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Hello Man

Topic - Course
OM - THR12

Time config - THR10

PA config - THR10

SAP HCM business process - THR10, THR12

PA - THR10

OM Config - THR12

Reporting and Analysis - THR12

Time and Att management - THR10

Topics Covered In The Examination:

Organizational Management Configuration (12 percent)

Construct the master data elements required for organizational managing

Personnel Administration Configuration (12 percent)

Recognize and construct the data parts utilized for personnel administration

Time and Attendance Management Configuration (12 percent)

Recognize and construct the data parts utilized for Attendance and Time Managing

Organizational Management (8 to 12 percent)

Execute work activities around Organizational Managing

Personnel Master Data (8 to 12 percent)

Recognize and construct the data parts including wage kinds, personal actions,
infotype characteristics

Reporting and Analytics (8 to 12 percent)

Explain how to generate infosets and make queries to support business decisions in
SAP HCM Business Processes (8 to 12 percent)

Explain the business procedures related with HCM and their incorporation with other
SAP applications

Time and Attendance Management (8 to 12 percent)

Describe the business procedures for Attendance and Time Managing

Personnel Administration (8 to 12 percent)

Explain the kinds of personnel information that can be sustained

I will try to recall more details on the major areas within each topic and update
Topic Areas

Please see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification
and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy does not constitute a legitimate
claim; SAP reserves the right to update the exam content (topics, items, weighting)
at any time.

Organizational Management Configuration > 12% ?

Personnel Administration Configuration > 12% ?

Time and Attendance Management Configuration > 12% ?

Organizational Management 8% - 12% ?

Personnel Master Data 8% - 12% ?

Reporting and Analytics 8% - 12% ?

SAP HCM Business Processes 8% - 12% ?

Time and Attendance Management 8% - 12% ?

Personnel Administration 8% - 12% ?

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