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Reid Hutchins

Task 1
1) Meck_Interstates GCS-NAD-1983
2) Meck_Lakes GCS-NAD-1983
3) Meck_Tracks_Commute GCS-NAD-1983
4) GCS-NAD-1983
5) Decimal degrees
6) Because it is the way that ArcMap expresses location of latitude and longitude.
7) The first data frame shows the projection in State Plane projection and as one can see that the map
is more condensed because of the state plane projection. Also, the lakes do not match up
completely and there is room for error. In the GCS-NAD-1983 map of Mecklenburg the size of the
map is a little larger and it looks like the areas are a little truer to size and shape and the lakes
match up better.

Task 2
8) The NCcountiesPrj.shp file is in the NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_Carolina_FIPS_3200 projection or
the GCS_North_American_1983. The NCGCS.shp file is an Unknown projection.
9) Decimal Degrees
10) Geographic Coordinate System

Task 2 Screen Shot #1

Screen Shot #2
Task 3
Screen Shot #1
11) No, because the file was as a text file and it was already defined and you cannot redefine something
once it has been defined.

Challenge Task

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