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Release Notes - Version 1.7.

Upgrade 1.7.0

What if targeted phishing were only a concern for others?

Why this upgrade ?

Threats in email are more and more targeted and advanced. In order to stay ahead of trends, Vade Secure
strengthens its Anti-Phishing and releases the first Advanced and Dedicated Anti-SpearPhishing protection.

1/ Changes
SpearPhishing / Identity Theft
- Protection against exact-domain spoofing
- Protection against visible alias spoofing
- Protection against similar email address abuse
- Protection against confidential information and risky action requests

- New action policy to add a banner on top of the suspected emails

Now, in addition to the heuristic Anti-Phishing that analyzes the content of the emails
- Detection of the phishing links by analyzing the links in real-time during the receiving of the emails
- Detection of the phishing links by re-analyzing the links at the time of the users clicks
- Displaying of a warning webpage when a phishing is detected at the users click
- Real-time alerts to the administrator with content to help educating the users sensitive to phishing attacks
- Customization of the phishing warning webpage to have it company branded

- New report dedicated to targeted attacks
- Integration of counters based on the protocol rejects at the connection level (before analysing the content
of the message)

- New email address populating mode with the Smart Mode (Compatible with Office 365 and Exchange
- Multi-Tenant (Activated by Vade Secure on request)

2/ Fixes
- More than 150 bug fixes to improve the security and the stability of Vade Secure Gateway.

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