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Sunday, June 25, 2017, Third Sunday After Pentecost

A Peek At The Sunday Sermon

Lately, weve heard a lot about fake news. There are organizations guilty
of spreading misinformation or hoaxes via traditional print, broadcast news,
and social media with the intent of misleading to gain politically.

Reporters with "fake news" from an 1894 illustration by Frederick Burr Opper.

The problem is worldwide - with fictionalized news reports spreading

through the use of fake news websites, Facebook and Twitter. Im now a
huge skeptic of anything reported outside of the mainstream. So when I
read a real news article that researchers are now developing a
psychological vaccine to help people to detect fake news, I was
Two-thousand years ago, the news was spreading about a fellow named
Jesus. Were the reports accurate? Was he the promised Messiah? The
Son of God? And what about the miracles?
In Matthews Gospel, we have the account of three incidents in the ministry
of Christ three miraculous healings reported that you could believe in! No
psychological vaccine is needed.
On Sunday, well explore the good news (not fake news). If you read
Matthew 9:27-22 & 35-38, youll be ready for an engaging hour of worship!
And if you havent guessed the sermon title is:
The Good News Not Fake News!
Matthew 9:27-33 & 35-38
New Living Translation (NLT)
After Jesus had left the girls home, two blind men followed along behind him,
shouting, Son of David, have mercy on us! 28 They went right into the house where he
was staying, and Jesus asked them, Do you believe I can make you see? Yes, Lord,
they told him, we do. 29 Then he touched their eyes and said, Because of your faith, it
will happen. 30 Then their eyes were opened, and they could see! Jesus sternly warned
them, Dont tell anyone about this. 31 But instead, they went out and spread his fame
all over the region.
When they left, a demon-possessed man who couldnt speak was brought to Jesus.
So Jesus cast out the demon, and then the man began to speak. The crowds were
amazed. Nothing like this has ever happened in Israel! they exclaimed.
Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the
synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every
kind of disease and illness.36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them
because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 He said to
his disciples, The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who
is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.

Beginning June 11th (Trinity Sunday) the altar colors are green.

Symbolizes the renewal of vegetation and generally of

lving things and the promise of new life! The colors
on the altar and pulpit will not change until Advent!

Our suggested Scripture reading from the 2017 UCC Church Calendar, is
found in Genesis 18:1-15.

Jeremiah 20:7-13
Jeremiahs Complaint
O LORD, you misled me, and I allowed myself to be misled. You are stronger than I am, and you
overpowered me. Now I am mocked every day; everyone laughs at me. 8 When I speak, the words
burst out. Violence and destruction! I shout. So these messages from the LORD have made me a
household joke.
9 Butif I say Ill never mention the LORD
or speak in his name, his word burns in
my heart like a fire. Its like a fire in my
bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in!
I cant do it!

10 Ihave heard the many rumors about

me. They call me The Man Who Lives in
Terror. They threaten, If you say any-
thing, we will report it. Even my old
friends are watching me, waiting for a
fatal slip. He will trap himself, they
say, and then we will get our revenge
on him.

11 Butthe LORD stands beside me like a

great warrior. Before him my
persecutors will stumble. They cannot
defeat me. They will fail and be
thoroughly humiliated. Their dishonor
will never be forgotten. 12 O LORD of
Heavens Armies, you test those who
are righteous, and you examine the
deepest thoughts and secrets. Let me
see your vengeance against them, for I
Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem have committed my cause to you.
Rembrandt (1606-1669)
13 Sing
to the LORD! Praise the LORD! For though I was poor and needy, he rescued me from my

If you havent why not Like Us on

Facebook? Just click on the sign to the left
you will be transported to the Dearborn
Congregational Facebook Page! Maybe you
like to tweet? You can follow Pastor Kren on
Twitter: @william_kren.

The Sunday Sermon

is on YouTube!
Just click on the YouTube
image and you will be taken to
last weeks sermon!
Prayer Requests
Lois Clickner. Recovering from a serious fall.
Rev. Norman Kirsch. Serious medical concerns.
Edith Schwartz. Now home and in hospice care.
Irene Moxon. Serious medical problems.
Marilyn Beardsley. Continuing medical concerns.
Pat Stacho. Continuing medical concerns.
Shirley Fedraw. Medical concerns.
Phyllis Preston. Medical concerns.
Pauline Gourlay. Medical concerns.
David Allen. Medical concerns.
Grant MacKenzie. Continuing medical concerns.
Gail Waggoner. Health issues.
Jane Haling. Health issues.

Beginning June 30 through July 4,

2017, thousands will be gathering in
Baltimore, Maryland for General Synod
31. Please be in prayer for those
who are seeking Gods presence and
His will for the future of our

Something New and Exciting!

Coming to Dearborn Congregational something new and
exciting! You can help the Church and our new fundraiser. Just
spread the word about the DCC Farmers Market starting in
July. Consider volunteering for a few hours on a Saturday that
works with your schedule. And, support the local growers with
your purchase!
Helping the Needy
We are now collecting non-perishable food
donations that will be delivered to the Fish &
Loaves food pantry, in Taylor. This organization
was first launched by an ecumenical group of
churches, led by St. Paul United Church of Christ
in Taylor and their Pastor, Rev. Geoff Drutchas.
Fish & Loaves offers needy families and individuals a wide range of canned
goods, refrigerated and frozen foods, dairy products, and seasonal produce
at no cost to clients. Since opening its doors in 2008, the Fish & Loaves
Pantry has assisted more than 9100 households and over 13,000 men,
women, and children. They distribute over two million pounds of food

Blog (noun) A regularly updated website or web page, typically one
run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or
conversational style.
Since arriving at Dearborn Congregational. Ive been
blogging about church work and my life in the
ministry. You can learn more about the Pastor and how
he thinks, by clicking on the link (picture) to the right!
The Buck Stops Here - or - What The Bible Says About

President Harry Trumans famous plaque on his Oval Office desk read,
The Buck Stops Here. In other words, whatever the blame or
responsibility that passed from one person to another, it ended with him!

Similarly, the Bible represents our final authority for knowing Gods will for
our lives. From the Book of Isaiah to St. Pauls Letter to the Colossians
this is going to be an exciting adventure.

Each week - a different topic for study. Are you ready to discover what the
Bible says about the many issues of importance in your life?

See you Tuesday, July 11th at 7:00 PM!

Dont Forget! Detroit Churches Tour Friday!

On Friday, June 23rd, we take our 6th annual tour of historic
churches. We are heading to southwest Detroit for two 1-
hour tours of St. Francis d'Assisi Catholic Church and Holy
Redeemer Church.

St. Francis dAssisi Holy Redeemer

Our group will be meeting in the church parking lot at 10 am. From
there, we will carpool (or you can drive yourself).

The tour of St. Francis is at 10:30 am and the Holy Redeemer tour at
noon. Donations to each church are encouraged - the amount is up to
the individual.

We will eat lunch together at a Mexican restaurant in the community


A HUGE thank you to our Moderator, John Peters for organizing

this event.
Circle the Date!
In preparation for this day of worship, this is the form that we will
distribute so that you can request your favorite hymn(s). Well try
to sing as many of the requests as possible and share a little
history on each song. Watch your Sunday bulletin for additional
information and for the request form.


Pastor Bill

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