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In the course that I am taking, Consular and Diplomatic Affairs, we often talk about

history. Weve always discussed the various events that have taken place, the dates,
the people and the relevance. Now that I am in my second year, taking up mostly my
major subjects, we now use the history we know and see where it took us in the now
and possibly in the future. When people hear about Middle Ages or the Dark Ages
they immediately think about the next era after it, a much better era, the
Renaissance but I dont think theyve seen the importance of middle Ages. In this
era, the Roman Empire has fallen into the pit and with that the Catholic Church
dominated and became a powerful institution. They controlled everything from
politics, education, and religion to morals. Not a lot of people would know that this
period was the time wherein the Church was in its own moral crisis. The popes are
seen infallible, corruption thrived, and abuse here and there happened. It was truly
a dark time for the true Christianity. From the way I see it, it had to happen, all the
evil and corrupt things had to occur. This has shown how human the Church is. They
had to fall down first before they were able to get up again and change their doings.
They were able to feel the consequences of their actions and it made them think and
decide, Lets go back to basic catholic teaching again leading them to their true
mission. And when they were able to achieve the reformation they needed, the
people restored their faith back to the church again. This event is not just some
history that can be forgotten, it is the history that has a lasting relevance and effect
in the church even up to now.

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