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NIT 900.258.868-9. RESOLUCIN 04613 DE 2010

Proceso: VOCABULARIO TERCER PERODO 6TH GRADE 2017 Versin: Agosto 2014
Pgina 1 de 1

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

1. For Example 1. Too Much 1. Make Sure 1. Know that
2. Said to 2. Over There 2. In The 2. Never mind
3. Mean (that) 3. Looking For Morining 3. Any way
4. Crescent 4. Order 3. What i 4. Raincoat
5. Cycle 5. Patch Mean 5. Rainboat
6. Drift 6. Phase 4. Sphere 6. Oatmeal
7. Escape 7. Planet 5. Struggle 7. Sailboat
8. Gravity 8. Powerful 6. Surface 8. Mood
9. Farmlands 9. Climate 7. Wane 9. Streams
10. Grasses 10. Winter 8. Wax 10. Flow
11. Atom 11. Proton 9. Humid 11. Particles
12. Electron. 12. Neutron 10. Fresh 12. Made up
11. Matter
12. Universe

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

1. Fair enough 1. All day long 1. Whats wrong 1. Get around
2. Carry on 2. Whats 2. More than 2. Go for a
3. Wonder if cracking less walk
4. Bleak 3. For real 3. Set out 3. As a matter
5. Decision 4. Individual 4. Sodden of fact
6. Duty 5. Long 5. Sparkle 4. Haircut
7. Forbidden 6. Nudge 6. Swell 5. Stairway
8. Forsaken 7. Pause 7. Tasty 6. Hairbrush
9. Largest 8. Puzzled 8. Thermostat 7. Frown
10. Cubic 9. Contains 9. Extends 8. Allowed
11. Make Up 10. Volume 10. Shallow 9. Agriculture
12. Fit 11. Spin 11. Mass 10. Rapidly
12. Orbits 12. Radio activity 11. Solid
12. Liquid

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