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Evidence: What do you say?


a) You are on the bus and its very hot. You ask someone to open the window. What
do you say?
Answer) Please, could you open the window?

b) You want to return a book to the library of your university, but you dont feel well.
You ask a friend to do it for you. What do you say?
Answer) Friend, can you return a book to the library of the university by me?

c) You call a friend and his mother answers the phone .You ask to speak to your
friend. What do you say?
Answer) Good morning, may I speak with my friend?

d) Youre shopping with a friend, but when you are going to pay you dont have any
money with you. You ask your friend to lend you some .What do you say?
Answer) Will you lend me for pay the purchases?

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