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Space species.

Name: Raxomazi
Home-World: Chulol
Description: A benevolent race, which holds art above all else. They have latent telepathic abilities and
live in the thick atmosphere of a carbon dioxide rich gas giant. When their home-world was rendered
uninhabitable due to an environmental catastrophe, they terraformed a planet in a nearby star system,
making it their new home. They are now using their terraforming expertise to restore the climate of
their original home-world.

Name: Ulaites
Home-World: Capuli 4
Description: A race of invertebrates with long noses. They are renowned for the fairness and impartiality
of their law courts, and they have arbitrated many disputes between other species.

Name: Cardalorn
Home-World: Bukuret
Description: A race of photosynthetic ruminants. Their home-world experiences extremes of
temperature due to a highly elliptical orbit. They grow thick coats of fur in the winter months but shed
them in the spring.

Name: Madreleereans
Home-World: Lorkir VII
Description: A race of humanoid aliens who have four eyes and hollow bones. They prefer to go unseen,
and have have hidden their world using a huge cloaking device. A political and cultural elite withholds
scientific knowledge, keeping the general population ignorant.

Name: Haj'jinar
Home-World: Yaybisia 3
Description: A race of energetic arachnids. They speak a complex gestural language. A social taboo
forbids them to speak directly with members of other species. Having not yet left their own planet, they
believe themselves to be the only intelligent life-forms in the universe.

Name: Grazo
Home-World: Vululsia
Description: A race of bio-mechanoids with horns on their heads and scaly skin. They hunt tiny hominids
for sport. They have a symbiotic relationship with a parasitic life-form, without which they are unable to
breed. There are only a small number of these parasites, and they are allocated by a government body.
They prefer not to leave their home-world and use holographic representations of themselves to
explore the galaxy instead.

Name: Dafinak
Home-World: Eldirania
Description: A race of hairy humanoids with tiny heads and over-active sweat glands. They have a highly
bureaucratic society and consider dance to be a form of ritual combat.

Name: Bespathi
Home-World: Bukkisia VII
Description: A race of small childlike peaceful scientists. They are surrounded by a thick layer of
protective fat. Their society is governed by a number of councils.

Name: Hoeorg
Home-World: Fluver VII
Description: A race of hairy rodents. They have incredible regenerative abilities. They share their home
star system with a race of enormous space-dwelling life forms whom they worship as gods.

Name: Woovax
Home-World: Thurgogeon
Description: A race of bovids with large resonating chambers on the front of their heads, through which
they speak. They are excellent traders and tough negotiators.

Name: Nevari
Home-World: Bellatan V
Description: A race of telepathic reptiles with three eyes. They are an ancient race and once built an
empire consisting of several thousand star systems, but has long been in decline. Their home-world is
rich in mineral wealth, making it a target for prospectors from many different species.

Name: T'joran
Home-World: Legia
Description: A race of humanoid aliens who have sharp teeth and long fingers. They are extremely
arrogant and consider most other species to be inferior forms of life. Because of this, they rarely interact
with other races, and a social taboo forbids them to speak directly with members of other species. Their
leaders are selected by way of a sporting tournament.

Name: Adreki
Home-World: Ambelu
Description: A race of aggressive xenophobes who use advanced crystalline technology to destroy their
enemies. They have serpentine bodies, six eyes, and sharp claws. They live underwater and breathe
through gills. Their society is ruled by a 'presiding queen' who leads a council of lesser sub-queens, each
of whom is responsible for their own dominion.

Name: Larhaar
Home-World: Nreejia
Description: A race of omni-dimensional felines who have complex religious ceremonies that can last up
to three days. Their home-world is extremely geologically active; it experiences regular earthquakes and
has many active volcanoes.

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