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Iron deficiency anemia from diagnosis to treatment in

Nihal zdemir
Department of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Cerrahpaa Faculty of Medicine, stanbul, Turkey

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide and an important public health problem especially in developing countries.
Since the most important indicator of iron deficieny is anemia, the terms iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia are often used interchange-
ably. However, iron deficiency may develop in the absence of anemia and the tissues may be affected from this condition. The most common causes
of iron deficiency in children include insufficient intake together with rapid growth, low birth weight and gastrointestinal losses related to excessive
intake of cows milk. If insufficient intake can be excluded and there is insufficient response to oral iron treatment in patients with iron deficiency
especially in older children, blood loss should be considered as the underlying cause. The main principles in management of iron deficiency anemia
include investigation and elimination of the cause leading to iron deficiency, replacement of deficiency, improvement of nutrition and education of
the patient and family. In this article, the practical approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency and the experience of our center have
been reviewed. (Trk Ped Ar 2015; 50: 11-9)
Keywords: Anemia, child, iron deficiency

Introduction ed from this condition. Iron deficiency is manifested

in different stages. If iron requirement is below intake,
Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional defi- iron stores are reduced primarily. After the iron stroes
ciency worldwide and an important public health prob- are reduced, hemoglobin levels may stay normal for a
lem especially in developing countries. There is no while which means that iron deficiency is observed in
clear data about how many individuals are affected by the absence of anemia. At this time, only plasma ferri-
iron deficiency worldwide, but it is estimated that ID is tin level and plasma transferrin saturation are reduced.
present in most of the pre-school children and preg- Negative iron balance which continues after iron stores
nant women in developing countries and in at least 30- are exhausted is manifested with decreased hemoglo-
40% in developed countries when anemia is used as an bin. Conclusively, reduced body iron stores has been
indirect indicator of ID (1). According to the 2001 World defined as ID and worsening of this condition and de-
health Organization (WHO) data, 30% of the children velopment of anemia is defined as IDA.
aged between 0 and 4 years and 48% of the children
aged between 5 and 14 years are anemic in develop- Reduced erythrocyte count or a hemoglobin (Hb) val-
ing countries (1). In our country, the frequency of iron ue 5 percentile below the normal hemoglobin value
deficiency anemia (IDA) has been reported to range be- specified for that age in healthy individuals is defined
tween 15.2% and 62.5% in different studies conducted as anemia. When defining anemia, the lower limit of
with children (2-5). the normal value for different age groups and gen-
ders should be determined. Iron deficiency anemia is
Since anemia is the most important indicator of iron the most common cause of anemia in the world and
deficiency, the terms ID and IDA are often used inter- in our country. In the childhood, it is most frequently
changeably. However, iron deficiency may develop in observed in infancy and in adolescents who have men-
the absence of anemia and the tissues may be affect- struation, but any child with increased growth rate and

Address for Correspondence: Nihal zdemir, Department of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Cerrahpaa Faculty of Medicine, stanbul,
Turkey. E-mail:
Received: 14.11.2014 Accepted: 05.01.2015
Copyright 2015 by Turkish Pediatric Association - Available online at
zdemir N. Iron deficiency anemia in children Trk Ped Ar 2015; 50: 11-9

children whose requirements are not met adequately be observed in relation with heat-sesitive proteins in
are under risk. cows milk. In addition, the absorption of iron in cows
milk is much lower compared to breastmilk. Cows milk
In this article, the signififcant points in diagnosis and will substitute for iron-rich fooods and in addition cal-
treatment of iron deficiency which is one of the most cium and caseinophosphopeptides in cows milk may
common diseases observed in children have been disrupt the absorption of iron. If infants are fed with
compiled in terms of directing pediatricians, the recent iron-poor foods after the 6th month when they exhaust
studies performed in this area have been reviewed and almost all of their iron stores, iron deficiency develops
the experiences of our center have been explained. easily.

Etiology In patiens and especially in older children, blood loss

The most common causes of IDA observed in children as an underlying cause should be considered, if inad-
include inadequate intake together with rapid growth, equate intake can be excluded or there is inadequate
low birth weight and gastrointestinal losses due to ex- response to oral iron treatment. Chronic iron deficien-
cessive consumption of cows milk. In the intrauterine cy anemia which develops with occult bleeding is ob-
period, the only source of iron is iron crossing through served with a relatively lower rate in children and may
the placenta. In the final period of pregnancy, the total occur as a result of gastrointestinal problems including
amount of iron in the fetus is 75 mg/kg. Physiologi- peptic ulcer, Meckels diverticulum, polyp, hemangio-
cal anemia adevelops in the postnatal period and iron ma or inflammatory bowel disease. Insensible blood
stores are sufficient to provide erythropoesis in the first loss may rarely be related with celiac disease, chronic
6 months of life if there is no significant blood loss. In diarrhea or pulmonary hemosiderosis; it is possible to
low birth weight infants and in babies with perinatal make the differential diagnosis with history. It should
blood loss, the stores are exhausted earlier, since they be kept in mind that parasitosis may also contribute to
are smaller. Delayed umbilical cord clamping may im- iron deficiency especially in developing countries. Iron
prove the iron status and reduces the risk of iron de- deficiency anemia is observed in 2% of adolescent girls
ficiency (6). The amount of iron in breastmilk is at the and it is mostly related with growth spurt and menstru-
highest level in the first month, but it decreases grad- el blood loss (11). A detailed history of menstruation
ually in the subsequent periods and is reduced up to should be obtained in adolsecent girls and underlying
0,3 mg/L approximately at the fifth month (7). Yet, this bleeding disorders including von-Willebrand disease
amount varies from individual to individual. It has been should be kept in mind in girls who have bleeding in
shown that maternal diet does not affect the amount excess than expected.
of iron in breastmilk (8). Although the amount of iron
received from breastmilk is typically low, its absorption Clinical findings
is considerably high (50%). It is known that other foods Since the majority of iron in the body is used for syn-
given during the first 6 months in addition to breast- thesis of hemoglobin, the most important finding of
milk disrupt absorption of iron in breastmilk. There- iron deficiency is anemia. In iron deficiency anemia,
fore, these foods should be given at seperate meals. clinical findings secondary to anemia may be found
Conlcusively, the absorption is high, but it is lower than as in all anemias or the diagnosis can be made during
the amount required for growth. Thus, infants use the laboratory investigations in the absense of any clinical
iron in their iron stores in the first 6 months until the finding. Slowly progressing paleness may sometimes
amount of iron received from foods increases. be missed by families. The clinical findings observed in
iron deficiency anemia are summarized in Table 1. The
Solid foods given after the 6th month should be rich es- finding which is mostly emphasized in iron deficien-
pecially in iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium cy anemia is its effects on the neurocognitive system.
and vitamin B6. According to the world Health orga- Many well-designed prospective studies have shown
nization data, 98% of the iron requirement in infants that motor and cognitive retardation and mood disor-
aged 6-23 months should be met by solid foods (9, 10). ders may be observed in children with iron deficien-
Solid foods should include products rich in meat, fish, cy (12-14). Lozoff et al. (15) showed that children with
egg and vitamin C to meet this iron need. Another mis- iron deficiency got tired more easily, played less and
take made in feeding infants is giving excessive cows were more hesitant compared to completely healthy
milk at an early time. In infants, chronic blood loss may children. More importantly, these effects persisted 10

Trk Ped Ar 2015; 50: 11-9 zdemir N. Iron deficiency anemia in children

years after treatment (16). ID which has progressed could be diagnosed with a detailed history with a sen-
to iron deficiency anemia may cause to disruption in sitivity of 71% and specificity of 79% (25). Especially
mental and motor functions and these effects may be prenatal period, nutrition, times of starting breastmilk
permanent. The mechanism of action by which iron and solid foods and bleeding history should be inter-
deficiency causes to neurocognitive disorders is not rogated in detail. Signs of anemia and other systemic
fully understood. In some studies, it was shown that ID diseases which may accompany should be searched
decreased expression of dopamin receptors, disrupted for.
myelinization or disrupted the function of various en-
zymes involved in the nerve tissue (17-19). Again, an- The laboratory tests which may be used are summa-
other important yet controversial clinical effect of iron rized in Table 2. The primary action is ordering com-
deficieny is its effects on the immune system (20-22). plete blood count and peripheral blood smear. When
In addition, it was shown that IDA was strongly related complete blood count is assessed well, it may give
with febril convulsions in some recent studies and in a many clues in the diagnosis of many diseases of the
meta-analysis performed in 2010 (23, 24). childhood (26). In complete blood count, it should be
primarily checked if hemoglobin and hematocrit val-
Diagnosis and laboratory findings ues are normal for age and gender (if anemia is pres-
In medicine, a detailed history and physical examina- ent). The lower limits of normal by age and gender
tion is essential in the diagnosis of all diseases as a specified by the World Health Organization may be
general rule. In one study, it was shown that anemia used, since they are practical and values lower than
these limits are considered anemia (Table 3). In infants
Table 1. Iron deficiency findings younger than 6 months, lower values are observed be-
Skin Immune system disorders cause of physiological anemia, but hemoglobin is not
expected to be lower than 9 g/dL in physiological ane-
Pallor Decreased resistance against infections
mia in term infants if there is no other accompanying
T lymphocyte and polymorphonu- factor.
clear leukocyte dysfunction
Table 2. Investigations which may be oredered in pati-
Koilonychia ents in whom iron deficiency is considered
Central nervous system
Irritability-malaise Complete blood count
Musculoskletal system Peripheral blood smear
Decreased effort capacity Reticulocyte
Exercise limitation Urea, creatinine
Pseudotumor cerebri
Serum iron, total iron binding capacity, transferrin saturation
6th nerve palsy index
Cardiovascular system
Restless leg syndrome Ferritin
Increased cardiac output
Breath holding spell Serum soluble transferrin receptor levela
Sleep disturbance Free erythrocyte protoporphyrina
Used with a low rate in practice
Attention deficit
Heart failure
Learning difficulty Table 3. Lower limits for hemoglobin and hematoctrit
Behavioral disorder values specified by the World Health Organization
Gastrointestinal system by age and gender
Decrease in perception functions
Loss of appetite
Retardation in motor and mental Groups by age Hemoglobin Hematocrit
Angular stomatitis and gender (g/dL) (%)
developmental tests
Atrofic glossitis Children aged between 6-59 months 11 33
Dysphagia Children aged between 5-11 years 11.5 34
Increased absorption of heavy metals
Pica Children aged between 12-14 years 12 36
Lead intoxication
Gluten sensitive enteropathy Girls aged >15 years 12 36
Plummer-Vinson syndrome Boys aged >15 years 13 39

zdemir N. Iron deficiency anemia in children Trk Ped Ar 2015; 50: 11-9

Erythrocytes appear pale and smaller than normal younger than 10 years, because the lower limit is 80 fL
when the amount of hemoglobin inside is reduced. in children older than 10 years as in adults.
This is manifested by reduced mean erythrocyte vol-
ume (MCV) and reduced mean eryhtrocyte hemoglobin In anemias related with nutritional deficiencies, there
(MCH) in complete blood count. On peripheral blood is a non-homogeneous erythrocyte volume in contrast
smear, the erythrocytes are microcytic and hypochro- to congenital anemias including thalassemia; erythro-
mic. Mean erythrocyte volume and MCH are parallel cytes may have variable sizes according to the amount
to each other; this means that microcytic erythrocytes of hemoglobin. This is reflected by anisocytosis on pe-
are hypochromic at the same time. If the MCH is below ripheral smear and by increased eryhtrocyte distribu-
tion width (RDW) on blood count. Basically, nutritional
27 pg, it is low. The normal value of mean erythrocyte
deficiency should be considered, if incrased RDW to-
volume ranges between 80 and 99 fL, but normal val-
gether with anemia is present; if reduced MCV is also
ues by age should be considered in children. Formulas
present, iron deficiency is considered and if increased
which may be used simply in busy outpatient clinical
MCV is present, vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency
practice are also present (Table 4). Here, it is import- may be present. However, it should be kept in mind that
ant to use the formula for the lower limit for children withdrawal or deficiency anemia where all variables are
Table 4. Laboratory findings in iron deficiency disrupted is not observed rarely in most children with
malnutrition. A normal RDW value and microcytosis
Complete blood count: suggest thalassemia carier state rather than iron de-
RDW>14 ficiency anemia. Generally, two seperate RDW results
RBC: low are noted in complete blood count results; RDW-CV
Hb, Hct: low according to age and gender and RDW-SD. This arises from a statistical calculation
MCV: low according to age and gender difference. RDW-SD is the standard deviation of the
erythrocyte and is the mean of deviations from MCV of
When specifying the lower limit of MCV: 70+age
(for >10 years) each erythrocyte; its normal range is 37-54 fL. RDW-CV
(if MCV is <72, generally abnormal)
is the variability coefficient of erythrocyte distribution
volume and the percentage expression of the standard
Upper limit of MCV: 84 + age x 0,6 (for >6 months)
deviation by mean erythrocyte volume. RDW-CV is a
(if MCV>98: always abnormal)
more reliable measurement and is abnormal if it is >14.
MCH<27 pg In addition, erythrocyte distribution width is the first
MCHC<30% variable which changes in complete blood count in iron
Thrombocytosis deficiency anemia. In parallel, the first finding of IDA
Rarely: Thrombocytopenia, leukopenia on peripheral smear is anisocytosis.
Peripheral smear:
Hemoglobin distribution width (HDW) is a variable
which is not noted by most individuals in complete
blood count results. It shows the distribution of the he-
moglobin in the erythrocytes and is increased in iron
Anisocytosis deficiency. This is reflected as anisochromia on periph-
Pencil cells eral smear. The mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concen-
Rarely: bazophilic stippling, target cells, hypersegmented tration is measured indirectly by hemocounter devices
neutrophils and is classically reduced in iron deficiency. It is also
Serum ferritin<12 ng/mL important to draw attention to the erythrocyte count in
Serum iron: <30 mcg/dL complete blood count. While the erythrocyte count is
TIBC>480 mcg/dL increased in thalassemias characterized with inefficient
Transferrin saturation (Iron/TBCx100)<16% erythropoesis (production of erythrocytes is increased,
but destruction takes place in the bone marrow before
Metzner index (MCV/RBC)<13
the cells enter the periperal blood), it is reduced in iron
May change by age, gender and other factors. Should be evaluated together.

deficiency anemia because of insufficent production. A

Hb: hemoglobin; Hct: hematocrit; RDW: erythrocyte distribution volume; formula which is obtained using the erythrocyte count
TIBC: total iron binding capacity
and MCV value may be beneficial in differentiating IDA

Trk Ped Ar 2015; 50: 11-9 zdemir N. Iron deficiency anemia in children

from thalassemia carrier state. While MCV is reduced indicator of the iron stores in the body and the first
both in thalassemia carrier state and IDA, the erythro- biochemical variable to change in ID. A serum ferritin
cyte count is reduced in IDA, but increased in thalas- level below 10-12 g/L strongly supports ID, but ferri-
semia carrier state. In this case, the MCV/RBC ratio is tin is an acute phase reactant and it should be kept in
higher in IDA because RBC is reduced and it is lower mind that it may be increased in infection and inflam-
in thalassemia carrier state because the RBC value is mation. Plasma iron is reduced as the iron in the body
higher. As a result of this formula which is called the is exhausted. Samples should be obtained in the morn-
Metzner index, thallasemia is considered when this ra- ing after one- night fasting, because its value shows
tio is below 13 and IDA is considered when this ratio is variance during the day time and is affected by diet.
above 13. Plasma iron level is not helpful in the differential diag-
nosis from IDA because it is also reduced in anemia of
In addition, thrombocytosis in relation with IDA may chronic disease. Iron binding capacity (total iron bind-
be observed in complete blood count. The reason of ing capacity-TIBC) increased as serum iron decreases.
thrombocytosis is cross-reaction of increased eryth- The value obtained by dividing the serum iron value
ropoetin in IDE with thrombopoetin receptors in the to TIBC shows transferrin saturation and is reduced in
megakaryocytes which leads to increased platelet ID. Iron and TIBC are aslo acute phase reactants and
count. Although rarely, thromobocytopenia may also increase in inflammation/infection.
be observed in IDA (27). The leukocyte count is usually
normal, but leukopenia may also be observed. However, Some new methods have been developed to be used in
other diagnoses should be considered primarily in cases definite diagnosis because of some defects of hemato-
of anemia especially accompanied by leukopenia and/ logical and biochemical tests. Addtional tests including
or thrombocytopenia. Eosinophilia in complete blood zinc protoporphyrine (ZnPP), free erythrocyte protopor-
count or peripheral smear may give a clue in terms of phyrine, serum soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) and
underlying parasitosis. At this point, treatment can be reticulocyte hemoglobin content may be helpful (28).
started directly, if complete blood count and peripheral The diagnosis will be delayed when the hemoglobin
smear strongly suggest IDA. If there is suspicion, treat- content of the erythrocytes are measured, because the
ment itself is a good diagnostic tool. However, ordering life span of normal erythrocytes is 120 days. Reticulocyte
iron variables at the baseline is a better scientific ap- hemoglobin content reduces earlier, because the reticu-
proach; further it will be valuable for differential diag- locyute life span is 24-48 hours. In some studies, it was
nosis and if anemia will not respond to iron treatment. shown to be the most sensitive variable in the diagnosis
In fact, hemogram may be sufficient in the diagnosis of of IDA, but its most important limitation for Turkey is
IDA, but it may be normal in the early stages of iron de- the fact that it is also reduced in thalassemia carrier state.
ficiency. Iron deficiency develops in the body in three Serum transferrin receptor can be tested by immunoas-
stages. say method in some laboratories. This receptor is found
on reticulocytes and an increase is observed in trasferrin
1. Prelatent stage: Iron stores are lowered or absent, receptors in IDA. Zinc protoporphyrine is produced with
serum iron concentration, hemoglobin and hematocrit substitution of zinc instead of iron when iron is absent
are normal. This stage of iron deficiency is manifested and thus is increased in IDA. Since bone marrow is the
with reduction or absence of bone marrow iron stores first place where serum iron is reduced, bone marrow
and reduced serum ferritin level. aspiration is gold standard in IDA, but is not used rou-
2. Latent stage: serum iron (SI) and trasferrin saturation tinely. In some cases, a definite diagnosis can be made
are reduced in addition to reduced iron stores. Hemo- only by combined use of multiple tests. The reticulocyte
globin and hemoctrit are within normal limits. count may be normal or low. Urea and creatinine values
3. Marked IDA: In addition to the depletion of iron should be checked in terms of accompanying renal fail-
stores, serum iron and transferin saturation hemoglob- ure especially in patients who do not adequately respond
ulin and hematocrit levels are reduced. to treatment. The laboratory findings in iron deficiency
are summarized in Table 4 (29-32).
All variables may not change at the same time because
of development of these stages in children with iron Prevention
deficiency. One should be very careful when evaluat- The American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health
ing iron variables. The serum ferritin level is the best Organization and other well-known pediatrics orga-

zdemir N. Iron deficiency anemia in children Trk Ped Ar 2015; 50: 11-9

nizations have proposed many recommendations for Treatment

prevention of iron deficiency which is the most com- The main principles in treatment of iron deficiency
mon nutritional deficiency in the whole world. These anemia include making the diagnosis, investigating the
recommendations include enrichment of foods with condition which causes to iron deficiency and elimina-
iron, giving iron-rich formulas when brastmilk is in- tion of this condition, replacement of deficiency, im-
sufficient, avoiding cows milk in the first year of life, provement of nutrition and education of patients and
screening infants in the 9-12th months in terms of iron families. Iron is found in two forms in diet; non-heme
deficiency and giving infants iron prophylaxis (33). iron and heme iron. Non-heme iron is found in food
products other than meat and heme iron is found in
Each of these methods have controversial points. Since meat and meat products. Absorption of heme iron is
anemia will develop in the advancing stages of iron de- much higher, but only 10% of the iron in diet is heme
ficiency, many children with ID will be missed in screen- iron. While the absorption of heme iron is affected by
ings performed at the 9-12th monts only by complete enviromental factors with a very low rate, non-heme
blood count and irreversible neurocognitive changes will iron is affected by other food substances and pH of the
already have developed. Food enrichment is addition environment. Therefore, increasing consumption of
of deficient micronutrients to solid food products. En- meat and meat products is very important in preven-
riched food should be consumed by everybody, but this tion and treatment of iron deficiency. The other foods
is not always possible especially for poor individuals and rich in iron include egg, well-done legumes, green veg-
for individuals who live in rural areas. Technical prob- etables and dry fruit.
lems including taste changes and decreased bioavail-
ability may also be observed in relation with enrichment The literature contains an insufficient number of publi-
of food products (34). Iron prophylaxis is also a contro- cations related to iron treatment. A reason for this is the
versial issue. Many contrary views were proposed when fact that mild iron deficiency is not noticed adequately
the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended pro- and less priority is given to the researches performed to
phylaxis in 2011 for term infants who were breastfed (35, improve IDA treatment. There are many different rec-
36). In some studies, the benefit of prophylaxis with iron ommendations related with the dose, content, period
drops was found to be inadequate when compared with and follow-up of iron treatment in different publica-
supplement with food products or formulas (37, 38). The tions. As a result of this, many physicians administer
most ideal way in meeting the requirement of iron and very low doses of iron or inppropriate iron content and
other micronutrients is improvement of the quality of treatment fails or many patients discontinue treatment
food products. Especially increasing consumption of an- because of side effects related with high dose. There are
imal products will meet many requirements including many different iron preparations with different content
iron. However, consumption of meat is considerably low in the market and some of them are called food sup-
in developing countries and consumption of unleavened plements and are under supervision of the Ministry of
bread including pastry and thin bread, cereal, flour is Food, Agriculture and Livestock. Oral iron treatment is
high traditionally. For many Turkish families tea is in- preferred primarily because it is economical and has few
dispensible. In one study we performed, we showed that side effects. Iron preparations may be found as +2 fer-
iron stores were reduced in the follow-up despite recom- rous or +3 ferric forms. The ferric form has to be trans-
mendations for infants aged 6-9 months who switched formed into the ferrous form to be absorbed. Therefore,
to solid foods after receiving breastmilk for the first 6 the biologically significant form is +2 ferrous iron. The
months (39). most commonly used oral +2 ferrous iron preparations
include ferrous sulphate, ferrous gluconate, ferrous fu-
Conclusively, the preventive measures on which a con- marate and ferrous succinate. The first study about this
sensus was made include prevention of premature de- issue was performed by Nathan Smith (40) in 1950, the
livery, delayed clamping of the cord especially in pre- most inexpensive and efficent one among 1970 iron
mature babies, exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 preparations was shown to be ferrous sulphate. Ferrous
months, giving solid foods in addition to breastmilk at sulphate is still the most commonly used preparation;
seperate meals, avoiding cows milk before one year of the reason for this may be the insufficient number of
age, use of iron-enriched formulas if formula milk is studies performed since that time. Absorption of fer-
to be used instead of breastmilk and using solid foods rous sulphate (ferrous sulphate complex: an example in
which are especially rich in heme iron. Turkey is Ferrosanol) is very well and its bioavailability

Trk Ped Ar 2015; 50: 11-9 zdemir N. Iron deficiency anemia in children

is high, but it may have side effects including irritation retardation, delayed wound healing and frequent infec-
in the gastrointestinal system, constipation, nausea, tions because of immune system disorder even serum
vomiting and epigastric pain. In our country, drop and zinc levels could not be measured due to insufficient
suspension forms are present : Ferrosanol 1 drop: 1 laboratory opportunities.
mg, 1 spoon: 20 mg elementary iron. In addition, pill
(40 mg elementary iron) and capsule (100 mg elemen- The rate of iron absorption also depends on the sever-
tary iron) forms are also present for older children. ity of anemia. It reaches the highest values in the first
month of treatment. Signs observed in patients includ-
The most commonly used treatment dose is 3-6 mg/ ing restlessness, loss of appetite and fatigue rapidly
kg/day. There are different recommendations releated disappear with initiation of treatment. An increase in
to the dose, in the literature and textbooks. For exam- the reticulocyte count is expected on the 7-19th days of
ple, the recommended dose is 3 mg/kg in Nathan and treatment. If an increase of 1 g/dL or more is observed
Oskis hematology testbook, 4.56 mg/kg/day in Lanz- in Hb after ten days, the diagnosis is correct. In this
kowskys Pediatric Hematology Oncology testbook case, treatment can be continued for at least 2 months
and 6 mg/kg/day in Williams Hematology testbook. to fill iron stores. The treatment period should not ex-
The Centers for Disease Control in USA recommend- ceed 5 months. If there is an insufficient increase after
ed use of 3 mg/kg/day elementary iron in 1998 in or- one-month treatment, incompliance, continuing blood
der to simplify the dose and increase compliance, but loss despite iron replacement, disruption in absorption
this recommendation is based on expert opinion rath- of iron, high gastric pH (use of antacids or H2 receptor
er than clinical studies. In our own center, we give 3-4 antagonists), wrong diagnosis or inefficient iron prepa-
mg/kg/day ferrous iron in two doses 1 hour before or ration should be considered.
2 hours after meals in order to increase compliance.
There are also different recommendations in relation Parenteral iron treatment can be administered when
with dividing the dose. Studies have shown that a sin- oral iron treatment can not be tolerated, in cases where
gel daily dose was also efficient especially in children anemia should be corrected rapidly and in gastrointes-
who developed gastrointestinal side effects (41). Fur- tinal absorption disorders including celiac disease or
ther, different administration methods are also being inflammatory bowel disease. There are not many stud-
discussed. It is thought that iron consumed one day be-
Table 5. Cerrahpaa Medical Faculty intravenous iron
fore disrupts the absorption of iron consumed next day, treatment protocol
makes mucosal inhibition. Therefore, every other day
or weekly treatments is also being discussed. In a study Iron to be given: kg x (desired Hb-patients Hb g/L) x 0.24 +
performed in our center in recent years, no difference depot iron
was found between the efficiencies of daily and weekly Note: multiply the result with 10 because Hb is taken as g/L
iron treatments (42, 43). Desired Hb up to 35 kg: 130 g/L
Iron store: 15 mg/kg
It is known that ascorbic acid increases absorption of Desired Hb above 35 kg: 150 g/L
iron, but use of preparation containing vitamin C in Iron store: 500 mg
combination with iron has a high cost. In Turkey, fer-
Number of venofer ampoules to be given=total iron deficiency
rous fumarate is included in another preparation con- (mg)/100
taining +2 iron for children. It has two forms one of Minimum amount to be given daily 0.15 mL/kg=3 mg/kg
which contains zinc, vitamin C, folic acid and iron and
Maximum 0,35 mL/kg=7 mg/kg
the other one which contains only zinc and iron (Fer-
rozinc, Ferrozinc-G, respectively 1 spoon: 40 mg el-
ementary iron). In a thesis study performed in our cen- 1 ampoule venofer=100 mg iron. One box contains 5 ampoules.
ter, we showed that zinc deficiency accompanied iron The drug should be kept away from light.
deficiency with a rate of 9% (44). However, there are no
sufficient studies related with routine addition of zinc After the dose of iron to be given is calculated, the drug is given
to iron preparations. We think that use of preparations by extending over days (5-7 days).
containing iron and zinc will be beneficial in areas Treatment response should be examined by performing com-
where malnutrition is present and in children with iron plete blood count after the drug and on the 21st day of treat-
deficiency together with growth and developmental

zdemir N. Iron deficiency anemia in children Trk Ped Ar 2015; 50: 11-9

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oral iron treatment in IDA related with nutritional de- Organization; 2001.
ficieny and more studies are needed in this area. Since 2. etin E. stanbulda yaayan ocuk ve adolesanlarda ane-
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first parenteral iron preparations which came onto the Tp Fakltesi, 1997.
3. Gkay G, Kl A. ocuklarda demir eksiklii anemisi-
market, a hesitancy occured among physicians, but the
nin epidemiyolojisi. ocuk Sal ve Hastalklar Dergisi
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