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When was the last time you: bought new clothes/went to the cinema/swam in
the sea or in a lake/wrote a letter or an e-mail/ate chocolate?
2. What date is your birthday? = When is your birthday?
3. When were your parents born?
4. Were your classmates in class last Friday?
5. How old were your parents when you were born?
6. What was your favorite food when you were little?
7. Who was your best friend when you were at school?
8. What was the name of your first teacher at school?
9. Were you frightened of anything when you were a small child?
10. Where were you last night at 9 pm.?
11. What did you watch on TV. last night?
12. Where did you go last holiday? Who did you go with?
13. Where did you go last holiday? How did you get there?
14. What kind of music/films/books do you like?
15. When did you last go to the cinema/a concert? Did you enjoy it?
16. When did you last go to the cinema? What did you see? Who was in it?
17. Who is your favorite singer/writer? Why?
18. Who did you talk to on the phone last week?
19. What did you like doing when you were a child?
20. What did you buy last month?
21. Where did you live ten years ago?
22. Who did you go on holiday with last year?
23. What was the last movie you watched? what was it about?
24. Where can you take your clothes when they are dirty?
25. Where can you have a haircut?
26. What can you buy at a butchers /bakery?
27. Where can you buy toothpaste and medicine?
28. Where do you post letters and parcels?
29. What do you think is the best souvenir? Why?
30. Which is the best restaurant in Bucaramanga? Why?
31. Who is the tallest / shortest person in this class?
32. Who is the oldest / youngest person in your family?
33. Which is the biggest city in Colombia?
34. Which is the highest mountain in Colombia?
35. Compare the members of your family.
36. Compare three cities you visited last holiday?
37. What is he / she doing at the moment? (point at someone)
38. What are you wearing today?
39. What are you doing after this class?
40. Are you studying English later?
41. What are your plans for next weekend?
42. Are you going to study more for next exam?
43. What are you going to do next UIS Story Fest?
44. What do I look like? (describe the teacher/ classmate physically)
45. Who wears a uniform in Colombia? Which uniforms do you like best? Why?
46. Do you usually wear smart or casual clothes at college / work?
47. What kind of clothes are you wearing today?
48. What are the people doing / wearing?
49. Do you like music? What kind of music do you like?
50. Do you play a musical instrument? Which one?
51. Are you going to have a busy weekend? What are you going to do?
52. Do you want to watch TV this evening? What do you want to watch?
53. Are you going out anywhere this weekend? If so, where are you going?
54. Are there any films that youd like to see at the moment? Which ones and
55. Do you want to buy anything special next week? What?
56. Do you want to go on holiday this year? Where would you like to go and why?

57. What did you do last weekend? Was it busy or quiet? Tiring or relaxing?
Boring or funny? Why?

58. Its your best friends birthday; suggest something to do to celebrate it and
something to buy as a present.
59. What do you think is better: Chevrolet or Mazda?
60. Whats your idea of a perfect weekend? Which activities does it include?

61. What would you like to do for a perfect party? Do you want to invite girl friends
or boy friends? Why

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