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WoPhO jratltve!

Az idei vben is megrendezsre kerl a Fizika Vilgbajnoksg! A verseny dntje idn is

Indonziban lesz, mgpedig Manokwari-ban, ami Nyugat-Ppua szkhelye. Az idpont a
tavalyihoz hasonlan Szilveszter krnyke, 2012. december 28-tl 2013. janur 3-ig.

A dntbe ktflekppen lehet eljutni; meghvst kapnak a Nemzetkzi Fizikai Dikolimpia

aranyrmesei, illetve a vlogatverseny legjobbjai. A vlogatversenyen hnaprl hnapra
kt-kt feladatot tznek ki, sszesen tz problmt. Minden esetben kt hnap ll a bekldk
rendelkezsre, hogy interneten elkldjk a szervezknek a megoldsaikat. Az els kt
feladatot 2012. februr 1-tl lehet letlteni, az utols kettt 2012. jnius 1-tl, gy a
vlogatverseny 2012. jlius 31-n zrul le, az eredmnyhirdetsre 2012. augusztus 1. utn
kerl sor.

A versenyen angolul kell bekldeni a megoldsokat, s a dntn is angolul kapjk meg a

versenyzk a feladatok szvegt, s a megoldsaikat is angolul kell elksztenik. A dnt kt
rszbl ll, egy elmleti s egy mrsi fordulbl. A versenyre jelentkezni, vagyis regisztrlni
interneten lehet:

Minden rsztvevnek sikeres szereplst kvnok: Honyek Gyula (zsritag)

The Surya College of Education, Gading Serpong, Indonesia, and The World Physics Olympiad International Jury announce the 2 nd World Physics Olympiad(WoPhO)
Selection Round, from February 1st, 2012 to July 31st, 2012.

Every high school student or equivalent to grade 12 from any country can participate in the WoPhO Selection Round. The participants must be under 20 years old
and they have not started their university studies at June 30th, 2012. The participants must register by lling in the registration form at WoPhO registeration form.
When registering each participant must use his/her own name exactly as in his/her passport.

The competition is for individuals, solutions sent by group of students are not accepted.
All participants must solve the problems individually. The problems will be in English and can be downloaded from the problem section of the WoPhO Selection
Round webpage.
Every month two problems will be posted at WoPhO Selection Round Website starting at12:00 am Western Indonesian Time (GMT + 07:00), Wednesday,
February 1st, 2012. Volunteers who want to translate the problems into their own language must send an email to

The problems may have some unclear points or misprints, therefore the participants are encouraged to visit the webpage of the contest from time to time where
the corrections and/or modications will be posted.

Participants can submit the solutions by logging in to the WoPhO website using theirusername and password starting from the rst day of the selection
round. The deadline for submitting the solutions is two months after the problems were posted(the deadline is different for each problem). In case of
technical diculties please email us A maximum of 10 points will be given for the right solution of each problem. Each
solution to the problems must be submitted in a separate pdf, or word le. The solutions must be in English, Indonesia, Russia, or China.

Any kind of reference materials may be consulted; textbooks and articles of journals can be cited.

If you use a computer program to solve any problem, then the code of the program must be attached to the solutions and accompanied by adetailed
descriptions(i.e. the computer language used, instructions to use the program, parameters and notations used, and how to interpret the output gures and
graphs, etc.).

The solutions will be graded by the 2nd WoPhO International Jury. A select group of participants will be interviewed to determine 100 students for the Final Round.
The result will be announced on August 1st, 2012.

The 100 best participants will be invited to participate in the WoPhO Final Round in Manokwari, December 28, 2011 January 3, 2013. Accommodations will
be provided by the WoPhO organizing committee. Please send your conrmation before September 30, 2012.

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