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Project Tribes

Deck building living card game with milling/victory point mechanic

Upkeep > Draw> Play> Discard> Activate
Upkeep Phase; pay for any active cards still in play, any cards not upkept are discarded immediately.
Population is also checked at this time. If you have more minions in play than Population available then
you must discard your minions down to your Population amount. You may choose which minions are
discarded in this way. Draw Pile refresh; if the draw pile has no cards in it, shuffle the discard pile to
create a new draw pile.
Draw Phase; draw 5 cards into your hand, do not let opponent see these cards. Also if there are less than
3 Civilization face up, draw up to three and place them face up available to be purchased. During this
phase if your draw pile runs low and you are not able to draw all 5 cards, then draw the remaining cards,
and this will be your hand for this turn, the draw pile is refreshed during the Upkeep Phase.
Play Phase; place cards from your hand into active play area, this does not cost any resources. You may
play as many cards as you wish. However there are limitations on amount of minions in play known as
Population. Most cards have requirements that must be met before they are able to be played.
Discard Phase; Discard any cards left in your hand.
Activate Phase; This phase allows for the cards in the active area to be used, also may purchase cards
from Civilization deck. Cards acquired this way go directly into your discard pile.

Cost: Cards may cost 1, 3, 5, or 10. May overspend for cards.
Card affinity: Many cards have a specific faction affinity, which allows the player controlling that faction
to purchase those cards from the Civilization deck for one less cost.
Cards are "played" from your hand. Many effects may require a card to be played, or may just be placed.
Placed cards are not considered played.
Population: Unless otherwise noted
Requirements: are only to play the card, not to keep it in play, that is upkeep.
Upkeep: the condition which must be paid at during the upkeep phase to keep the card in play. If the
upkeep is not paid then the card is discarded. This also counts for Population.
Draw Pile refresh; if your draw

Play; to put a card into the play area.
Activate; use the card, by following the text on the card. Usually needs to be in play area to activate.
Discard; place card in discard pile.
Discard Pile; Discarded card area, placed face up.
Draw; Take card from Draw Pile
Draw Pile; Face down cards to draw from.

Civilization Deck:
Buildings: Many buildings have tech requirements (i.e. # of active techs before building may be played)
Houses/Huts/Graves (cost 1); grant +1 population per House. Upkeep; cost 1 to upkeep ALL
Library (cost 5): During Draw phase, may draw the top face down card from the Civilization deck
to add to your hand as one of your five drawn cards.
Graveyard (cost 1): +1 Population. Upkeep 1

Technology: Often the only requirement of technology is either a specific Population size, or simply have
a high cost. Can only have one of any technology active at once. Once purchased technology cannot be
discarded. Two different types of Technology Civil, and Warfare each type may specifically be affected by
other cards.
Siege Engines (cost 5); Minions may choose to attack opponent's buildings instead of their deck,
if a building receives any damage (damage is not mitigated in some way) the building card is
discarded. All minions gain +1 AP.
City Planning; all houses grant +1 additional Population (so House and Hut cards increase to +2
Population instead of just +1).

Quests: Grant VP. Quests often have no requirements, or minion in play requirements (i.e. must have a
Minion in play with at least 3 cost, etc.) Quests are vulnerable to be discarded by other cards until they
are complete. To complete a quest they must fulfill the quest objective, this is can be anything from X
Population, to specific building requirements, tech requirements, or resource requirements. Once a
quest's objective is fulfilled the quest is turned sideways indicating that it is complete and the quest
grants the stated number of victory points. X victory points wins the game.
Harvest (1 VP); Requirement; none. Objective; have two food resources in play.

Resources: Cost resources/creatures to purchase. Resources are then worth the card's cost amount
when in play, and may be discarded to "spend" the resource. Resources can be food or other resources.
Some requirements differentiate between food and non-food resources. Food resources have a little
wheat symbol, non-food resources have a little coin symbol.

Faction decks: Start with 15 cards. 5 of those cards are usually minions, the rest are action or resource
cards. Some factions may have a technology card to start with, or other cards that start in their basic
faction deck.
Minions; each minion has a cost and may or may not have a specific requirement (often either specific
Population number, or Resource card in play). The minion's cost may be spent like any other resource
card in play to purchase Civilization cards. Minions used this way are discarded. Minions may also attack
the opponent, Minions will have an attack power (AP), signified with a little sword. Often Minions have
an attack power associated to their cost (AP 1 = cost 1, AP 2 = cost 3, AP 3 = Cost 5). Should a minion take
damage from any source (say by defending) they are discarded. When defending a minion does its AP
back to attackers (which usually discards the attacker card also).
Actions; are simple cards with abilities that may be played, from play they may be discarded to activate
their abilities printed on the card.
Faction: Scourge (card philosophy no resources, but grows anyways, also resource destruction)
Necromancer x1 (cost 5) AP: 2, While Necromancer is in play; +2 Population. Also grants each of
your Undead minions the Tough quality: Tough anytime this minion would be discarded, instead roll a six
sided die if the result is a 6 the card is not discarded. Requirement: at least 2 Scourge in play, or
Scourge Walker x5 (cost 1), AP: 1 Undead
Coffin x3 (cost 1*) +1 Population Upkeep cost 1 *Coffin is a house, all active houses share the
same upkeep cost.
Mausoleum x1 (cost 3) +2 Population. Requirement: At least 1 coffin or graveyard present.
Upkeep cost 1 and a coffin must be in play.
Blight x3 (cost 1) Destroy any resource card currently in play.
Graveyard x1 (cost 5) On your turn you may search your discard pile and play an Undead card
immediately. Requirement: At least 1 Undead in your discard pile. Upkeep: 3

Faction: Goblin (Horde, lots of minions and lots of resources)

Goblin Boss x1 (cost 5) AP: 3, Goblin. While Boss is in play all Snots and Grunts MUST attack if
they are able to. Also while in play Snots gain charge and may deal damage to opposing player even if
the attacking goblin is blocked.
Grunt x2 (cost 3) AP: 2. Goblin.
Snot x3 (cost 1) AP: 1, Goblin. For every other Goblin minion in play, snot gains +1 AP.
Hut x3 (cost 1*) +1 Population. Upkeep cost 1 *Hut is a house, all active houses share the same
upkeep cost.
Fetid Pile x3 (cost 1) Resource; food.
Rancid Meat x2 (cost 3) Resource; food.
Demolition x1 (cost 3) Action: Discard a building in play.

Faction: Human
Captain x1 (cost 5) AP 3, Human. Once per turn you may search your draw pile and play a Recruit
card immediately.
Lieutenant x2 (cost 3) AP 2, Human. Once per turn you may search your draw pile for an action
card and play it immediately.
Recruit x4 (cost 1) AP 1, Human.
Cottage x3 (cost 1*) +1 Population. Upkeep cost 1 *All active houses share the same upkeep
Farm x1 (cost 1) Resource. Food.
Mine x 1 (cost 5) Resource. Requirement: Must have a food resource in play.
Writing x1 (cost 1) Technology. Reduces the cost of Civil technologies by 1.
Rally x2 (cost 1) Action: Activate to enable minions to attack again this turn.

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