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Characteristics 1.Based on oral traditions 2.Crude on

ideology and phraseology B. Literary Forms Oral
Literature a. Riddles (bugtong) battle of wits among
participants Tigmo Cebu Paktakon
Ilonggo Patotdon Bicol b. Proverbs (salawikain)
wise sayings that contain a metaphor used to teach as
a food for thought etc. c. Tanaga - a mono-riming
heptasyllabic quatrain expressing insights and
lessonson life is "more emotionally charged than the
terse proverb and thus hasaffinities with the folk
lyric." 2.Folk Songs It is a form of folk lyric
which expresses the hopes and aspirations, the
people'slifestyles as well as their loves. These are often
repetitive and sonorous, didactic
andnaivea. Hele or oyayi lullaby b.
Ambahan (Mangyan) 7-syllable per line poem that are
about humanrelationships and social entertainment c.
Kalusan (Ivatan) - work songs that depict the livelihood
of the peopled. d. Tagay (Cebuano and Waray)
drinking song. e. Kanogan (Cebuano) song of
lamentation for the dead Folk Tales Myths
explain how the world was created, how certain animals
possess certain characteristics, why some places have
waterfalls, volcanoes, mountains, flora or fauna.
Legends explain the origin of things Why the
Pineapple Has EyesThe Legend of Maria Makiling c.
Fables used animal characters and allegoryd.Fantasti
stories deal with underworld characters such as
tiyanak,aswang, kapre and
others. Epics These are narratives of sustained
length based on oral tradition revolving
aroundsupernatural events or heroic deeds (Arsenio
Manuel) Examples: Lam-ang (Ilocano) Hinilawod
(Panay) Kudaman (Palawan) Darangen
(Maranao) II. SPANISH
1863) Characteristics 1. It has two distinct
classifications: religious and secular It introduced
Spanish as the medium of
communication. B.Literary Forms 1. Religious
Literature - Religious lyrics written by ladino poets or
those versed in both Spanish and Tagalog were
included in early catechism and were used toteach
Filipinos the Spanish language. a. Pasyon long
narrative poem about the passion and death of Christ.
The most popular was Ang Mahal na Passion ni Jesu
Cristong Panignoon Natin byAguino de
Belen b.Senakulo dramatization of the pasyon, it
shows the passion and death of Christ Secular
(non-religious) Literature a.Awit - colorful tales of
chivalry made for singing and chanting Example: Ibong
Adarna b.Korido metrical tale written in octosyllabic
quatrainsExample: Florante at Laura by Francisco
Baltazar c. Prose Narratives written to prescribe
proper decorum i. Dialogo iii. Ejemplo
ii.Manual de Urbanidad iv. tratado Examples: Modesto
de Castro's "Pagsusulatan ng Dalawang Binibini na
siUrbana at si Feliza" and Joaquin Tuason's "Ang
Bagong Robinson" (The New Robinson) in
1896) Characteristics Planted seeds of nationalism
in Filipinos Language shifted from Spanish to
Tagalog3.Addressed the masses instead of the
intelligentsia B.Literary Forms 1. Propaganda
Literature - Reformatory in objective a. Political
Essays satires, editorials and news articles were
written to attackand expose the evils of Spanish rule
i.Diariong Tagalog founded by Marcelo del Pilar ii.La
Solidaridad whose editor-in-chief is Graciano Lopez-
Jaena Political Novels i. Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo Jose Rizals masterpiecesthat paved
the way to the revolution 2.Revolutionary
Literature more propagandistic than literary as it is
moreviolent in nature and demanded complete
independence for the country a.Political Essays
helped inflame the spirit of revolutioni. Kalayaan
newspaper of the society, edited by Emilio Jacinto b.
Poetry True Decalogue Apolinario Mabini Katapusang
Hibik ng Pilipinas Andres Bonifacio Liwanag at Dilim
PERIOD (1910 1945) Period of Apprenticeship
(1910-1930) 1.Filipino Writers imitated English and
American models 2.Poems -- written were
amateurish and mushy, which phrasing and diction is
awkward and artificial. a.Short Stories i.Dead Stars
Paz Marquez Benitez ii.The Key Paz Latorena
iii.Footnote to Youth Jose Garcia Villa b.Novels i.
Childe of Sorrow first novel in English, by Zoilo
Galang B. Period of Emergence (1920-
1930) Highly influenced by Western literary trends
like Romanticism and Realism. a. Short Stories most
prevalent literary form i. Jose Garcia Villa earned
the international title Poet of
theCentury V. JAPANESE
OCCUPATION (1942 - 1960) War Years (1942-
1944) 1. Tagalog poets broke away from the Balagtas
tradition and insteadwrote in simple language and free
verse 2.Fiction prevailed over poetry a.25
Pinakamabuting Maikling Kthang Pilipino (1943)
compilation of theshort story contest by the military
government. Suyuan sa Tubigan Macario Pineda
Lupang Tinubuan Narciso Reyes Uhaw ang Tigang na
Lupa Liwayway ArceoB.Period of Maturity and
Originality (1945-1960) 1.Bountiful harvest in poetry,
fiction, drama and essay 2.Filipino writers mastered
English and familiarized themselves iwhtdiverse
techniques 3.Literary giants appeared a. Palanca
Awards for Literature i.Jose Garcia Villa ii.Nick Joaquin
iii.NVM Gonzales iv.Bienvenido Santos v.Gregorio
Brillantes vi.Gilda CorderoFernando b.National Artist
Awards i.Jose Garcia Villa ii.Nick
PRESENT) A. Characteristics 1.Martial Law
repressed and curtailed human rights, including
freedom of thepress 2.Writers used symbolisms and
allegories to drive home their message, at theface of
heavy censorship Theater was used as a vehicle for
protest, such as the PETA (Phil. Educational Theater
Association) and UP Theater. From the eighties
onwards, writers continue to show dynamism and

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