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Original System: Y=-2x+7

Step 1: Solve by using substitution X+4y=0

Step 2: X+4(-2+y)=0
Substitute the expression for y into the
second equation
Step 3: X+4(-2+y)=0
Solve the equation. x- 8x + 28 = 0
-7x + 28 = 0
-7x = -28
-7 -7
Step 4:
Substitute the value into one of the Y=-2x + 7
original equations and solve. Y = -2(4) + 7
Y= -8 + 7
Y= -1
We have x=4 and y =-1
Step 5: Check Y = -2x +7 x+4y = 0
-1 = -2(4) +7 4 + 4(-1) = 0
-1 = -8 +7 4-4 = 0
-1 = -1 0=0

Step 1: Original System: x+ y =7

Solve by using Elimination method 4x y = 3
5x = 10
Step 2: Add the equations together to
eliminate one variable. ( you may need 5x = 10
to equate the coefficients, meaning 5 = 5
multiplying an equation to get the
variables to cancel out) x=2
Step3: Solve the equation.
Step 4: Substitute the value into one of x+y= 7
the original equations and solve. 2+y=7
Solution: We have x = 2 and y = 5

Step 5: Check x + y= 7 4x- y = 3

2 + 5=7 4(2) 5 = 3
7=7 85=3
3= 3

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