; (Qal part pass) ready for battle tha/las] 44 ND (adj) fearing, afraid of [ya/ré’] 45 FIN? (n) fear, reverence (yir/a] 45 2°) province, district . [modi/na] 45 AV dwelling place [m6/S4b] 44 i179 be rebellious, obsti- nate [ma/r&] 45 "25 7399°N) chariot [mer/ki/ba] 44 (1) 8% carrying, burden [mas/Sa"] 45 TAI chief, leader [na/gid) 44 wi] awe-inspiring [né/ré’] 44 (J) ‘4 lamp [nér] 45 0°79 eunuch, court official (sa/ri's} 45 *71Y (Pi) surround [‘tid*} 45 *78y (alw with suffix; prep) with (cf oY, 1.B) [‘im/mad*] 45 D. Words Occurring 43 and 42 Times (40) *91N shine [’6r*] 43 dd) wie men [‘n68] 42 DDN (n) end, nothingness; (particle of neg; adv) without ["é/pes} 42 (ID *72 (pl) poles; shoots [bad*] 42 *972 (Ni) separate oneself [ba/dai*] 42 MTB despise [ba/za] 43 32 (v) plunder [ba/z4z] 42 (I) nv safety; (adv) securely [bé/pah] 43 O02 moisten; confuse, confound [ba/lél] 43 aia exiles; deportation, exile (go/la] 42 i179 conceive, become pregnant [ha/ra] 43 O79 demolish [ha/rds] 43 *34T (v) flow; suffer a discharge [zib*] 42 (1) *9t (Pi) sing [za/mar*] 43 5C-D WP tie up, bind [qa/S4r] 44 *y7F (Hi) shout [rfi?"*] 44 119") become slack; sink . down [ra/pa] 45 nywy ws (s m; f) wrong, in- justice, guilt [ré/8a"; ri8/'A] 45 mY lamb, kid [seh] 44 () aay > 13 breaking, fracture; interpretation [Sé/ber, 84/ber} 44 (I) 1 scatter [za/ra] 42 TID‘ desert, waste [hor/b&] 42 0 children [tap] 42 *2n? (Pi, Hi) wait [ya/hal*] 42 (I) 70? found, lay the foun- dations of [ya/sad] 43 (1) *90? (Qal part) teach; (Ni) teach oneself, take advice [ya/sar*] 42 ain orphan {ya/tém) 42 WID lyre [kin/ndr] 42 mp tablet; board, plank (10h) 43 neon portion, share {ma!/halé/qet] 42 i752) lampstand [mané/ra] 42 *50y09 (pl) deed, act {mal/‘Alal*] 42 (I) 799% cave [mo'a/ra] 42 °M9 (interr) when? [ma/- tdi] 43 3 pasturage, abode (1°); “7 praiseworthy?, ~veqmely? (II?) - [ndewéh] 42 BARA (adj) soothing, tranquilizing . [ni/yorh] 43 1) ngi luster, glory {né/sab] 43 PP (adj) free from, ex- i empt [na/qi] 43 : 7NQ tear down, demolish {na/tés] 42 bws take off [pa/Sat] 43 E. Words Occurring 41 and 40 Times (30) (1) 1398 love [’a!/haba] 40 (1) *TRX (Hi) listen (to) (a/zén*] 41 “IM back; (adv) behind p [whér] «1 (1) 7K de strong ["A/mas) 41 TIX lie in ambush [a/rab] 41 : TWN Asherah; cult-post [8é/rd] 40 da) y2a (v) swallow [ba/lé‘] 40 ma bar {borf#h] 41 724 high [g4/bé*h] 40 7A garden (gan) 41 TAT grain [da/gin] 40 °T sufficiency; enough (dai) 40 N feel compassion for [ha/mél] 41 90 anger (ha/ré'n] 41 (ID 99M (y) taunt, reproach {ha/rap] 40 1° (adj) handsome, beautiful [ya/péh) 41 26 NI neck [saw/wa’r] 42 TNIP passion (qin/“&] 43 (1) 217 AN} broad open place, . plaza [rahdb, rahdb] 43 (1) "28 crimson, scarlet [Sa/ni] 42 FRNTAN (n) produce, yield — [taba/a] 43 AVAN intelligence, skill [tabd/na] 42 (D 733 (n; adj) heavy, i weighty; rich [ka/béd] 40 *Y1 waver, reel, totter {mat*] 41 +91} (v) shake, totter [nd*"*] 41 iid (v) lead [nd/ha} 40 WY] leave, abandon [na/ta3] 40 *T1P} (Ni) be free [na/qi*] 4t SY yoke [‘6l] 40 YWD (v) revolt, rebel [pa/sa"] 41 PTY be in the right, have a just case [s8/d4q) 41 (1) "§B¥ (coll) birds [sip/pét] 40 12) (intrans) shake, quake [ra/gaz] 41 8IW enemy [66/né"] 41 DPW have peace, be at peace {8a/qat] 41 AVN worm (t6/1e/'H] 41 27 F. Words Occurring 39 and 38 Times (29) 998 mourn [’a/bél] 39 MIQ°X ephah (grain mea- sure) ['6/pa] 38 a 38 (interr) where? from where? ["an; “4/na] 38 VOSI8 purple [‘ar/ga/mén] 39 #993 (Ni) be terrified {ba/h4l*] 39 33 steal [ga/nab] 39 Vt olive (fruit and tree) [zé/yit] 38 TH (dark) room, bedroom [hé/der] 38 P°R lap, bosom [héq] 38 PAN delight, joy {hé/pes] 39 ‘TIN tremble, shudder (ha/réd] 39 WON craftsman [ha/ras} 38 *D99 (Ni) be shamed, dis- graced [ka/lém*] 38 ‘W079 rain [ma/tar] 38 xO” fulness, what fills [mold] 38 mon word, message [mil/1a] 38 G. Words Occurring 37 and 36 Times (38) (J) °8 coast, region [i] 36 TPR (n) curse [4/14] 37 TVOR word, utterance Cim/ra] 37 OWN be(come) guilty [&- Sam] 36 (1) W3 well, pit [ba’ér] 37 72° insight [bi/nd] 37 OMA finish; (Ni) be weaned [ga/mél] 37 TQM seek refuge [ha/sa] 37 SEG (1) "N9 (adj) bitter; (adv) bitterly [mar] 39 (1) TQ deceit, fraud “ Ginis/ma] 39 D°WQ anointed (one) {ma/si- *h] 39 (1) 2x saying, proverb [ma/- Sal] 39 Dyb deed, work [pd/“Al] 38 (1) ¥9¥ rib [se/14°] 39 *ap (Ni, intrans) assemble [qa/hal*] 39 7a) compassion (ra!/hamiim] 39 (1) 79 astonishment, horror . [Sam/ma] 39 (IH) Wy (Egyptian) linen (8€8] 38 TINN fig (-tree) [to’/n&] 39 NiT2iN descendants, genera- tions [t6/lé/dét] 39 WIYN wine [tid] 38 (E) 3M (stat) be dry [ha/réb] 36 TARY (state of cultic) un- cleanness {tum/’&] 37 “ie? (adj) rare, costly; noble [ya/qar] 36 yy salvation, liberation Lyé/Sa’] 36 245 star [k6/kab] 37 *939 seize; (Hi) contain; (Pilp) clasp [kil*} 37 “. FYRV-(ND be subdued, humbled [ka/n4'*] 36 WP bend the knee, kneel oy [kalté'] 36 ~" Dp? gather (up); glean i fla/qdt] 37 (1) B22 fortress, fortified city’ [mib/sar] 37 ‘an (n) front; (as prep) front of, towards [mal] 36 Np sign, omen (mé/pét] 36 Tiwi fortress [ma/"6z] 36 78D pillar [mas/sé/bi] 36 WH seize, pull [ma/$4k] 36 (I) **13 (Hi) move back and forth [ndp*] 37 “191 foreign land [né/kér] % *20J (Pi) (put someone to the) test [na/s&*] 36 28 (I) 778 flock, herd ['é/der] 37 2 misery, affliction [Oni] 36 PWY oppress, do wrong ['a/S4q] 37 “WD riches ["6/Ser] 37 wWxSD 3029 concubine [pi!é/Bed; pi/lé/ge8) 37 (I) 1D¥ keep guard, watch [sa/pa] 37 AWE (adj) hard, severe {qa/Séh] 36 pn? play (act) clumsy; laugh [$a/haq] 36 “Wi? gatekeeper [86/"ér] 37 42M continent(s) [t8/bél] 36 DIAN (n) deep, ocean depths [tahém] 36 IYI shout (of alarm, joy) [tora/“Z] 36 y * H. Words Occurring 35 and 34 Times (41) DIN wheel (°6/p4n] 35 FIR be long ['4/rak] 34 TIN she-ass [A/t0n] 34 ma threshing floor [g6/ren] 34 AY sAI (m; f coll) fish (dag; da/ga] 34 (D 33 Cf an, 5.H [hab] i194) make noise, roar - {ha/ma] 34 ‘I3t (female) prostitute (z0/nd] 35 (1) PD scatter [2a/raq] 34 *N3M (Ni) hide (oneself), be hidden (ha/ba’*] 34 Tit vision [ha/z6n] 35 NOM fault, sin [hét’} 35 ‘TOM (one who is) faithful, devout [ha/sid} 35 i? (impv) give; (interj) come on! [ya/hab] 34 P2? suck(le), nurse [ya/ndq] 34 AV? upper thigh [ya/rék] 34 739 (adv) so, thus [ké/ka] 35 19D daughter-in-law; bride {kal/lZ] 34 ORY people flo'Gm] 35 (I) 7102 wipe off; wipe out [ma/ha@] 34 29 mp9! queen [mal/ki}] 35 O¥% be unfaithful [ma/‘Al] - 35 m4 second, double [mik/- néh] 35 Di2] take vengeance . [na/qamn] 35 INQ hiding place; garment {sé/ter] 35 may arrogance [‘eb/rd] 34 Day (bull-) calf ["€/Zel] 35 (1) OY kinsman, relative am] 34 ow (adj) uncircumcised ['Wrél] 35 DE (v) hide; treasure up {sa/pan] 34 NV'T¥ skin disease (not leprosy) [sa/ra/“‘at] 35 1. Words Occurring 33 and 32 Times (38) THaTe palace [’ar/mén] 33 (I) 174 raiding party (gadid] 33 Wan bind, bind on; saddle [ha/ba8] 33 DN (adv) without com- pensation; in vain [hin/ndm] 32 JON become related by marriage; (Qal part) father- (mother-) in-law [ha/tan] 33 MW butcher, cook [tab/bah] 32 310 (n) goodness, the best [yb] 32 (1) 137° dove [yé/na] 33 °229° right (hand); southern ~ fyama/nf] 33 (1) 1% throw; shoot [ya/ra’] 33 5H” AVTY. smelt, refine [38/169] 34 *Nip (Pi) be envious of; arouse jealousy {qa/nd?*} 34 TP end, border [qa/sé} 35 "Zi? be(come) angry [qa/s4p} 34 (1) 78 reap, harvest [qa/sér] 35 YW be(come) guilty [ra/Sa'] 35 IVY barley [So'G/rX] 34 (ID YN expectation, hope [tiq/ wa] 34 TYIWN salvation [tas0/‘4] 34 *1N3 (Ni) be hidden (ka/had*] 32 35 dog [ké/leb] 32 wa? garment; (coll) clothes {lebiig] 32 sR anything (at all) [mo’i/ma]] 32 (1) *999 circumcise {mil*] 32 PIN sprinkling basin [miz/rag} 32 NN (n) the following day; (adv) on the next day [mo!/hdrat] 32 */1¥29 (du estr) bowels, abdomen [mé/‘éh*] 32 WN tithe [ma!/"Asér] 32 (I) PW] kiss [na/Saq] 32 M91Y wickedness {‘aw/ld] 32 AT alse pat with “4; 2) adv) just like; (prep) _ close to, at f'um/mé*] 32 “959 layer, row; acces- “ sories [‘é/rek] 33 AWW neck, nape [‘d/rep] 33 ae (coll) green plants, herbs [‘é/Seb] 33 92°39 (adj) inner {peni/mi) 33 11325 appointment, service {pequd/da] 33 (1) F29 sprout; break out [pa/- r&b] 32 (I) WY side [sad] 33 M2¥ (v) sprout {sa/maéh]} 33 » J. Words Occurring 31 Times (26) °N (interr) where? [°é] MAK ship [niy/ya] p YAN finger ['es/ba’] 122 weeping {bakf] 4} roof [248] (1) 97 be (a)like [da/ma] THN window (-opening) {hal/l6n} OY dew, light rain [ral] VaW hide; set up secretly [t@/man] +99 (Hi) howl, wail [ya/lal*] (D) 045 (drinking-) cup [kés] 319 lie, falsehood [ka/zab} *7299 (pl) kidney [kil/ya*] 30 972i curse (qola/la] 33 CD) on ,aNy womb [ré/hem, ra/ham] 32 (1) 119 pomegranate {rim/mén] 32 (D ag) shout of joy [rin/na] 3 n° MII (carrying off to) cap- tivity, imprisonment [Sebat; Sobit] 32 WW root [6/re8] 33 atin (song, sacrifice of) thanksgiving [t6/da] 32 TIAND sNND (adj) lower, lowest; (n) the lowest [tah/t?; tah/téin] 32 59 young lion [kepir] 1 kind, species [min] ANI commit adultery (na/*4p) VI) make a vow [na/d4r] (I) Wh) serpent [na/has] 1130 thicket; hut [suk/ka] (I) 2Y cloud(s) [‘ab) OY (adj) mighty, vast [‘a/stim} 408 idol [pé/sel] (I) *38 tie up, gather [stir*] 799 mantle, wrapper (cf ayy, 5.V) [Simla] AYIIW oath [Soba/"a] "OW wash away, wash off [Sa/tap] o K. Words Occurring 30 and 29 Times (41) 102 test (ba/han] 30 192,793 (inter pr) how? [bam/ma, bam/méh] 29 31 «L. Words Occurring 28 and 27 Times (54) 79 hail {ba/r4d]'29 ot} :DYS balsam shrub [bé/- Sem; bé/Sem] 30 NWS shame [b6/Set] 30. SIA tear off, pull off, . seize [ga/z4l] 30 VJ] ornament [ha/dar] 30 (I) 3} plan; infamy [zim/ma@] 29 Tigh) wheat [hit/ta’] 30 Of be(come) warm, hot [ha/mam] 29 TIF trumpet [hasd/sard] 29 () DF ban, (what is) banned [hé/rem] 29 wn restrain, withhold {ha/S4k] 29 ‘TW? designate [ya/“Ad] 29 mp23 (n) disgrace, insult [kalim/ma] 30 nafa tunic [kut/té/net} 29 (1) 132 (adj) white [14/ban] 29 2280 food; fodder [ma!/"akal] 30 NI bed, couch [mit/ta] 29 #149 (v) count [ma/na] 29 9% retain, withhold [ma/né‘} 29 (D)->¥ unfaithfulness [mé/‘al] 29 7°} 317] menstrual flow: excretion [nid/d@; ni/- d&] 30 “PR (adj) mighty; (n, pl) nobles [’ad/dir] 27 *7T18 (Ni?) be beautiful, lovely; (Pi) want, crave [‘a/wa*] 27 (1) 30} drive, tead [namdgy's0 9 (cooking-) pot [sir] 30°. 729 mourn, sound'a =” lament [sa/p4d] 30. D'2Y (Qal part) secret (faults); (Ni) be hidden [‘a/lam] 29 TW tenth part [18/64/01] 30 *TAAY (pl) ram, he-goat; (met) Jeader [‘av/titd*] 29 1139 corner [pin/nd] 30 199 bear fruit (pi/rd] 29 (D AB anger, rage [aé/seB] 29 AYP city, town [qir/ya] 30 7317 lie down, crouch [ri/bas] 30 (I) WY) quake, shake [14/48] 30 “wiv (coll) hair [$é/“ar] 29 () PY survivor [Sarid] 29 ‘7 (ord) eighth [Somi/ni] 30 SDW (stat) be low, sink [3a/pél] 29 P3PW abominable idol; abo- mination [Sig/qis] 29 1511 waving, shaking; (ext) wave-offering [tand/pa] 30 (1) 9°28 (adj) foolish; (n) fool, simpleton [wil] 27 TB (n) plunder (act and objects of) [baz] 27 oa wickedness ~- [baliy/yé/“al] 27 ‘YW ripen, cook; (Pi) ; “took, boil [ba/34l] 28 “WY (stat) be old | {za/gén] 27 (ID 131 become allies, unite [ha/bér] 28 DN be(come) wise [{ba/kdm) 27 a2 be(come) strong; (Qal, Hi) dream [ha/lém] 28 (1) "12M pass by, follow each other [ha/l4p] 27 “wrt (ord) fifth; (fract) one-fifth [hami/si] 27 WN spy out, investigate {ha/qér] 27 ON seal up, confirm (ha/tam] 27 Dai? ram; year of jubilee [y6/bél] 27 N¥? kindle, burn up [ya/sat] 27 1? moon [ya/réh] 27 119) rear, back side [yoré/kal] 28 “WW? be (go) straight [ya/Sar] 27 n752 (performance of) re- conciliation; (trad) cover, lid [kap/pé/ret] 27 *9°7 boast; (Hi) mock, be a spokesman (inter- preter) [lis*] 28 8219 sRII9 entrance [ma/bd”; mé/ba’} 27 (1) 8812 outlet; what comes out [m6/sa’] 27 Win trap [ma/qas] 27 * 32 prin helper, deliverer [m6/si*‘] 27 (M1) 2% salt [mé/lah} 28 120% road, highway [masil/l4] 27 9 ye robe [mo‘il] 28 (If) 994,293 harp? [né/bel, - né/bel] 27 127} free will; voluntary gift {noda/ba] 27 TI} flee, wander [na/déd] 2 3°73 willing; (one who is) noble [na/dib] 27 *711 wander [nid*] 27 m3j2] vengeance, revenge [neqa/ma] 27 PN} tear away, draw (one) away [na/taq] 27 (D *1¥ fly; (Po'l) soar; {Hithpo'l) fly off (Gap*] 27 vyipy (ord) tenth; (fract) one-tenth [‘ASi/1T] 28 AND governor [pe!/ha] 28 wp escape {pa/lat] 27 9°%D (n) escape [palé/ta} 28 qd) and be inexperienced, naive [pa/t@] 28 i}? happen, come about [qa/ra] 27 AW? be hard, heavy {qa/S&} 28 WII property, goods (rakti3} 28 *WIW rejoice [$A$*] 27 Tow accuser, adversary; the Satan [Sa/t4n] 27 (a ay wages, reward [sa/kar] 28 TWW acacia (tree, wood) [8ivt&] 28 33 (1) O90 (adj) uninjured, safe; complete [8a/lém] 28 Ay news, report [8amé/‘4] 27 "WY (ord) sixth; (fract) one-sixth [8i8/Sf] 27 M. Words Occurring 26 and 25 Times (53) N¥AX foolishness Ciw/wé/let] 25 MDX (interr) where? (é/pdh] 25 VX (interj) amen! surely! (amén] 25 MPN bake [’a/pA] 25 RIDN (adv) then, so [6/667] 25 “WZ (Qal part pass) im- pregnable [ba/sir] 25 "TTS knee [bé/rek] 25 122 excel; (Hi) be strong [ea/bar] 25 ni likeness [damit] 25 (1) 139 mutter, grow! [ha/gz] 25 717 wealth [hén] 26 Ti¥'N (adj) outer [hi/sdn] 25 33) quarry, hew (out), stir? (II?) [ha/séb] 25 (1) WIN plow; engrave [ha/ra3] 25 TWH breast-plate (of the high priest) [h6/Sen] 25 "10 row, course (of building stone) [tar] 26 V9 tear in pieces [ta/r4p] 25 YX? grow weary ya/Ba"] 26 TPN. ark, chest, (6/bI) M120) hang [eae] 27 OM integrity, complete- ness [t6m].28 (1) 1? go to sleep; sleep —.. LyaiSéin] 25 “WY3 ,O¥D irritation, anger [ké/‘as, kd/‘as] 25 s193%9 plague, torment {mag/gé/pa] 26 7i2% place, abode; stand {mak6/na] 25 307) covering, curtain (ma/sak] 25 (1) 729% cast image; drink of- fering {mas/sé/ka] 26 132 affliction (17); fortification (11?) [ma/s6r] 25 TY) (v) rebel [ma/réd] 25 “Wd consecration (of the Nazirite) [né/zer] 25 N21 (prep) in front of, opposite; (n) what lies opposite [né/kah} 25 Wi eagle, vulture [né/Ser] 26 MM) :3°N2 (s m; f) path [na/tib; natt/ba] 26 (I) *410 deviate, be disloyal [stig*) 25 (ILD) "IQ threshold [sap} 25 723¥ wagon, cart [‘8g4/14] 25 TAY (adj) blind ["tw/wér] 26 action [alia “QD. WEY stioke [a/Sin} 25 Tip bird tap [pabl 25 “SHB tremble [pa/héd] 25 T7 (Qal part pass) ~ outspread; (Ni) divide, (intrans) ” separate [pa/rad] 26 nig curtain [pa/ré/ket] 25 pens {adv) suddenly {pit/6m] 2s OY (act, time of) fasting [sém] 25 *DT? (Pi) be in front, walk at the head [qa/dém*] 26 van slander; (Pi) spy out; (Tifel) teach {someone) to walk [ra/g4l] 26 p N. Words Occurring 24 Times (30) box (rites of) mourning (é/bel] WW (interj) woe!; (n) woe Céy] ‘PR disaster, calamity Céd] TTADS locust [’ar/béh] *72 (Pi) bring news [ba/sar*] ¥14 expire, die, perish [ga/wa'] *1°7 (v) judge; bring justice [din*] (1) Ti height, majesty [héd} YZ reminder [zik/ka/rGn] *D1N pity, be troubled about [has*] on illness, suffering (holi] @ HIT tread: ‘(wihepress); : rule [ra/da@] 25 3M} open wide, broaden [ra/hb] 25 “NW remainder, remnant [Se'ar] 26 an ‘tW violence, destruction [86d] 25 av officer, record- keeper [86/tér] 25 2 draw (sword); take off [34/14p] 25 OiwYW (idiom) three (days ago, day before yesterday) [8il/S6m] 25 *717 go about, explore; (ext) spy out [tir*] 25 (1) 73NN supplication (for mercy); pardon, mercy (tohin/na] 25 (Il) 9H piece of land, plot of ground [hel/qa] ‘IN, peg, tent-peg [ya/téd) 2D be extinguished [ka/ba] nfs (column-) capital [k6/té/ret] 7171979 kingship [mol6/ké] YR reject, disdain [na/"4s] i112 be sprinkled; (intrans) Spatter [na/zi] (1) 902 pour out [na/sak] 79Y} blowing; breath [nosa/ma] TIVO 7G (s m; gale, windstorm [sd/‘ar; so ara] WDB UD fugitive(s) (palit, pa/lét} 35 O°71P8 directions, orders [piq/qd/dtm) (D) 33°} be(come) great, much, numerous [ra/béb} *W971 be poor [ris*] DH dawn (84/bar] O. Words Occurring 23 Times (35) VAX , “VAN strong, powerful (Wir, ’ab/bfr} (IID) 79 linen [bad] yy a piece cut off [bé/sa"] *M2} (Pi) shave [ga/lah*] TPT (s coll) tears (dim/f] sat mention, remem- brance (zé/ker} () ¥iN sand, mud [hdl] “WON (stat) lack, be lacking; diminish [ha/sér] (D) 79N dig (ha/par} WON search out, check {harpas} *Y? (Hi) help, be of use [ya/“4l*] (1) ¥? olive oil [yis/har] “03 (Pi) perform the duties of priest {ka/hén*} V3 (wash-) basin, pot [kiy/y6r] 1) 779 :7i79 quarrel, dispute [ma/- Bry t ™ “don: tnid/yan) iw" level ground, plain [mi/S6r]} P. Words Occurring 22 Times (37) (IID 98 gatepost? [°é/yil] MPR :99R fallow deer (buck; ny () change: peat 1% ) change; repeat nin ceri [tcttat] : () 19°R south; southern area [@/man} 0% compulsory labor, corvée [mas] 12P2 spring [ma‘/yén] }P2 convocation (mig/ri’} "Ya obstinacy [mari] a] beat, drive [na/gas] 2) pierce; designate [na/qab] (I) 729 isolate, cover [sa/kakc] tY (adj) defiant, shameless {‘az] (1) TIYY wreath, crown [aera] ~Uy {adj) wealthy, rich Pasir] *708 (pl) idols [pa/si1*) ovigy (du) midday, noon [so!/hdrd/yim] ‘IW gift; bribe {S6/had] MN® pit(-fall), grave (34/hat) pw intoxicating drink, beer? [8é/kar} MWY sleep (8/nd] NINFIN (pl) exits; starting point [t6/sa/’6t] TPNN beginning [tahil/la] Dion yesterday [tomél] doe) [’ay/yal; ‘ay/yaNla] “IRAE ashes, dust 1 pe] BW-cut off. (ga/d4'] BT stand (keep) still 2 [dé/mém] “TT regulation, law [dat] _ Pi) hin (liquid measure) {hin} (I) *"3f (Ni) be warmed; (Hi) warn [za/hér*] DYE (n) curse (24/‘am] AB prey; food [té/rep] YVI counseltor [yd/es} WN become lean; (Pi) deny, deceive {ka/ha3] 23 destruction, anni- hilation [ka/14] 19 29 (imprec) if only; O that...might [la, 10°] nin descendants, kindred [mo/lé/det] SIAM fire-pan [mab/ta] vy be(come) few (ma/“at] YI sandal [n4/al] 733 smash; scatter (11?); (Ni) break up [na/pas} N22 (n, adj) female {nogé/ba) Q. Words Occurring 21 Times (40) TDS come ['A/té] ‘TIYA while yet, as long as (cf Ty, 2.A) {b9'd] (1) P32 lightning [ba/réq} (1) YA shave; diminish (ga/ra’] (ID) Ad} reject [za/n4h) (1) *WaN hurry (hos*} 36 42 (v) stone [si/qél] : nay rope {‘Abdt]. “AB corpse {pé/Ber] TPB (v) spread [pa/s4] o “VY¥ small (-er, -est); young (-er, -est) [3a/‘ir} *p°? spend the summer __ lais*] ¥2") tranquillity; moment . {ré/ga"] NW) (bird) net [ré/Set] WW joy [$4/sdn) *Y)Y (Pi) cry for help [Sa/wa'*] *7TW (Ho part) twisted (Sa/z4r*] (1) 02 shoulder(s) [(Sekem] *1¥W (Ni) lean (against); (met) depend (on) [$a/"4n*} “PW weigh (out) [8a/qal] *HPW (Ni, Hi) look down [Sa/qap*) DAI obscene manner [taz/ntit] *3 YN (Ni) be loathed, abhorrent [t/“&b*} ‘Tan desire, crave [ha/mad] 10H father-in-law (ho/tén] API? ,AY99 frankincense [1a/bo/- ng, lobé/nd] (I) °1? chin, jawbone [lahi] 7930 scroll [moBil/a] DIN 01% blemish [mim, me dm} 37 MIMI rest, resting place {manti/ha] 00% lose courage; (Ni) dissolve [ma/sds] (11) 89 utterance [mas/sé"] (D) AHWA anointing (mis/ha] TW cup-bearer; well-irri- gated land [maé/qéh] @) #2 (pl) men [mot*} Dj signal pole; banner [nés] Ni gush forth, be poured out (na/ték] WD uproot, tear out [na/t48] ‘TIO confidential conver- sation [s6d] ‘WMO pass through, wander around [sa/har] m9 take away [sa/pa] dp “70 (pl) prince [sé/ren*] wy wrong, injustice (‘a/wel} R. Words Occurring 20 Times (33) SobN worthless; (ext) pagan gods ["élil] G¥/ea plain, broad valley [biq/‘#) W172 (Phoenician) juniper [bord3} (1) 92 heap [gal] qd) °an take (something) in pledge [ha/bal] dp oon (neg interj) be it far from (ha/If1} JON son-in-law; bride- groom [ha/tan} *WM (Hith) be enrolled (in genealogical regis- try) [ya@/has*] oy (K}ad) humbig. [‘wndw] “ NB (v) open [pa/qahy .- AIQ"E (divided) hoof “ [paris]. #13 (v) fast [sam*] ZYF (a) cry, calt-for help (se'aqa] (1) 39 (adj) wide, broad _, [ahd] - GAY (adj) joyful, glad [Sa/méh} ANY (v) roar [34/48] (H) 3 buy (food) (84/bér] AW stray, go astray _—«(8/88] *TWY (du) breast [Sad*] PNW (coll) dust; clouds of dust? [84/haq] ‘JRA longing, desire [ta!/"awa] "Va grasp [t4/mak] *A2. be violent, oppress; (Hi) oppress [ya/na*] ‘TID? foundation(-wall), base [yaséd} 717i (n) speed, haste; (adv) quickly {moahé/ra] (11) *W19 withdraw; (Hi) re- move [mis*} MIT2 doorpost [mozi/za] m10M’2 refuge [mah/séh] ope refuge, asylum [miq/lat] vVaW7) guard [mis/mér] — rooin, roof- ere er ay Spy labor, exert oneself wey [@/mél] "Peay (adj) violent, mighty; ry (n) master [‘a/ris} “aw 5 (Ni). be moved (ONO oy enzeatis [3 (11) 713% shield [sin/nz] 1) ‘T¥ (adj) narrow; (a) dis- tress [sar] *9°7¥ (Qal, Pu part) suf- fering from a skin disease [sa/ra'*} 72 summer; summer fruit (qa/yis} S. Words Occurring 19 Times (41) ee (1) Dan (advs) on the other _- hand, however ["t/- 14m} (1) PDS stream-channel (apiql TOWN guilt ('ai/me] ‘V72 purge out, sort; sharpen? (II?) [barr] i1Y83 loftiness; haughtiness [gal/"awa] ‘89% doings; recompense [gomfl] YT lawsuit [din] TRI beard [24/q4n] RON sinner; sinful [hat/t4’] Pen hew out; engrave {ha/qdq] (ID) #98? (Hi) make a beginning [ya/"4l*] 7B? beauty [ydpt] mR? be(come) weary (laa) 38 QP practice divination [qa/sém) 13 be (t00) high; be fortified [$4/84b] ngrty 12° old age [Seb; £/4) 1° be(come) concerned, consider [Sib] gry week [34/b0") 19% inhabitant, neighbor [sikén) i the lowland(s) mew [sepela] 1°23 shape, form; pattern [tab/nit] arifi wasteland, formless- ness; nothingness {td/ho] 797? flame [le!/ha/ba] 7? crowd, press; oppress . [la/hds] SAND luminary [ma/"6t] 71917 plan, plot [mozim/- ma] 0°19 straightness, fairness [me/savctm} my ascent, steep path (ma!/‘aléh} AQ row; battle line [ma!/"&ra/ka'] (1) 933 wither [na/bél} (1) 333 brightness, shining [né/gah] 2¥ leaves, leaf [‘a/léh] 3)¥ grape (cluster) ('e/nab] °NWY (A) eleventh) ['a8/€] a re breach, gap [pé/res] @ nd (adj) young, naive [pé/ti] 39 *7°") (v) empty out, draw (sword); muster [rig*] Di‘) trample, tread {ra/més] V4 bad quality [r6*] 39°) (adj) hungry [ra/"éb] 4397 (adj) luxuriant [ra!/‘indn] Y¥7 smash up; abuse_ [ra/sas] DY hire ($a/kér] T. Words Occurring 18 Times (43) (1) 758 power, strength, wealth [’6n]} ‘INN delay, keep back Pahar] 92% food [’ok/14] Ja (inter}) truly! indeed! (a/kén} 3K ambush {'6/réb] 77S citadel (bi/re] nona live coals [ga!/- hé/let) *XD7 (Ni part) oppressed; (Pi) crush [da/ka’*] APPT cry. call for help [za a/qa] M3 go forth, shine [za/rah] ‘AN palate [hék] ION (one who) lacks {ha/sér] (LD) PEN grass [ha/sir] WN be (grow) dark [ha/Sak] * 929 (Hi) bring [ya/bal*) ‘TQ jar [kad] (b RD restrain [ka/la’] (11) HDD knob [kap/tér) IBY draw: (Water Rave error, inadvertence Bopaga) << PW thigh; (ext) leg [Soqh = : BY be(come) drunk(en): - - | (84/kér] “(1.28 snow [sé/leg] ~2BW (adj) deep, low; humble {Sé/pal] 4M ornament of palm tree — (til/moyrat] (2) #19? (Ni) murmur, grumble {lin*) AY? (v) ridicule [14/43] ‘19% (adv) below, beneath [mapa] Tiv7 lair; dwelling ima/‘6n] (II) 732 mountain stronghold [mosi/da] iP% spring, source {ma/q6r] YPN shoot, twig [maq/gél] jel distance {mer/h4q] (1) 923 (adj) foolish [na/bal] 13 trickle, flow; (Qal part act) brook, watercourse [na/zal] 7102 drip [na/}ap) *T90 (Hi) lead astray, seduce [sit*] “YQ be stubborn (1?) (sa/rar] TOY (v) wrap, cover (ata) (1) *99¥ (Po) treat, deal with [‘a/lal*] a “@ oy regi mum numerous “°()*R¥ ornament; glory [sbi] “myOos darkness [sal/m4/wet] (1) 112°R.dirge, lament {qind] #997) (Qal part) trader, merchant [ra/kél*] 2 (adj) rented, hired; U. Words Occurring 17 Times (64) TIN native, citizen (ez/rah] TR terror, dread Cé/ma] POX s TORN prisoner [’a/sir; as/sit] WN stink (b4/°43] O33 first fruits [bik/ki/- rim] 7193. pond, pool [boré/ka] 735 height [g6/bah] M2 334 (s m) lord, master; () lady, mistress [gabir; gabi/ra] 333 thief [gan/ndb] (I) 797 come to rest, end; (Ni ext?) be silent, destroyed (III?) [dima] INT south; south wind (da/r6m] MIN vision [ho/zéh} TN riddle (hi/da} dD aah mortar, cement; clay [hdé/mer] (ID) 798M (stat) be ashamed thalpér) "WON (adj) freed, free __ (hopisi] DIN clay, pottery [hé/res] | 40 (n) hired laborer, mercenary [Sa/kit'] NNW stoop, crouch [Sa/h4h] (D) WY be ae watch {84/- *Fnk supplication [tal/piniin*] 2A examine [ta/kén] "1? potter, founder [yé/- sér] “Wp? preciousness; honoring, esteeming lyagér] 2 stand, base; place (IV); (ext) position (V2) [kén} 3N3 (n) document; register [katab] ND} beat fine, pound up [ka/tat] *292 reel, melt [m0g*] *"107) (Ni) be rained on, (Hi) have (make) rain fall [ma/t4r*] 113% place; support [ma/k6n] nywny dominion [mem/34/lé] nnion dungeon {mis/gé/ret] 130% high spot, refuge [mis/g4b] wiwn joy [ma/sos] (1) 96 make up (say) @ (mocking-) verse (ma/sal] 3102 VW (m; A) support {mid/- TywD nywn “an, mag/‘én; mag/- “end, mi8/‘E/net] 4] (1) 732) gift, present [mat/ta/na] 33} urge on, prompt; (Hithp) volunteer {na/d4b) on ring [né/zem] O23 (human) revenge; (divine) recompense [nvgam] (ID) "29 make a (yearly) round [né/qép) *7°NQ (pl) temple slave; bondsman [na/tin*] *19 “79 (pl) governor, prefect [sé/gen*, si/gan*] YY do wrong [‘a/w4] "PY (adj) weary, faint (aryép} TOY exult ['H/léz] PY (adj) deep; (ext) impenetrable ['‘#/mbdq] *1¥Y (pl) images, idols (asab*] (1) 27Y stand (as) surety (for) [aréb] WY be(come) rich; (Hi) make someone rich [wSar] N74 bud, flower [pé/rab] x Words Occurring 16 Times (64) (II) 338 spirit (of the dead) [6b] “IN put on, gird ['3/z4r] H19°S (interr) how? in what way? (cf 3X, 4.H) [eka] (1) MX mighty tree {’2/14] (D) *928 (Pul) dry up (’a/mél*] W22F (0) thirst [s4/ma’] ‘3P grow dark; turbid © [aa/déry TP shame [qa/lon] 9? dish (qo'a/r&] vn) swarm, teem [ri/méé] 05 (coll)-small animals, reptiles [ré/mes] vys quaking, commotion [ré/‘ad] ve? plate; (met) firma- ment [ra/qi*'] 193 net; lattice, grille [Soba/ka] TNR hate, hatred [Sin/’s] (ID) RY din, uproar [84/6] KY flesh, food; blood- relation [33'ér] (D) WAW lily, lotus [80/S4n} (UD) 9% third man in chariot; (ext) adjutant [54/1i$} YOY hearsay, report [é/ma‘] JAR straw, chaff (té/ben] *\f timbrel, tambourine (top) wUR (ord) ninth [te8i/T] sDYON 3119N (adv) truly, surely; JON (with interr) really? ['om/na&; ‘om/naim, *ur/ndm] #198 thumb; big toe [bé/hen*} i793 become old and worn out (ba/l&] *°Ty23 (prep) apart from, ex- cept for [bal/‘adé*] Sy -ule, own; marry "(eal “ANY (Ni) be terrified. [barat] © V¥B cut off [ba/s4’]: ~ SLs °7R kid (goat) [gedi] “ID *5x (pl) wave [gal*] - 723 garden. [gan/nd] (D ‘Vat holy of holies {dabir] *YT trample; thresh (dG8*] 1} (adj) pregnant [ha/réh] mat (prep) except, be- sides; (conj) except that [z0/1a] Qn celebrate [ha/g4g) 7 something desirable, excellent [hem/da] ah dryness, drought; desolation [hé/reb] AWN be quiet [ha/Sa] ‘740 dip [ta/bal] pp labor, work; gain (yagt*'] *)¥? (Hi) set (down), place _ Lyasdg*] p* wine-vat; winepress [yéqeb] AID lie; (Ni) prove to be a liar [ka/z4b] Wr} (adj) clothed, dressed [lv/bars) P? babbler, scoffer (lés] ASN) half (ma!/hasit] i700) target; (men on) guard {mat/ta/ra] 3822 pain [mak/’6b} 193% cover(ing} [mik/séh] ‘T80/ mourning (rites) [mis/- d “VM be bitter {ma/rér] Py mas/ét] . “IN} (adj) dedicated; (ny Nazirite (na/zir] (D 8} lend, make a loan [na/$a"] : (ID) *8W3 (Ni) be deceived [nav$a°*] (ID) 9} CE) RYy (1) BAO (storm-) wind [si/pa) NO trader, merchant [s6/hér]. *D9 (pl coll) perfume {sam*] (IV) 713Y sing {‘a/na] DIY (adj) naked [‘a/rém] PAY foreskin [‘or/é] ¥75 let (hang) loose __ [parré’) NY8 flax, linen [pé/Set] *71% hunt [sid*] ™®P¥ dry country, desert __ (siy/ya] 8 Wool [sé/mer] (II) *yop (pl) curtain [qé/la™] WP stubble [qas] 133) very great multitude; ten thousand [raba/ba} APW(C)II (Assyrian office?) cupbearer [rab(-/)8a/qéh] O37 (v) stone (someone) (ra/g4m] O72") (adv) emptily {ré/qam] ‘V1 (adj) tender, frail {rak] . PINW laughter [sehdq] Y insight, understanding [sé/kel, Sé/kel] nyivy smn lifting up (masica's, 43 (1) 799M mantle, wrapper (cf mpaty, 5.3) [Sal/ma] (1) YY be(come) like, equal (Sa/wa] W. Words Occurring 15 Times (48) NOAA sack; load? (‘am/té/hat] me SRR (abs; cstr) slow, long (arék; “é/rek] TTA shear (sheep), cut (hair) [ga/z4z] a9 basin [gul/1&] nia exile, deportation, exiles [ga/ltit] (1) 923 roll [ga/lél] i179 (n) rebuke; threat [gaara] *7T73 (Pi) go to law (ga/ra*] wt fat; fatty ashes [dé/Sen} (II) 9971 be deluded [ha/lél) TYT divide [has] “WW” straightness, up- rightness [y6/Ser] WID subdue, subject [ka/b48] oD (adj) entire, whole; {n) entircty [ka/IfT] mann {du) scales, balance [mo’/zand/yim]} TY trust, confidence {mib/tah] *999 (Ni, intrans) change; (Hi) exchange [mar*] (1) “YN9 equivalent value, market price [mahir] / DN? consecration, ordina- tion [mil/lu!/Tm] “09% (pl) judgment; (ext) "punishment {Sé/pet*]. 1131 acquisition [mig/nd}- Ta] (Qal part) musician, _String-player; (Pi) play a stringed instrument [nd/Bén } 40 basket [sal] (I) 38¥ find fault with, hurt ['a/sdb) apy (to the) end; reward; (conj) because (of) (é/qeb] Dpoy. darkness, gloom (‘aravpél] YY be afraid, alarmed [ards] WY (group of) ten [‘asér] pur oppression [‘6/Seq] M5 (v) blow, blast [pi*h] 8B open up [pa/sa] 7¥°¥ + P7¥ (sm; f) blossom (1); (artificial) flower (II) (sis; si/s&] d) nog image {sé/lem] WE yoke, team; (ext) acre [sé/med] N¥ (v) silence; (Ni) be silenced {s4/mat] ‘tT? bow down, kneel down [qa/dad] (11) 13% be (too) short [qa/sar] iY drink one’s fill {raw} #041 (pl) lances [ré/mah*] S.W-X. cee OTD) slacknéss (12); deceit Soe Te 2) [romiylya] (D.TYSY ear (of grain), bunch "of twigs [sib/bé/let) ~ (D2 *9W gaze on, regard [str] TY look, gaze [$a/"E] YI (coll) swarming things, swarm [3é/res] X. Words Occurring 14 Times (68) V8 waistcloth, loincloth (é/zér] (ED) {2°R (adj, n) perennial; (met) constant (é/tdn] AN be angry [a/n45} " 13 show contempt for, despise [baz] (11) 73 grain [bar] NPD fat [ba/ri”] TPNA right (duty) of re- . demption [go’ul/la] ¥°33 (drinking) bowl, cup [ga/bi*"] WW (¥) reproach [ga/‘Ar] on banner [dé/gel] #7 (adj) scanty, fine __ [Waal RW grass [dé/ée’] (ED D9 confuse, disturb {ha/mém] 3T (dem and ret pr; c) this (zi) (1) ONIN (n) seal [hé/tém] ‘190 await (ha/ka] 779M (ring-shaped) bread (hala) *21D (Hi) throw [tal*] 4 Nf form, shape (té/‘ar) DM (adj) complete, right, peaceful [tam} 130 oven, furnace [tan/ndr] O°3M +7930 sea monster [tan/nin; tan/nim] DPD idols, household gods [tora/pim] M2? dry land [yab/ba/3a] Tid? torment, grief __ [ya/gon] MW” property fyarus/sa] (II) 739 liver; (liver-) divi- nation [ka/béd] 7239 priesthood [kahun/- na] (I) 79 excavate, dig [ka/ra] (1) 9979 orchard [kar/mél] (H) 7)? borrow; (Hi) lend to [la/wa] 7°52 torch; (ext) lightning (lap/pid] 71?) dash, beat to pieces ___ [mashas] 34W3M offense, obstacle [mik/s61] (I) 1 manna [man] dd ANY sunset, west ([ma!/‘rdb] i#7P¥0 (pl) bell; (du) cym- OPHYYA — bals [masil/l&*; miasil/té/yim] v79 pluck (hair) [ma/rét] Sab (type of) psalm [mas/kiT} 4B P43 string music [nogi/nd} pni a skin disease [né/teq] OD9 plug up, stop up [sa/tém]} (1) 794¥ heifer [‘eB/la) TY (s and coll) orna- ment(s) [Adi] “29 (make) trouble; make (someone) taboo? [‘akér] oRy (adj) slow, sluggish [a/sét] APY heel [“a/qéb] *s17Y (Ni) be poured out; (Pi) empty out [ara*] WIAD meet [pa/g43] DOD (adj) lame [pis/sé*h] M9¥8 work, deeds; reward, wages [pa‘ul/l4] ‘775 mule [pé/red] O78 break [pa/ras} ND bit, morsel [pat] NI¥ go to war, serve [si/ba] (II) °28 gazelle (species) [sabi] Y. Words Occurring 13 Times (63) NIN (imprec) please! I pray! ['an/nd’] ADR weave; (Qal part) weaver ['a/rag] NZ (adj) chosen, elect [ba/hir] (IJ) NB bath (liquid measure) [bat] oh greatness (gd/del] VTA (stone) wall [gi/dér] ( TE game; tusiting say) ‘TH walking (pl) steps. [s@i'ad] WAP burial, grave [qebt/ra) NB flour {9¢/mah] rae cut off, trim (qa/sas] "WP conspiracy [qé/Ser] AY) feel relieved; (Hi) smell, enjoy the smell of [ra/wah] P,P") (adj) empty {réq, réq] 39°) (stat) be hungry : [ra/‘éb] (iD re (object of) concern, interest [Si#h] TORY request [39°8/14] ANY gasp, pant (for) [8a/"4p] Y1¥ swarm, teem [84/rds] (ID) ‘AAA turtledove [tér] SWAN sojourner, alien (t6/84b) (1) WH porpoise? dolphin? [ta/has] *1N (pl) jackal [tan*] API body [gawiy/y4] PPT crush [da/gaq] (11) 729 (n) ruin {haw/wa] 87H (adv) out there, onward [ha/lo°a] *9) (pl) nail [waw*] ‘Tt (adj) arrogant [2éd] ‘3}t (mucous or blood) discharge [6b] 0! think, plan [z4/mém] Pa. ibrave {havbéq] © TAN chiest (of animal) ee fha/zéh] yan (adj) gracious, -. friendly [han/néin] “AAD (adj) godless [ha/nép] (D *5f (pl) noble [har*] ITY (cultic) purity [to!'/hora} wD wet clay, mud [tit] OY (n) taste [t4/‘am] 92° (n) produce [yabiil] bial son; one born a slave [ya/lid] iD°W? desert, wilderness lyasi/mén] (IV) 395 bribe [ké/per] %%99 8279 (conj) if not [Ia/1é; 10/é] DRY? loops [lu!/14/“6t] ‘31322 flood {mab/bi1] ‘1919 foundation (-wall), base [m6/s4d] ‘Tam (something) desirable ___ [matvmad] “iON (n) want, need [mah/s6r] 1132 portion, part, share (ma/na] (HD) °A9% track, rat [ma‘/gél] nse forehead (mé/sah] YN pasture [mir/‘éh] (1) R879 healing {mar/pé’] 71932 stupidity [naba/la] O°¥1 (adj) pleasant, lovely [na/“im] (ID) YY grow weak, faint Catapl 4 (1) #989 (Pi) glorify [pav’ arty RUB (n) marvel [pé/le’] 119728 (adv) into, inside [peni/ma] T28 officer [pa/qid] poy me (Pi) joke, play sa vines (coil) Ses [separ/dé*‘a] 23% curse [qi/béb] +932 (Pi) accept, receive {qa/bal*) (I) 3 312 (measuring-) cord (qaw; qaw] OP (adj) light, quick [qal} TP nest; (pl) compart- ments [gén] 23) (intrans) crust over, come to rest [ra/ga‘] DMN) (adj) compassionate [ral/hoim] mbIe (place of) burning, conflagration [Soré/pa] TNIW (trad) ruin, storm; (better) pit [86/°H] (I) *w8v roam about, rove [Say*) poe boil, ulcer [Sahin] (ID) NW be intent on; (Pi) seek [Sa/har] DW (adj) drunk(en) [Sik/kér] Sow (v) plunder, spoil [sa/lal] 8D) guardroom [ta] wa razor, knife [td/‘ar] 47 Z. Words Occurring 12 Times (78) nae splendor; robe’ . [ad/dé/ret] - di) yr (interr) (from) where? [éyin] *MA¥ (Ni) sigh, groan [a/néh*] TDR baker [’6/péh] naa white patch of skin (ba!/hé/ret] (1) 192 contempt [bGz] *022 trample down [bis*] °2 (formula to open conversation with superiors; it ‘‘on me’’) [bi] : (I) 24 something arched, torus, boss (gab] (2) TPYTA greatness [gadil/la] (IID) #918 be afraid (of) [gir*] (I) ta cut; decide [ga/zar] n9392 skull [gul/gé/let} 27 (n; c) bear [dob] OYT (v) curse, scold [z4/‘4m] ‘aN (m) companion [ha/bér] (ID 70 life; greed, appetite Thay/y&} mp°"N] change, relief (hali/pa] Pp’ (adj) smooth [ha/l4q] (IID fi homer (dry measure) [hd/mer] 51 (v) cover, veil (ha/pa] YDN having pleasure in, willing [ha/pés] qph searching (hé/qer] WN weaver, technician {ho/séb) or m3 slid iter “ADO Wy plast overlay woe [poh _ > PAP suckling; infant : [ydinég} ‘TN; (adj) only [ya/bid) (D), N78 Gunar) month tyé/rah] 5032. ,71793 (interr pr) how much? _ how many? [kam/- mf, kam/méh] {I) "13 ram; battering-ram [kar] m3 brick; paving-stone : [labé/n@] . 275 flame [li/hab] (1) 7Y2 accompany; (Ni) be joined, join [iw] 9 oppression, affliction [!¥/has] (1) 1137 (the) choicest, best [mib/har] NB yield of fruit; (f pd precious gifts [mé/ged) ‘) clothing, garment {mad] m7 confusion, panic [mohi/ma] mpia yoke, collar; carrying poles? [m6/t#] "101 fetter(s), chain(s) [m6/sér] 710 fear, terror [md/ré’] YO2 breaking (camp), departure [mas/sa’] nyizn deep, depths {mas6/1a] NDI headband, turban [mis/né/pet] yizpn comer [miq/s6*"} S.Z-AA 1 myrrh [mor] : FIR vision [mat/"é] . A} defection [masi/ha*] Pind sweet [ma/t6q] “It} dedicate oneself (to a deity) [na/2ér] ND] (v) blow [na/péh] (1) 3°93) pillar; garrison [nosib] @ 17} bite {nd/S4k] 1) interest (on debt) [né/Sek] "Wi twilight, darkness [né/ep] noi piece (of meat) [né/tah] ‘T¥Q support, sustain [sa/‘d] (2) NY pervert; (Pi) make crooked, falsify (I my?) [‘a/wat] NY fellow, comrade (‘@mit} “WY (adj) barren [‘a/qar] (1) IY raven [‘G/réb] TIPD 5 WH firstborn [pé/ter; pitra} AA. Words Occurring 11 Times (64) vax {interj) truly; (advs conj) but, however (abal] TDI (n) sigh, groan (anvha] OK vow of abstinence ; (is/sar] *WK (Pi, Pu) become engaged [°a/réé*] TDR gift (et/ndn] 132 solitude; (adv) alone [ba/déd] 48 T9¥ (coll) growth, what | sprouts [sé/mah] ‘IPTi2 crown of head | [qod/qdd] Pip thorn bush [qds]} PR? leader [qa/sin] F184 seer; (seeing) visions / {r6/"éh] (II) WNT poisonous plant; (ext) poison [rd°§] (II) ¥3°) (den; Qal part pass) squared [ra/ba’] 47) foot soldier [rag/If] i") (n) emptiness; (adj) empty, worthless riq] TI9P7 fabric (of varied colors) {riq/m&] TQ (v) plunder; (Qal part) plunderer [Si/s] PY (v) whistle (Sa/rdq] FPWIN success [tG/Siy/ya] TiD°M (adj) the middle [/kon} (1) ‘Von date palm [ta/mar} (11) *98 (Ni) become polluted [ga/al*] 4°71} hewn stone, ashlar lea2it) (1) 19a cud [gé/r4] ‘W2T pierce (da/qar] WT (stat) become fat [da/Sén] "TN shove [ha/dép] 07} (adv) (to) here [halom] 49 WT arrogance [2i/d6n) ‘AI (adj) pure [zak) 33] tail; (met) end [zi/nab} @ nin thorn bush, thorn - (h6*h] nia) mother-in-law, [ha/mét] Pan) something leavened (ha/més) (1) 131 be godless, defiled {ha/nép] Ob9N soothsayer-priest . (har/jém] PUN (v} love [ha/s4q] AY (v) slaughter [ta/b4h] DYY taste, eat [12/Am] °19T? spirit of the dead; soothsayer lyid/do‘6/nt] Pi? (intrans) awake, wake up [ya/qas] “WP? be difficult, be valued; be precious, rare [ya/qar] nn (extra) lobes of (ani- mal) liver; (met) what is redundant [y6/té/ret] 035 gather, collect [ka/nds] 339 (poet) lioness [14/b7”] va? consume, burn (17); (Pi) devour (II?) [lav/hat] (II) *7129 (pl) sojourning; alien citizenship [ma/g61*] ANN terror (mahit/ta] TH) stronghold [masad] (1) 929 (storage-) jar [né/bel] ¥31 (v) bubble (brook) [na/ba"} NY si T¥Y festive assembly" (U1) “WW} shake {naar}: 1790 siege mound,’rampart [somalgy “1°BO lapis lazuli [sap/pir] S2iy child (‘eet TY be strong, prevail [azdz] iY labor, exert oneself (Hmél] *}39 (Pi) cause to appear, conjure up [‘a/nén*] [‘asi/rd “Asé/ret] (1) PY (adj) perverted Cig/gés) ONY (adj) subtle, crafty [artim] IMD engraving [pit/ti*h] S°nd thread, cord [pa/tfl] *RENF (pl) offspring [sel/'sa"*] (1) *P?% (Hi) press hard, oppress [siiq*] (1) WTP (adj) consecrated; (n) cult prostitute {qa/dés] nop divination [qé/sem] AP (adj) approaching [qa/réb} MPA? baldness [qor/ha] NDI :137 countless; ten thousand [rib/bd; rib/bd"] () BY (v) storm, thunder {ra/‘4m] YP stamp; (Pi) hammer out [ra/qa"] TARY (adj) at ease, tranquil (Sa!/"andn} TINY sabbath feast [Sab/ba/t6n] anon : Dy: ane onyx? camelian? lapis S lazuli? [So/ndm] SAW (pl) flowing skirt; hem of skirt [$41*] ANYYG cry-for help [Saw/'a] BB. Words Occurring 10 Times (67) nix (official, commercial) letter (ig/gé/ret] ATK (prep) on account of, (conj) because (o/d6t] DIR be red; (Pu part) dyed red ["G/dém] *P98 urge, be in a hurry; (Hi) urge ["ls*] AHN hyssop? [’8/26b] (VI) 28 (dem pr) these [él] (1) Ji9X terebinth, tal! tree ('6n] IDR darkness [Apé/1] 5243 on account of, for the sake of [big/lél] Pa chink; leak (in ship) [béideq] 5142 plunder (act and ob- jects of) (biz/za] 7793 right of firstborn [bak@/ra] nap sudden terror (bal/tayha] joa (prep) in, by [bamd] ovina virginity; evidence of virginity (batt/Iim] PABA boundary, territory {gabi/1a] ‘VTA erect a wall [ga/dar] (I) 9a CF dda OYA abhor [ga/‘Al] WYA shake (94/48) 50. ree (cultic) abomination: _ [3é/ges] ny plant; transplant (Sa/tal] mirza s19] (dem pr, m and f; m) this [hal/laz; hal/la/zéh] TYTN 5A (s im; A) killing, murder; slaughter [hé/reg; haré/B4] *71T treat insolently [zid*] Wt molding [zér] (I) 230 treat badly [ha/bat] *WTN (Pi) make new, restore [ha/d4s*] oxon (du) loins (hala/s4/yim] WON curdled milk {hem/"é] 3°15 (adj) dry, waste {ha/réb] (D PG (idiom) threaten; settle, determine {ha/rds] YIY sink in [ta/bé"] nn outcome, profit {yivron} ‘YAR strong, powerful [kab/bir] RS confinement; prison {ké/le’} 812 terrace? (construc- tion) fill? [mil/A6*] ‘Y3/oM selling, sale (mim/kar] AD" hiding place [mis/tér] 3¥% post (of duty) imas/sab] *PP?D (Ni) rot [ma/qdq*] 5I i1}}? happening, occur- ‘Tence {miq/réh] NWN head place [mara!/"A864] m°y"y2 pasturage [mar/“it] . NJ (v) gore [na/g4h] #931 (Ni) flow, gush forth [na/gar*] #95) (Pi) lead, guide (na/hal*} awing copper, bronze [nohd/saj PW ,Pw3 armor, weaponry {né/Seq, né/Seq] oPY (adj) naked; (n) nakedness [‘€/rém] *A1Y (Pu part) pampered, spoiled; (Hith) pamper oneself [anag*] DSYDY (du) eyelids?; rays; flashing glance of the eye [‘ap/‘ap/- pa/yim] nay heap [‘Aré/ma] my bedstead, couch ['é/res] "113 (Qa part pass) nnd pit tpt it} (428 canat [pé/teg] R08 wild ass, onager? zebra? [pé/re’} P79 tear away [pa/réq} NY (stat) be thirsty [sa/mé"] (1) *387P (adj) eastern [qad/mo/nf] Mg? standing grain {qa/mi] “O79 (pl) hook [gé/res*] yay (adj) full, satisfied [$/bé*"} VOW (adj) fat [$a/mén} (D °DY barrenness, baldness [Sepi] mow hardness, stubborn- ness [Sori/rit] *A}DTH (pl) perversity [tah/- po/ka*] 7379M form, image [tomd/na] 6.A-B 32 es SECTION 6: ARAMAIC VOCABULARY (648) A. Words Occurring More Than 50 Times (15) TH Gadv) then [Edé/yin} 37 §798 god; God [élah] 9s $798 say; command ["amar] B +72 (pref prep) in, through, by (means of), for so “T 3°F (rel particle) what, that which [di] 292 §77]] be, happen, exist [haw] 70 +7} (pref conj) and, also, even 50 179 (pref prep) like, as 70 #79 all, whole [kal] 82 +°9 (pref prep) for, to 70 im in? (adv) not [12; 1a] 70 +798 king [mé/lek] 178 $1972 kingship; kingdom [mal/k0] 7 TV (prep) from, out of {min] 100 79Y (prep) on, upon; against; toward; concerning [‘al] 98 B. Words Occurring 50 through 20 Times (27) WAN (sg def coll) mankind (ends) 25 Y'OK (the) earth; (ext) . inferior ["Bra‘] 21 +M3 house: (ext) temple [bavyit] 44 #733 build (bana) 22 $734 man [gabar] 21 ATT gold [dahab] 23 i137 (dem pr m; adj) this [dona] 42 FINN see, perceive [haza] 31 PN beast, animal [hé/war] 20 §09f1 dream (hé/lem] 22 foyp understanding, good sense; report {to"ém] 30 $9T° know [yada‘] 47 $37 give [yahab] 28 +79 word [mil/lé] 24 12Y do, make [‘ibad] 28 TTY (prep) up to, until; (conj) until (‘ad] 34 TOY (prep) with [‘im] 22 E73Y answer; (ext) begin to speak [‘ana] 30 $9199 iron [par/2él] 20 $0W interpretation [podar] 31 ap (prep) before, in front of [qdbél] 29 4O7P (prep) before, in front of [qédam] 42 £*D}P stand (rise) up (qim*] 35 33 +3) (adj) great; chief [rab] 3 : T*OY set, lay, put [gim*] 26 spav. heaven, sky Words Occurring 19 through 13 Times (34) "OS existence; there is (are) [tai] 17 TTP (dem pr) these (ilek] 14 $7128 (Pers pr) I [’nd] 16 TIAAN (pers pr, ms) you (an/té] 1s FANN come [Ata] 16 £14 14 interior [gaw, g6] 13 ‘TT, WT (dem adj, s m; f) that [dék, dak] 13 +N decree; state law, law [dat] 14 R10 (pers pr) he; (dem adj) that [ha’] 14 pon palace; temple : [hé/kél] 13 +31 (conj) if; whether [hen] 15 ‘1 one [had] 14 ¥*71 (Pa, Ha) make known (hawa*] 15 §0°3N (adj) wise (man) (hak/kim] 14 7 hand; (ext) power {yad] 17 my? day [yom] 15 $199 silver [kosap} 13 D. Words Occurring 12 through 10 Times (29) UBS STU (sm; f) another [a/hdran; “a/hori] 11 T7PN lion [’ar/yéh] 10 TIM furnace [‘at/tiin} 10 $*972 (Pa) frighten; (Hith- pe) hurry [bohal*] 11 2 pBamalyinf a $Y be different, diverse oT gonat at . 193 now [ka‘an] 13 Np THN) (interr pr) what?; «(rel pr) what, that which [ma; ma’] 14 $139) stream, river [nohar] 15 Vil fire [ndr} 17 £73Y the opposite bank (i.e., west of the Euphrates) [‘Sbar] 14 +92Y go in [‘alal] 14 gnoy remote time, eternity (‘a/lam] 19 TOY (coll) people [‘am] 15 402% statue [salem] 17 §W°72 (adj) holy (qad/df8] 13 mP horn [qé/ren] 14 TWN head; beginning [ré"8} 4 FRAY (adj) great; much, many; (adv) very [Sag/gf’] 13 +*n3¥ (Ha) find [Sakah*] 18 $N2W send [Salah] 14 hee lordship, dominion [Sol/tdn] 14 yn'gn smn (m) three; (pl) thirty [talat; tala/tin) 13 +*72 (pl) son (cf II 13, 6.E) [bén*] 11 $72 seek, request [bo‘a} 12 £23 pit [5b] 10 “PRT break into pieces [dagaq] 10 vai}. (pers pr'm) they, them [him/mé; * him/mén] 12 TYOt time [zoman] 11 _ UMN] vision; appearance [hézd] 12 yo (stat) be able; over- power [yakil] 12 +203 writing, inscription; document; rule [katab] 12 aye province [madi/nd] 11 £72 (interr pr) who? (rel pr) whoever [man] 10 $59] fall (down) [nopal] 11 PD] go out [napaq] 11 BE. Words Occurring 9 and 8 Times (29} +28 father [ab] 9 TTAN: stone ["é/ben] 8 *PITWNN (pl) satrap ["ahad/- dar/pan*] 9 TRPK nation(s) (um/ma] TVD (f) four [’ar/ba**] 8 WN(R)2 sR trace, place; (prep) in place (of), after (tar; baC)/tar] 8 (2) #3 field [bar] 8 (II) #73 son (cf 13, 6.D) [bar] 8 $793 reveal; (Ha) deport [gala] 9 T7990 wisdom [hok/ma] 8 FION (formed) clay (hasap} 9 Ti? burn [yaqad] 8 ‘PM? (adj) extraordinary; 54 $720 pay homage (to) {sagid] 12 TTY time [‘id/dan] 12 °%9Y superior, highest; (ext) most high God [‘il/4i] 10 +AINQ governor [pe!/ha] 10 N29 serve (God) [palah] 10 113% long to, desire to [saba} 10 $812 shout; read [gqara’] 11 +H wind; spirit (rff*h] 11 $791 throw; place; impose [romé] 12 FON remainder, rest (5a°Ar] 2 sow (adj) mighty, power- ful [8al/lit} 10 tow name [Sum] 12 (adv) extremely [yat/tir] 8 4192 priest [ka/hén] 8 +72 (adv) thus, so [kén] 8 TD Chaldean(s); (ext) as- trologers [kas/dai] 9 +ND write [katab] 8 £999 5425 heart [léb; lababj 8 RO extend, reach (mota’] 8 §wn3 copper, bronze {nahas] 9 +p?o go (come) up [saliq] 8 E7Y go (away) [‘Ada] 9 $2)? approach, step up to {gqaréb] 9 THY town, city [qir/ya] 9 *1337 (pl) lord, noble [rab/raban*] 8 55 V) secret [raz] 9 3PW doanword) rescue, save [58/zfb] 9 F, Words Occurring 7 Times (27) £TA¥ go to ruin, perish [abad] #78 go (away) ["Azal] P22 eat ["akal] RITE (adv) exactly, eagerly ['os/par/na’] FQN interdict [Esar} +*717 live, dwell [dar*] TRON (pers pr) she [hi] #127 go (halak) +N (adj) living, alive; (pl) life [hai] +9°Nh strength; army [ha/yil] “Wz? honor, majesty [yeqar] $*929 (Shaphel) finish [kolal*] T*N42 (pl) colleague {kanat*] (dp Ww (conj) unless, except; G. Words Occurring 6 Times (22) TPR tree ['W/n] FR conjurer [°1/34)] $502 (intrans) stop; be discontinued [batél] $14 (part pl) astrologers; (Hith) be cut out [gazar] *ON7 (part) fear, fright- ening [dahal*] +2] (pref interr particle) "1 brightness [ziw] $*an (Pa) hurt, injure [habal*] $90 hear; (Hithpay obey Oe hear Ceieipe) obey #290 return [t0b*) & (advs). but, but. rather [li/hén] 819’? tongue; (ext) lan- guage [liS/84n] $AND hundred (me'a] *18) (pl) vessel [ma’n*] $10} give {notan] ‘TAY servant {“abéd] PIPY +4 1Wy (m) ten; (pl) twenty [‘ASar; ‘eS/rin] PUP kill [qotal] gop voice; sound [qal] $*937 (du) foot [ragal*] }OW" write [regam] +04 rule; overpower [Solét] (1) EngW year [Sand] *71N (pl) bull, ox, steer [tér*] $70} (v) live [haya] £72 wine {hamar] $23W7 bed, couch [mi3/kab] $MM] come down {nohat] §790 clerk, secretary [sa/par} APAY work; administration [abi/da] 8 mouth; (ext) entrance [pum] FDAND word; decree [pit/g4m] 6G “ang become. great, grow : up [reba] “4 P2") fourth [rbi/“ai] PVD (pl) thought [ra'/ydn*] “Hi Words Occurring 5 Times (35) _ WN (interj) behold! [7410] PPR (dem pr) these (ien] YX wood [’4'] IK (interj) behold! [“ard] "Pa (Pa) search [beqar*] 073 (advs adv) but, yet, only [boram] DYS body [gosem] XJ (dem pr f) this (da’] +77 (n) right, judgment; council of judges [din] ™ FOOIN magician (har/}6m) +70 dew [tal] 3S? (adj) reliable [yas/sib] 3M sit down; dwell [yatib] ND}D (adv) thus, so [kané/ma’] §°9° night [lee] #*999 (Pa) speak [malal*] +739 count, number (mana] I. Words Occurring 4 Times (40) +R (neg) not [al] PARK (pl) cubit [’am/ma*] JiaN (pers pr) they [in/ndn] SRINIY (pers pr) we ('ané/hona’} 56 PONW ask, desire, require (eel) $93 seven [Saba‘] ET} loosen [Sora] - F*129 (pl) prefect, governor {sogan*] AIO end [s6p] $590 book [sopar} *77Q (pl) official [sa/rak*] TPY eye [dyin] tay grass; (coll) greens [‘4$ab] *¥Q¥ (Pa) wet, moisten [soba'*] 13 greatness [rabd] fOr height [rim] *2Y (pl) elders [sab*] $*N3Y (Pa) praise [Sobah*] PIV leave [Sebaq] TYY moment [8a/"4] PAY snW cn) six; (pl) sixty (Set; Sivtin] $ANW drink [Seta] §ninn (prep) under [tahdt] +7) /PM (adj) strong, mighty {taq/qip*] FFIPM (stat) be(come) strong (taqip] (ID) $773 bless (barak] 94 exile (ga/l0] *9377 (pl) royal official (had/da/bar*) “Vet (string-) music [zomar] 57 +*11 (pl) kind, sort [zan*] 7390 3$*93N (pl m; f) companion (babar*; hab/ra*] +120} pass by (over) [halap] 1930 dedication {hanuk/ka] ‘T20 drive away [farad] 799 (stat) be able (kahél] nay (adv) and now {ko'é/net] NDP be bound, tied up (kapat] iTJa tax, tribute [mid/da] ‘iva dwelling [madér} NNO strike [maha’] Y73/) understanding [man/dé] NY lord [ma/ré"} PIWA pipe (musical instru- ment) [rha3/rd/qi] $8°21 prophet [nabi’] £*271 (Hithpa) bestow; be willing; (part) dis- posed, willing [nadab*] §/3 (part) suffer loss; (Ha part, inf) wrong, injure [nazaq]) J. Words Occurring 3 Times (66) NDIN ; TAN (abs; emph) fruit (Eb; *in/ba’] RUAN 5 §77aN letter (correspon- dence) [‘ig/gara; ‘ig/gart’] TITS light a fire, heat [aza] T*ONN (adv pl) after [al/har*] YR st¥ON (dem pl) these ["él*; *él/leh) $* YOR (Ha) trust in [am4n*] 6 ryboy © the’ Most High” - Fely8at} *"y @ branch, bough [anap*] ¥*299 (Pa) mix [“drab*] PINIOD harp [posanvte/rfa). TAVIS. copy [par/sé/gen] +23 (Ha) cause to prosper; make progress (solah*] §*75% (pl) bird {sip/par*] @ ome kithara (kind of lyre or lute) (gai/torés} +*D1 raise oneself; (Pol) praise [ram*] NAW lyre? [Sab/ka’] +190 siT2W negligence [(Q) sa/ld; Sad) §02W well-being, good ~ health, welfare [Salam] #95 (Ha) bring low, hum- ble [Sapéel*] ‘V9 (adv) there (tam/ma] PAD sP1N (5 m; f) two [tarén; tar/tén] *TR (pb (sacrificial) tlamb [Uim/mér*] FORK bond(s), fetter(s); (pl. ext) imprisonment (ésar] TAR (conj) also [’ap] +*YBRN finger; toe ['es/ba’*] 12° purple (garment) ['ar/gawan] *WR (pl def) foundation (o8*] §*N8 (pb sign ['at*] 65 ‘IDR3 after [ba'/14r] “199 tribute [bald] $992 owner, master, lord [ba'él] $93 flesh [basar] © “$134 (pl) treasure {gonaz*] #3 (pl) wing [gap*) 127 (dem pr c) that [dik/kén] * 727 (pl) ram [dakar*] 4°70 (Pa) glorify [hadar*] £779 (a) splendor, majesty . (hadar] 72a] toll duty (halak] (2) 1390 necklace [harn/md/nak] 43n hurt, injury [habal] P20 portion, tot [halaq] $*O¥0 (Pa) feed [ta'am*] +*93> (Ha) bring [yabal*] DY? advise; (part) coun- selor; (Ithpaal) delib- erate [ya‘at] wid assemble [kana3] RON seat, throne [kor/sé’] #W2) be clothed with [!abas] @ ated (adv) therefore [lv/hén] *7N? (pl) concubine [lahé/na*] $27 salt [malah] 822 mina (unit of weight) [mané’] ¥*AJN (pl) gift [mattand*] 1933 garbage heap; dung- hill {pawa/l@] yy (Ha) deliver, rescue [nosal*} NW] take, carry away [nasa’] 38° TINW] decree [ni8/towan] "ppb bagpipe? (musical in- strument) [sGm/po/- naya] § YY watcher; (ext) angel (ir] >Y pretext [/a] *DY-foliage, leaves [“6pi] E PY root(stock) [‘iq/qar} PMY (adj) old, aged [‘at/ttq] 9NI¥ neck [saw/wa'r] $*93P (Pa) receive [qobal*] “DTP first (qad/mdi] *yp (pl) knot, joint {getar*] +N¥p end; part [qosat] $*W37 (Ha) storm in? [ragas*] §83 grow, become great {soga’] 13072 insight [Sok/lota/nd] IVY hair [Sear] *94Y (pl) concubine (e/gal*] +e (pl) wall [3tr*] NNW (part pass) corrupt; (n) mischief [Sahat] +O9W (stat) be finished [Salim] +*TW (du) tooth (8én*] $7 please, seem good (Sapar) FWY (pl) root [Sard8*] navn triumvir? third part? [tal/ta”] *71OM (pl) wonder, miracle [tamah*] 59 K. Words Occurring 2 Times (88) *137 TR (pl only) counselor [adar/ gi/zér*] (2) TTB (adj £7) promulgated [azsda’) : $728 thousand ["214p] $*H9N (du) face ["anap*] #0 79X (pl; unc) title of offi- cial? ['Apar/sokdi*) $128 (pl) way [arab] §779°)8 length(ening), pro- longation ["ar/k&] () TOUS timber? panelling? roof scaffolding? (id/rdn] ATNWE revolt [’ek/tad/dér] +1°R (prep) between (bén} 4¥2 petition, prayer {ba/"0)] T*NB (pl) bath Ciquid measure) [bat*] HINA strength [gabs/r] #9274 (pl) treasurer (goda/bar*] $73) cut down (gadad] FINA decree [gozé/rd] 4% (coll) blacks of stone [golal] +724 affair, matter [dibsrd] *1}3] (pl) minutes, memo- randum [dok/ran*] £1197 resemble [dam] §7 generation (dar] NNT grass [dé/te’] #9307 (pl n) judge {data/bar*] *D7i1 (pl) member, limb [had/dam*] $*¥F wemble (20) Dity sight [hazét] 6 HPA rage, fury {hamé] *79IN (pl) (grains of) wheat (bina*}. - $120 show mercy [hanan]. $*100 (Ha) take possession of, possess [hasan*] F100 might, wealth? . [hésén} *"¥N (Ha part f) harsh, severe {hasap*] §3 (adj) good [tab] “Vib mountain [for] PO (wet) clay [tn] *9DD (pl) (finger-) nail, claw {tepar*] $*A7? (Ha) praise [yada*] £0? sea [yam] ‘'Y'?? (adj) difficult; noble lyaq/qit] +MY month [yarah] $52 wall [kotal] +WII? garment [lobas] E°ONQ word, order [mé’/mér} Tit food [ma/z6n] E820 fill (mala’] $892 angel [mal/“ék] +7199) queen (-mother) [mal/k] 71030 offering [min/bé} ‘IN (adj) rebellious [mav/rAd] NW? (anointing-) oil [magah] TIZTAI present, gift (nabiz/ba] 137) course (of stones, timber) [nid/bak] 3171] illumination, insight [naV/hi/rd] By. lift up [niotal] §*03] (ph) treasure, treasury; 0): fine [nakas*] PDI cost [nip/qa] $Y eagle {nogar] #10 be fulfilled; (Ha) an- nihilate [sGp*] *93°79 (pl) trousers? tunic? cloak? [sar/bal*] +3 bird; (coll) birds ['8p) . TIPTY signet-ring [‘iz/qa] DB hand [pas] O° haif(-shekel); half (-mina)? [parés] §WP interpret (pasar] MN (Pe pass) open(ed) [patah] “D2 width [patai] TT¥ side [sad] *2% (Pa) pray [sala*} +972 former times (gad/ma] O°? statute, decree [qayam] L. Words Occurring 1 Time (236) * 78 (pl) threshing-floor (id/dar*] RIT (adv) diligently, zeal- ously [’ad/raz/dé’] YTIR arm; (met) force Vedra] £*N8 (pl) brother (’ah*] *ATNR (pl) riddle [abi/da*] SX end [’ahari] (2) PNR (adv) at last [at/harin] {OMS (adj) frightful ['é/matdn] 60°. BSP (adj) enduring < . (qay/yam] *P5P (pl) piece; (in idiom) . slander [qaras*] fo? truth (qo8ot] 135) great number, ten thousand [rib/bé] Y)) appearance [réw] §19°) will, decision [ro‘Q] £¥Y"} shatter [ro‘a’] $007) trample down [rapas] $2°2Y flame [Sabib] NYY be like (Saw4] $72 live, dwell [Sakan] +*yiv9W (pl) high official [sil/ton*} “Y2W fair, lovely [Sap/ptr] V'TH duration [tadir} * NBN (pl) police officer? magistrate? [tip/tai*] SPM shekel (unit of mea- sure and weight) {tagél] YN door, opening; court [tara’] £O3N (part) distress {’anas] JAIN (pers pr, m pl) you (an/tin] * ODN (pl; unc) gent? title of official? [‘apa/rosdi*] NO DDK (pl) title of officials [Apar/sat/kai*) OND treasury? [’ap/patém] PIS fitting (arik} *TDIIN (pl) knee [’ar/kub/- ba] *YR bottom [’ar/‘T] POX (the) earth ["araq] 61 RR fire ('e8/84] *UPNA (f def) evil, bad — [ba'ts*] EWN (stat) be bad [bo'és] *973 (Pa) scatter (badar*] 197713 hurry, haste [bohi/It] ¥117°S insight, discernment {bi/na] . 11°" citadel, fortress [bi/ra] *I°3 pass the night [bit*] 93 heart; (ext) mind [bal] $*7722 (Pa) wear (someone) down [bal4*] +1923 building [bin/yan] 013 become angry [banas] +71Y/P3 plain [biq/H] (1) #993 kneel down [barak] $*773 (pl) knee (borak*] *33 (pl) back? side? [gab*] §*933 (pl) strong man [gib/bar*] +3 pride [gé/w&] §*ni3 (Ha) stir up [gi*h*] *73IA (pl) treasurer [giz/bar*] §1A (n) plaster [gir} +*393 (pl) wheel [gal/gdl*) E"V9A (part pass) finished [gamar] +*O74 (pl) bone [garam*] 07 bear [dob] N37 (v) sacrifice [debah] *MJ7 (pl n) sacrifice [dobah*] EPI stick (hold) together [dabaq] (2) RATT (text corr?) that is [doha"] +*W9T trample down [di3s*] . on (ot food diversi “[dathawary T*PT (pl n) judge : {day y/yéin*] ‘ KOPF judges [di/navyé’) - 1797 minutes; ‘memoran:. dum [dik/rOn]: +P27 bum [dalag] *¥7F (pl) arm. [dara'*} - $87) (interj) behold! [ha] TOTP just-as [he kod?) *30°N9 (pl) dream-fantasies [har/hér*} Jat buy [zoban] * VHT (pl adj) cautious, careful [zohir*] +*T1 (Ha) act insolently _ [zid*] *11 (Hith) feed on, live on [zGn*] §13} innocence [za/k0} ¥*1O] Hith) agree {zeman*} * 91 (pl) singer [zam/mar*] VY} (adj) small [za‘ér] #P¥T cry out, shout [zo‘iq] $721 (part pass) impaled [zaqap] +¥N (coll) seed; (ext) de- scendants [zora’] mia crime [haba/la] *T7D (pl) breast [badéh*] FIYTH joy (hed/wa] NTN new [hadat] (2) *O4N repair? inspect? (hor*} “110 white (hiw/war] §°0N sin [hadi] $770 (K) sin- offering (hay(a/ya] §1°9N (adj) defective, of poor quality [has/str} » #3°00 (Ho) be devastated, destroyed [harab*] *77N) (Hithpa) be singed (by fire) fharak*] $720] hip {haras] $29) reckon, regard —__ Tbasab] §1Wr darkness [hasdk] NWN (v) need [hasah) *7NUN (pl n) need [has/ha*} INGA (n) need [has/ho] own crush, pulverize {hagal] $ONN (v) seal [hatam) ANY (stat) be good [t2°éb] T*M30 (pl) executioner, bodyguard [tab/bah*] NY (n) fasting; (adv) in fasting [tawat] §*0%0 (Ha) make a nest [telal*] * 9990 (pl) class of offi- cials? [tar/paléi*] $7W2° dry land; (def) the earth [yab/basa’] 14? heap of stones lyagar} fay? it suits, pleases [yatab] ¥*"10° (Ho) be added [yasap*] *R¥? (Shaphel) finish lyasa*] $*28° (Pa) make certain (of) [yasab*] iT7P? burning [yaqé/da] *797° (pl) upper thigh (yar/ka*] DM? (accusative particle; 62 object marker; not translated) [yat] 71979 2 lie (falsehood) [kid/a] $79 (adv) here, hitherto [ka] *713 (pl) window {kaw/wa*] E*93D (pl) talent (weight) [kak/kar*] *94 ,*93 (pl) kor (dry measure) (kor*, kér*] *19979 (pl) cap [kar/bal&*] * 773 (Ithpeel) be anxious [kera*] THD herald [ka/r6z] *13 (Ha) proclaim {karaz*] *DY? (prep) near, beside {lowat*] zon? bread; (ext) meal, feast [lohem] §NJIND balance (scales) {m6’/zané’] tAPMA scroll [magil/l] $*190 (Pa) overthrow [mogar*] RD altar [mad/bab] $10 death [mot] §*npbnn (pl) division (of Levites) [mah/laqa*] N2” eat (the) salt; (idiom) be under obligation of loyalty [matah] 327 (n) counsel [molak] dO (n) number [min/yan) T132y7 (pl) work [ma!/“abad*] §*79% (pl) belly [mo'éh*] *5yn (pl) sunset [me!/‘4l*] £179 rebellion [moarad] 6 (2) FOND (stat) be ‘plucked out [morit] +1209 dwelling, abode [mis/kén] $ROW? (drinking-) feast [mis/té’] #*22 (Hithpa) prophesy [naba’*] +8132 prophecy, proph- esying [nebiv"4] 719193 lampstand [neb/rasa} $74] (v) flow [nagad] al (prep) toward {né/ged} 133 brightness [nagah] £7} flee {nodad] M231 (n) sheath? body?; (ext) on account of this [nid/néh] 91 s74713 (Q; K) light [nehdr; nahir] *79] flee [nid*] ‘101 keep (in one’s heart) (nefar] $79) panther [namar] $*NQJ (Hith) be pulled out {nasah*] $*710) (Pa) offer [nasak*] *9Q3 (pl) drink-offering, libation (nasak*] M1333 firmness, hardness {nis/ba’] $*N¥2 (Hithpa) distinguish oneself [nasah*] §Ni2] (adj) pure [nagé’] +Wp3 knock together [naqas] *PW)} (pl) wife [nasin*] HIV) breath [ni8/ma] +*7N] (pl) (temple-) slave [natin*} *9NJ (Aphel) shake off $930 Poel part) be pre- served? erect? {sabal*}..;.: $130 seek, strive [sabar] V40 shut [sagar} : ¥* 799 (Pa) support [so‘ad*] (F) $*N9 (Pa part pass) hidden things [satar*] (Il) §1N9 destroy, demolish {sotar] +T1Y (adv) still, yet [6d] *7¥ (pl) offense (awa/yd*] NY chaff [“dr} *TY (pl) goat ["éz*] BYP counsel [‘€/t4] 72Y above [‘él/14] (2) *77¥ (pl) burnt offering [‘al/wi*] +°9Y roof chamber [‘il/Ii] *¥2Y (pl) rib [“ala’*] *PDY (pl adj) deep, im- penetrable (things) [‘am/mig*] "Wa¥ wool [‘Amar} *113¥ (pl adj) miserable [‘aneh*] £*72¥ (pl) clouds [‘inan*] wiy fine (imposed) [‘na5] 2°¥Y (adj) sorrowful, af- flicted [“Asib] Z*9 py (Ithpeel) be plucked out [“aqar*] £9¥ adversary [‘ar] §* TY (pl) wild ass, ona- ger? [‘arad*} HTNDY dishonor ['ar/w4] $nwy think, plan [‘a8at] $*Pny (pl adj) ready to : [atid*] “NB potter [peY/har] *WYD (pl) garment (coat? . trousers?) {pat/ti3*] £225 (v) divide [polag] £295 (a) half [polag} *7325 (pl) division (of priests) (palug/ga*] WD (cultic) service fpoV/han] $039 divide [paras] $P29 unloose, abolish [poraq] +*WD (Pa part pass) separate(ly)? [paras*} 3% thing, matter (sabi) RT¥ (interr) is it true? [sada] EMPTY beneficence, justice [sid/q@] E*-PDY (pl) he-goat {sopir*] wp summer [qd/yit] $73P buy (qana] #8)? become furious [qesap] #73/? (n) wrath [qasap) £*7¥i2 (Pa) cut off [qasas*] 437? war [qardb] *139) (Ha) anger, enrage {ragaz*] $127 (a) rage [ragaz] ON) (pl adj) far [ra!/niq*] §7°2113 compassion [ra!/hamin] *?T) (Hith) rely (on) {rahas*] 1° (n) smell [réh] #42977 (adj) prosperous, flourishing [ra!/‘anan] yO testimony [S4/h3d0] WY side [Sotar] $*99Y (Hith) consider [Sokal*] 2 (part) adversary [Soné’} TTARW question [o'e/4] $*02W (pl) tribe (Sabat*) *WIW (Hithpa) be perplexed [sebas*] *7TW (Hithpa) be like [Sodar*] NX (loanword; v) finish [sé/st"] §72W (adj) at ease [Saleh] $nY2W prosperity, fortune [Solé/wa] $*70W (Ha) destroy, exter- minate (Samad*} $*O0U (Ithpoel) stiffen with fright [Somam*] *WW (Pa) serve [kamad*] $WW sun [Somas] (I) £730 (n) sleep [Sond] FODY (part) judge [Spat] P9DW low(ly) [Sepal] “PIDW dawn [Sopar/par] §*PW (du) (lower) leg [8aq*] (2) WW banishment, exclusion [Soro/8i] [3M break [tabar] AMA be alarmed {tawah} nA snow [talag] on ON third [tali/tai] VIN second [tin/y4n] 65 M32)F (adv) a second time [tin/ya/nitt] OPM weigh [taqal] ¥*12M (Ho) be reestablished [teqan*] FPA strength [toqap} APM strength (taqop] *9"IN (pl) doorkeeper [ta/rd"*] 6.L “yet 3s INDEX Hebrew and Aramaic words are indexed separately. Verbs are given no vowel points. Other words are also unpointed, except for forms with identical consonantal spelling. “Root numbers in: parentheses differentiate between identical spellings with different meanings. References are to Section number (1-6),.and Subsection letter (A-Z, AA, BB): For convenience the number of occurences is also given for Hebrew and Aramaic ‘words. Index to Hebrew Vocabulary x "NR S.N 24 GR 5.G 36 (1) 96 5.L 27 DW DR 2.C 281 aN 1B 1568 (I) RK 5.C 45 TR SN 4 TAR 3.A 183 (Daw 5.8 19 mR. 4.K 52 TIN 4.J 54 now 5.M 25 are 4.H 58 war 4.H 6 DR 4.C 80 7R 4.4 6 qhean 4.F 67 (D WR 5.7 18 mR 5.V 16 VAR 5.0 23 yOR 5.H 35 (1) PRX 3.B 161 Yan 5.F 30 yx S.BB 10 (IH) 2% 5.P 22 DAR S.N 2 WER 4.0 79 Yee S.P 2 Dax SAA LI wR 5.D 43 DAR DIR 4.K 50 JOR 2.D 28 WR 3E ws mee 5.017 wax 4.6 6 () M8 4.C 79 (DPR 1.C 773 Doak TSR 2.D 235 OGTR 3.D 141 (I) PR 5.Z 12 DYWAR 3.G 107 aK 5.BB 10 APN 5.F 38 mux 5.BB 10 WR 5.X 14 DS 5.M 25 WTR ONTR 3.F 12 (We SB a (1) WN 1B 2109 p 27 NTR L.C 70 TR 3A ter (UPR 5.X 4 mm 5.BB 10 oe ef ‘6 TR 3.B 160 wm SL aly mi 1D os et se DIN 5.BB 10 : nu IRMK 4.A 93 MYON 5.T 18 () OWE LD sss IMR FIN 1.C 95 ; .C 959 JOR 5.T 18 () MR 2.D 2s ame SE a 5 1K 4Iss / (DOR 1.C 738 rk 5212 Mn 3.F ns (V) 28 2.D 236 (IMR 4.6 63 (VI) 98 5.BB 10 JAN 2.E 205 TINK 4.F 66 be 1A so (1) AIAK. 5.E 40 om 5.T ww Ok 5GH (1) 90% 2.B 342 (0% 3B aR 5 Te 2B us _ 166 qd) ve 5.V 16 8 1.D 713 PR 1.C 738 2B sit JMR 4K 50 (I) DTN L.A 2706 dD 8 5.V 16 mane 4.H61 () WOR. 5.BB 10 MR SLL 27 S531 mR 4.F 69 67 TPR TPR oN THOR TINK sap he AK DR BR TR (1) np Ta (1) oR (1) Yor vax DIBK IR (2) yar (1) WRX a) "Bs IR 7 TOR Tinnar, Fae sR RIK () war nay ame UMN ODN PR IN RON VOR FOR OR OR noR aR (i) AX (1) 72 TOR mR RIOR 4.E1 5.R.20 4H sa 4.1 ss 4En 2.A 494 1.B 1046 2.E 29 4.1 56 2.D 226 4.153 5.V 16 3.G 100 5.M 25 5.V 16 5.E 41 1.A 5000 S.A 49 5.G 37 4.B %6 3.E 127 5.W is S.F 38 5.3 5.D 42 5.Z 12 S.AA 11 3.C 156 1.B 1316 5.3.31 5.X 14 4.H 58 5.0 17 2.E 203 4.E7 5.AA 1 4.155 3.E 130 2.C 279 S.A 49 5.M 25 5.Z 12 5.M 25 @ Prox 70K OD 7K NN PR paeK ORR 28 ak nanK 2) OVI VIN xm yore py me mK TK PK UH OR OW oR PR 7 ox (D OR TeR aeN eR OUR ome TAR Wes TWN () ae (i) ae aR Pe AR rine ne ;ON8 yin Index to Hebrew Vocabulary a 5.8 19 5.BB 10 5.D a2 S.P 2 3.A 182 S13 4.H 61 5.E 41 5.T 18 5.N 24 2A 444 5.¥ 13 5.F 39 2.E 22 4.E 2 4.157 4.C 83 5.H 34 5.W 15 4.A 95 3.C 155 5.133 1.A 2498 4.H 59 5.AA 11 2.B 375 1.C 79 4.G 65 3.C 152 5.G 36 5.B 46 5.5 19 1.A 5000 5.C 45 5.E 40 1.A 5000 1.A 5000 5.Q 2 L.C 393 5.H 34 2.B 330 S.AA II 7 oa p13 ona mana wa naa m2 na @ na oa ua @ wa 1m ma mya 1a q) 71n3 wna wna. @ na ( nea nya yor 2 pa pa ara anys q) ma ORCI 72 ‘5.D 42 1.4 $000 5.G.37 3.017 2. 288 S.A 49 2.B 214 - 5.BB 10 5.0.23 S.AAH j 5.D-42 . 5.BB 10 5.F 39 3.A 192 5.V 16 5.Z 12 L.A 2530 5.X 14 5.Z 12 5.Z 12 AF oo 3.E 126 5.L27 5.D 43 5.BB 10 5.D 42 5.C 45 5.¥ 13 5.K 30 3.B 173 3.F 19 5.D 43 4E 2 5.Z 12 3.B 71 2.B 396 5.G97 5.T 18 1.B 2039 4.F 70 3.F 4 4 Index to Hebrew Vocabulary 68 69 Index:to-Hebrew Vocabulary ‘» pmaa 5.0 17 M2 2.B 328 ° "7A 5. 16 Wa 4.155 Mt 4H “mag ‘5. BB to : 93 5.031 303 5.M 25 313 3.E 22 1 4.A 93 TT LD os wa 5D “ipa wea 3.B 122 Maya 47 oT 5.Y 3 ma 5.Wis wr 3B ie : 77 5V anon 5.BB 10 msg 5.U 0 yr 5.P2 “(I SAA RUT 5.X14 om 5Dae 4a 4.F 6 @ px 5.Q 21 77) 5.BB 10 YU 5.H 34 Wt S.AA I mba 5.V 16 aa 5.819 I 5.Y 13 My 5.Q2 127 5.Wis : 1 nba 5.BB 10 ov. 5.K 30 2 1D sas Ww 5.Ba47 nt 5.P 2 "L.A 5000 byron 5.L 27 wa 5.N 2 Mn 5.Y 13 () ow 5.H 35 : n 5.Y13 ova 5.D 43 YR 2.C 20 Wa 5.D a2 7 nm @ ya 5.E4 vu S.L 28 yi S.N 24 “2 1.A 5000 t vida 5.V 16 wa 4He Mma 4.0 8 aT 5.2 12 77] 1.A 5000 nat 3.D 136 () oye 4.G 64 nwa 5.K 30 (HD 2 5.Z 12 (vat S.V 16 (an 5.H 3x4 (2) 133 3.B 162 onba 3.G i (Dna ED 582 yaa 4.D 78 pat 4.) 54 (oan 4.E 73 " 5Y npg 3.G 103 QD na 5.¥ 13 mm S.Wis (ID 737 1.B 1130 (D m3n 5.M 25 pT SAA L mma 5.K 29 na 2.A 416 mn S.AA 1 WI 1.B 1426 Am S.AA I DRT AT LB 1752 v3 5.BB 10 mina 4.K si Sta 5.K 30 © WT S.A 49 ama 5.K 30 am 2.B 383 @) 13 1A 4887 ona 5.BB 10 Mw 5.212 Wat 4.3 56 Ra 1B 1533 (i wat 5.P 22 722 -2.B 373 5 mona 5.T 1s MAT NT S.H 34 @) 11 5.N 24 w 5X4 opeys sy. 3.A iso 3 5.B 47 bat 5.X 14 ap aw 5.¥ 13 am 5.D 42 aya 5.4 4 MEA 5.S 19 oy 5.045 pt 5.E 40 1 S.A 48 a 5.Y 3 () Wa 3.G 101 RA 5.A 49 1) 9a 5.R.20 TT 4.H 59 WW 5.M 26 mat 5.V 16 mya 5.Q 21 (1) 982 3.G 104 dD 43 5.V 16 NT 1.B 1031 RT 1D 541 TY 5.BB io (993 5.V 16 DRA 5.B 4 nosbx 5.212 (I) VT 3.B 69 wn 1.A 3514 mt 5.F 38 (D 9¥3 3.A 198 (I) 983 5.AA 11 ma 3.4 187 wT 5.V 16 oon 4.C 80 mM S.AA ML } aya 4.B 37 mwa 5.X 14 mya 5.W 15 “1 5.E 40 pa $.P 2 “21 2.D 230 nya 5.V 16 (I) aa 5.2 12 by. 5A 48 yt 5.N 24 moa 5.Y 13 Wt 4.C 82 2 5.M 25 mA 4.E m4 mya 5.W15 PT 5.819 moa stot S.BB io Qt 5.0.23 yun 5.V 16 Wap S.E 4 non 5.023 ROT 5.T 18 on 1.B 1508 yar 5.N 24 v¥2 5.0 23 Apa 5.U 17 (1) ba 5.W is (pt 5.A 48 dD) 9A 3.C 145 (1) Bar 5.K 29 ypa 4.K 51 Sa. 2.D 241 a) $43 5.BB 10 not 4.B 37 CID SYA 5.W is ont 5.¥ 13 myPA 5.R 20 , ma 5.BB 10 oryba sTV92 3.G 108 DT 2.B 356 on S.AA () Wr 5.D 43 Re 3A 183 32 3.B i6t px 1.C 812 (1) at 5.7 31 nea 1.B 1553 an 5.AA 1 (ID WP3° 2.E 200 ANIA 4.H 62 Syma 5.8 19 (iD mat 5.U 17 mn 5.H 34 mt 4.A 95 wpa 2.D 25 yun 5.X 14 bya 5.G 37 AMT 5.M 25 yn 4.B 86 nyt 5.H 3s (UD 92 5. 14 AVIA WIA $.U 17 pa 4.) 54 (1) oat 5.P 22 (I) pon $.X 14 mst S.Y 13 MR 5.A 48 Maya. 4.6 6 yy 5.Eat Mynt 5.0 23 yon 4.3 54 dp mr 5.Q 2 M3 5.K 29 3a 5.M 25 an 5.F 39 ITT 4.D 78 Mw 3.G 100 ot 5.212 wna 5.R 20 MR 4F 66 ay 5.017 YeIT 4.C a (maT S.A 49 py} 5.P 22 yma 4.D 76 aa 5.J31 my 5.V 16 nyt 4.B91 may 1.B 1037 pyr 4.673 Mn 4.4 #2 31 4.C as by. 5.BB 10 pT 5.X 14 yon 4.A 95 mpyt 5.T is Ra 5.X 14 dQ 17a 5.133 sy. 5.X14 PPT 5.¥ 13 7 1.D 554 wr 5.L27 mos 5.E 41 Sita 1D 525 mya 5.W is apt SAA mast S.A 49 Tet 5.819 mrs 2.C 287 mya 5.Z 12 wy. 5.BB 10 an? $.U 17 An 3.B 168 Wt 3.A 178 Index'to Hebrew. Vocabulary 70 1 / so : Index to Hebrew: Vocabulary: W4E7 mn 5.35 owenn 5.L 27 . 7 5.BB 10 v0 5.8.19 oon 5B a 209 5.BB 10 M3 LDs2 the 4g el @m sde non 2.C 295 ann 5.K 29 TQ 2.A 407 AD 5.132 bar 5.L27 yt 4B 91 mon 5.K 30 oan 4.H @ Tn 5.V 16 : mp 5.Z12 : Mar LAzn “wt 5.78 pen sn 2.B 386 yon 5.AA 11 main 5.D 42 1 5.X 14 ony 4K si vu 4.156 en 5.0.07 WA 5.U 17 THN 5.F 39 1D 5.M 26 (Dry 5.133 yu} 2.D zs wn 2.C 281 (I) WA 5.212 @) mM 4.A 94 we 5.Y 13 pI 5.212 @pu 5.4 (yan 4.A97 pvan wan 2.4 a TW S.E 4 by 5.31 nOY 2.B 24 qnmnsZe Nn 4 6 BUTT 5.AA Rod 3.B 161 rey 5.P 2 n On 4157 @ mn 3.10 Moy 4K 5 TROD RAY 4.B 6 mBY SU Ran 5.H 3s oh 2D 246 pan 5.¥ 3 @ on 5.K 29 RNY 5.G 37 yt 3.D a @ van 5.R 20 nen 5.M 25 ran 5.B 47 aD Ann 5.E 40 yoo 5.031 : rr 5.212 aD van 5.BB 10 pn S.F 38 min S13 now 4.E 73 ayy S.AA 11 om S.Daa (I) 93n 5.A 49 qn 5.T ie @pn 4D7 QT" 5.BB 10 ayy 5.15 wm 5.R» pan 5.Y 13 non 5.X 14 @ an S.AA1: gan 5.U 17 Ap 5.D a2 av? 3.F 20 (i) 7an 5.L 28 aon 5.L 27 mn $.Y 13 () Wn 5.M 2s pwwa aw 4.156 y 3D nan 5.21 aan 3.D 138 (I) TON 2.D 250 ap wn 5.B 7 Aw 5.M2s mn 4.156 wan 4D 7 mman 3.C 182 non 5.G37 way 5.F 38 nD 5.P 2 7 3.A 194 wan 5.133 oon 5.C 44 ron 5.H 3s wen 5.K 2» 5 Te 2A 408 an 4.H © (2% 4.B 92 mon 5.02 awn 3.E 24 aT? Te 4.B 92 aan 5.V 16 mon 4.D 7 apn 5.7 awn 5.22 aye 5.8.1 pr 5.Yn Tan 5.C 44 apn $.X 14 men $.Z12 non 5.V 16 oe 4G 6 bo 5.331 Mom 4.553 bn 4.F 6 (Dyan 4.B 86 5.Ts Tee POR 4K si D 2.B 32 vm 5.F 38 yon 5.331 yen 5.212 wn 4.¢ 2 vm SY p Myr 3.D ue wan 5.BB io on 5.N 24 yen 5.F 29 Twn 5M 2s om ets vm 5.133 wy 4153 (i) 9M 5.R 20 on 5.02 pon S.AAU on aI ‘5 my 5.R 20 () WIN 2.C 278 mpon 5.Z 12 (on 5.017 un spn 4.H 62 wip 5x . pr 5H GY mn 3.B i %n 3D won 5.0 onn 5.L 27 ' - Sx, wm $.D4 mn S.AA bon 4.A 96 ‘gion 5.U 97 ton 5.1 33 , ° af 4 10” 5.R 20 (> 5.023 oon 5.L28 pn 43s wn 5.Q2 * a Fo’ 2.B 212 mam 3.B 133 @ aon S.L27 ayn 5.M 2s 109 9.2 Bim (ae SD ae din 5.N 2 yon 5.C 44 mn 5.Wos nan 4.J 53 an ar 3F ‘580 Ww’ 5.K 29 pin 3.B 16s pxbn 5.BB 10 oyn 3.E 123 v - Vom oy 5.0 23 @ wn 5.Q21 ) pon 4.1 56 @ van 5.7 18 ayn SAAy we 4an @ ann 5.X 14 ! pon 5.212 ayugn 5.K 29 map S.AA I 7 . A py’ 4.C 2 mm 4E 2 Gl) Pen 4.G es sun 3.4 183 ° m9 sis wr ais ow tle mn 5. 7 . " . . ain su , o mn enn en xe a yap 5.V 16 () "TP ATP 1.C eo mY 5E 4 nm 5.H3s ‘ron 5.Q.21 vpn 5 S19 ' yay 5.BB 10 TP ym 1A 5766 sD» 5.819 pm 2.C 298 man 5.V 16 m $Lu nvab S.A #9 ye 4.1 56 Ry" 1B oss PIN 4.156 non 4B Ls me 3z 2 sine 4.A 95 ; ine 3.B 124 ay S.A 48 Wp MpIn 3.E 131 @® wan re a) mn SY 13 we 4 AN i en 8 a a” oy Ron 2.D.27 mon SAA any 5.Y 5 pawn 4.B 86 (1) AR 5.0.23 " @) ann 5.G % 2 4.B 90 ary 3.C 14s pny? 3.F 2

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