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Talen ~ The 'Cure' a.k.a.

Forlorn Hope
Gnosis 9
Registers as Wyrmish (likely due to being in the abyss so long.)

When activated either through the expenditure of 2 gnosis of through rolling and
getting a minimum of 2 successes the talen's spirit will 'heal' Harano. A new
Derangement will be given to the character in question. Randomly Selected.

-Hidden effect
The Bane inside once used will activate Possession except that it rolls it's
gnosis vs the Target's Current Gnosis.

Incarnae Psychomania Bane

Spirit Level: Incarnae
Type: Psychomania bane
Rage: 7
Gnosis: 9
Willpower: 8
Essence: 60

Charms: (all common), Armor, Healing, Corruption, Dark Weaving, Innocuous,

Possession, Taking the Memory*

Taking the Memory: This charm removes the target's memory of the Bane from the
target's mind in it's entirety. The effect is permanent until the point that it
sees or encounters the bane again. This effect can be used on any creature that has
been touched by the Bane.

Mechanics: The Bane Rolls it's Willpower vs the being's Wits +3. The Bane then
expends a number of Essence completing the effect. The more spent, the more
surrounding memories regarding the Bane are lost. Maximum of 5.
1- 1 minute
2- 10 mintues
3- 1 hour
4- 1 day
5- 1 week

SECONDARY EFFECT: Creatures touched by taking the memory tend to develop a

spiritual mutation that attracts more banes to them. (IE spirit heritage 1 Banes
becomes avalible for purchase).

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