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Symbol and their therapeutic value:

As is the case with Parada or mercury in strengthening body so also, Tantra has a
distinct medicine for mental ailments. And it is surprising to note that Tantra
uses psychological symbols or linguistical alphabets as symbols for curing the
mental diseases by cultivating inner potent mental powers.
Symbols are also highly significant in this regards in lying stress on mental
aspect. Mind plays prominent rote in mental and physical diseases. Mental
disturbances are expressed sometimes in a physical disorders or physical
disturbance sometimes makes mind weak. Thus all our diseases are psycho-somatic.
Being a subtler than body, minds effect on body is felt more powerful. Tantra has
recognized this fact much earlier than we started talking about psycho-somatic
aspect of disease.
The Tantrics prescribe the use of symbol for making mind calm and positive by
concentrating it on syllables or figures of particular types. It is undisturbed and
concentrated mind which is a source of creative imagination or all the creativity
of mind.Tantric Sadhana is based on imagination. S&dhaka has to positively think
that he is offering this or that object. This positive thinking also helps as
therapy if the mind is diseased. The theory of auto-suggestion in psychology is
highly related with this aspect. In the process of auto-suggestion patient gives
strong suggestion or he imagines himself quite healthy very powerfully. This
process gives relief to patient and gradually helps in curing himself from
diseases. Tantric Sadhana through symbols strengthens the positive powers of
imaginations which Sadhaka can utilize as a therapy for himself and also can be
used as therapeutic means for curing

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