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Jeremy Seifert

May 21, 2017

Purdue University

COM 60511 - Strategic Communication and Professional Writing

Week 3 Assignment

Speech Writing Assignment

created as part of the requirements for a writing assignment and not meant to be published nor to represent
the organization(s) listed herein

Week 3: Speech Writing Assignment

Situation: President Mitch Daniels Welcomes Dr. Michael E. Mann to the Presidential Lecture Series

(Mitch Daniels Standing and Projecting his Voice as he Greets the Audience)

Good Afternoon. I want to welcome you all to an exciting new discussion in our

Presidential Lecture Series. We are glad youre here! For those of you who may not know me I

am Mitch Daniels, President of Purdue University. After my role as Governor of Indiana from

2005 to 2013, I was honored to be offered the position as President of Purdue University, and I

started that role in January of 2013. It has been an exciting and illuminating experience working

with the students, faculty and staff of this great university. We began the Presidential Lecture

Series in 2014 because we wanted to bring the best and brightest leaders in policy, culture,

society, science and other areas to our campus. I am delighted to introduce you to todays

speaker, Dr. Michael E. Mann. Many of you are familiar with his ground-breaking books and

writings on climate change. Mike has an impressive string of graduate degrees from Yale

University, including an MS in Physics, 2 Master of Philosophy degrees and a PhD in Geology

and Geophysics. Mike is a leading climatologist and physicist and is currently a Distinguished

Professor of Meteorology and Director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State

University. Many of you may be familiar with his books, The Hockey Stick and The Climate

Wars and Dire Predictions, which he co-authored with another climate scientist, Lee Kump.

Mike was named to Bloomberg News' list of 50 Most Influential People in 2013. I could go on

and on about Mikes background, but without further introduction, lets welcome Dr. Michael E.

Mann! (Mitch Daniels and Michael Mann Shake Hands and Take Seats)

created as part of the requirements for a writing assignment and not meant to be published nor to represent
the organization(s) listed herein

Thanks again Mike for coming today. My first question, to start things off, is about your

education background in both philosophy and climatology. How would you describe the way in

which both disciplines have impacted your work?

Notes: The speech is formatted according to Aronson et al. guidelines: Submit copy that

is clean and double-spaced and has reasonable margins. Your speaker may wish to make notes.

You may wish to use a large typeface. (Aronson et al., p.104, 2007).


I found the most challenging part of writing this speech was trying to put myself in the role of

President Mitch Daniels. Going forward, I think the key to crafting a successful speech would be

to support the content with facts and make the content as exciting and engaging as possible,

depending on the purpose of the event.

created as part of the requirements for a writing assignment and not meant to be published nor to represent
the organization(s) listed herein


Aronson, M., Spetner, D., & Ames, C. (2007). The Public Relations Writer's Handbook: The

Digital Age. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Mann, M. E. (2016). Pennsylvania State University Bio of Michael E. Mann: Distinguished

Professor of Meteorology Director, Earth System Science Center. Retrieved May 21,

2017, from

Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. Biography. (2017). Retrieved June 15, 2017, from

created as part of the requirements for a writing assignment and not meant to be published nor to represent
the organization(s) listed herein

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