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Ancient Greece Questions

1) What is the word for the territories of Ancient Greece?

2) Describe Greek city states.

3) What is aristocracy?

4) What is tyranny?

5) What is oligarchy?

6) What is democracy?

7) Which form of government became the pattern for most city-states?

8) What was the Athenian Assembly?

9) What was most important to Spartans?

10) Which god was honored by the Olympic Games?

11) What was the Olympic Truce?

12) What caused the Persian Wars?

13) What happened at the battle of Marathon?

14) What happened at the battle of Thermopylae?

15) How did the Greeks win the battle of Salamis?

16) Name Pericles major accomplishments.

17) What is the Acropolis?

18) What is the most famous building in the Acropolis?

19) Which god did the Parthenon honor?

20) What was the Peloponnesian League?

21) What started the Peloponnesian War?

22) What was Athens war strategy?

23) Who won the Peloponnesian War and who lost?

24) What happened to Athens because they lost the war?

25) How was Socrates different from earlier philosophers?

26) What is the Socratic Method?

27) How did Socrates die?

28) How did Plato differ from Socrates?

29) List Aristotles major contributions to society.

30) What is the Hellenistic period?

31)What is the library of Alexandria?

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