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NEW HAWIPSHIRE POLICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING (New 2090 Noms) AGILITY TESTING DAY @srenecnmite) MALES AGE RUN wench | sir-ups PUSHLUPS. 18-20 1259 % a 2 30-30 1925, 28 2 2 40-09 1:10 78 2 16 5050 188 7 2 fa 6060 1789 6 18 ° AGILITY TESTING (G@oPERCENTIE) FEMALES ‘AGE RUN pench | sirurs PUSH-UPS. Moditiod Full Body 18-20 16:4 se a 2 4 30-38 s2 26 7 10 0-49 a 9 1" @ 50-59 @ 2 10 om a 5 4 NH MARINE PATROL AGILITY TESTING PROCEDURE The Marine Patro's staff will administer the tests to each candidate upon enty. Candidates must ‘pass all sections in order fo move on to the next stage of the process. The tests chosen from Dr. Cooper's batlory are as follows: 1. -.5:Mile Time Run. This isa test ofthe aerobic power that is so important to police officers ‘when responding physically in an emergency situation. This test requires a nearly exhaustive ‘effort, of atleast atthe level ofthe higher intensities at which the individual has been traning, Tt takes place on an indoor or outdoor track (six laps of 440-yard track is 1.5 miles) or other suitable, elatvely level running area, and is measured with a stopwatch. Participants should ‘ot eat for at least two hours before the lest. The individual should do some stretching and ‘warm up exercises prior tothe test, and allow adequate time for cool down by walking or Jogging ata slow pace Following the tos. 2. Qne-Repotition Bench Press. This s atest of adequate muscular strength or the amount of tension a muscle can exhibit in one maximal contraction. Since the bench press goes through the full range of motion, it correlates well with total body strength criterion. The ‘equipment required is either a barbell bench and a barbell set, or a Universal gyi or similar piece of equipment, wth adequate weight capacity. The target weight is based on a person's age, sex, and body weight. Each person will be alowed to lit the bar three times, two of ‘Which can be used as warm-ups at a weightless than the target weight. Warm ups are ‘encouraged, but not required, One full repetition atthe target weight must be completed successfully to pass this test 3, Push-Ups. These test muscular endurance, or the abilty to contract the muscles repeatedly ‘over a period of ime, which indicates efficiency in movement and the capaciy to do work. It focuses on the shoulder girdle (deltolds, pectorals, and triceps) whichis important in defensive lactis, handeufing, and rescue operations. Candidates must keep thelr legs and back straight and knees off the ground at all imes and from the “up” position, lower, themselves to the floor unl their chest touches to within three (3) inches, then push tothe ‘up" position again. The fotal numbers of push-ups with correct form in one minute are recorded as the score. Females are allowed to use the modified female push-up position. Ifa person must rest during this test, i must be done in the "up" postion, 4, SitUps. This event measures the muscular endurance of the abdominal area, which is important in the prevention of injuries while doing police work. The candidate lies on his/her back, knees bent, heels fat on the flee with @ partner helding the fect down, thon dose ae ‘many situps in correct form as possible in one minute. In the ‘up" position, candidates must tach their elbows to their knees, and both shoulders should touch that floor inthe “down” position, The score is the number of correct sit-ups in one minute. Ifa person must rest during ths test, It must be done in the “up” postion.

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