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Leap Motion SDK


Package contents:

* Client software installer -- Installs the Leap Motion drivers and

service/daemon software.

* Leap Motion SDK -- Contains the header files and code libraries
for creating native Leap Motion-enabled
applications. Also contains documentation
and simple sample applications.

Note: each SDK package only includes the files for the OS version that you
downloaded. If you need files for a different operating system,
download the appropriate Leap Motion SDK package.


1. Install the client software.

* On Windows: run Leap_Motion_Installer_version.exe

* On Mac OS X
1. Open Leap_Motion_Installer_version.dmg
2. Run Leap Motion.pkg

* On Linux (Ubuntu):
* For 32-bit systems, run: sudo dpkg --install Leap-version-x86.deb
* For 64-bit systems, run: sudo dpkg --install Leap-version-x64.deb

(where version is a string of characters indicating the Leap Motion

release version.)

2. Copy the LeapSDK folder to a suitable location on your computer.


* The Leap Motion Developer Portal (

provides examples, community forums, Leap Motion news, and documentation
to help you to learn how to develop applications using the Leap Motion

Copyright 2012-2014 Leap Motion, Inc. All rights reserved.

Use subject to the terms of the Leap Motion SDK Agreement available at

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