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Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking a British cosmologist, was born in England on 8 Januar in

1942. He attended University College, Oxford, where he studied physics, despite
his father`s urging to focus on medicine. Then he went to Cambridge to research

Stephen Hawking is known for his work regarding black holes and for authoring
several popular science books.

After his graduating from the University, he continued serving as a research fellow
and later as a professional fellow.

In 1979 he was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, the

most famous academic chair in the world.

Hawking studied the basic laws governing the universe. He proposed that since the
universe boasts a beginning The Big Bang it likely will have an ending. Also a
cosmologist suggests that space and time began at the birth of the Universe and
ends within black holes, which implies that Einstein`s theory and quantum theory
must be united.

He predicted that following the Big Bang theory, black holes as tiny as protons
were created, governed by both general relativity and quantum mechanics.

In 2014 he revised his theory, even writing that there are no black holes. His
theory removed the existence of an event horizon, the point where nothing can
escape. But the theory removes controversial.

Also Hawking wrote nonfiction books aimed the nonscientists. These include: A
Brief History of Time, The Grand Design and others.

Stephen was the greatest scientist despite hiss disease.

Hawking is considered one of the most influential and important theoretical
physicists of the twentieth century. His theories on black holes and his search for a
grand unification theory.

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