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Create Genetically Engineered Werewolves

2. Build Atmosphere Destruction Machines
3. Kidnap friends of the PCs
4. Laugh Maniacally
5. Build Secret Lairs
6. Play God and create LIFE~!
7. Produce a super-serum with unforeseen side effects
8. Create Robots to do things around the lair
9. Create Robots to go out and do things they don't want to do
10. Create Robots to make them feel better about themselves.
11. Create Robots to look like people so they can do a better job of 9 and 10.
12. Create Robots to go embarass and destroy people who have wrong the mad scientist in the past.
13. Create Robots to stop other mad scientists who might think you would interfere with their
plans., who knows, they might of embarassed or wronged you in the past.
14. Create Robots to conquer the world, or at least a good chunk., that way there will be at least one
place run properly.
15. Create Robots to build more robots so I the mad scientist don't have to be involved in the day to
day things.
16. Mind Control.
17. Invent something everyone desires, but will inevitably destroy the world.
18. Try to create a "utopia" by force.
19. Try to save the world from something bad, but make it far, far worse, and then decide they like
the change anyway.
20. Try to save the world by changing what it means to be human.
21. Try to save the world from humans.
22. Try to destroy "the system," i.e., hitting the "reset button."
23. Try to unravel the secrets of the Universe at a cost to..the perpetuation of the Universe, or some
appropriately scaled piece-thereof.
24. Try to escape the universe, at some cost to us in this universe.
25. Return from an alternate universe on a mission to bring its reality to us.
26. Return from an alternate universe with naughty friends.
27. Return from an alternate universe after devastating it, and antagonizing the survivors, and
leaving the door open, of course.
28. Revive or create someone they cannot, and will never, be able to truly heal, redeem, or properly
29. Try to restore numeracy to threads through extreme measures
30. Hire really incompetent lab assistants.
31. Hire really incompetent security guards and then act surprised when those pesky superheroes
smash though them to foil his latest plot.
30. Create giant monsters.
31. Create giant robots.
32. Need I mention giant cyborg monsters?
33. Use a giant laser to carve your initials on the moon.
34. Sharks with fricking lasers on their heads!
35. Build a moon base and hold the world hostage.
36. Build a giant cyclotron.
37. Shrink your enemies and feed them to your cat.
38. Start the Zombie Apocalypse!
39. Reveal all plans to the heroes immediately before the heroes foil those plans.
40 Two words. shrink ray.
41. Do unforgivable things to win the love of a moral person
42. Provide the answer to the univere's greatest question.. and by finding that answer.. bring the
universe to an end.
43. SCIENCE!, How did we get so far without this one.
44. Build something dangerous just to see if they could do it.
45. Attempt to get revenge on those fools at the institute.
46. Build devices based on falsified theories.
47. Act as though the silliest post-modernist ideas applied to the real world in the most literal way
48. Bring back the space age dreams at any cost.
49. Act as though they lived in a purely clockwork universe.
50. Bring back pre Averroes Muslim philosophy at any cost
51. Try to prove their theories true at any cost.
52. Discover things man was not meant to know.
53. Experiment on themselves.
54. Ignore any and all ideas about lab safety.
55. Only intended the Maim-O-Matic 5000 for Ze Peacefull Purpozes.
56. Act all suprised when it turns out that the government doesn't want the Maim-O-Matic 5000 for
Ze Peacevull Purpozes
57. Fire up the Maim-O-Matic 5000 to protest the Government wanting to use it for.. Military
59. Learn from future self how to build Time Machine.
60. Go back in time.
61. Teach past self how to build Time Machine.
62. Never think about where the idea for the Time Machine came from.
63. Build better mousetrap.
64. Use better mousetrap to get revenge on everyone who's wronged you.
65. Leave the mice alone, they never did anything to you.
66. Create perfect woman, because you obviously can't get a date looking like you do.
67. Grow amazingly beautiful daughter in lab, because she'd never look that good if she was actually
related to you.
68. Have either betray you for the hero., Watch out if you're Japanese. they'll both do this. The only
upside is they'll fight over the hero.
69. Run around with parabolic energy projectors
70. Take up a hobby.
71. Build a better harem.
72. Resurrect Hitler.
73. Give gold-digging floozies something to worry about.
74. Save humanity with your new supercity.
75. Test your product.
76. Drop a giant psychic super-squid onto Manhattan. Thirty-five minutes ago.
77. Start designing and building an "ark", a location where humanity, and all of life. will survive the
upcoming destruction of the world.
78. Start stealing raw materials to build said ark.
79. Steal people of the proper genetic make up to fill the ark.
80. Brainwash the uncooperative, and spin cycle any who disobey.
81. Stop those pesky investigators looking for your hand picked genetically superior people.
82. Create an uberweapon to defend your ark.
83. be prepared to destroy the world to save your version of the future.
84. Gloat.
85. Manipulate sunspots in order to control the world economy, cf. Jevons. and make billions!
86. Use said billions to buy the Hostess corporation and return Twinkies to their original banana-
flavored filling.
87. Add a subtle mind-control virus to the bananas used.
88. Crash a Civil War reenactment with steampunk robots.
89. Homestuck LARP.
90. Build working version of the rolling roads from Heinlein's "The Roads Must Roll".
91. But the system is poorly planned and will result in rolling traffic jams!
92. Make things that don't blow up.
93. Make things that blow up.
94. Make things that blow up, but shouldn't.
95. String theory.
96. Make perfectly workable mad-science devices out of really odd and unusual commonplace
items, such as deathrays made from laser-pointers.
97. Talk in possibly the most annoying voice ever - often screechy.
98. Tell long emotionally-damaging backstories, giving justifications for your mad plans.
99. Be thwarted by a nemesis, while cursing said nemesis loudly every time. "CURSE YOU, Perry the
100. reveal the plan - as soon as someone is captured
101. Make you a Man, In just 7 days!.
102. Pursue an altruistic invention, or at least morally neutral discovery, BUT engage in horrific
human experimentation to get there.
103. Travel back in time and change the past to save the life of a loved one.
104. Travel back in time and change the past to allow your pet political cause to triumph.
105. Travel back to the Big Bang and alter the matter-antimatter ratio of the early universe to what
the theory you based your time machine on predicted.
106. Test their friends to see how long they remain crunchy in milk.
107. We like to destroy technologies that humans cannot handle yet.
108. Hybridize two or more animals from entirely different phyla.
109. Look sad when the hybrid explodes.
110. Make a NEW hybrid! A BETTER hybrid! Utilizing EVEN MORE PHYLA!
111. Throw in the towel when it also blows up and go back to robots.
112. Augment their own brains, either biologically or cybernetically.
113. Hallucinate.
114. Ask weird philosophical questions, the profundity of which is rather spoiled by the fact that
they're asking them of someone upon whom they are performing non-consensual surgery without
115. Play with radiation.
116. Accidentally-on-purpose trip the switch as the authorities are escorting them out of the lab in
handcuffs, thus setting the Final Phase of the Plan into motion!
117. Capture someone to reveal the plan to.
118. Measure the unaffectable!
119. Build a flying saucer
120. If that is too hard, go find a saucer that has crashed.. take it from the fools that haven't done
enough with it, and reverse engineer it.
121. Introduce Aliens to Nachos and Rock&Roll.
122. Take over a section of the Alien's culture
123. Return with your newly aquirred alien tech and take over the world.. with flying saucers.
124. Discover the aliens are already here and you can't stop them, well, you could, but there are
other things to do., so help the government create a SHADO organization to stop the aliens,
preferably shooting them down in flying saucers.
125. Draw up Plans for MoonBase Alpha.. in your spare time.. while waiting for a UFO to reverse
126. Bone up on biologic science so you can help do the disection of the alien pilots.
127. Invest in Rat and Rabbit Ranches, so you can feed aliens that are here.. lulling them into a false
sense of security. Tracing their purchases, you can find their alien bases, jack a UFO without Shado's
help. or just give them the address so they can blow it up.
128. Create Synthezoids to infiltrate the alien infiltrators, so you can take over from them when
they take over.
129. Realize, after watching an old movie, that synthezoids can be used to create great amusement
parks., You could always use some more cash to buy things so you don't have to bother to steal
130. Create a satellite system to disable all synthetics because those sneaky aliens copied your
131. Hook your AI to the satellite system, just so it can stop the aliens.. if it needs to. Link it in to
military systems, just in case you need some more umpf.
132. Recieve a message from yourself, or your AI. from the future. It gives you the general idea/
plans for a time travel device.
133. create the plans for some combat robots, because you never know when you might need them.
134. Encode their beliefes into the very fabric of fate, such anyone can read them forth just by
paying attenction to their lives.
135. Design robots to save humanity from the robots of another mad scientist
136. Destroy the environment because of a burning hatred for nature.
137. Make god just to kill him.
138. Dominate a small town, slowly replacing the inhabitants until its microsociety reflects your
139. Destroy a solar system to build your Dyson-powered absolute zero cooled gaming system.
140. Build a computer to answer the question "Is there a God?"
141. Preen mightily upon hearing "There is now!"
142. Take at least a year to realise it wasn't referring to it's designer..
143. Capture the heroes and put them into a Virtual Reality that involves threats required that they
use their awesome science! abilities. Use advanced robotics to conduct the experiments that the PCs
conduct in the VR.
144. Create an Evil Genius Humanoid Robot to cover up the fact I'm the fluffy white feline "pet"
secretly running the whole empire of evil
145. Steal all his inventions from the local benevolent mad scientist
146. or the Internet
147. or his assistant
148. and add some minor changes,like another color, to claim it as his own invention
149. Own a pet, usually a cat, but occasionally a lizard or large raptor/scavenger bird.
150. Use said pet as sounding board for grand schemes.
151. Stroke, feed, or otherwise pay attention said pet while gloating over "helpless" hero,es.
152. In addition to said pet or by way of replacement, own a collective noun, pack, herd, horde,
swarm, etc. of dangerous predators, sharks, wolves, weasels. that may or may not have been
surgically altered with weapons and/or other implants.
153. Feed failed minions and trespassers, heroes, spies, Amway salespersons, Jehovah's witnesses.
to said collective noun, usually while gloating.
154. Fall into containment area of said collective noun of predators when plan is foiled by hero,es.
and be consumed.
155. Make a half-pony half-monkey monster just to please you.
156. Maybe I used too many monkeys?
157. Fall in love with Summer Glau.
158. Build a love-bot of Summer Glau.
159. Get jealous of current Glau boyfriend.
160. Send your current Glau-bot back in time to beat up the boy while he was younger, so that he
will not like Glau, and thus opening the possibility that she'll be single in your current timeline.
161. Kidnap Summer Glau, replace her with your love bot.
162. Brainwash Summer Glau to love you.
163. Make a couple of clone copies, and brain tapes. just in case the brainwashing does not go well
or the fail safe goes off if she tries to escape, blowing off her head.
164. Keep replacing Summer Glau bot, as various lesser mad scientists keep kidnapping your bot.
165. Open a small service for discreet clientel which sells Summer Glau bots and clones.
166... which of course are spying on the clientel to pick up technical or financial secrets.
167. Charge the batteries.
168. Install obvious self destruct buttons on your doom machines.
169. Live in a castle where castles aren't zoned, I'll show those real estate regulating fools! Nyee
hhee hee haw!
170. Create bubbling potions in every color of the rainbow.
171. Drink one just to see what it does.
172. Turn into a shambling humanoid monster as a result.
173. Drink a different one.
174. Turn back to normal.
175. Write a journal entry reminding self to test potions on lab assistants next time.
176. Catch up reading some classic science fiction.. for inspiration.
177. Create Invisibility Serum.
178. Create Antidote to Serum.
179. Make Journal Entry about making signs to remind you to create an antidote before you try any
new serums.
180. Think about surgically altering animals..
181. Discover that it is gross, opt for genetic manipulation of the animals
182. After cleaning up the mess from the break out, watch the movie and realized "oh, that is what
went wrong".
183. Create formula to seperate the good and the bad from a person.
184. Reading the sign, you realize you must make the antidote first.
185. Reading another older journal entry, you test it on a minion first.
186. You give him the antidote after he turns into an incredibly handsome man, seduces your
Summer Glau love bot, and decides to go into politics.
187. Decide to build a moon vehicle on a lark.
188. The cannon would never work, but with the right changes, you could drop big rocks on people
anywhere in the world from a near terminal velocity.
189. Reads moon is a harsh mistress again.
190. Builds moon vehicle, moon camper, and the parts for a mass driver.
191. The agents at moonbase alpha stop you as you warm up the magnets for the mass driver.
192. Ask them where is your UFO that you are supposed to reverse engineer.
193. Get shipped back to Earth.
194. Get good tech support, without revealing where my secret base is.
195. cackle evilly
196. get a sign that reminds you cackling evilly is context specific. Successfully baking is not the
time to cackle evilly..unless said muffins are sentient meglomaniacs.
197. Invite all my evil super genius friends over for some friendly chess tournaments.
198. ammend email that "friend" is venacular, and that aquaintence might be more correct.
199. Set up encepholetic scanner to map super genius brains while playing chess, to copy their
intellect and any ideas that they have., While mine might be better, they might have worked
something out that will save me time.
200. Set up ideal spare lair for tournament
201. Steal a cargo container of proper teas. Hijack truck full of soda syrup.
202. spend time thinking about how to steal the Coke Formula.
203. Build hypersonic transport to get croisassants from France here in under 4 hours.
204. Use an advanced set of algorithims to arrange the brackets so nemesis, spurned lovers,
brothers, sisters, and people with restraining orders, will not face off with each other until the final
205. Make note to self that advanced firefighting eqipment should be developed before the next
206. make note to self to include, do not to bring offensive weapons to the next tournament.
207. Try to salvage the data and any part of the lair not destroyed.
208. Release the hounds!
209. Upon discovering a severe lack of hounds, build Robot Hounds.
210. Release the Robot Hounds!
211. Discover your robot hounds are not quite good enough to really terrorize the Heroes .. errr. .
Fools! that would stop you.
212. Work with the genetic mix-master to make Monster Hounds.
213. Unleash the Monster Hounds.
214. Discover leash laws, feeding bills, and the replacing of the couches as the Hounds are a
215. Bones up on robotics to make better Robot Hounds.
216. Decide Sharks are scarier, & generally not covered by leash laws.
217. Attach Robohound Legs to Genemodified Sharks.
218. Equip new CyberLandSharks with LASERS! because even Dr. Evil might have a worthwhile
219. Watch CyberLandSharks catch fire, becuase Mini-Me's real name is URIST & you're doing
220. Create a Flashy Thingy because it would save you so much embarassment over the years.
221. Start running simulations as to who to flash about what, so people would think you were cool.
222. accidently erase your self from everyone's memories.. nobody knows you anymore.
223. Create a virus to eliminate your electronic record
224. The virus is a bit too efficient and infects your own system
225. You send robots out to take out various hard copies..
226. playing around with the flashy thingy, you accidently flash yourself
227. Spend the next few months relearning all this science stuff.
228. Try to figure out who is trying to destroy you.. erase you from existance.. but failed.
230. Throw the switch! Throw the switch!
231. Watch an old Steve Reeves movie.
232. The Time Warp
233. Kill Meat Loaf
234. Breed catdogs!
235. Stumble into a swamp while on fire from your exploded sabotaged lab.
236. Install swamp around secret lab site, you never know when you might need it and it's so
beautifully atmospheric when the mist rises around the smoking ruin. Also the perfect background
to pose against while making the traditional "I'll get you for this! All of you!" speech. Install a
swamp today! Easy terms can be arranged..
237. Develop a fondness for acronyms like LASER, SCUBA, and MODOK.
238. Read some comics.., Hey! everyone needs some pop culture down time. You have to stay
current you know.
239. Build some anti-gravity platforms and a few blaster prototypes just to assure yourself that it
can be done and done better than the comics.
240. Try on the spandex, just to see if you would make a good super villian.
241. shift to jump suit, a baggy jumpsuit, because .. ummm.. it is more efficient, easier to clean, and
can conceal things.
242. Realizing that you bruise easily, create a robot to be a super villian and take the beatings.
243. Create a scheme for the robot.
244. Test Hypothesis that if a Super Villian arises, a Hero will rise up to meet him.
245. Prepare a couple of escape routes. a few secret ones around your lair. One can never be too
246. Begin to create a star ship, just in case the asteroid comes to wipe out life on Earth. Once can
never be too prepared.
247. Have the robot steal some nuclear missiles so you can modify them to blow up any incomming
asteroids. That way you don't have to move all your stuff.
248. Realized that a earth orbit lair might be kind of fun and would let you set up your asteroid
detection system more easily.
249. Create some Waldo arms so you can build things remotely.
250. Look up Wikipedia to figure out where the term came from.
251. Read original story.
252. Get back to your own schemes, as this break has taken you away from them for too long.
253. Discover the cure to a rare, lethal disease, then release the virus that causes that disease onto
the world and offer the cure to the highest bidding nation.
254. Hack into the heroes computer systems and take over their danger room.
255. Create clones of the your arch nemesis to run amok and ruin their lives.
256. Create evil clones of your arch nemeisis to hunt down and replace your arch nemesis
257. Save your arch nemesis from certain death, just so that you can be the one to destroy your
258. Go back in time to prevent your arch nemesis from ever having been born/created.
259. Create a device capable of manipulating all of reality
300. Plan so thoroughly so that even your contingencies have contingencies., Your contingincies
contingencies should at least be in the double digits.
261. Follow policies that do no embrace energy conservation, after all "There's A Light On at the
Frankenstein Mansion" and that place hasn't been used in years.
262. Create a bizarre imperfect duplicate of the hero.
263. Clone yourself. Place your brain in clone's body and fake your own death leaving your fortune
to the clone you are claiming is your son.
264. Discover the harsh realities of estate tax.
265. Walk this way.
266. create cybernetic augmentation so I don't have to walk that way.
267. Put ze candle back.
268. Build some robotic heroes to stop all those other nitwits who think they are mad scientists
before they screw up anything I might want or need later.
269. Clone your major opponent, somehow giving the clone the memories of the original.
270. Get the clone and the original to fight.
271. Give a Summer Glau clone, you have to have a couple lying around by now. to "the winner" to
keep them distracted.
272. Discover your mistake a bit later, and send a David Beckham clone.
273. Wait for the limited lifespan of the your "opponent clone" to kick in, thus having your clone,
which was obviously superior to the opponent. die off leaving everything for you.
274. Curse yourself for not having your "prize clone" take a genetic sample, just to make sure they
were the winner was your opponent's clone. Why you have the Clone Master 3000 out and a genetic
sample ..
275. Create another "opponent's clone" and give him programming that makes him want to attack
one of your other lesser opponents. That way either he will take out the lesser opponent or he will
create a conflict between your major and the minor opponent.
276. Create an opponent's clone, with some of the memories. and put it in a maid's outfit, or
something just as demeaning. and have them work around your lair. That way you can have the ego
satisfaction of dominating your opponent before you defeat them.
277. Create an opponent's clone and have it mess with the opponent's mother. That way he will be
the one getting nasty phone messages from his mother for a change.
275. Get bored. Putter around the lab for a while, just waiting for the thunderstorm that's
EVENTUALLY going to come. Post lists like this to internet forums, looking for inspirations to kill
the time.
279 is now the next number.
279. Regrow your lost arm.
280. Turn into a humanoid lizard.
281. Leave detailed notes which have the data that will let some unqualified fool derail the master
282. Remove Cybernetic Waldo Tentacles from my back
283. Try and destroy that damned school for young wizards. Only YOU are allowed to bend the laws
of physics to your will!
284. Tesla coils, Jacob's ladders and other spark generators everywhere ! Isn't the atmosphere
already more sciencey ?
285. Hire a moronic, ugly as sin hunchback as a minion. It's traditionnal.
286. Wear white labcoat in every occasions. Sleeps and showers are occasions.
287. Get inevitably betrayed and killed by your own creations as you try to assert control over it by
shouting "No ! It's impossible ! You must obey me ! i am your master ! I ! Created ! You ! Obey !
NOOOOO !" in your best impersonation of William Shatner.
288. Don't roll you eyes as the "hero" is having a monologue aver your corpse about you trespassed
in the reserved park of God, how you reaped what you sowed and how any progress accomplished
by science since the childhood of whoever is listening is of course evil and confusing and should
have never happened to begin with.
289. Invent.. the FINGLONGER!
290. Reconsider that the "Mad" modifier, as insane, not angry. may be holding you back. Seek
291. Disintergrate therapist, as that fool is not qualified to examine and disect your genius.
292. Contemplate if that action might not prove that the Mad Modifier may be applicable.
293. Disregard the whole enterprise as crazy.
294. Create some minor robotics to help with construction.
295. Appropriate some empy land. Sure you may have to displace some farmers and ranchers, but
you have watched enough westerns to see how this works.
296. Ensure there is a high speed rail line between a population center/ transporation hub and your
land. Watch a few more westerns.
297. Start creating an amusement park., Note. May have to steal some things to complete it quickly
and cheaply.
298. Create more humanoid robots to run the park for you.
299. Ensure that you have completely hidden yourself from any investigation, blaming this whole
thing on someone else, an identity create by for a humanity.
300. Unleash your ultimate amusement park and resort. Of course I built a resort out here.. in fact
several at several pricepoints.
301. Disappointed with the degree of success of your amusement Plot the destruction of other
famous amusement part to make your own look so much better., Oh and by stealing more stuff from
them, you can add rides, attractions, and hotels to your own area. Note. You are not making this to
make money, though it should. You are doing it to show that you are better than anyone else at
302. Create an elaborate plan to steal formula 7X because your own chemical analysis was
inconclusive, but you are a scientist, not a kitchen technician.
303. Control the Earths rotation with a magnet and coating the eastern coast with a magnetic
304. Bore a tunnel to the Peoples Republic of China from Mount Rushmore, because you own a
piece of the local tourist concessions.
305. Deflate all the tires in the region with a ray you invented, just to bring transportation to stand
sill and force people to pay you for the right to roll.
306. Steal all the Lawn Gnomes in the world. "Dont judge, it is a personal thing."
307. Control the Termites of the world to destroy many wood structures, so people will be forced to
buy more of your synthetic wood product and other building supplies you created. Thus making
you insanely rich.
308. See how many laser pointers it takes to melt chocolate. "Hey, it could be Evil in application."
308A. Opt to create a laser that will only melt chocolate. Begin to blackmail The Swiss.
309. Buy some cheap property. Destroy the local dam. Flood the city. Make your own property
310. Create a giant robot out of your lair, just in case a giant hero decides to try and stop you.
311. Create a hypnotic ray and and annnd never look at it. drools.
312. Pick up cheese making as a hobby, it is related to science. Create a chronoaccellerator to make
your cheese age faster. Discover you can make people older and teenagers less teenager.
312A. Work on the reverse function immediately, since after the last two projects have accidently
been used on yourself.
313. Create a Pigeon Control device, mostly for the fun of covering anything you dont like in pigeon
314. Create a device to make peoples voices higher, so your own squeaky voice seems better .
"Really I should zap my own voice deeper, it would be eaiser. But this way I can punish everyone
the way I have been punished for my naturally higher voice. "
315. Create an automated wall making machine, so I can quickly create a wall around a major city.
Then create toll booths in and out of the city. Rake in cash.
316. Go to Mad Scientists convention and hope not to repeat last years terrible gaffs.
316B. Go see your old Science Mentor, just to show him how superior your Evil Science is to his old
Evil Science.
317. Create a shrink ray to make all your problem tiny ones. "You have to love metaphors."
318. Create a device that will destroy the minds of people who cant make up in their minds. Dont
you just hate standing in line behind some people who cant figure out how to order a cup of
319. Create some clones to do your mundane tasks., Discover all of them are plotting to kill you and
take over.
320. Build a giant space weapon laser. "Those aliens wont be probing you."
321. Create Monster Trucks that are actually cybernetic monsters. Get TV rights to the rebroadcast
of a given monster truck rally. Unleash them. Get rich.
322. Create a sand projector and cover over the house of some kid who kicked over your sand
castles in pre-school and kindergarden.
323. Create an Ice Age generator to combat global warming.
324. Create a mutator that turns people Ugly, so you will be the only hansom man left and get all the
324B. Work on a ray that will kill all the men on earth, so you really will be the last man on Earth.
325. Shoot a guy in a sandwich costume with one of your spare ray guns vaporizing him. Decide to
shoot everyone in one of those annoying costumes on the side of the road for a while, so begin to
cruise around town.
326. Create Giant Penguins with Snow Rays to drum up business for all those hot chocolate
franchises you invested in.
327. Create a Jeckle and Hyde formula for the sake of tradition.
328. Create a volcano creating ray for the kid who kept picking up your mail when you were gone
so his volcano will win the 5th grade Science Fair
329. Try to win a dog show, and lucrative endorsement contracts and possible movie deal. with a
robotic/ android/ synthetic dog.
330. Create a Dance Inducer, so everyone will dance and have fun at your parties.
331. Create a floating island city and try to get people to move in, so you can be in charge.
332. Create a submarine and collect Zinc for future uses.
333. The Dam destroying scheme did not work, but you can lower the ground level.. creating a
Venice like effect. Now, to create boats that everyone will have to buy.
334. "I created this memory erasing ray, but I can't remember why"
335. Stealing baby's and their diaper pails to generate the chemical components of the worst stink
ever. Create a gas that will allow you to stop everyone in their tracks.
336. Think about a good scheme to make Bratwurst more popular.
337. Create an Evil Animation Ray
337A. Run from resulting accidently created monster
337B. Feel awkward that the Heroes destroyed the monster and saved you.
338. Decide to start collecting historical landmark figurines. Discovering they are not detailed
enough for you, you get your shrink ray and decide to get Big Ben. It would make an excellent alarm
339. "I created this invisible ray device, but now I can't find it".
340. Create a mind control device so I can have good dates.
341. Decide to plot revenge against an ex-girlfriend instead.
342. Create a device to put your opponents in ball gowns, so you can feel more manly than them.
343. "I had a dream about having this ballon friend, and all this space travel, and this really cute
344. Overcomming your hatred of kickball by creating bionic limbs that will help you succeed.
345. Create an evaporation machine. "That public pool must go!"
346. Plan on melting the local television station and cable provider because they show infomercials
for all thsoe great gadgets you don't have to build, must have, and will spend money on.
347. Moles are scary right? I have a growth ray here. I can make Mountains out of Molehills, and
have a giant scary mole army.
348. Take a vacation from being a Big Name Bad Guy and decide to be someone's minion for a
while. It is much less stressful.
349. Enslave monkeys to do laundry so you can.. you know. this is just crazy.
350. Work really hard trying to figure out where your enemies live. Thwart yourself with your own
complex plan.
351. Shrink a lighthouse, so the ships will stop going by., I have missed GPS?.
352. Create a Baby Mind Control Device so you will have an army of minions in the future.
353. spend some quality time with your family
353A. Clone a family, since yours either already betrayed you or you dong't have one.
354. Discover that that stray cat you took in really was an Evil Mastermind. Well you have more to
do than be a petting machine and a dummy to be caught for some cat.
355. Briefly live in a future where you have taken over the world. However, everything turns back
to normal through a ripple disolve/ time warp.
356. Create a clip show of your greatest clips. Discover nobody wants to see it. Clone up an
357. Try to become a Western Star so you can mind control an entire segment of the population
with guns.
358. Create clones of your nemesis and have them do stupid crimes. Now your nemesis is on the
run from the law and his agency.
359. The Broccoli Transformation ray, not as useful as you thought.
360. Take Vengence on an icescream truck driver. Where is that Melting Ray?
361. Spend days at various swapmeets looking for just the right components.
362. Create Mime Capture Devices, Invisible Boxes. Discover that just disintergrating the Mime is
more effective.
363. Team up with the rest of the local evil geniuses, like this would ever go bad.
364. Create Plant Monsters.. end up with just giant plants.
365. Decide to destroy Christmas. Discover all those other holidays. Decide it is too much work.
366. Create addictive healthfood that is actually junk food. Then nobody would be healthy enough
to stop you.
367. Create Anti-glue, it has to have 101 uses.
368. Find out what Carbon Footprint really means.
369. Find some Evil Plans on the Internet.
370. Create Gridlock with duplicator ray of cars. Threaten that nobody will ever get home again,
unless you are paid off.
371. Decide to clean up the lab. Put your ribbon-ator and your shrink ray together. It makes a great
cleaning tool, and wraps it all up in a nice little package.
372. Decide to write your name in the atmosphere.. in flaming letters.
373. Remember the shrink ray and your desire to collect things and do it again. Make a great model
train table with all these things.
374. Have your old robot, who is jelous of your new robot. rebel and destroy the new bot.
375. Try the music scheme to take ove rthe world. Again
376. Take over the mayor's position. Discover that you are taking the fall for some bad things these
allegedly good people are doing. Get the heck out of dodge.
377. Play Golf., Really, it is Evil enough.
378. The papercut ray .. not the death ray you were hoping for.
379. Create a De-evoluation ray. Discover that cave man good guys can still beat you up with clubs.
380. Kidnap an TV exec and make him produce and put on your idea for a TV show.
381. Create a ray that causes buildings to lean. Think about going to Italy and stopping the leaning
of the Tower of Pisa.
382. Create an elaborate plan to make people think they are being invaded by aliens. Theyw ill
make you their leader.
383. Create a telethon of Evil, just because hijacking television waves is so easy and well.. you like
seeing yourself on TV
384. Decide the moon is boring and decide to turn the Darkside to facing the Earth.
385. Create a look the other way ray.. just can't see that potential I guess.
386. Create a Mind Control Helmet.
387. Develop Brain in the Jar technology, so they can speak and interact.
388. Get tissue samples, and brain scans if possible. from various.. so called .. geniuses.
389. Empty out your fish tank.
390. clone and template brains, insert in you very own "Think Tank"
391. Discovered cloned brains not so great.. make a list of geniuses to capture and take their brains.
392. After watching Mythbusters, create a flying robot decapitator and recovery hat.
393. Unleash a swarm of these devices to get some brains for your think tank.
394. discover scientific geniuses are tough to capture, darn laser rays. Capture Barber Shop Quartet
from NASA AIMS, so they can all be rocket scientists.. Now I have an interesting think tank that can
provide entertainment as well.
395. Post Ads in Evil Science Quarterly
396. you only 49 of the fifty ways to leave your lover. Build a supercomputer to figure out the last
one and ditch the bitch via that method!
397. Invincible airship death platform.
398. Invincible submersible death platform.
399. Harness the very forces of creation itself.
400. "The same thing we do every night -- Try to take over the WORLD!"
401. Play Minesweeper when Igor isn't looking. Hey, even mad geniuses need to blow off steam
once in a while.
402. Infiltrate the media with the long-term goal of changing the meanings of some common words,
so that eventually, all contracts mean "Everything Belongs To That Linguist Guy Over There".
403. Concoct a mad theory, perform mad experiments with a mad control group, revise your mad
theory to fit your mad data, then send mad letters to Nature.
403a. Complain that most mad scientists are really mad engineers. Scientists don't build things! Not
ones that work twice!
403b. Construct mind control ray to convince world of your point of view.
403c. Spin out from Mad University and go work at the Mad Science Park commercialising your
technique. Eventually, use mind control ray to force Samsung to buy you out.
404. Develop a ray that changes people into younger versions of themselves.
405. After messing around and trying to relive a better childhood or highschool experience, look for
a better plan.
406. Create a series of "spa" clinics that will make people seem younger.
407. Start killing off the whistleblowers, and the people investigating your spas. who might reveal
that the transformation doesn't really make you younger.
408. Start thinking about creating a clone body for some clients that you can transfer conciousness
of the client into.
409. Clone yourself a couple of times so you can get all this done.
410. Discover that NERF Wars are fun.
411. Avoid your highly competative nature.. because suped up nerf weapons can become real
weapons.. and then the lasers will come out.
412. Watch a Indiania Jones Marathon of all four movies in the theatre.
413. Watch a first trillogy Star Wars Marathon of all three movies in the theatre.
414. Watch a Lord of the Rings marathon in the theatre. What, like I can't have any fun just because
I am a mad scientist?
415. Wake up face planted on my work table and in a puddle of my own drool, yet discovering plans
to make cloned hobbits and other lord of the rings characters to make a better movie.
416. Starts an Ape Uplift Program.
417. Watches the rest of the movies, and decides as long as nobody release a plague that kills all the
cats and dogs, Humanity is not doomed.
418. Discover Russian Intelligence Agencies are after you because of this Uplift program.
419. Create a giant Gorilla, add some cybernetics as an afterthought, and send the thing to Moscow
in the Spring.. just to remind them to leave you alone.
420. Using some of my previous plans as a guide.. I start to create a super anti-biotic for cats and
dogs, so my apes can't take over.
421. Casually begin to create super diseases to test against the anti-biotic. Since the Uplifting hasn't
gone as well as you would like...
422. Because Gorillas need some defense against the poachers, release some partially uplifted
gorillas into the Gombe Park., The uplifting needed a lot of work, but a little edge would work.
423. Drops some partially uplifted Gorillas into the Deep Amazon Basin.. just to screw with the
424. Irradiate Edison, NJ just so the township of Metchusen in it's center is trapped. Repeat with
Pasadena CA and San Marino.
425. Contemplate using Disney Channels and Properties as a form of Mind Control allowing you to
take over the youth of the world and eventually.. the world.
426. Answer the Doorbell and recieved the Cease and Desist letter from Disney Co. ..... They are just
that good and just that vigilant.
427. While scrapping all your plans, you realize that some other mad scientist has already used
Disney to manipulate the youth of the world. ..... Why he already froze his body so he can come out
when his plans are complete. Wait.. after cruising the web .. errr.. doing some more research.. it is
likely that this master mad scientist is still in charge as a brain in a jar.
428. Sort boxes of stuff my family sent me because they moved. Discover all those toy dinosaurs I
used to love.
429. Toy with the idea of making some dinosaur. Terriblely successful creatures dinosaurs.
430. After reading "The Lost World" again, get around to rewatching Those Jurasic Movies.
Remember why making Dinosaurs is a bad idea.
431. Start reading up on M-theory and possible time travel methods.
432. Become self proclaimed expert on trans-dimenional physics.
433. Create a portal device to an alternate world with dinosaurs.
434. Create a mecha that can fly to explore the world.
435. Check that I have the remote first, THEN close the portal to our world, why let the dinosaurs in.
436. Checking the new world map for where there might be some resources to exploit.
437. Begin to use some cybernetics to control a few dinosaurs to create mines, then factories, then a
whole infrastructure.. so I have a world's resources to back me up.
438. Take over the world. Okay, make the tools to take over the world
439. Keep an eye out for pesky intruders. If I can make a portal here, others can too. Also there are
all those people who get lost in time falling through the falls. They will show up to make things
440. After my robots don't quite create the stir and conquests I thought they would, simply unleash
dinosaurs upon my world. I would direct them cybernetically, but that would lead to someone
jamming them or taking them over. No it is better just to create a bunch of chaos by sending herds
of giant monsters into the world, plus all those raptors.
441. Explain to the Time Patrolman that they are not temporally displaced animals, but visitors
from another world line.
442. Decide the save the world, or the parts I want anyways. by unleashing that Dinosaur Super Flu,
Hmmm. Remember the super antibiotic I made a while back? Well the super bug I made to test it, it
could be change to affect the dinosaurs.
443. Hmmm. Where did these Dragons, firebrething, flying dinsoaurs. come from?
444. Retool the other realm factories to create Dragon Fighting robots.
445. start passing out the super antibiotic, as I bring the plague back to my alternate world.
446. Return to our world with unneeded Robot Dragon Fighters, as some Hero Types already took
out the Dragons.
447. REturn to my alternate world for more supplied and discover dragons there.
448. My robots fight the dragons. The ensuing combat destroys my infrastructure and
manufacturing capabilities.
449. Unback the rest of the boxes from my Mom.
450. Find an old Barbie I swipe from my sister. Begin to think about human cloning. I could use a
real girlfriend for a while.
451. Change today's todo list. Defend myself from super science gorilla's from the Amazon basin.
452. Search Inventory. Discover they took the super bug. Pity it only works on Dinosaurs now.
453. Create mass amounts of the super antibiotic for cats and dogs. They will reverse engineer it. It
is what I would do.
454. Create cybernetic mosquitos to innocuate all cats and dogs.
455. Thinking this process is too slow, I will use the cybernetics I used to control the dinosaurs and
my old shrink ray to enlist the aid of real mosquitos. Have to create sacks of antibiotics for them to
pick up.
456. Set this up for the robots to do. Take a nap.
457. After seeing CNN, I realized they decided to take out the Humans instead of the Cats and Dogs.
Send out new orders to the mosquitos.
Those silly Apes. They don't learn
458. Make new antibiotic that is safe for humans.
459. Nope, too late, the humans start dying off in numbers and some of them gain super powers, as
the dinosaurs became dragons, humans because superhumans.
460. Innocuations continue to taper off the Human death rate and has some success in stopping the
emergence of new super powered humans.
461. Decide to kill off the Gorillas. WMD. It is not elegant, but hey these things are smart.
461b. The recon drone determined that the Super Humans pretty much stomped on the Gorillas for
462. Launch WMD as Pasadina. Serves them right for giving me that ticket for speeding a few years
463. Since Padadina is not wiped off the map, I begin to prepare for the Super Human Assault. They
stopped it. I assume they will trace it back to my lair.
464. Creating a few new escape routes since I have the time.
465. Set off self destruct and run to the new escape pods., Oh come on, l plan for this to happen. It is
not like they didn't tear through my Ape's defenses too.
466. note to self. One should test the escape pods before trusting one's life to them.
467. Obtain blastgoggles for Assistant Cat.
468. Uplift Assistant Cat.
469. Take a holiday, and leave newly promoted Project Director Cat in charge.
470. Make a list of gifts to obtain for family and friends for Christmas.
471. Decide that you are just not into an Evil Plot this time of the year, and change the gifts to things
you can make in the lab or order online, rather than go around and miniaturizing locations for
Uncle John's trains and stealing a supermodel for Joey.
472. Send out a minion to get a gene sample of a supermodel for Joey.
473. Crank up the fabrication machines. Start the organic goo. Make cookies.
474. Put on Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer. Lose some time wondering if a red nosed robot would
make a good navigation and landing system for your anti-gravity chariot.
475. Decide to use your hypno-ray to make everyone nice to each for Christmas.
476. Fight off those that are trying to stop you for unknown reasons.
477. Buys a case of Girl Scout cookies to analyze them for their mind control properties.
478. Listen carefully to the Science Underground. You are looking for chatter about arrests, deaths,
or retirements.
479. Upon hearing of one, quickly find everything you can about the subject.
480. Raid various small bases he might have for useful materials.
481. Try not to spend any time looking at this spy satalite feed. It seems locked permanently on this
sorority house.
482. Make a note to collect some genetic material from that location, for science sakes. Besides Joey
may need a new present.
483. Try to figure out why he had a warehouse cloning facility full of clones of his arch-nemesis,
what was He thinking?? One is enough of a headache!.
484. Find the tropical island base. Take possession of it, and have your lawyer decide to make it
legal someway, have a corporation that I have mindcontrolled the CFO of buy it or something.
485. Relax witn Pina Colada. Supervise the uplifted cat's, with blast goggles. plans for taking over
the world.
486. Decide not to take "Collect a massive supply of Cat Nip" off his to do list, as everyone deserves
a break now and again.
487. Take the genetic material gathered from that spy satellite location and create your own batch
of girl scouts.
488. Make boxes with subliminal messages. 1. Buy More Cookies and 2. I am your leader.
489. Add additional chemicals to the cookies to make them even more effective at sending the
subliminal message.
490. Unleash the girl scouts.
491. Realize that this is quite the scam, as pretty little girls can get people to buy anything.
492. after several years and tons of boxes, realize that I am your leader was perhaps not the most
effective phrase.
493. AT least after several years I have a harem of pretty girls. See that Sorority spy cam was good
for something.
494. Ask Project Director Cat why there appears to be a harem of pretty girls occupying the
recreation room of Secret Lair #2, Not that I'm objecting, it's just, well, kinda sexist, and I don't
wanna be That Scientist...
495. Put EEO policy in place, What? Evil Genius can't be good employer? Pish, more pay, less force
chokes is the secret to a happy minion!.
496. Start recruitment program for Boy Scouts and await gender equality of minions, And happy
birthday to Lord and Lady Baden-Powell for tommorow.
497. Write guidebook for new organization entitled "The young person's guide to horribly
dangerous things to make and do" so I can get my newly created "Propaganda Badge"..
498. Create "World Domination" Badge.
499. Reconsider concept, and scrap it for a "Junior Scientist" Badge, Less likely to rise questions
from the authorities!.
500. Award Project Director Cat "Feline Overlord" Badge, Badges for everyone!.
501. Reminisce about the people who said you were mad
502. Ask your audience who's mad now!
503. Grow a goatee
504. Stroke it
505. Turn the audience into chimps, 509. Turn growth ray on Bananas. That way one stop at the
mainland market allows me to feed them for a while.
510. After seeing some of the side effects, checks my notes, yep I did note those didn't I. I knew
there was a reason I didn't stop world hunger., I start with the genetically modified giant bananas.
511. Begin to see some of the side effects of the first round of genetically enhanced large, not yet
giant. banana on the chimps. Then again.. what is wrong with giant chimpninja minion?
512. Put as a sign on the wall, with the "Create an antidote before testing a drug" and "Try out
things on a minion first", "Giant minions are not as good as you think".
513. Ask Project Director Cat about the female cats, uplifted too? When was that on the production
schedule?. that are living in and around the lair.
514. Remind him of the EEO policy.
515. Find out that most of them are descendents of his.
516. Make a revision to the Family Policy and Dependents on the healthplan policy for cats, dogs,
and other uplifted lifeforms, based on their standard lifespan, maturity, and breeding rate.
517. Give the Cat a raise so he can better support his family due to the changes in policy.
518. Remind Project Director Cat that policy frowns upon "close family relationships" if you get my
drift, even with grandchildren. when they answer "Still you"
506. Teach martial arts to your chimps
507. Rob some banks with your chimpninjas
508. Buy bananas for our minions from the money
509. Practice thread necromancy for great justice!
510. Appoint Giant Chimpninja Assistant Project Director, in line with EEO policy.
511. Aquire Cat Shelter as front for World Domination, Feline Division. Secret HQ.
512. Start recruiting elderly ladies with a fondness for cats as minions, also in line with EEO policy.
513. Develop Shrinking Ray Suit for APD Giant Chimpninja.
514. Offer tempting pay inducements for minions who opt for surgical birth control after the first
child/first litter..
515. Design a bannana powered sun gun, discover the pope resigned while I was busy, and opt to
put that plan on the back burner.
516. Study necromancy for fun and profit.
517. Decide that robots are much easier to deal with than giant chimpninjas, cats with thumbs, and
laser sharks.
518. Find a mothballed car manufacturing plant. Decide to make it opperational and build robots
519. Decide not to disintergrate the local who comes back to the plant, looking for a job, he noticed
the lights on.
520. Having forgotten about the Primate Union fiasco, decide to give this Human Workforce thing a
521. Start build people bots to help subvert the union meetings going on.
522. Unleash a few robots to rob a few banks so I can pay the union wages of my human minions
who are building my robot army.
523. Start having Quality Control meetings and circles.. impliment a LEAN process and try to make
the results of the human workforce better.
524. After watching the Stepford series, realize that there could be other applications of this
525. Begins to wish a super hero would crash this factory lair just to get the Union Reps to shut up.
526. Set up trains to take the robots from the factory to my new lair, staging area.
527. Start designing underground railroad so heroes could not easily find the new lair.
528. Start some robots on creating the underground railroad.
529. Abandon plan after the sinkhole accident.
530. Knowing the heroes are on their way, Let the industrial robots run amok and weld the union
531. Hit the escape pods long before the heroes get to the factory.
532. Look for a new hobby to spend some time on.
533. This rock and roll thing looks fun and lucrative too!
534. Thinking a KISS ARMY might be good to have on your side. Start designing a robotic version so
you "can give the musicians some time off", and perhaps direct the army towards conquest.
535. See the Movie. Realize this plan is doomed. Not wanting to peeve off the Real Kiss in case they
really have powers or suffer the wrath of Gene Simon's Lawyers, mothball the robots for later.
536. Make a Freeze Ray. Must do this now.
537. Spend time every day to re-evaluate life and life goals.
538. Buy a suburban lair.. errr home. Unleash the contractor robots to upgrade it.
539. Stash all these other scary robots away, just in case I change my mind later.
540. Tinker with that ALFP idea, that seems to have some merit beyond comedy relief., Aquatic Life
Form Projectors.
541. Create adorable synthetic minions.
541b. Create a mass production of them.
542. Still having those genetic samples of cheerleaders/sorority girls/ girl scouts lying around,
decide to make a few little girls to brighten up my life.
543. Put a note on the wall. "Don't put the girls in the Cryotubes between Cookie Drives"
544. Make sure to pencil in some social time with them every day.
545. Create a shrinkray while they are "cooking".. just for the fun of it. .. you never know when you
might want to steal the moon.
546. Doodle on how to hold the Earth stable if the Moon disappeared. Gravity generator perhaps?
547. Send an email to project director cat about Robot Cookie Drones. You know, if I had thought of
those years ago, I could of succeeded with Project Troop, taking over the world via cookies.
548. Clone the girls a Mom, after all it does make things easier.
549. Clone a copy of me, tweak his brain patterns so he will not "want to go be an Evil Mad
Scientist", so they can have the father they deserve.
550. Make some more minions, so they will prep and clean the robot army I have mothballed.
551. Unleash a few robots on those annoying PTA parents.
552. Decide to change my entire look and MO, apparently retiring. Nobody will expect a noob mad
scientist to have my smarts, my experience, and my resources.
553. Decide to retire the freeze ray, as I have, and now the clone. been using it wayyyyy to much.
554. Go back to building those anti-meteor/alien satellites. Maybe I won't steal the moon, but I will
do a base there.
555. My secret base needs space interceptors. Clone up a few girlscouts, grow them up, make them
pilots, put them in silver jump suits and purple bobbed hair.
556. Use some robots to steal the few fighter planes and other exotic parts
557. Have one robot take some of the stolen parts to the lair of an annoying poser. Make sure the
robot leads the authorities to him. Shows him up for trying to steal my tropical island lair and
annoy the cats.
558. Make the fighters turn into jeriwalking mecha. then eventually full mecha. My girl pilots should
have fun with those.
559. Stand in my base, infront of the window with the Earth hanging in space and pose menacing.
560. Take that photo and post it on my new facebook page.
561. Change status on facebook to "Poised to take over the world".
562. Design a few space craft in my spare time. Perhaps an Eagle and a Hawk. Make sure to have an
escape craft in case the moon is blown out of orbit.
563. Discover the taste of Tang.
564. Think about how to take over the world? Hmmm I do have a robot army. And some humanoid
565. In a quiet moment, decide to deconstruct the Evil Laugh meme.
566. Make a felenoid robot that looks like Master Controller Cat. Just for old times sake.
567. Hire a designer to make snappy color coordinated uniforms for my minions, as well as my war
robots more psychologically devestating.
568. Begin to archive and go through all those files I have. I know I have built a fear ray before, but I
can't seem to find the plans.
--4 hours later--
569. Tell myself to put the disintergrator down, as I contemplate blowing all those files away.
570. Send some snappily dressed android minion down to some of my old lairs, just to retrieve all
those old files.
571. Send a unit or two of combat droids, with their new snazzy housings. to deal with the lairs that
seem to have active defenses or have been taken over by unworthy squatters using my currently
unused lair.
572. Discover uplifted rats on my old tropical island lair. They got smarter after eating all the dead
cats, sniff. I do miss Director Cat and all his kids.
573. Train the uplifted cats quickly..
574. UNleash them on New York, as their natural abilities and innate abilities will allow them to
infiltrate the city, plant explosives, and put in data taps.
575. Discover the local NIMH rats are more street savy and tougher than my uplifted rats. My rats
all got shanked or shot, and robbed of everything. It is a mean, mean city.
576. Thinking about modifying a few aligators to be smarter, more fearsome, have a taste for rats,
and be able to live in sewers.
577. Toying with a few terapins, the uplift process, the growth ray, and the "ninja agent training
tapes". I know it has been done before, but it is a classic.
578. Infect all major world leaders, business religious and Secular, with whatever it is that
threatens the life of your favorite author.
579. while watching all non-mad scientists in world struggle to cure it, lament your total inability to
do anything useful with your skills.
580. Blow up the hometown of anyone who points out these are blatantly stolen from a webcomic.
581. Create Ninja Garb clad robots to fight the Terapin Tween Ninja I, accidently. created who have
escaped and now seem dedicated to thwart me.
582. Searching as to where did I hide that robot army.
583. Clean out all those clones in those tubes in the New Jersey Warehouse. Create the a Giant clone
584. Breed up a Kaiju, start it cooking.
585. Create front companies and clone up some mock real estate people to buy property for cheap.
586. Check on Kaiju and make sure it is not done yet.
587. Clone up a set of a movie/camera men and directors.
588. Do some marketing photos of my mecha pilots, as well as use them for models for a clothing
588b. Do some interior filming of my Mecha Girls prepping and messing around with the mecha.
589. Steal some toxic waste to spill to cover my kaiju's exit.
590. As all the clones and camera gear is in place, spill some toxins, unleash Kaiju
591. Unleash my mecha girls on the monster, making sure their exploits are properly taken.
592. If the girls don't defeat the mecha direction, activate the remote control poison capsule in the
kaiju so they can.
593. Review the Rushes of the Action and set up scenes.
594. Kidnap a better director/editor and make him sign a contract.
595. Begin to release teasers on the internet.
596. Bring Mind Control Ray to the negociation for the Movie Release.
597. Bring Mind Control Ray to the negociation for the Toy Companies.
598. Bring Mind Control Ray to Mattel to get my girls to have Fashion Dolls.
599. Make sure all the toys include little mind control circuits.
600. Rake in the Money from the Movie. Use it to refill coffers from the purchasing the land in the
601. Create a New City Center and a Technology park.
602. Insure that technology park has appropriate build in spy gear to make sure I can adopt any
technology they develop there.
603. Go to Hollywood Parties with Summer Glau clone.
604. Create an anti-hangover pill or elixer
605. Put "Create synthetic alcohol" on my to do list.
606. Sort the genetic samples I have been collecting at these parties.
607. Do genetic double checkst to see who has had work and the clones will not come out looking
like the Stars/ VIPs
608. Make a robot to put sunscreen on me automatically.
609. Destroy those meddling kids and their stupid dog
610. Get genetics samples of the kids and the dog, and then create evil clone versions to foil those
meddling kids and their stupid dog!
611. Release a set of Good Clones to keep the Evil ones occupied. Good is supposed to conquer Evil.
Given your track records, that seems to be fairly true. That is why you are a Mad Scientist, not an
Evil one. It improves your odds of success.
612. Create a squad of robots to kill the distracted Evil Clones who are vastly more efficient at
thwarting your plans, because they have plans of their own.
613. Put a Tracking Device in the Kid's rebuilt Groovy Van, just so you can keep track of them.
614. Recieve call from The Agency. They need someone with expertise in Exotic Science and who
understands the motivations of a sufferer with Science Related Memetic Disorder. They pay is
pitiful, but it might be a challange. For access to that UFO they promised me a while ago, I decide to
do it.
615. I use the warbots I build previously, Finally found that warehouse. to storm his base. I have
undersea craft waiting to catch the escape pod and a laser battery ready to blow up both his
threatening missile and the decoy escape pods.
616. Use the cleaning bots and disassembly bots to "sanitize for their protection" this guy's Evil Lair
for the Agency. After a little brainwashing, Turn this guy, what is his name, must look it up in the
mission briefing. over to The Agency
617. I free the secret agents. One of them wants to thank me. I tell her I will call her some time and
we will meet in Paris. It is obviously a trap. I won't fall for it.
618. I reassemble most of the interesting bits from his lair at one of my alternate earth lairs. Just to
see if there is anything good.
619. Spend time every day to re-evaluate life and life goals. Why the heck is this still on my to do
lists?!?!?! Still, it is on the To Do list, so I have to do it.
620. Ask the computer to compile a list of Mad Scientists and Evil Scientists, then cross reference
the two.
621. Ensure the computer monitors these people just to make sure they don't take over the Earth
before I do.
622. Set up meeting with Agency Brass. On Agenda, some people they might want to monitor. And if
I am bored, I might help them thwart them. Yes, I found out that thwarting is fun. No wonder heroes
like doing it. While these guys are smart, but no where near as smart as me, they might be an
interesting distraction for a while.
623. Set up a drop off for the crates of UFO parts. Add Assemble Parts to next weeks to do list.
624. Create synthetic alcohol. Why is that on the list? Did I need some kind of solvent? Is it alcohol
for synthetic beings? I throw it into the random idea hopper with Big Zinc and Giant Marshmellow
625. Look for ways to reduce the competition. Discover that many of use have advanced degrees.
626. Look at so called Malign Hypercognition Disorder, start to create a screening for the disorder.
627. Use hypnogun on the administration and faculty of the top 400 scientific/ engineering schools,
to have them embrace mental health screenings for their new students.
628. Tell them all to give the Students higher marks and good referrals. A bit of chaos isn't Evil.
Besides unleashing a set of substandard scientists will prevent various organizations from
thwarting me with the equipment they design.
629. Insure that markers for Malign Hypercongintion Disoder is in the exclusion on those tests.
Projections show the reduction of future mad scientists about 50% ..Now those buggers will have to
be self taught and avoid the crushing academic process that creates so many discontented mad
630. Find way to improve the number of scientists and engineers, as the reduction of scientists and
engineers is also dropping by half. I wonder if some brain tapes and all those cloned sorority girls
could help?
633. Assemble parts. Oh crap. What parts? I knew this was important, but I didn't put a note. I think
I hit myself with the hypno ray last week. I don't know. Hmmmm.
631. Design Temporal Subversion Device.
632. Realize that I have already subverted my own local Temporal Field merely by designing the
device. Ponder possible problematic outcomes of further experiments. Realize that only a mind that
is unaware of the implications and dangers of the use of such a device would actually build one.
Wonder if grandparents already built one. Decide to hell with the dangers to the very fabric of time
and space, and gather the materials to build it anyway, and then give myself a quick blast with the
hypno ray while instructing myself to forget every memory of the last week..
634. Begin to clone Scouts/ Sorority Girls and downloading Science and Engineering into them via
brain tapes.
635. Try something new, run a simulation or two to see if a plan might work. Wow. Girl Engineers
will multiply the number of people applying for science/enginner by 300% Wow. Girl
Scientists/Engineers will attract heroes. Hmmm. Maybe if we apply some special programming to
break their hearts, so busy moping they won't be thwarting?. Modify Plan to just this first batch.
Decide to use them in my labs.
636. Modify plan as the auto check on the internal plans says EEO violation.
636b. Generate Boyscounts, download science and engineering.
637 Decide that this enterprise is going to end in too much downtime in the research lab and
eventual family leave.
638. Find out what this wierd dohicky, a technical term, I assure you. I am using as a paper weight
for the files on my desk does later. Schedule some time next month.
639 Go to the Random Inspiration box. Oh Crap. Big Zinc. Nope. back into the box. Maybe I will
clean up some boxes in the storage area.. Hey.. what are these Alien Parts doing back here..
640. Build something out of these Alien Parts..
640a. Find out where these boxes came from. 640b. Find out what I can build out of them. 640c.
Build something cool with them.. maybe a saucer or something.
641. Schedule some Self Congratulation Time Later, as I have actually successfully self corrected 3
plans today.
642. Discover Alien Parts have assembled themselves..into some kind of little flying saucers or bugs,
depending on the angle you look at them from.
643. Recall Engineering Research group from early retirement, equip them with the appropriate
gear and put them onto Alien Tech Observation while sealing the area.
644. Await reports from ATO team. At worst, one might make a profitable scifi movie script out of it,
while a best case outcome would be one's own fleet of flying scarab fighters.
645. Design pyramid shaped mother ship while awaiting reports. It's a style thing..
646. Put a few dozen construction bots to create duplicates of the pyramid of Giza on The Moon., I
mean I already have a base here.
646a. Make sure they make the blocks first, so the thing can be put together really quickly once they
are created.
646b. Assemble it at relative 295845.03N 310803.69E facing the earth to serious mess with
Humanity, perhaps to motivate space programs.
647. Come up with some Evil Plans.
648. new item. Send some cookies and cookie robots to some of the top people to thwart.
64b. Dethaw a few of those girl scout to deliver cookies.
649. new item. Have fashion consultant update the very "last decade" look of the girl scouts before
sending them out.
649b. Check through the logs, when was the last time I thawed this batch out?
650. Make sure to include extra mind control chemicals in the cookies and a subliminal message to
thwart yourself on the box., This should make a great gag reel.
651. Check on ATO team.
652. Send in a team to clense the area.. carefully. Have them set up additional camera equipment
653. Schedule time to edit the footage, it seems to have gone to the horror movie phase.
654. Clone up some replacement so I can film the "filler and plot" footage.
653b. Begin to edit the self thwarting film comming from the cookie cams.
643c. Set up time to edit the clensing team footage.
655. New Item. Every Berry Jam. Seems like a good idea. Lets go through a few 100 itirrations,
maybe adding banannas to the mix, everyone loves banannas.
656. Go to movie premire. Dust off a Summer Glau robot.
657. Schedule Robots to rampage and kill off those yellow genetic creation minion I thought were
such a good idea.
657b. While I am gone.
658. Add on - Get Agent for some of these acting clone minions. Who knows.. maybe I can use them
to launder money or maybe take over the world via media.
659. Put create Synthetic Alcohol on the To Do List again. With a note to remind me why to do it this
660. Put Hangover cure on the To Do List .. With a star next to it!
661. Create Hover Car out of more conventional parts. With the right price point, I could make a
mint in just LA alone!
662. Crate up and send out Every Sample of Every Berry Jam to every other Mad Scientists I don't
663. Have some Drones Flash Lights by the Pyramid on the Moon, just to mess with people.
664. Clone a Girl Friday
665. Have her get Dry Cleaning
666. Plan Something Really Evil
667. Raise army of darkness from the bowels of hell, then realize that Zombies are so last year.
668. Disperse undead army to fast food industry as cover, tell them that the stars aren't quite right
669. Create undead T-Rex. Remember to include a remote detonator collar.
670. Target Haribo for infiltration by clone agents, and have them swap all the labels from the sugar
free Gummi bears with the sugar full Gummi bears.
671. Release the undead to deal with the ones that didn't eat the bears, the added advantage is that
the shopping malls will no longer be a safe haven from the zombies..
672. Release undead T-Rex to eat the zombies, then detonate.
673. Realize that with all this scheduling, I may need Girls Monday to Thursday as well, not to
mention a Girl Saturday for the weekend assassinations..
674. Make a note for next time, those remote detonator collars need batteries.
675. Check Batteries Regularly is now a Note on the Wall with "Make the Antidote before testing",
"Always Test Things on Minions First", "GIANT Monkeys are not better", and "Run Simulations to
see if it will work"
676. Shriek "It's alive! IT'S ALIIIIIIVE!!!"
669b. Shriek "It's undead!, IT'S UNDEAAAAADDDDD!!!"
670. When feeling playful some day, start creating either genetic constructs or robots of my favorite
childhood cartoon characters.
671. Ensure that the remote control self destructs are in place and the various "big red buttons"
have fresh batteries.
672. After playing out some of my favorite scenes and cartoons, think about way to make money or
power with them.
673. Start the Robots rebuilding that Amusement Park I owned, had a self destruct accident with
the robots, and has been fallow ever since.
674. Talk to some of my Hollywood contacts and talk about Live Action/ F/X versions of these
Childhood favorites.
675. Recycle my girl Wednesday and make a new one that is not as creepy, what was I thinking?.
She is just not keeping up.
676. Schedule time to take the various Thunderbirds out for a spin. Still can't get that anti-
photograph detector to work.
677. Start talking very carefully around my various constructs, as most of these "favorites" are
actual heroes who might thwart me.
678. Do some research about some alleged competition in the Mad Science Field, with an emphasis
on those that annoy me. Find out their favorite childhood cartoons.
679. Make one or more extra duplicates of their favorites, with an emphasis on the heroic ones.
680. Give the constructs a few credit cards, some information about the annoying alleged
competition, and tell them they are Evil and going to ruin the world.
681. Schedule some time in my own sound proof lab to have a serious round of evil laughter.
682. Create Spybots to watch the annoying alleged competition.. for when they are defeated, or they
are just surounded by the robots., I will eliminate the goody goody constructs that defeated them.
683. Take Thunderbird 1 out for another test drive. There seems to too much vibration comming
from engine 2
684. Only you can prevent grey goo.
686. Put all the various biologics in cryostorate and many of the robots in a charging pod.,
remember to trick Girl Wednesday into doing it, she is a slippery minx. I am playing with too many
687. Do some real research, pure research.
687b. Get back in touch with your science roots, rather than just scheming and using science.
687c. Stop the Netflix/ streaming for a time period no less than 90 days.. Really, I have been
watching too many cartoon recently.
688 Go over the contracts that my Hollywood people want me to sign.
688b. Just take the money and run, do not argue about your vision or creative control. You can
always mindcontrol them later.
689 - Reactivate some basic robots to be used as lab monkeys, not monkeys, not pretty girls, but
just lab minion. to wash beakers, fetch equipment, and get me sandwiches.
670. Use Growth Process on Ants. Just so I can more easily observe them in their farm.
671. Posted an ad. Evil Genius seeks minions to sacrifice their lives in world domination attempt.
Must be prepared to work 24/7 for a fascist psychopath for close to no pay. Messy death
inevitable,but costumes and laser death rays provided.
672. Practice evil cackle.
673. Teach yourself to always put the lid down on the toilet.. because you never know when you
might meet Ms. Mad Scientist.
673b. Create a robotic lid that will close itself for you.
673c. Create a small robotic cleaning robot for the toilet.
673c. Retool the mind control ray for one minor standing command about putting the seat and the
lid up and down.
673d. Check about economic feasibility for selling these.
674. Put a note on the wall. Real Science is not as fun as Mad Science
675. Go to my amusement park, bring freeze ray and hypnobeam for the giggles.
676. Send Preliminary Sketches to Costume Designer, trying to get similar Dark Blue uniforms for
the humanoid and near humanoid robots. Also ask for some preliminaries for gorilla/ monkey, and
cat uniforms. I am going to regret doing it after, but I am going to think it is a good idea to use them
677. Refurbish the Shuttle to take me to the Moonbase, the resolution on the Transmat system is a
little fuzzy these days.
678. Have some minion work on the Transmat.
679. Do some preliminary work on a Mars Mission and base
680. Look for those UFO parts, I know they are around here somewhere.
681. Have Wednesday send the Army Command that stopped my escaped giant ants a fruit basket
or bottle of something nice, what ever is appropriate.
681b. Create a better system to monitor their growth, How did they get a second or third dose of
the growth ray?.
pencil in..
682. Plan counter attack against the Forces that tried to invade my Volcanic Base. Sure I am not
using it a lot, but the view is spectacular and I still have 37 years on the lease.
683. After getting rejected by every female supervillainess on Earth, decide to conquer the world,
seems easier than getting a date anyway.
684. Build an army of Atomic Mutant Cyborg Zombies to conquer the world.
685. Promptly lose control of Atomic Mutant Cyborg Zombie army.
686. Build an army of Anthropomorphized Weapon-Wielding Kung-Fu Felines, Code name
Stormcats. to destroy zombie army.
687. Promptly lose control of feline army, realize that I have unwittingly started an apocalyptic war
that will destroy the world, and build a spaceship to escape Earth.
688. Flee Earth in spaceship, crash-land on alien world populated by nubile blue-skinned primitive
nature worshippers.
689. Use superior technology to rule natives as a Supreme Overlord.
690. Realize I can't get dates on this planet either, begin plotting the world's destruction and
building a new spaceship.
691. Go back to Earth, deal with any remaining zombies, start dating feline Kung-Fu Warrior
Princess, and decide that no one destroys the universe without my permission.
692. Conquer Universe, For it's own protection!.
693. Work on Re-Animating Dead Tissue. It is a classic past time for a mad scientist.
694. Put up a new sign, DO NOT MAKE UNDEAD MONSTERS.
695. Hang the gift above the TV. The gift is "Movies are Entertainment. They are Lessons about what
not to do,not challanges to do it." in a cross stitch, yes, My Girl Thursday has taken up cross stitch..
everyone should had a hobby. I think I will have a robot minion do it, as they have the built in lasers
for precision.
696. Add to Robot Programming that Combat Lasers are not to be used for Home Improvement
670. Solve World Hunger with new food products
671. Solve World Energy systems with new and better technology
672. Solve the logistic problems of the world.
673. Take all the basic solutions and create a new infrastructure plan, to have it in place for when I
take over the world.
674. Offer solutions to world energy/hunger problems on the market for prices so low the heroes
assume I've done something horrible and unethical to get them to work
675. Demonstrate that these solutions are completely aboveboard when they come to visit so as to
throw them off the scent when i do disregard ethics for my next plans.
676. Deal with the superhero/ spy threats to my long term plans first!
677. Put enough Chlorine tri-fluoride into Lake Huron to burn it off the map.
678. Work on my mad Cackle.
679. Set fire to the sun!
680. Clone loved ones they've lost.
681. Neutralize clone zombies of loved ones they've lost.
682. Attempt time travel and accidentally succeed.
683. Open wormholes/portals to other realms.
684. Immediately regret opening wormhole/portal to other realms, and develop a resistance to
whatever comes through.
685. Build indestructible robots, then try to destroy them.
686. Genetically splice animals with other animals, and hope not to get caught in the crossbeam.
687. Accidentally get caught in genetic splicing crossbeam, and transform into a monster.
688. Invent doomsday device for the betterment of humanity.
689. Rally heroes to retrieve stolen doomsday device.

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