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Zombieland is a 2009 American comedy horror film directed

by Ruben Fleischer and written by Rhett Reese and Paul
2. Nerdy college student Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) has survived the
plague that has turned mankind into flesh-devouring zombies because he's
scared of just about everything. Gun-toting, Twinkie-loving Tallahassee
(Woody Harrelson) has no fears. Together, they are about to stare down
their most horrifying challenge yet: each other's company. Emma Stone
and Abigail Breslin co-star in this double-hitting, head-smashing comedy.
3. the list of rules Columbus comes up with for surviving in the
zombie-infested world. By the end of the film, his list has thirty-
three rules, yet only a few are mentioned.
4. The main characters do not use each other's real names, but
identify themselves using place names
(Columbus,Tallahassee, Wichita, Little Rock) that relate to
Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin and Woody
5. The films music was composed by David Sardy.
6. It may come as a shock, but Twinkies are not a
vegan-friendly food. Woody has been a strict
Vegan for years
7. The man eaten in the bathroom is the same man
that Little Rock and Wichita
8. with "about a hundred" and through a "belabored
process" were pared down (the exact end number
reported varies) to 32."Beware of bathrooms" was a
last minute addition.

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