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Procedure Note

Procedure: Paracentesis
Anesthesia: 1% Lidocaine

Ultrasound guidance was used to locate and mark an ascitic pocket

Percussion and shifting dullness techniques were used to identify an ascitic pocket

A time-out was completed, verifying correct patient, procedure, site, positioning, and implant(s) or special equipment if applicable. Patient was
positioned, prepped, and draped in the usual sterile fashion. 1% Lidocaine was used to anesthetize the area. A standard paracentesis kit needle was
introduced into the peritoneal space and [???] ml clear yellow/cloudy yellow/bloody fluid was removed and sent for cell counts, gram stain,
bacterial culture, and albumin levels.

Fluid was also sent for:

Complications: None

Blood loss: Minimal

Dr. [attendings name] was present/immediately available by telephone during the entire procedure.

Dictation Job #:

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