Meta Campaign Ideas

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Meta campaign ideas

I make blanket vulnerabilities and resistances per monster type.

All undead are always vulnerable to radiant damage.

All giants are resistant to non-magical slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning. Mostly
because I hate the idea that a normal sized longsword could do anything more than a
paper cut to a huge or larger sized giant.
All Shapechangers are vulnerable to silver (or moon metal)
All Fey are vulnerable to iron. Because I like the idea from fairy tales and Earth's
All Constructs and structures are vulnerable to adamantite. Because this stuff is as hard
as diamond and can smash through, or cut through any inanimate object.
All Fiends and Celestials are vulnerable to orichalcum. A material from fiction I use as a
very rare red metal that disrupts fiends and celestials.
Elementals are vulnerable to some damage type. Usually I go: wind(cold), fire, water,
lightning, earth. In that order, and the element to the right is the damage vulnerability
with earth looping back around to cold. So cold is vulnerable to fire, fire to water, water
to lightning, lightning to earth, and earth to cold.

I have a hidden war going on where psychic and shadow are vulnerable to each other,
as a light of knowledge vs. darkness of secrets underlying theme. In my campaign
they're actually two sides of the same energy spectrum but opposing.

And last I also made a "void" energy which is the damage space and black holes and
disintegration that everything is vulnerable to, but I don't bother stating that up.
Literally everything is vulnerable to it. So when anyone gets sucked into a black hole,
or falls into space takes void damage.

Consider way more government types than just medieval feudalism. Mageocracies, oligarchy,
plutocracy, republics, tribal.

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