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A Celebration of Life In Memory of Reynaldo Gutierrez Reyes December 12, 1933 February 14, 2016 Saturday April 30, 2016 One O'clock PM St. Matthew Catholic Church Preludes “Prelude and Fugue in E-Flat Major, BWV 852 (J.9, Bach) Chorale-Prelude - “ World, I Now Must Leave Thee” Op. 122, No. 11 (Gohannes Brahms) Postludes “Now Thank We All Our God” Chorale-Prelude (Sigfrid Karg-Elert) Chorale, Variation & Finale (Stanley) Organist: Dr. James Anthony Welcome Jonah Malcom Dr. David Marchand Elizabeth Borowsky-LeBlane Rev. Brian Jung Edward Berlett Presider Father Bob Albright Liturgical Pianist Pairicia Delisle Liturgical Cantor Robert DeLisle Liturgical Lectors Barbara Thomas, Maripat Schap Liturgical Singers Kathleen & Margaret Cave, Abigail & Amy Funk, Sister Patricia Nightingale, OSF, Maripat Schap, Barbara ‘Thomas Eucharistic Ministers Amy & Abigail Funk, James Hintenach, Russell Jenkins, Sister Patricia Nightingale, OSE, Maripat Schap Program Booklet: Robert Cave Photographer: James Hintenach | Videographer: Greg Primrose Copyrights: Onel.icense;Net A-721030; Patrick Loomis; Rev. Robert E. Albright; Oregon Catholic Press (Reception in the church undercroft follows the Memorial Mass) LITURGY OF THE WORD A READING FROM THE BOOK OF WISDOM 3:1-9 RESPONSE TO THE READING; “Hold Me in Life” (Psalm 25), Bernard Huijbers Riz al- ways my eyes are lock ing Ser you. 1. Because you are just who you are don"t pass me by, but show me your mercy, I wild wait for you all my life. (R2) 2. Are you the one who is to come Or must we wait and follow some other? God, my God, I am certain of you. (Ry R2) 3. You gave your werd te this our world, you are my seag, the God of ay gladness, my desire goes out to you. (RZ, Rl, RZ) A READING FROM THE FIRST LETTER OF PETER 4:7-11 ‘SILENT REFLECTION GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: “Alleluia” A READING FROM THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW 25:14-29 HOMILY INSTRUMENTAL REFLECTION “aria” (J.S. Bach) Anabelinda De Castro, Piano PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Diane Reyes Zikan Clavel Albay Gempesaw Brigid Zikan PEOPLE'S RESPONSE TO EACH PETITION Lord, hear our prayer! HOLY MASS WELCOME AND SIGN OF THE CROSS Presider: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. All: ‘And with your spirit. OPENING SONG: “Song of Wisdom” os with in my thoughts, le wth my sou 1, Within your waters will 1 wash chat I may purify uy life. Before all else were you made known; you dwell in never-ending justice, (refrain) 2, You feed me with the bread of truth and offer me the drink of peace, you are fulfillment for the poor, the living tree that never dies. (refrain) 3, wait, T watch for you at dawn, for you are finer than gold. You are of purest godly Light, ‘resplendent power of holy might. (refrain) OPENING PRAYER Presider: Let uscontinue to pray quietly..for ever and ever... All: Amen, We pro-claim your Death, Q Lord, and profess. your Res - ur Pte b= =e ae récction until youcome a-gain, un- til you come a- gain A + men. a men, t é inate THE LORD'S PRAYER GREETING OF PEACE BREAKING OF THE BREAD COMMUNION COMMUNION INSTRUMENTALS “Claire de Lune” (Debussy) Anabelinda De Castro, piano “Meditation” (Massenet} frey Howard, violin Soukiassian, piano COMMUNION PRAYER LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST PROCESSION OF THE GIFTS OF BREAD AND WINE. Michael, Sarah, Nicholas and Vincenzo Luperini; and Telesforo Reyes PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS Presider: it will becomé for us the bread of life All: Blessed be God forever. Presider: it will become for us our spiritual drink alk Blessed be God forever. Presider; Pray my brothers and sisters that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God, the almighty. AIL May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of Géd’s name, for our good and the good of all the Church. EUCHARISTIC PRAYER Presider: The Lord be with you, AIL And with your spirit. Presider: Lift up your hearts, All: We lift them up to the Lord. Presider: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. AI Itis right and just. SUNG RESPONSES: Holy, Ho-ly, — Ho-ly hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glo- ry. highest Ho-son-na in the high - est, FINAL WORDS: Aileen Reyes Gibson PRAYERS OVER THE REMAINS INCENSING OF THE ASHES: FINAL COMMENDATION SONG: “Canticle of Simeon” (Luke 2:29-32) Robert Albright For wy DISMISSAL AND BLESSING Seen eal- va- tion in Gen- tiles; Glo- ry mine your ser- vant as you pro- mised, Cod. the sight of all fo your peo- ple ts ra- “el. RECESSIONAL OF ASHES: Michael, Telly and Father Bob PHILIPPINE PATRIOTIC SONG: “Bayan Ko” / Piano: Linda Montesa Pio Roda Words by Jose Corazon de Jesus; Music by Constancio de Guzman Ang bayan kong Pilipinas, Lupain ng ginto’t bulaklak, Pag-ibig ang sa kaniyang palad Nag-alay ng ganda’t dilag. At sa kaniyang yumi at ganda, Dayuhan ay nahalina. Bayan ko, binihag ka, Nasadlak sa dusa, Koro: Ibon mang may layang lumipad, kulungin mo at umiiyakt Bayan pa kayang sakdal dilag, Ang ‘di magnasang makaalpas! Pilipinas kong minumutya, Pugad ng luha ko't dalita, Aking adhika, Makita kang sakelal layat My country, the Philippines, Land of gold and flowers With love in her palms She offered beauty and splendour. And for her refinement and beauty, Foreigners were enticed. Country mine, you were enslaved Mired in suffering. Chorus: Even binds that are free to fly Cage them and they shall cry, How much more for country so beautiful Would She not yearn to be free? Philippines mine that I treasure, Cradle of my tears and poverty, My aspiration is, To see you truly free ‘ithe. BRAVO Reynaldo! A Life well lived! ..Buhay na Pinabuti...Walang hanggang kapayapaan!

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