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"These rules are written for all disciples. Attend you to them.

These rules are indeed written for all disciples and it will be well for us to
attend to them. for the rules for the guidance of occultists have always been the
same, and will always remain the same - in all time - in all countries - and under
whatever name the teaching is imparted. For they are based upon the principles of
truth, and have been tried, tested and passed upon long ages ago, and have come
down to us bearing the marks of the careful handling of the multitudes who have
passed on before - our elder brothers in the Spirit - those who once trod the path
upon which we are now entering - those who have passed on to heights which we shall
one day mount. These rules are for all followers of The Path - the were written for
such, and there are none better. They come to us from those who know.

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