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Stage 1 of analysis

1) Use transaction ML81N to view the Service entry screen. Now double click on the
on the top right corner of the table control as shown below:

2) Now, Click on the Administrator

3) Now enter a number No. Of Fixed Columns field (Note: Table control in P7D
has 65 columns, so enter a number greater than that)

- It will throw error as in the Screen.

- Shows the number of columns maintained.

So now you know the number of fields in the table control out here.
Stage 2 of analysis

1) Now use SE16 transaction and enter the table T162V

2) Now for VARIANTE, enter each of the variant values (0,1,2,3,4,5) and hit F8 to
execute. You will see the following . In the screenshot below you see the number of
entries for the variant 1 = 65 which is equal to the number of table control entries
obtained in the stage 1 of analysis.

3) This has to be done for each of the variants (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) and verified if they
are equal to the entries in the table control. There are 6 variants in this case.

4) If they are then not the same, the additional entries in T162V for each variant has to
deleted as per the below document after comparison with the Table Control entries as
seen in stage 1 of the analysis

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