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ka crons are giving me a hard time, a warlord with a squad of tesla immortals is dirty!

I cant complain too much though, Magnus is making some serious bank, Bloodcrushers
are doing fine (when they are not shot into oblivion) i also found a nice combo the
other day: Nurgle Daemon Prince with a squad of Plague Drones, they are tanky and
can deal a ton of wounds to anything in the game (the Stingers combo with Virulent
Blessing causing tons of wounds in combat). Speed seems to be the key, just take as
many fast units as possible and rush your enemy while leaving behind your token
troops for objectives.

Oh and if you havent tried one already i also recomend giving Herald of Slaanesh on
Exalted Chariot a try, she is disgusting in melee for her points (140p), she always goes
first regardless of charging, gets 8 attacks herself which cause 'crit' damage, another 8
attacks from the mounts all of which are WS2+, oh

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