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I _ CASE HISTORY twice from nervous disorders, “and each time as a result is was due on the first oc: 0 Reichsta, richtsdirektor® at Chemnitz, af ecasion to the very heavy burden of work 0 when I entered on my in the Oberlandesgericht began in the autumn oj 1885 he had eetae od he spent six months in latter, in a formal report er date, described the di re hypochondria (p. 37 illness ran its course . 35). ount, nor the reports d at the end of his he was a notified of hi president, ah ES Prospective October of thesam we took up hi as year. Between ad some dreams, th tween Meeetadl ay eons Ba or: eae /come back ; and tae his old eee oonvery that it wes happy whi ry that it was Biexpy when he woke uy The was in a. stat pee “the idea occurred to ae st be very nice to be ae of copulation’ (p- 3°) This Be would bave Mejelted with the had been fully conscious. t in at the ‘end of October 1893 sleeplessness, This forced 's clinic, where, however, pidly worse. ‘The further course jn a report drawn up sw the Sonnenstein Sana t of his residence there” ibled by hypochondria ideas, ing of the brain. CASE HISTORIES eof byperaesthesia was obser, Seeao end noise. Later, thy, te je much more fry with coenaesthesic dist, % turbance’ | of his feeling and thou eit a and decomposing ha he asserted that his Ihall kinds of revolting war day, he went trad’) a’ phenomena that § impression and Would 7 ess for hours (hallucina- nd, they tortured him for death. He ing himself in his anide of potassium lis delusional ideas eligious character ; od, he was the s apparitions", es he even came (OIA (DEMENTIA PARANOIDEs) 393 I must, however, draw ; , as'time went on, the parce we have before us toftay i ‘more clearly (one might almost a y om the initial acute psychosis, which ved the patient's entire mental life mame of “hallucinatory insanity” * et was that, on the one hand, he had enious delusional structure, in which ason to be interested, while, on the onality had been reconstructed and except for a few isolated disturb- jeeting the demands of everyday life. ‘ the report drawn up by him in 1899, ing remarks: ‘It thus appears that time, apart from certain psycho-motor ‘cannot fail to strike even the most i as being obviously pathological, ident Dr. Schreber shows no signs of sychical inhibition, nor is his intelli- {mpaired. His mind is collected, his ent, he has at his disposal a very con- ‘of knowledge (not merely upon legal 1 dhe is able to ‘in many other fields), an¢ Per vter conn train of thoug] k lowii Ports in the world of politics, is constan' In spite of ‘the patient i ‘of ideas of patho- EE patient emed themselves into a : a ire oF 1 i edible to correction by meal of the actual exte one a great capable of He accordingly CASE HISTORIES s with a view to regain s and to securing his di “bi Weber set himsel e intentions and d family board, I have f conversing with him Whatever the subjec on (apart, of course, fro n his, vents in the it concerned lence of a lively i interest, memory, and a sound in f the party, he was | if he touched upon n he eeesably dis once, during these 2, did he introduce J ited , on one {OIA (DEMENTIA PARANOIDEs) 2 395, actions which, as he was aware, hi Thim to perform (p. 430). Such, nen and the cogency of his | spite of his being an acknowledged rts were crowned with success, “In eber’s civil rights were restored, and ar his Denkwiirdigheiten eines Nerven- ed, though in a censored form and ible portions omitte ment that gave Dr. Schreber back his yand a few sentences which summarize tem: ‘He believed that he had a the world and to restore it to its This, however, he could only bring first transformed from a man into a tailed account of his delusions as they final shape we may turn to the report ‘by Dr. Weber, the physician in charge ‘The culminating point of the system is his belief that he has a gem the world, and to restore mankind ite of bliss. He was called to this task, by direct inspiration from God, just a8 that the Prophets were ; for pers iS im a gece arg sly the property ©! , ing upon |—though this is Ba Fil itside ‘The most essential lone. must be precede ion is that it tion 4 _ CASE HISTORIES anor the rest of manking rhe t except by his being ea a eess which may occupy" ) by means of ‘divine ay onvinced, is the only gt sare worked, and he 8 who has ever lived : ery minute for for years he dhe has he aoe ee con versed with ‘of his illness ¢ certain of destructive injuries x the death of any othe without a stomach, Jungs, with a tom , and Siac ibs, af his own lary : (OIA (DI : (DEMENTIA PARANOIDE: lusion and has f S) 397 n the has formed an esti patient's estimate featis not the Betr CohY ot ent i6 not the birth of com ‘our Reeoptoscher tte ee alee Meeabjechen RM ote-from cur, eter vertheless Seta hee eet human sion the most ee f ae cea ambelses ; and he nit en: hich it has been accom. ; into the "od ealdtad Baca es Bits development the delusion and into edical report laid fit nape Bere ai stress “upon two point aa eer ss en Sh he Redeemer eee ome into a ie us through the 1 is a phantasy that Pe ot tices vetonois with which , Which makes the Ba acai ee teins ae dependent unusual and in Perici sure such a wide divergence ee ‘the he srical Bie patient's phantasy is Sy cot o ie natural to follow the medical report ig that the motive force of this delusional patient's ambition to play the part of nd that his emasculation was only entitled aga means for achieving that end be true of his delusion in its final ‘of the Denkwitrdigheiten compels us to ferent view of the matter. For we learn being trans! -ted) was ding P ‘4 that it only by regarcne a serious injury, a0 sis playing the pats ‘of Redeemer in There can be N° ‘doubt, moreover formed into 2 woman (that mary delusion, y ved that the emasculatig, e of sexual abuse 21 "a design. To exp td ng Passages from th, Way a conspiran, head (in about Nag } to contrive that, when d Tecognized as [ should be handed over manner. Thus m , but my body— T have described of things—was ly, and as such ‘with a view to if had played the for, in the plot whereby marco, it ‘attempt af murdering m me Bor purposes tier io faa pea itis, for the gratificati pee is, for the gratification of the sexu an individual), or later at destroyin g—every such ‘attempt has come ts om this apparently unequal struggle @ weak man and God himself, 1 have mphant—though not without underze feafiering and privation—because the order fands upon my side’ (p. 61). @.%, referring to the above passage, the eshadows the smbsequent transformation in 1 of emasculation and in his relation to God : w later on that emasculation for quite rpose—a purpose in consonance with the order ‘within the bounds of possibility, and, it it may quite probably afford a solution of Gments are of decisive importance in take of the delusion of ral under “the case. It may sent heard never trea! Te eee as anything but a sexual se for jeering at him. themselves 2Schreber "» alleged, say this hantasy was of a py eeeident of the Rey ™y ae month of November x8; » connection was established hantasy and the Redeemer his becoming reconciled le writes, ‘I became of things imperatively ther I personally liked e lay open to me quence of my ‘my impregna- w race of men NOIA (DE: M1 ENTIA PARANon DEs) 4or as ribbons , tr ly occurs, | yomPer Petts, may add, weg and GF othst £0 far as T am abie Tam Sea avoid which he was pis frivolity The Herr fly the completers 2 2 vost eathical tite, ¢7gs,°! bis Peition to al life: “1 have now scovery in Peat eat me are not been p ; urs fds them as «resonable Pas hod ise f le m: ad wards his fellows’ (p. man is sed Tie put his eras in contrast eM never took a tion phantasy e to recognize his miss y steps towards Se attitude of our patient tow ee Cad i ie fall’cf int Is God is so Pe than ‘a li internal contradictions that it a little faith to persist in the belie Beets cacthod in he macncs ‘of what Dr. Schreber tells us in “the en, we must now endeavour to arrive view of his theologic: psychological must expound his opinions ‘concerning ¢ of bliss, the divine hierarchy, and the , as they occur In his delusional system. ‘dn his theory we shall be struck by the e of the platitudinous and the clever, rowed and what js original. i of the Be ia an intimate relatig, wen and the sun. Was finished, Gog (Pp. 1x and 252) to its own laws, up to himself the tional instances with particular, by means of a does not have is, according to When a man OF PARANOIA. if as ‘fore- (PEMENTIA Poeun e ‘courts ‘O1DEs) at ev js of He; ‘ 40: erything moves jn°%- Thus it oa es as ; Ht the Basis of the orde, t, “temal anything Tun anything, God is pergct °f thi a, tee portion cig. With portion le apparent loss Which ps ner ion of Nn that have ive passed. on enter into the or the process of ent time they have lost some ot es ave be a Biches unites tes toe vith mien like Goethe, Bismarck, etc. sey have Siler of identity for hundcas of roe xy for hundreds of ye: MME tog. can become resolved ints complexes, such as ‘ Jehovah rays’ in the it Jewry, or ‘ Zoroaster rays’ in the E In the course of their purification the language which is spoken by God so-called ‘ root-language’. This is ‘a somewhat antiquated German, which characterized by its great wealth of 8 (p. 13)- 3 e.. If is not a simple entity. Above the of Heaven ” floated God himself, who, “anterior realms of God”, “ posterior realms of God " ft d still are, divided jnto two parts, S° that a lower #0 entiated from an upper. God regards the significance of this rousness (see below). idus ‘Us NO more than 4 speci lly attached to the t God toy} Hs vo i ‘son: © expect human knowici® ee are also tol it in certain respects . lower and the ie a rt , each of Which egoism and ‘its vation, even in relation h in turn is therefor, : the other forwarj’ “ine beings behaved jn > unlucky Schreber ‘Senatsprasident ious matters to persuade @ personal it his earlier to circumst, ‘ances ation, the nery, Ss Ma Condition of j; ‘powerful attraction nnot get free from thes, d © maybe threatened an). Ts pea ecuttence took place in Scicattis Wed him in the greatest safes ttber’s n Herings, Ty Preservation was aroused in st (p. a : of the dead, does not understand liv “connection, however, a fundamental mis. y Prevails, which has since run through my a scarlet thread. It is based precisely tt, i accordance with the order of things, ally acquainted with living men and did ‘consonantly with the order of things, to have escptse with ene te of things . . . I am convinced, ae aahe fact that God was, ‘ing men. : Ys complete inability Ee Bans however long I ayseli to this idea after my ‘that my mental “destruction of m ‘which he was ho Ping g ns \drawal had now Decor a my touching upon an a few more words ty Why don’t you | character of the lerves stimulated for that psv29,S2% (by Purpose) to (oy : ei Prevent my evacuating The. sands of then’ regul Y, as to exclud bl attributable to chance. And tent’ 5 “Why don’t you sh?" to illiant repartee is made on my behalf. so stupid or something”. The pen well. n recording so monumental a piece of it God, blinded by his ignorance of can positively go to such lengths as to there can exist a man too stupid to do mal can du—tvo stupid to be able to the occasion of such a call, I d in evacuating—and as a rule, since I find the lavatory engaged, I use a pail e process is always accompanied by an exceedingly strong feeling of ess, For the relict from the y resence of the faeces in ae ‘of intense well-being in ee ness; and the same 1s equally For this reason, even down to Iam passing stool or making invariably now that the miracle the power which the terrifying effects, God rything that he docs lous or childis! ictory lies with en) the order of things pas} ledical reports might easily lad us to Sete exhibited the everyday focstok Phantasy, in which the patent belives he d to save the world f i om the destruction that is threatening it It is for this reason that : it in detail the eo God. The significance of these relatio mankind is only rarely alluded to in Reiten and not until the last phase of tion. It consists essentially in the who dies can enter the state of bliss e greater part of the rays of God are er owing to his powers of attraction nly at a very late stage, too, that, his with Jesus Christ makes an undisguised 8 and 431). Z ining Schreber’s case will have does not take into Sing cities in his conception of God, everence and rebelliousness in his ich is closely ‘This is also next world’ er death by the it as a state yy associated with the is not very original, et : g to learn that Schre ee male and a female age bliss was superior fe to the je consisted chiefly jn ‘°° is nsation of voluptuous. exclusively of it” may be regarded en in advance, as reatures’ (p. 281) ) be understood ility that { derived from a condensation of Meanings of the German word amely, ‘dead’ and ‘sensually nce of sexnalization will also ‘examine the patient's general ic side of life and to questions o' For we psycho - analysts have view that the roots of every der are chiefly to be found in j but whereas some of us . empirical grounds, others dition by theoretical con- s delusions that have us without more ado to of Schreber’s having @ deeper it might precisely iich would tum out «> °° tk long been song, ent Schreber had beey people ’, es as I may say 1). After the severe ena of his i OF PARAN e OIA (D1 (DEMENTrA PARAL N we the reo en main f¢ less, of the ry ea. if bie’ find anges S in Deane bis delusion. ee Beer eter rh fiedsote i ; ‘as his re-con devotee t the tena kind, so too Rereivelt eet himself id e sexual ef in God Pleasure a himself was of a most sual whi he f a woman, liberty of ia chatter fhe felt ae took up ai but the: racter, ae in, but the sexual part of his delusion & ae é e mii reatec alge ly, one might almost ess by hi mation i ee eet tee oh Se have given to hi ection: fis ea sof volupt amore particularly ya oreo es eae Bestest sex ( , to his skin Se female sx p.8r tee ee softness non 0 Ht he presses ely e surfac rene rth rerieaeiins a tose ae gy paar. Lae as a tissue cc. Bre ses ere, 0 en Fa ld be. BY applying E fesare to ths okea YES (voluptuous wes rence, and especialy MT think of ty that this tissue ee ae ily erves of Gor a tT hardly a ee could hardly matey bad sti which ei. he conection rn who had (pt sessed female ieee se an have ft at ning O18 ‘seme wines by soa wh ERs EF, y, fe, al le f ° p r jen arrived at the firm con PARANOIA (DEMENTIA PARANOID) ) ES) e to reconcile hj 415 the trans. the highes Cor ‘d upon my (Pp. 177 and eet Viction that it eee tor Hse. Satisfaction, was et, however (if I may so expr 1 God than it becomes a necessit ee tha 5 y Ey imaginable device and to summon up th Z mental faculties, and especially my M, in order to bring it about that the divine J the impression as continuously as Since this is beyond mortal power, at least nes of day) that I am a woman luxuriating sensations ’ (p. 281). other hand, God demands a constant state such as would be in keeping with the existence imposed upon souls by the and it is my duty to provide him with . shape of the greatest possible output ptuousness. And if, in is ees ; share, I feel justifie Sepals fo my Be teinion the that has an ears . . -’ (p- 283). ae aa venture to advance the fons I have received, tha towards effecting 2 js invariably to for the worse— shall under a he-goat while ate AT INTERPRETATION now lies before us of endeavouri : ur etrate the meaning of this history of ¢ uranoia and to lay bare in it the familiar tive forces of mental life; and it is be approached from two difierent t start either from the patient's ow: ‘or from the exciting causes of his cannot fail to seem enticing ple given us by Jung in his ‘of dementia praccox which was e and which exhibited symptoms ‘the normal. The high level of t's intelligence, too, and his com- vould seem likely to facilitate the task, if we approached it along ns infrequently he himseli t hands, by adding a gloss te in an apparently incidental ‘otation or producing an it, or even by expressly “that has arisen in his own (to strip his his example as mn or gloss as ‘ourselves in translation of mormal 0! ition. CASE HISTORTES this procedure. Schreber ‘created by the so-called * mi, pirds ’, to which he ascrit anu 208-214). | of relics “of form of human souls one, that they are charged with et loose upon him. They hay, i ting * meaninglex by heart wand tua fo ._ Each time that they hay. aine poison on to him— reeled off the phrases as it were’_ ” or ‘Deuce “they are still ae feeling. They words the’ eration * which is the ¢ would in that ca fe Young man who nd, sure enough souls ; since by bent, etc., they Readily suggest a comparison with te of these girls’ names have since been of and have been retained as and restraint whenever in the joes beyond the standard lin that his listeners or readers will s far as their own familiarity with allow them. He has every against the risk that an cumen on his part may be ution in the certainty and its. It is thus only natural ‘too much in the direction of a ex] eee “case of Schrebet 1 nay . 200 EO the re ‘Y hay T hae 1B More op something > lines of ordina: rate somethin, Tot ry human ich The re. Print I shall therefore in tracing back structure with man motiv next sentence, hese acts of persecutj, i storage as Flechsig, the whole course sigs enoy t mmity and of it the patie nt uch character- 2 rts made by the e ote Possession of a soul, a jad its prototype in events whi ay so describe it, I am able to say hat has already been indicated, perhaps, to be added . . . (The ows is unsuitable for publication) ’ this omission we are left in the ‘of what is meant by ‘soul- sr later on to the only hint upon re raded censorship. a further Fvelopment of ‘O14 (DEMENTIA PARANoipEs) IDEs) 423 another, { ist the ‘pre Bint his first : ally mov. 4) the soul of his new physicians se ‘into Play 5 and shortly afterwards tr place a ie development of his delusions e to kno conciliation ’, stay at Som "One or two shapes, and the yon W. ingle one. The latter soon disaj eared divisions of the Flechsig soul whiex ir intelligence and their power, then sd as the ‘ posterior Flechsig” and That the Flechsig soul retained Jast, is made clear by Schreber's ar to Herr Geheimrat Prof. Dr. . document Schreber expresses his t the physician who influenced him e visions and have received the natural things as he himself. e ge that the ptt of ot the remotest intention athe physician's honour, and and ee aire i is Case (pp. 343, 445) gts to distinguish the : the same name, man ote delusibns! the shape of externa) inged into the opposite, and feared as a persecuto, The main purpose change in his Tet us now m nt Of Flechg; mit reservations» "ho esk’s ad if we consider that hit <3 a titude The passa, lad restored her husband to or years she ke table’ (p. 36). t obtain any insight into the causes s her, and Pt his portrait standing (a knowledge of which is no doubt ly elucidating the second and yust now plunge at random into an on of circumstances. During the his illness, as we are aware, (that 3, when he was appointed to his wing October, when he took up dreamed that his old nervous Once, moreover, when he was eeling that after all it must be ig to the act of copulation. e reported by Schreber and if we also bring together infer that, at Il be able to inet ate HISTORIES f Perhaps that illness haa , ‘of afiectionate depen" h had now, for some unkn.‘® ied to the pitch of an aan e phantasy, which was still jo ality, was met at once by Pt true ‘ masculine protest”, ut in a sense difterent ‘jo? sychosis which broke out son’ ntasy carried everything esa slight correction of tis iteness of Schreber's mace divine the fact that the buse at the hands of his cause of his illness libido ; the object the very first his les. against this lict which gave rise e acquainted st be prepared i then he did h Being tra i thological idea’ wr ord into a deed our only ‘concern es of any kind against him. cies, Romosexual impulses or for Mas, suppress them. © Psychiatrists chong from this patient, when they sce ha hiis delusions, not to confuse the conscious with the world of reality Owhere expressly stated that the trans. oman Which he so much dreaded was for the benefit of Flechsig'—That is difficult to understand why, in for publication, since he was It the ‘man Flechsig ’, he should an accusation. His considera- 's feelings did not, however, lead Janguage sufficiently to conceal See Taideed, it may be after all it is expressed openly Ee f ri 9 jis way a conspi ear about March cr lechsi nurder upon him. imself not clear le, but it was con. te character as tg see from the sup- ta single threaq illustrates the ‘sadly altered: so m t Me seeished to sec tae aes: € 1 my mental break-down was a ‘during which I had a quite extra- er 1 emissions—quite half a dozen, all (P. 44). It is easy to understand ce of his wife must have acted as the Raeecure Por of the men ‘we are prepared to admit that an ir in an adult without some mental be able to supplement the at night by assuming that they homosexual phantasies which .y this outburst of homosexual nt precisely at this Pee ee intment and of his err in the absence tory of his life. ee oscillates all and homosexual ‘to drive him over into th, "th of these factors in Schret omit to draw attention to well have been rel @ somaty evant. Ay unction ty, enters upon ; g involution ; nor do men a, influence, for men as well x. a ‘climacteric’ and to the special ich goes along with it. it_a dubious hypothesis i, 's friendly feeling towards out in an intensificd rs? and become the occa- er. But I donot think such a hypothesis improbability, if it OF PARANOIA (Di (PEMENTIA PaRANorpes) 43r B physician may very well have been Be eecrenice’, by means of which 2 came transposed {rom nya On to the physician lim ; so that the | a more concrete form : it. To put fed by the physician of his bone havg rediscovered them in hi rother or of his onder at if, in certain im, there will be x the surrogate figure reay Circumstances, a tiv a violence that is only fo be esplnen its origin and primary si ew to following up this att Si natorally: thought it worth while ds ithe patient's father was still alive SM ectisther ie had had a brocicr her he was then living or among the vas delighted, therefore, when, after “4 be h through the pages of the Denkwiirdig- oe das : dig st upon a passage in which the ‘The memory of my ‘that both of them were dead at the foe. (and, it may be, at the time 1s well). fore raise no further eee to the “exciting cause of the illness was m of a feminine (that is, a pasty’ tasy, which took as its object "An intense resistance to part of Schreber’s personally: pagele, which might perhaps ‘ather shape, t00K OM, delusion of Pet e "CASE aIsToRtES of his persecution. 1, j, , same schematic outlin: ‘ cable to other cases of hat distinguishes Schrebe: “is its further development ang.” it underwent in the course of it was the replacement of lg eof God. This seems at first S n of aggravation of the conficr, he unbearable persecution, bu; that it was preparing the way with it, the solution of the le for Schreber to becom of a female prostitute Sire the tack of Providing God 1s sensations that he recuired ‘on the part of his ego a disgrace ; it became igs’, it took its place 3, and was instrumen| fe may. delusions ™ af sig but it irit of Schreber "ancestor this man rsecution. By acceptab! he patient's meantime CASE OF PARANOIA (Dear Panay, about ; until then the perso oe romain indestructible, malty of Dr. Schreber ia text of psychiat ity we fi oss statements to the effec that Tiegelon fob eos "Tie, : aim tion. “The process etm ofa delusion that he Sites pena st P< influences, He then fecls the ue punting to himself for this Rein es y hits upon the idea tha yen he himself y ed personage and worthy of such attentions. ‘Tid opment of megalomania is thus attributed by ine fbooks to a process which (borrowing a useful word Emest Jones) we may describe as ‘ ration: ee ® But to ascribe such important affective con- to a rationalization is, as it seems to us, an psychological proceeding; and we would iy draw a sharp distinction between our je one which we have just quoted. We no claim, for the moment, to knowing the megalomania. ‘once more to the case of Schreber, we are ‘admit that any attempt at throwing light transformation in his delusion brings us up traordinary difficulties. In what manner and ans was the ascent from Flechsig to God ut? From what source did he derive the @ which so fortunately enabled him. to ncil ‘is persecution, or, in analytical secret ‘he wish-phantasy which had yress The Denkwilrdigheiten give US ¢ ‘bs that in the patient's mind rere ideas belonging to the intasies he overheard @ rd that he was et ad gone mad (P. fas Srclopment of attention. HISTORIES y as a whole we see, nto Flechsig and Gog !"* ty hit subsequently splite the EPS and the ‘ mniq the ‘lower’ and the “itl of the illness the dec rther still (p. 193). kind is very.charac| ecomposes just as hysteria «," Nola resolves once more yr ets of the condensation: om 3E OF PARANOIA (DEMENT 4 PARAN pursue this train of tho, itimate one, we shall be d; , Intensific tch, for his father and brotfer This fee referred to his brother, passed, by a process and when ent of the ce, on. to his physician Flechsig : back on to his father a settlem reached. Il not feel that we have been justified in cing Schreber’s father into his delusions, hypothesis has shown itself of some use nderstanding the case and in elucidating delusions which are as yet unintelligible ed that Schreber’s God and ae the most curious features : how they aces mixture of blasphemous criticism aus insubordination on the one hand and of ther. God, according ibe fe eke misleading. influence ot incapable of learning anything by not understand living men te a : i Ss} Sw fo deal wi of miracles which, yer in a succession of ene might be, were none the ber asident Dr. Schreber f Senatsprasi Daniel terson, He wos sp a green ‘Associations e the standards of hygien. ot a lasting influence upon é eat reputation as the found in Germany is stil shown" uis Avatliche Zimmergymn as nastics) in medical circles ay, rough which it has passed, * ‘as by no means Unsuitable God in the affectionay, he had been so early es cannot help feeling between the personality ag, however eminent aber that this has not nations of antiquity ship to them. The erors as a matter and competent “Alas! highly respected by his patients, i, wh: ‘striking his God 4 aPlains racteristics of h he dwells in such a cri how to deal with ere itis an attribute of God to perinit’ COPS? f form miracles : Tiorms miracles too, effects miracu- or so his enthusiastic clients proclaim. see that these very miracles (the material as provided by the patient's hypochondria) be incredible, absurd, and t : '0 some extent esilly, we are reminded of the assertion 14 that absurdity ‘derision. Evidently, therefore, it is used Purposes in paranoia. As regards some = Feproaches which he levelled against God, stance, as that he learned nothing by experi. $ natural to suppose that they are examples ‘mechanism as the fw quogue argument so | by children,? who, when they receive a Be atined to fing if back unchanged upon ei it. Similarly, the voi eee pit agamast jechsig was in the first ation.® = See discovery that his father’s pro the Cfhe peculiarities of Schrebers i re venture Upon tecmarkable ight upon the Aion ms some Te: Heavenly world Ge ef in dreams expresses 9. 295+ ‘we find the cf his a et jum hanger | mce upon deliberately nave beet de ene Of the dead, ang ,, L Who together of th P19). Altnaitt ere is a Conde, eh Himot ibe able to resoiy,"T deferring to a clue 1}, : sth“ miitacled * birds, wi, ¢ rere Originally fore... i that the anterior rea), aln If we kney, brother was older th, at the decompositic, gave expre: after pe fa her's into his place ed like to draw which, through its an of ion this solar my d th of his, » Sometimes with » iS nothing b bol for the father; and in pointing tie sclaim all responsibility for the provided by psycho-analysis, jiism overrides grammatical gender. ar as German goes, for in most other ae sun is masculine. The other parent is in this picture by the complementary con. is found everywhere, of ‘ Mother Earth’ come upon confirmations of this assertion of psycho-analysing the pathogenic uurotics. I can make no more than the to the light which all of this throws ‘of cosmic myths. One of my patients, his ly age, was always father at a very early age, cover him in what was grand and sublime e I have known this it has seemed i. Bicteste’s hymn Yor nrise’] is an expression ©! = Bont who Hecame neurotic ae i pa seized with his first attack of ile the sun shone upon him as while ith a spade. He spon : a vit pretation that he had as an interpre Jooked at him scause his father jae ‘with a sharp _ upon his eo Eee fentified him aoe 2d), and acai aly own as it y ntured upon a mig ,, er plausibility to 1 b \e neck

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