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o it came as an immense shock to The United Kingdom (UK) comprises four

S me when I woke up on the morning of

June 24 to discover that Britishers had
voted to leave the European Union,
Prime Minister had resigned, and
countries: England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland.

So now, what does BREXIT mean?

Scotland was considering a referendum that
could bring to an end the very existence of the It is a word that has become used as a shorthand
United Kingdom. So that was an immense shock way of saying the UK leaving the EU - merging the
for me, and it was an immense shock for many words BRITAIN and EXIT to get BREXIT, in a same
people around the globe, but it was also way as a possible Greek exit from the euro was
something that, over the following several dubbed Grexit in the past.
days, created a complete political meltdown in
Britain. Everybody was blaming everybody Now, the question is why is Britain
else. People blamed the Prime Minister for leaving European Union?
calling the referendum in the first place. They
blamed the leader of the opposition for not
fighting it hard enough. The young accused the If we look at why those who wanted to leave we
old. The educated blamed the less well- call them "Leavers," as opposed to "Remainers".
educated. That complete meltdown was made We see two factors in the opinion polls that really
even worse by the most tragic element of mattered. The first was immigration, and the
it: levels of xenophobia and racist abuse in the second sovereignty, and these represent a desire
streets of Britain at a level that were never seen for people to take back control of their own lives
before. and the feeling that they are unrepresented by
politicians. But those ideas are ones that signify
But my question is really it is something fear and alienation.
that took place overnight or there are
some deeper structural factors? What was the breakdown across
So, to understand about BREXIT it becomes the UK and its significance?
important to have a handful insight on:
England voted strongly for Brexit, by 53.4% to
What is EU? 46.6%, as did Wales, with Leave getting 52.5% of
the vote and Remain 47.5%. Scotland and
The European Union - often known as the EU - is an Northern Ireland both backed staying in the EU.
economic and political partnership involving 28
Scotland backed Remain by 62% to 38%, while
European countries. It began after World War Two
55.8% in Northern Ireland voted Remain and
to foster economic co-operation, with the idea that
44.2% Leave.
countries which trade together are more likely to
avoid going to war with each other.
Brexit teaches us many things about our
society and about societies around the world. It
It has since grown to become a "single market"
highlights in ways that we seem embarrassingly
allowing goods and people to move around, unaware of how divided our societies are. The
basically as if the member states were one country. vote split along lines of age, education, class and
It has its own currency, the euro, which is used by geography. Young people didn't turn out to vote
19 of the member countries, its own parliament and in great numbers, but those that did wanted to
it now sets rules in a wide range of areas - including remain. Older people really wanted to leave the
on the environment, transport, consumer rights European Union.
and even things such as mobile phone charges.

UK comprises of how many

Steps to UK leaving European

What has happened since the


Britain has got a new Prime Minister - Theresa

May. The former home secretary took over from
David Cameron, who resigned on the day after
losing the referendum.

Like Mr Cameron, Mrs May was against Britain

leaving the EU but she says she will respect the
will of the people. She has said "Brexit means
Brexit" but there is still a lot of debate about
what that will mean in practice.

What about the economy?

The UK economy appears to have weathered the

initial shock of the Brexit vote, although the value
of the pound remains near a 30-year low, but
opinion is sharply divided over the long-term
effects of leaving the EU. Britain also lost its top What does this mean for Scotland?
AAA credit rating, meaning the cost of
government borrowing will be higher. But share In the wake of the Leave result that it is
prices have recovered from a dramatic slump in "democratically unacceptable" that Scotland
value, with both the FTSE 100 and the broader faces being taken out of the EU when it voted to
FTSE 250 index, which includes more British- Remain. A second independence referendum for
based businesses, trading higher than before the the country is now "highly likely". As analysed by
referendum. the geographical breakdown of referendum it
was clear that Scotland wanted to remain in EU
but are forced to have an exit from it.

Who wanted the UK to leave the secure as part of the 28 nation club, rather than
EU? going it alone.

The UK Independence Party, which received What about businesses?

nearly four million votes - 13% of those cast - in
May's general election, has campaigned for many Big business venture - with a few exceptions -
years for Britain's exit from the EU. They were tended to be in favour of Britain staying in the EU
joined in their call during the referendum because it makes it easier for them to move
campaign by about half the Conservative Party's money, people and products around the world.
MPs, including Boris Johnson and five members Given the crucial role of London as a financial
of the then Cabinet. A handful of Labour MPs and centre, many jobs are prone to be lost to other
Northern Ireland party were also in favour of hubs in the EU.

What were their reasons for

wanting the UK to leave?

They said Britain was being held back by the EU,

because they had imposed too many rules on
business and charged billions of pounds a year in
membership fees for little in return. They also
wanted Britain to take back full control of its
borders and reduce the number of people
coming here to live and/or work.

Who wanted the UK to stay in the Has Brexit made house prices fall?
Not enough solid data has been published yet to
Then PM was the leading voice in the Remain accurately conclude the Brexit effect on house
campaign, after reaching an agreement with prices. Industry figures have pointed to
other European Union leaders that would have "uncertainty" among buyers and sellers that
changed the terms of Britain's membership had could potentially change the housing market. It
the country voted to stay in. found that house prices are expected to fall
across the UK in the three months after the
Remain campaign was also backed by US referendum vote. However, the dip in prices is
President Barack Obama and other EU nations only expected to persist over the 12 months
such as France and Germany.

What were their reasons for

wanting the UK to stay?

Those campaigning for Britain to stay in the EU

said it gets a big boost from membership - it
makes selling things to other EU countries easier
and, they argued, the flow of immigrants, most
of whom are young and keen to work, fuels
economic growth and helps pay for public

They also said Britain's status in the world would

be damaged by leaving and that we are more

Was there an increase in crime The UK's future?
rates after referendum?
The Brexit vote will fuel concerns in Westminster
that the future of the United Kingdom is now in
serious doubt.

The Scots warned during the campaign that if - as

has happened - the UK overall voted to leave the
EU but Scots voted to remain, Scotland would be
taken out of the EU "against its will" and this
could be the trigger for another independence

Senior SNP figures have said the vote shows

Scotland sees its future in the EU and the issue of
its own constitutional status could be revisited.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said the issue

is now back "on the table" while her predecessor
has gone further, saying a second vote could take
place within the next two and a half years,
depending on how long it takes the UK to depart.

What are other members There are also concerns in Northern Ireland
sentiments towards EU after about the implications of the Brexit vote for its
BREXIT? relationship with the Republic of Ireland. Remain
campaigners warned that a Brexit vote could
herald the return of "hard" border controls
between the North and South. The Irish
government has said the future of the border is
one of a number of priority issues in its
contingency planning.

Sinn Fein has called for a vote on the

reunification of Ireland but this has been rejected
by the UK government.

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