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Article 1:

Title: An Updated Theoretical and Practical Model for Promoting Historical Empathy

Author: Jason Endacott and Sarah Brooks

Year: 2013


Article 2:

Title: ReQuest in the Secondary History Classroom: How does the Introduction of

Purposeful Reading Technique Effect Comprehension of Text?

Author: Jeffrey Peleaux and Jason Endacott

Year: 2013




Article 3:

Title: Teachers views of the Common Core State Standards and its Implementation

Authors: Jason Endacott, Ginney Wright, Vicki Collet, Ki Matlock Cole

Year: 2015



Summary Article 3:

In Teachers Views of Common Core State Standards and Implementation, Jason

Endacott, states recently United States schools are undergoing the largest education

change in their history. The process was directed by the National Governors Association

Center. First, it is revealed that this change has been enforced by the American Common

Core State Standards (CCSS) implementation. Teachers are vital in the classroom setting.

They create and proctor test, assist students one on one when struggling, and give

examples of difficult material, yet they were not included in creating the CCSS.

Secondly, he reveals that studies have shown teachers that teach third grade or

lower have less complaints and less stress because they do not have to follow state

standardized test rules. Teachers that have been teaching for a large number of years

struggle with the changes more so than teachers with less experience. Finally, he states a

total of 20 states have withdrawn from tests related to the CCSS. Teachers have felt

attacked and unimportant in the process, which has led to an unsuccessful result of the

CCSS. It is believed teachers along with students should be involved with future changes

in the education system. Receiving feedback from teachers and including their view

points in the process will allow the system to be improved in the future.

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