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SCIENCE FICTION ROLEPLAYING by Bill Bridges & Andrew Greenberg Credits Game design by: Bill Bridgesand Andrew Greenberg Based ona concept by:Ed Pike ‘Additional design by: John Bridges Ken Lightner Developed and typeset by: Bill Bridges ‘Walten by: Bill Bridges, Andrew Greenberg. Robecc Hatch, Jennifer Hartshoro, Chris Howard, Samuel Inabinet, lan Lemke, Edited by:Jennifer Hartshorn ‘Art rected by: John Bridges Art by:Jobin Bridges, Tits Calfender,Jason Felix, San Inabinet, Andzew Kudelk, Larry MacDougall, Ron Spence: Xen Sper, Jshua Gabriel Timbrook Jason Walelp, John Waltrip Cover design by: Jolin Bridges Fading Suns logoby:Chris McDonough Jumpgate sculpture by:Jay Marsh Jumpgate phocography by: Kart Hass Moore Playtested by: Emrey Barnes, Forrest Black, Bill Bridges, John Bridges. Gary Deariso Rick Denning Brad Freeman, Amelia G, Stephen Gilliam, Andrew Greenbeng, Garner Halloran, Jennifer Hartshorn, Chels Howerd, Daniel Landess, lan Lemke, Ken Lighter, James Moore, Bonnie Moore, Matt Moses, Bryce Nakagawa, Dave Parrish, Ed Pike, Todd ‘Shaughnessy, Stephen E,Smith, Joshua Gabriel Timbrook, Cheis Wiese ‘Thanks to Pavl Malas for the physies information. { Holistic Design Ine. ‘5002-H N. Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, GA 30084 (©1996 by Holistic Design Inc. All rights reserved, Reproduction without written petmision of the publisher is ex- pressly denied, except for the purpose of reviews. Fading Suns isa trademark and copyright of Holistic Design Ine. The mention of ot reference to any compantes or products in these pages is not a challenge to the trademarks of copyrights concerned. Printed in che US of A Fading Saas Contents Prologue Introduction Chapter One: The Universe Chapter Two: Rules Chapter Three: Characters Chapter Four: Traits Chapter Five: Occult Chapter Six: Combat Chapter Seven: Technology Chapter Eight: Gamemastering Chapter Nine: Planets Appendix: Pandemonium Glossary Tadex Character Creation Sommary Shect Character Sheet Charts Jumproads Map of the Kowa Worlds Contents 4 <7 > WS Afialh i Ny IP cde N f ax vy 0 Z : Z adh] CIRO <——S awe Prologue Thrillday 3,Shenri moon, 4996 (Leminksinen calendar) Tuesday, June 6th, 4996 (Holy Terra calendar) Greetings Uncle Palamon, Forgive the years of silence between this and my last letter to you. Ieisonty now that Ican aguin write you, for the years have opened my eyes and greatly changed my soul. Tam not the youth you once knew, your dutiful ‘nephew, sor to your dear sister, my beloved mother. I real: ie that you harshly disapprove of the course my life has taken, and your reaction fo this letter may cause you (© ‘burn ic before it is fully read. I ask in my mothers name ‘that you read further. If not for me, then forher, to whom, you were indebted for turelage and upbringing after the ‘ragic death of both your parents. If you still bear her any love ~ and I know that you do— then read the words of her only son, your nephew who once looked to you as a dog does its master, with both love aid fear in its eves Two years have passed since | eft Midian (0 follow Brian Li lalan, my liege. co the stars, Four years since [left the fold of the Orthagoxy to join the Eskatonic Order You could not then understand my choice; you took it as an insult, But chat was never intended. I hope this letter will lead you now to better know the fire that burns in mysoul and demands the choices chat I have mace Can an arch- bishop not understand the yearning of the sout for the Pancreator? The yearning for answers to the deepest ques- tions of life, and the thread of meaning which is woven between its inception and departure? haveso many ques- tions, and I have chosen the path which will allow me to answer them, among the tars. Can younnot understand why my lifecoutd not bethe same as yours? The noble quietude of cathedral, although nourishing as. sanctuary from the world’ pain, is to me ‘only a retreat. The career you had outlined for me in the Orthodoxy would have ted to my slow pining and suffo. cation, Imean no insult. You did as vou thought best, with ‘the kindest intentions. It must chaff to read asurly youth’ attack on your beloved institutions. | know what the ca- thedral, the Orb and the rites mean to you. They mean much to me, coo. | have grown, yes, but that boy to whom, you raught the chants will always be a part of me. made vows to another order nor because was rebel- tious or discontented. but because it promised escape. Un- like the Orthodoxy, the Eskatonic Order requires chat its priests quest, and questing was the first virtue extolled by che Prophet after his vision of the Holy Flame. Of course, You know that But whyact otherwise? i have met priests of the Orthodexy who chaff under the strict rales laid down by the archbishops, Do you not know theit need? Do you deny it? [tell you, itis nocthe illusionsof demons that cause chem to rebel, burt che call of ereation. Cal it heresy if you will. This isa charge my order suffers under all too often. The truth is that your fellow priests refuse ¢© see, C0 ask, to really discover the wisdorn nustured by the Eskatonies, But tspend too much cimearguing theological knots. Thisisnot what lintended when I picked up pen to write. mean thisas an explanation, not a reconciliation. If you choose to forgive me after reading this, you taust do so without my repentance. Lam what the Pancteator has. ‘made me, and can ive no more oles, Tmean to tell you why I changed, what seed was planted in my breast which sprouted rootsand branches Do not feel guilty when {tell you i€ was your fault. You could not know how the Emperors coronation would lightin mea flame which only grows hotter with each year When you invited mother and [to Byzantium Secundus to witness the crowning of the new Emperor, lam sure you only thought tointroduceme tothe grandeur of your great cathedral, Grand it was, ido not deny that. Indeed, hhad itbeen butatip toseeche holy sight where Vladimir ‘was crowned, I might then and there have given up all other ambitions but the Orthodox. But the catheciral was not he nexus of that vist. The new Emperor was. ‘You cannot imagine what itis like to know only war in one’ lifetime. You are old enough Co remember a time before the Emperor Wars, when the Houses were not con- stanclyat each others throats. OF course, they always have been, Isuppose. But in the timesof your youth, theyat least were discreet and kept their quarrels among themselves, Bur once Darius Hawk wood made his bid for the throne, the hatredsof the Houses, guildsand, yeseven the sectsof the Liniversal Church were naked beforeall Since my birth Prologe 5 and until Alexius was crowned, | knew only wat A. ar which killed my mother not long after the corona tion, asthe last maleontents made thet final, failed bid But you know this My pointisonly that,afcer Alextus took the throne, peace was Finally a possibilty Icis T write this 2 realicy, How fong will ic last? 1 do noc dare ues But] pray every morningand night that itdoes last thatiiseternal The ocher factor ia my current development was also your doing, {t was you who pulled the strings which placed te in che service af House Li Halan. I was till new tomy vows,and scumbled over thechantsoften,and wasimper the eyes of the traditional and stern Li Halan royals Te wnsthe mild ostracism L received there that drew Erian Li Halan interest. She was coming of age and strugeted against che preconceptions her family held her to. We be- came conmpatriotsugainst the stodgy eldersatound us She chose me as her confessor. to che annoyance of her father, who wished her to be kept under close scrutiny by one a hisown choosing, The fect that 1soon after forsook the Orthodoxy to join the Eskatonics became a minor scat dalin the house. But Brian supported my choice. although suppose it was merely 2 rebellion for her,ameanstosnub her fatheragatn. Shedoubrstoo much. Shehas many questionsof faith, and lam hard put togive her uficient answers. How can when Istil have sa many questions myself? But] donot doubt, My faith is strong. Regardless of the conundrums and paradoxes of existence, [see One hand behind all ac tions, that of the Pancreator.Itis my duty to ensure chat Erian comes to see thisaiso, must endeavor tall times to bolster her faith. When her father passed away and left her disenfran- cchised, having given all his lands to her brother, she had litele choice but to leave Midian. 1 had co follow, not just because she asked it of me, but because I had yearned for the stars for so long. I had secretly contemplated leaving, of begging Erizn rolet mego. But the time tocut rhefinal bonds which held me to the Orthodexyy and Midian hed finally come of itsown. ‘The jumproads became my new home. | have always ‘been fascinaced with thejumpgatesand all the reliesof the ‘Anunnaki, thet race also called the Ur. Who were they? Where are they now? Did they know the Pancreatoras we ‘do? What namesdid they use toaddress the Mystery? 1 was ‘consumed with curiasity concerning the Great Ones and their ways Now, | could pursue this obsession Freely. presume you know more of them than even I have discovered. You ace, after all, Archbishop of Byzantium Secundus One does not rise sohigh without learning some sectets, lam certain the Chureh fathers knew aiore than they reveal, especially concerning history and the myste- rious, inhuman race which left us our starfaring legacy. Like most outside of the Patriarch’ favor, there are many things | will never kriow All the more reason to seek an swers elsewhere. T have enclosed some sketches from my travels. in~ clude for you the one made of the Gargoyle of Nowhere, he great monument of the wastes known to give omens sand visionstocertain pilgrims, [remember when Iwas very little that you talked ebout the Gargoyle. Is it surprising ‘thar I rememberthis? How could [forget it? As you spoke, there was excitement in your eyes and your gaze looked. off into spaces immaterial. You had been to the wastes on great pilgrimage with many nobles, sent to guide theit penance in return for Church forgiveness. Buc it affected ‘you more than it did them, You received no vision, bur its presence alone was enough for you. It thrummed with, Mystery. Imagine now what you felt chen and you will begin to understand my whole life. My quest. Inmytravels, have discovered that the Known Worlds are nor what we ate told they are. You know this already.1 suspect your hand in much of the Church creed, Why? know che political seasons for che lies, buc why do you participetein thisscheme of ignorance? lask knowing that Ewill never get an answer, You will say you are protecting, their souls. but | know you cannot believe that. Not really believe it. The places | haveseen! The peopleare sodifferent..yet somuch the same, The Pancteatorécreation isa wondrous ‘tapestry. I could not begin to detail for you the incredible people of the worlds [have walked upon, How the peas “We vising dramas and challenges forthe player characters to Gvercome. The gatemaster playsall the people che chat fcters meee and introduces the plots that goon aroun the character drawing them into dramatic conflict. The gnmeraaster is lke a playwright, an author and a movie Uitector rolled into one. He is the “Greek chorus” when. nrecesay, aling che players whats going on as narrator Teveats a story element. He is also an acter, playing the ‘eheediinginformane the plas charactersook up with tn the black market. the vain baron who secks the char fever ain sescuing his daughter, othe jolly innkeenee ‘whe is kind enough Co extend the characters credit be- cause he likes thei faces “The gamemaster creates the plots that meve the story orwaed, but ic isthe players who decide how their charac~ ters will react Co the people and tmachinations active around them Each player is ikean actor taking or role tut she isalso-a co-author of the drams, along with the sgamemasterand theother characters She decides who het Character isand how that character reacts to the sry ‘Unlike a novel o fila, a roleplaying game is 2 truly snteractiveexperience, created roman interplay between the pumeraster and rhe players The gamemasterintto- dducesa conflict, che playerstencttoitasthey seefit (within the guideline of ther character concepts and characters knowledge and che gomemaster, taking the plavers eac- thon into account, adjusts his plot a8 needed and intre- Uducesthe next conflict, Playersspeak che characters dar rogue, all spontaneously in reaction to the gamemasters plot Roleplaying seven moreinteractive chan computer fpames touted for theitiaceractivity. to computer can Yet Thatch the sheet variability introduced into roleplaying ames by clever players Is an adage hat you can never gquese what a player will do in a roleplaying game, ond its trueene One important rule co zemember I that roleplaying gamesate not won of lost like cradtional beard or video games. There are no scores C0 talty Up. Regardless of whether the characters win or Tose their seeugges is the playing of the game itself — che flow of imagination and interaction ~ that determines whether of nota game succeeds 14 Fading Sus Be The first step in learning to play Fading Suns is rend- ingchisbook, Fach chapter reveals more information about thesettingand thezulesof thegame. The Example of Play provided at the end of Chapter Six shows how the rules are used by gamemastersand players to run a Fading Suns roleplaying drama. Tools All you need to play FadingSunsisat least one20 sided die(although more are helpful), paper, pencilsor pens.and, ~ most importantly — imagination The 20-sided die cant befound in most hobby gamingstoresthacsell roleplaying ames, A Futuristic Passion Play Fading Sunsis primarily asclence fiction game, waich means chat chere are starships, blasters, powered armor, alien raves and weird science. Buc there are also many le- ‘mencsof traditional fantasy gamings heroic charactersand struggles afeudal sociopolitical structure noble lords high priests and headstrong merchants) powerfularcifactsand great mysteries. And there is horror. monsters and mad dening discoveries revealing terrifying metaphysical cruths. In short. Fading Sunsis a ganne which has everyching a roleplaying universe needs in order tell storles of such varied and exotic themes as can be found anywhere — in cour very own world here and now. Why should our cre ated universes be more restrictive than the real world? By making them so, we only rob ouse(ves of the entiching heritage of stories lefc to usby previous generations from all comers of the earth, We oweit toourselves tomakeour worlds as rich, vivid and complex (even maddeningly so) as that outside our doors Like all games. Fading Suns should be entertaining ‘and fun to play, But roleplaying games can be more than, mete pastimes. The players can strive for the same artistic goalsas the author of a novel,a film ora play. Fading Suns. isa passion play of sorts, caking place in an imagined fu- ure: Many possible stories can be told here, from galaxy- spanning epics to the most personal of tales. Like medieval passion plays, Fading Suns deals with grand themes universal to human experience. ts main theme isthe Seeking, Thisis the mythological rote all he toes play:the knight on quest, seeking power to vanquish his enemies ot the secrets of selE discovery Successor fail ureon thisquestisnot asimportancas he insights learned while or ‘The atanosphere of the dramas played out in Fading Suns is one of tragic ignorance. Civilization is in. decline, ‘and superstition and fear are everywhere. New ideas and frontiers are spurned by a nervous populace, fearful of change for the hatmit brings. Bucitis ust thissorcof will- Ful ignorance that Keeps civilization froms rising again, It is such feat that Keeps hope butled and great challenges from being met. The player characters represent the heroes who can break the bonds of this ignorance and bring somethingnew and great totheir culture, to reawaken and invigorate life Without further ado, we give you a glimpse into the cumuleuous fate of humankind four mitlennia from now. Torroduction = 1S History The choniele of humanity history among the stars tsalongone,scretchingover two millennia Ie isnotaquiet story From the greedy planet-grabbing of early colonists to the bloody battles of the Emperor Wars, humans have rarely slept peacefully in the void. They have prospered, suffered defeat, anc dared co hope again. And they have not Ceaveled own the paths of history alone:aliens walk amongthem, with long historiesand destiniesof theirown tocomplete. To understand where humanicy now stands, one must ook to the beginning. Prehistory Humans know littleof ineersteliar history beforethey reached space. What chey do know comes from the histo- ries of the UrObun and Ur-Ukar alien races, along with tacories suggested by Second Republic archaeologistsand a smattccing of phrases from the enigmatic Vat. who may know much chey are not telling. These tales and the evidence cobbled from terraforming digs shows that thece were once atleast one, aichough possible rwo, previously extant though now ex- tinct alien races of incredibly high advancement, One of ‘hese presumed races left the jumpgates behind. Little is known about thera, Gargoylelike figures — both demonic andangelic in appearance —can befound in manyancient ruinsand on che jumpgates. “Together, these two races are called the Anunnaki, or che Preadamites, They are also known as the Ur (proto race) which is also 4 prefix used to identify cheit relies, Scholars believe one of these races — those prestimed (0 have built the jumpgates — is older than the othet. This, race iscallee by various names-Jumpmasters, Gatekeepers, Inceptors, Architects, and many more. The presumed youngerraceis known asthe Successors or Maraudess This lucter name comes from Ur-Obun and Ur-Ukar legends for their myths speak of cwo races of gous or elder beings who often watred against each other. One race protected, mortals, while the other harassed ther. Scholars believe that these "gods" were not mere metaphors, but memories ofthe Ur Chapter One: The Universe The idea of a mythical prebistorieal war between el- er races hussome physical evidence to support it Differ: cencadigs have revealed ruins of extreme age with architec- ‘ural motifsrevembling those found on certain jurmpgaces “These ruins were not simply abandoned: chey were de- scroyed in a war. Planetary cataclysms and upheavals can- not explain che devastation clearly wrought by high-tech ‘weaponry, pethaps fusion gunsand bombs This great war was surely the cause for the disappearance of these (wo acts, who leave the stage of history, abandoning their care- takingor harassment of the Children of the Ursome time around 100 AD, ‘The Children of the Urare not the only recesto have been touched by chese precursors Thelt matk isfound in every system that beats a jumpyate, not only in the gate itself, buton neadlyevery planetin thesystem, Whilesome of their remains may be only survey markers, others are more extant, from small cities to whispers of their behav {ori he mythologiesof most sensient races Indeed, mast. zaces including humans believe char they were visitedand affected by the Ur at some point eatly in their develop- ‘ent. For what purpose, mone can say. The AnunnakiSonly seeming iegacys their technol ‘ogy. The jumpgaces opened space for humans theChildren of the Uranc the Vau, Bue they alsolett a mystery behind Peoplestillgaze in wonder atthe enigmatic Gargoyles jut- {ing from ancient ruinsor ftom the edge of jumpgates. The First Republic (Human Combine Age) Humanitysdream of a government ‘was finally realized by the beginning of the twersty-sec- ‘ond century, Decades of steife and war by extremist but ‘minority political factionsteft the mass of world citizenry desperate for peace. The price of this peace was freedom, and the people, exhausted after years of global violence, ‘gladly paid it. The Firs Republic, also called the Human Combine Age by Second Republic historians, was created by a con- slomeration of mereantile leaders, ardent capitalists made rich from years of war who had come to realize that overt Chapter One: The Universe, 17 war (and inctessing anarchy} was hurting profits and growth, Banding together to back a world government initiacive begun by the Uniced Nations, these “zaibatsu” soon ruled the Republic Representatives originally elected ‘by UNmember nations were nothing more than shills for the most powerful zaibatsu, international corporations whose money kept these troubled nations alive Evencu ally, even the illusion of elected representation was dis solved,and the duly enfranchised leaders of the Republic were overtly made of up of corporate heads. Corporate policy became government policy The hallmark of united and stable government was built on 2 foundation of vast police powersand conditional civil rights Nonetheless.the First Republic took humanity to the stars, Certain visionaries within the government recognized that a new frontier was required to channel che energies and aggcessions of the populace and to garner new re- sourcestomake up for the dwindling resourcesof theover- developed Earth, Corporations tumed their eves tospace, The first project was the moon. and a moonbase was quickly established. Next came Mars Afterinitial disastes, humanity finally landed on the red planet and found it relatively hospitable. Colonization followed, along with massive resource extraction industries. The cest of the so lar system followed in the following centuries, The hure of yer more distant stars initiated an ambit tious long-term program: the launching of “slow shi These statships traveled below the speed of light and ‘would take generations to reach even the closest star sys tem, but people lined up anyway to volunteer for these expeditions outward to new horizons. There were 6Wo ‘ypesof slow ships, the Generation Ships (where the crew livesawake for theit journey, sealed insidea Dyson sphere) and Deep Sleep Ships [where the ctew is frozen to be rechawed on arrival). Relacives bid their loved ones goodbye, knowing they would probably never see chem ‘again, but hopeful thet rheir descendants would one day meet on distant worlds. The ships were sealed and launched, and began their journey through the void to- ward distant lights, ‘Then, soon after the rurn of the twenty-fourth cen- tury, the jumpgate was discovered. Floating at the edge of tthe solar system, past Pluto, wasan amazing alien artifact froma race long gone. The Jumpgate The jumpgate wasa monumental curiosity. was the firs sign of allen life and technology vet encountered by fhumaniey (excepting the controversial remains left on Mats long coveted up and unknown to the publid. And st was baling. Long”powered down,’ the gareshowed no sign of activity Its Function was hetly debated, Finally, team of cientists working long shifts triggered the power and activated the gate. The space inside the hoop of the gre warped as light was ben in an inssard spiral — and then opened onto alien visas, @ view of a distant star system, This was the first sure sign humanity had of the Anunnaki and their works. The realization thet humans ‘were not the only race to reach che stars wasa humbling ‘expericnee, butone which many rontier-minded humans ‘quickly got over. The zaibatsusaw opportunity whereoet ers awe, Data was quickly retrieved from the powered-up gate and translation begat. Soon, enough theoretical knowl cede about the gate’ technology existed to allow manu: facture of a proto-jump engine, It was bulky and huge. Atcached co an unmanned probe, the Republic prepated tolaunch it into the new infinity, This wasa maior unify- ing event, bringing people all over che world together in rept expectation as the probes retros fired and senc it hur tling into the gate.Inaflash,i¢ was gone. Now, the waiting commenced, ‘Three months later, the gate activated and the probe floated back into Earths solar system, teansmicting its ien- age data collected in Unknown Space, A solar system waited, with a habitable planet similar to Earth. It wasn't long before the First Republic had volunteers lining 2p acrossthe glabeto be the first ose another workd. A crew ‘was elected, trained over long months and finally read- ied for Iganch, ‘Again, the world gathered to see it. The intrepid erew took off, shooting through the flery glow of the alien Jumpgate — and no one expected what came next. Each ‘ascronaut experienced a sublime moment of ecstasy and, profound remembering of some deep truth once known and since lost, When they arrived on the other side, the memories again faced. but their afterglow remained. A re- ligion was born, named after the word left on the lips of all the astronauts: Sache. “The new world had no sentient life, and was ripe for colonization. lt was called Sathras Boon (since renamed Sucek}. Soon, the exodus — and the conflicts — began. In ternal, covert war ignited among the zaibatst 2s corpors- ‘ions fought or control of spaces new riches Most citizens ‘were unaware of the confliets exploding in che corriors cf power on Earth, Marsand on Sathrais Boon, ‘The First Republic found the religion of Sathraison co bean annoyance.Pitots whohad "found God were harder tocontrol.In addition, the pilotssought to undergo more jumps than were necessary rsking their heaith fand thus their ships). Sathraism was outlawed, bur to litte effect. Only when the Republic managed £0 design a force field ‘buffer preventing the Sathra experience did the religion suffer aserious setback. Ships were built with integral butt ers, any attempt to dismantle the buffer disabled the en- gines. The mystical visions were over, without commun ion, many pilotscould not maittain theit zeal and lapsed from their mystical convictions, so easly forgotten any way, likkea dim dream, Many Sathraists ¢ried ¢ build their ‘own ships. and still received their visions for many yeas. Bur the Republic was rathless in hunting down rogue ships and destroying them, Within a matter of vears, Timeline Date Event. Be 40000 Date for oldest known Anunnakt ruin ADIOO Anunnaki disappear from history asthey bandon the UrObun and Ur-Ukar 1300 Vu each space 200 Fist Republic, humans develop solar sys tem 2305, Humans discover the jumpgates 2500 First Republic collapses under Diaspora nobility, 2500-3500 Diaspora sup 2700——_-First Contact with theShantor 273 Prophet sees the Holy Flame 2730 Shantor Revolt leads to creation of reser- vation systems on worlds throughout Human Space 2945 First Contact with the Vi 2955 Ukar War, The Church unites humanity against invading the UrUkar and wins control over Human Space 3500-4000 Merchant interests combine forcesto cre- ate Second Republic wich capital at New Istanbul, massive cetraforming Mass unemployment, intensified by fad- ing suns phenomenon and increased re- Tigious mitienialism leads to collapse of Second Republic. Nobility leaps in, seizes Byzantium Secundus, and ensutes that the Republic cannot besaved Dark Ages Barbarian Invasions, Human star-nations unaligned to the houses, Church ot League ally co plunder Known Worlds and are beaten back after many casualties ‘on both sides Viadimie begins unieing tars earough his campaign against the barbatians Viadimic lis crowned emperor and isas sassinated. A regent, elected every 10 years by electors (composed of major houses, theChurchand the League}.standsin the cemperorsstead Symbiot Wer begins Symbiotsappearand attack outlying worlds. Their parasitic forces convert many planets, eventually forcing the human popuiationstoevacu: ate. They areeventually halted at Stigmaca 4956-4995 The Emperor Wars 4000 4525 4540 4550 4900 4992 The Kurga Conflict on che Hazat border degins 4993 Alexius Hawkwood is crowned Emperor of the Known Worlds 4995 Al five Royal Houses finally concede vie- tory to Emperor Alexius recognizing his cule of the Known Worlds 4996 Game begins in the period of Consolidi clon as Emperor Alexius atvempts to ce- ment his gains Chapter One: The Universe 9 Sathaisen was forgocten, an underground religion with few converts althoug it would brefy surace again in thecomingageotexedus, Progress and expansion pushed op. Farther study of che jumpgate revealed neve routes t0¥t more worlds The swagon tain wason With people spreading 30 fa 3 fest, and with the zaibatsu busy attacking and defending their Ghwn. the disontents and idealists slipped away into the piht and seized the stars for themselves. The First Republics New Frontier had becometie means toitsown ‘end. The Diaspora, and the fall of the First Republic, had begun. Diaspora The fies colonists were mainly workers from the rnany corporations involved in resource extraction, bt mong them were chose seking escape éromn the corpo> rate control and centralization which had s0 tong sttangled Earth. The First Republic had become an oppres: sive institution serving the best interests of acopetite, deat to the pleas of the common man. But once the jumpgate allowed entry to other worlds, cach with new jumproutes Teading rou staggering array of stil other wotles, che Fest Repubtte could no longer control cher eitizenry, They were reeamong the stars “An age of Balkanization and independence began, as tight-knit special interest communities toak off on ships tf ther own the jumpgateenginetechnolagy wastesked" ‘oy a cabal of anarchists}. Many of che worlds they landed on sw new experiments in government the eatly horn enelty of these colony worlés ensured chat some of these txperitiants worked. Whetehoxtileconcitions ot hostie colonists would not allow it, works fll inte survivalist batharism, as the First Republic refused their pleas for aid, too busy ial Fighting Co roaintaln control over Earths Solaesyatem On many of these Worlds governments grew Uupsrourd song incividualist leaders who Tet the reins of power with thelr progen,ctetingrovl neages. These robe houses become the main means of the zalbetsa’ Clownfat as eaew began steal! war seizing Fst Republic resoitecs heee 2 there, whiting down the dwindling Republic, “The uncrammeled cichness of some of rhe worlds a- lowed the colonists ro create miniemercantile empires of theirown, while other placessaw colonists fight biterand violent wate for poor resources But everyone wanted a piece of the action, worle they coud cal their own, The Prophet and His Church Amid thisexuberant chaos, the Prophet began his ser mons, Traveling from world to world, this celigions Figure of immense powersingle-handed created anew monothe- The discovery of greatly advanced alien races (the Ur jumpgate makers} changed everything humanity had ever assumed about its own origins and spiricual destiny — 20 Fading Sous The Virtuous Disciples Bight disciples gathered about the Prophet one- by-one during his early Questing, actions they sis- played curing this sojourn became the basis of their Saintly purviewsin the post Fall Church. Each int oversees and protects a particuler virtue of the Church:a pilgrim involved irsone of these acivites, ‘usualy asks the sane to look down upen him from the Empyrean and alt hiram his task, There ave also lesser saints, usually deceased Pacriarchs of the Chuch,each witha vieeue oractivity tooversee. The major virtues of the Church, as supremely displayed bythe Disciples, are: Virtue Disciple Questing Paulus the Traveler Loyalty Lextiusthe Knight ‘Compassion Amaithea the Healer Protection Mantius the Soldier Justice (Reteibution) Maya the Scorned Werman Wisdom Horace the Learned Man, Humility Hombor the Beggar Discipline Ver Long the U-Obun ‘There are also ceetain sins which were abhorred, bythe Prophet aboveall others Sin darkens the light of the Holy Flame and causes the suns to fade. The major sins are Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Sioth, Wrath, and Oathbreaking, There are other sins which have since heen proclaimed by the Church but were not mentioned by the Prophet. These are Usury {tconeylending) and Invention (the Pancreators cre- ation is fixed — who are we ro add to i? That was the sin of the Second Republic). Lo humans were no longer unique for their intelligence and tooL-using capability. in light of irrevocable proof of intel- ligent life in outer space, the leaders of the major religions. of Earth were coo backward looking to advance their churches into the new era of space travel, As humans left for the stars, they left eheir gods behiind to search for new ones. During the Diasporg, human colonies fractured their tes to central government, society an religion. Ancient Earth religions long dead, many of them polytheist and pagan, were resurrected by colonistsdesperutetoescape the materialistic technocracy which they believed was stran- aling theie destiny. A new age of spiritual diversity began, bringing with i ceibulisrn, dogina and fanaticism, But old religions and archaic forms of wership rang hollowamid thestars Something new was required. Some- thing which woulel address both hope and did all ‘che great religions Into this void of belief camethe Prophet. Much hasbeen said or written about him since,and many divergent beliefsare professed by different peoples as 0s pel asis che way with all (rue prophets. Hisname was Zebulon, a Catholic or Orthodox Clatis- tian priest (ergument continues as to which) fascinated ‘with the new potential opened up by the jumpgares He went to the starsin search of more evidence of their mak- ers, He found something greater by far. All laymembers know thelitany-"In 2723,the Prophetsaw the Holy Flame.” On a frontier world (lost now amid the fading stars), Zebulon was gifted by God with a mystical vision of the Holy Flame residing in the Empyrean. God gave the Prophec new words or his children. torake them inte the new age of space exploration. But he was also given a vi- sion of hell, revealing that lemons lurked in the “dark be- tween the stars" seeicing to snuff che Holy Flame. Church hheads say chat the suns gtow cold asthe demons and the sinstheyawaken in humanity blocks the light of the Holy Plame From the universe Zebulon began to preach his vision throughout the frontier, creating a new religious movement. He spoke of, evil hidden among the stars, demons whose shadows, blocked the light of the Holy Flaroe. Hespoke of the need toexpand outwardand explore, gathering the marvels that were found into cathedrals. He spoke out against the soulessness of machines and che nihilistic effect they had on humanity, in defiance of the reigning technofetishism among Diasporans. Zebulon: searched holy textsand teachingsftom East and elsewhere for wistlom, realizing that only by unicing, all of humankind wisdom could humanicys faith chrive under the pressures of their star sojourn. As the Prophet revised his teachings, he introduced ices frora.a variety of eliglons He called Goethe Pancreatorand reveaied that ‘this was the same God spoken of in all refigions, and that only new.once humans had reached the star, cou the creator of the universe — ofall the worids anc'creatures, therein — reveal him/her/ itself in full glory. Thesuns were not only potent symbols of the Panereators divine light. they were macerial manifestations of divine sprit, of the Haly Flame which quickens aif ie The Prophet gathered many faithful under his ban- ner, bur thete were seven special disciples honored by the Prophet above others These have becomesainclikefigutes by the time of Emperor Alextus, with many legendary paraoles and powers attributed co thera There was actu ally an eighth disciple an Ur-Obun, hur she has been ig- nored by the Church and is recognized only by a few, chough she created an Lr-Obun sect of che Church which still chrives on Obun During the Prophets rime, Sachraism experienced a silent resurgence asengineets dismantled the field buffers which prevented jump ecstasy With no Republic tostop them, pilots again began their communions. Buc the Prophet stood against them, oppesing the halhucinatory ecstasy of unfettered jumps. As che Universal Church gained power, Sacheaism again went into decline. Soon, ship owners, often devout Church members, forbade any- ‘one roshut down the Sathra dampers on their ships, Even- Chapter Ove: The Universe culy.ll ships were again fcced with dampers from thelt Factories and Sachraism was dead “The Prophet died a jumpgate accident whilecrying tw plead for peace with the Vau, who were enacting pun. ishment for violation of theirspace. His Church blamed the Vau for year although many have realized that che Prophets final mission ro them was for peace and have since sought conciliation, Thesymbolof the Charest fa modified Jumpgate, the ign of the Prophet’ death and hismessage of questing, ‘After the Prophets death, his core tezchings were col- lected into one book tithed the Omega Gospels, Church theologians argue that there are ewo phases to is teach ings the eatly Omega Gospels teachingahout wardingevil and cultivating the vietues, and the later Compassionate ‘Truths mystical teachings about understandingand love. Over the millennia since the Prophet walked zhestarsthe ‘Church haserovn and developed itsown answerstotheo- logical questions raised in the Prophets teachings By the timeof Emperor Alexiu cheology isa thorny and manv- sided issue argued over by many different sectsand orders. The Universai Church was formalized after the Peophet’s death by one of the Prophet’ followers, Palamedes, 2 son of House Alecto.Palamedesgethiered the disparate faithful together against the threat of the Vit and the Ue Ukar, cementing the burgeoning religion into a political force It was Palamedes place in Church history that fater helped Viadimir gain che Church help io his bid for empire. The creation of the Church was by ne means sudden and cleat, Other followers of the Prophet vent off in their own directions with their ewn ideas For Church. But in the en, Palamedes religion won out.3l- though with certain excentions(the sects and orders) Palamedes declared hiraself pateiarch, the spiritual and temporal bead of the Church,and setferth guidetines sn how future patriarchs wete © be chosen (by @ college of archbishops) Since then, the Church has been ted by @ tong lis of venerable men and women (women cars hold the office of patriarch, and may elect ro be called mats archif they wish} The Church guided humanity chroush the Fall although they sided in engineering itsstart)and now holds 2 steady frone against evil from within and without First Contact: The Shantor ‘Amid the terttoriat strugglesof the Diaspora, huuman= sry encountered its first sentient zace, The Shantor of Shaprut were an equineltke race who had achieved @ de jrve of civilization despite their limited coo-using capa bilities Livingon the vastgrass plains of Shaprut.they cel brated 2 culture which valued strong family Ces and r0- mantic relationships, although this also enforeed a flerce tribelism which often led to conflicts with other tees Indeed, lan warfare was common and good soldiers were she mest honored members of tribe However, soldier was long respected if he dig not revere his farily or play 22 Fading Sons out che elaborate tites of courtship with his spouse. The Shantor also practiced a religion akin tosun worship. But their world was rich in minerals, and their indig- enous cultures stood in the Way of extraction. In the Diaspora, interplanetary supremacy depended on re sources. The feeling of the Shaprur colonists was that if ‘they did nor take rhe bounty,someone else would, In ad= dition, che Shantor found it bard to communicate with humans, forhuman languages did not comeeasily tochern, All coo often, they were viewed as little more than smart animals For these reasons, most humans did not feel re- sponsible for displacing the Shantor, They even saw them selves as a necessary eivilizing influence on the horselike Shantor, providing them with jobsin the mines although with often grueling, laborious tasks, Many Shantor revolted, Those who still lived on the plains ted assauits on colony mining operations. The large and clever Shantor are dangerous when ited, and ¢he loss of life and property they caused summoned the wrath of the colony leaders. Armiesdescended onto Shaprucco put the unruly rebels down. A guerrilla war ensued, but the result wes never in question. The broken Shantor rebels wore herded upand shipped off-world, scattered onto res ervations throughout human space, sometimes ento ‘worlds hostile to their way of life, Families were separated, their members never to see each other again. The great shame of hamsnity’ first contact has haunted many humans for centuries The Prophet was ‘only beginning his questing as the Shantors culture was dismantled, but hespokcout against the cragedy. However, hehad too few followers then and no powerto change rhe course of history as yet, Resticution has vet ro be made to che surviving Shantor Certain people believe that if the Prophet had notdiedsuchan untimely death in Vau Space, chefateof the Shentorand othersentientsto follow them might have been different, But Palamedies first Patriarch of the formalized Universal Church of Celestial Sun,con- cemed himself little with the Injusticescommittedagainst politically impotent tien races. [And sothe fate of most sentient ravesencountered by bumaniey followed that of theShantor Regazdless of thelr tenacity and degree of technology, they soon came under human rule Whitesome live in peaceful co-existance with humans such asthe ir Obun, Vorox and Gannok,others resisted fhuman encroechment bitterly. The programs of forced relocation and Jand grabbing were to cause cent rlesof bud relations with the mest advanced power is the known universe: the Vaut The Vav A newly discovered jumpgate delivered humanity ‘ontoasmali but lush world they called New Monaco {now called Apshai). It was the home of the G'nesh, a quiet, insectoid alien race who spent most of their time making elaborate and beautiful plant and ree scutprures linked! byonganie webbing, They ignored the new colonistsat frst, but when the colonists forced someGnesh from theit gardens and claimed the land for themselves, the Grnesh, became quite indignant. All they would say was “Icisnot allowed, lease leave.*OF course, the colonists scoffed. These ‘weak gardeners offered no threat to them. But their patrons did. A massive starship appeared through the Jumpgate. a ship whose like had never heen seen before. Harnessing a _ateut ball of raging plasma energy, this dreadnought de- stroyed the human fleet placed around New Monaco. Small ships disengaged from its hull and went hurtlingte the planet below, there dropping off vicious cargo: Vau soldiers, ‘These soldierssyseematicaly began wiping out all the human colonists encountered. The minor house officials 3n charge of the planet desperately tried to surrender be- fore the greater and technologically superior forces, but theircries went unheeded. The Vou killed everyone, Afterwards, chey boarded their ships and left. The Gnesh went back to gardening, The only thing the Vau left behind wasa message:“Leave this planet alone. It isthe property of the Vau Hegemony. Do not follow the Jumproads from this gate further” OF course, humanity did go further, seeking reteibu- tion fortheirioss What they found were more Vau wor'ds, worlds of vasely superior technology Few returned totell the tale: those that did were “allowed” to return. Finally, ‘che Vau accepted a human diplomat, Benjamen Verden of House Justinian, Benjamen returned from hisfirst sojourn overwhelmed by the superiority of the Viu. He wasthank- fal for one thing he had become convinced of on his rig: ‘The Vau were non-expansionist. Their very political struc ture sought and upheld stabilicy over all ocher virtues. ‘Their empire and way of life had changed litle in the last few centuries, following the dictates of thei first space emperor Benjamen discovered that the G'nest were a con- ‘quered race. The Vau dealt with their subjects in very di ferent ways than humans The Ginesh put up a valiant fight againsc the invading Vau, Upon surrender, the gen- eral of the Grnesh, having learned Vau culture well, de- manded the Vau give him “face” before he could stop the war. This is an important concept to the Vau: Honor and dignicy come before tife itself For the general to willingly suffer such a shame as defeat the Vau had to also sacrifice something: They gave the G'nesh long life and peace in re- turn forsubmission, In ether words, the Ginesh live under a socialized retirement granted by their conquerors all because thelr general had understood the Vau social sys tem, This insight was ¢o help humanity well in dealing. with che Vau in centuries to come, but for now, the Vau made it clear that they had no interest in the “pollutanc” that was humanity Relations were distant and formal for centuries Iewasclear that, while rhe Vau did not want for eign ideas to infect their society, they also did not want Chapter Oae: The Universe 2B humanity co get too close g look at their technology. “The encounter with the Vau bolstered ehe power of the Church, especially after the deach of che Prophet in = jummpgate accident in Vau Space. Humanity trembled be- Fore the threat of a technologically superior though non- expansionist) alien race, Palamedes Church drew them together and bolstered their confidence. Humanity was, afterall,chosen for thestars Itwasits destiny Toturn back ‘now would be to fail the Pancreatot. The urgings of the priests gave humanity a unifying creed, a universal doc- trineof excellence with which tomove forwardin the face of defeat. Itisironic that it was the Church which gave hu- ‘mans the prod £0 reach so high; the same Church which ‘een cuties later would admonish them for such a sin. The event which would finally cement the power of the burgeoning Church arrived before word of the Prophets death had spread toall the worlds, The Ukar War ‘The Ur-Ukar inad struggled chrough centuries of in ternal conflict on their hestileand subterranean world to finally teach the stats. They colonized ¢wo planets near heir system, Okh’cha and Kradie (later called Aylon anc Istakhr).andl were ready toexpand still fusther when they encountered humans on Criticorumm. It was hate at first sight. The vain Ukarsawa world forconqueringand @ race co enthrall. They attacked with little warning and took the main capital on Criticorum. Human cesponse was Wie 24 Fading Suns swift, Noble farnitieson Shaprur and New Istanbul formed a fleet to retake the planet. A long and bitter war ensuicd, taking place on almost every planet or moon in the sys tem, The revolt spread as Lkar slipped onto other planets and began guerrills assaults. Soon, humans on nearly @ dozen worlds had suffered from thealtens The Ur-Obun. who had been encountered soon after the Shantor, quickly recognized their ancient brechren and spoke out againsc thern, joining the humans in condemnation of the Ukar tactics, The Obunanti-Ukar speeches helped sain them che greater sovereignty statusthey enjoy in Emperor Alexius time. ‘Thea,an Ukar on Shaprut used his psychic powers to force the Shantor to revolt. The Shantor broke from their reservation and stormed across the villages and rowns which sat on the Shantor’ once-open plains. The rettibu- ion wasfletceand decisive, nearly aquurter of theShantor were killed before the remainder surtendered. Whenit was, discovered that Likar psionies had been responsible, Patri- atch Palamedes ralsed the fist of the newly formed Uni- versal Church, Paychic powers had developed strongly in humanity after the first sojourn through the jumpgate.and the prac. tice slowly grew, with new powers being developed as the ‘years and generations passed. With the suppression of Sathraism, the advent of new psychic powers slowed. Rarely during any of this time, howeves, were paychies viewed as particularly dangerous Rather, huurnanity was fascinated with che new potentials revealed, All chat ‘changed when the Ukar arrived, ‘The Ukar were advanced psychics from birth, but they had little compunction governing che use of their powers, When they employed mind tricks against the Shantor, humans began tofearthem and no longer sought apeacefulend tothe Criticorumconflice Humanity could ‘not rest until these mind controllers were in chains Patriarch Palamedes used these assaults to preach awainst alien dangers and the need for humans to unite, ‘The words of the Prophet seemed eerily designed for such effect, with their calk of demonsand evil among the stars, ‘The presence of an Ur Obun among the disciples wascon- veniently overlooked, New converts fo the Church grew ‘every day, especially after each Ukar terrorist maneuver Finally Palarnedies githered together the leaders of those ‘worlds harmed by the Ukar and sent them to take rete bution from the kar first-hand. Using information gatheted from some unknown source, Palamedes sent the fleet to the Ukar homeworld, ‘whose location had been previously unknown, Spiraling out of the jumpgate, the feet split up and began hitting any ship they came across. The surprised and ill-prepared Ukar retreated and formed @ phalanx around theit homeworld. A standott began. On the planet below, panie broke out and old Uker clan rivalriesiznived. Kept in check by the powerful Over- lordand hisexpansionist campaign,enemniesof theruling family rose up and sabotaged the planetary defense, Pilots Joyal to the minor clans heeded the calls and broke off from che phalanx, leaving the planet defenseless against the assauit. The human fleet rushed ir and began barnby ing the surface of the planet, unaware that most Ukar cit ies were deep underground The fleet sent in a landing party to seize the surface capital, home of the Overlord, The Overlord surrendered ‘while his rivals hid in the caverns below. knowing that they would inherit the planet once the humans hed gone, ‘Their plan did not goas well asthey had wished. The bu ‘mansdikd not leave. but only carne in greater numbers until all Ukar resistance was squashed, Nobles and merchant leaders of numerous worldseame to ensure that che Ukar ‘would not rise again, Ukar colony worlds were seized and eventually sold to noble families, while the planet itself ‘was old to powerful mercantile consortiums In the later times of the Second Republic, the Ukar ‘would sue for greater freedom from the domination they suffered for theit mistaken acts.and they would be given such freedom, but for now, they were @ kept people. Palamedes victoryensued the safety of Human Space, ‘orsothe Church preached, The bold event was trumpeted to people on worlds far from Likar who had suffered little from the war, but it still had an effect, The fear of alien invasion was imminenteverywhere, anda Church which had proven itself effectiveagainst stich enemies wasa bee con shining in the night. Order From Chaos ‘New technology progresed quickiy.asscientists made amazing discoveries by observing phenomena on other wworlds,orby takinglore from alien racestoceasionally shat- 1 50) Incredible advances were made, but they were not spread equally among the commonwealth of huroanity. There wasnocentral unity by which the whole of hurman- ity eoule prosper from the work of the many worlds. As some worlds prospered (most often those with strong, heredicary leadership: the nobles), they subsumed others under them, and soon many star faring, incerplan- etary governments flourished. The heart of all these op- erations, however, was commerce. Some plats hal cer resources in abundance while lacking others. Trade was necessary for the betterment of life everywhere. The reed overarching attitude of the zaibarsu and the new royalty could not Long maintain a foothold in the new sprawl of worlds, where another choice alveays existe. Eventually, the worlds dic come together again, A new ‘mercantilealliance was formed with great democratic ide- alsrempotariysilencing che resentful royaley bystrengrth ‘of numbers. The Second Republic was born. Tes again ironie that i¢ was the Church teachings of humane and ethical philosophy that gave rise toan stitution which was to eclipse the Church’ cole. Indeed under che Republic, Bumanicy’ yearning for spiritual en- swers was drowned by the array of material comfort and sensual stimuli available to every citizen, The Churcin ‘would soon revise its previous philosophy and adapt onc much harsher to human luxury. Second Republic Some chinkers at the close of the twentieth century believed that !Woeral democracies were the uleimace pro- gression of government, that, after such a form of govern- ing becomes universal, ne further progeessis possible. Per- fection of governance will have been achieved. Many citi= zens of the Empite believe these thinkers were right. But hindsight, as they say, i 20/20. Humanity reached its pinnacle in the form of theSec- cond Republic, a time of quick progress and amazing changes. The standard of living for the average citizen was raised on all worlds Technology knew no limits. With the vast resources of other worlds and a unicy of purpose, nothing was impossible. All was to be achieved. In wasa time of genetic engineering curing many dis. ‘eases and deformities but often leading to the creation of freakish, near human races A cimewhen terraforming was all the rage, when almost every world in humanspave was “fixed” co be more Earthlike, to make better homes for humanity(wiping out native ecosystems in the process, alongwith ehenatural habitarsof many alien races). A time ‘when the threat of physical danger wasa myth, and ac Chapter Ove: The Universe 25 ‘case against the gostless Republican senators. Besides, the Rogue World rebels had many sectarian leaders among them; they could not be allowed to build a new govern- ‘ment on Byzantium Secundus which might defuse the new power of the Orthodoxy. The Church moved quickly ce stamp its doctrine on. all tcoula. Its main tenet was that technology was evil It hhad caused the downfall of humanity, and so humans must not respect or practice it. The noble houses agreed, seeing a method by which their new populace could be kept in fine They, of course, sought an exception to the anti-technology creed. The Chureh resisted, and thus be- gan decades of squabbling between the nobie houses and the Church. The Church would excommunicate a house member for technological practice, while a house would seizea Chutch world, destroying.a cathedral asa “casualty of wart Hoth sides finally came toa necessary agreement. The Church needed some measure of tech foritself,and had to, concedesome tothe houses So, the nobility wasconceived tobe in a form of “extreme penance." "to compassionately take on sinful tasks fo save the common man from such stain.” Thus, use of technology (and the powers of rulership} wore seen as necessary evils, and nobles were martyes seeking te save humanity from again staining it- self (sins for the few, saving grace for the masses). The Church also claimed! saintly role in this, decreeing it ¢© bbe the duty of priests to guaed the commoners from tech, Forthis purpose. the priests must be knowledgeable in rec- ‘oghizingtech, but if hey were penitent enough, cheirsouls ‘would remain pure on Judgment Day. Bur this sharing of power between the two forces was, not complere, The guildsmen who possessed what tech- nological knowledge remained made their bid for power. ‘They formed the Merchant League from the remaining, Republicsenatorsand corporate headsand refused tohand down their knowledge of technology. Without them, starships could not long run; military barcle armor and ‘weapons could not long operate, And Church communi: cations would be cut “The houses began a reign of terror hunting down and imprisoning anyone who claitned to be a guildsman. The Churcts began excommunicating the leaders of the League, forcingthe loyal to refuse them succor Tonoavall “The League had too many starships and worlds of itsown, And they had trade, Without their jumpmapsand know. how, the supply of many necessary marerials to Church and house workds would be cut off. Indeed. many worlds. had already purposefully sealed their jurapgates, and dis- appeared into che long night of history, The priests and, nobility were forced cogive the League acutof the action, ‘And so formed the (rlune government of the Datk uneasy and fractured alliance which often broke out intoopen conflict between the parties,causing much suffering among the common human andafien. The Ten elected oneamong them ascouncil Jeader, but these lead- rth Reel ‘Chapter One: The Universe ers always had enemies, and rately ruled for Tong. In addi- tion, membership among the Ten was fluid; houses 205¢ and fell over the years, with only che strongest orcraftiest ‘maintaining thelr positions fociong TheChurch patriarch contisualiy tried to cement political power in the hopes of building a theocracy to replace the sorry government that ruled in place of the Second Republic, but there were “always too many heresiesand sectarian conflicts tosquash instead. The guilds of the League sought co claim restless ‘worlds or recapture the Rogue Worlds, but they were oF ten ourmaneuvered by the nobles Into this fractious universe came the barbarians Barbarian Invasions ‘After che Fall, the borders of the Known Worlds shrank Some worlds deliberately cut themselves off (roma, jumptravel by blockading their gaces and attacking any- ‘one who tried to enter their systems. Others lost theirabil ity ta reach space as civil wars destroyed starshipsand the Factories Co repair them. Mest worlds were too busy to aid the small back worldsand, after yearsof dealing with their own strugiles,they often forgot about these worlds or had ost the jumpcoordinatesto teach them in the massive data purges of the Church Inquisitors ‘Certain worlds sealed” their tumpgates,curtingthem- seives off from che madness going on around them focant unknown amount of time. Those with the technical Jenow-how anda detalled understandingof jumpgates can, 28 Fading Su seal agate thats shur down ali travel froma one or moze directions However,once this is done, no ene can concrat when the pate totiese directionscan be opened again. The seal may last a week or it may last for centuries: no one knows, Thetimeisgoverned by at internal mechanism in the gate which istoo arcane to be understood Some of the worlds which sealed themselves off ducing the Fall have vyetto reappest. Untold numbers of planets were cut off from numanitys central civilization, some co be rediscovered {ater otherstodisappear from histozy forever. Who knows how many lost planets in the depths of spacestil support human life? In addition to the worlds of the Second Re- ‘public — worlds reached only by jurpgate ~ there are thousands of star systems without jumpgates, with un known residents Some of these stars ~ those nearest t© Earth in light yeats — were the targets of First Republic slow ships But these generation ships were forgotten after the jampgates were discovered. and none hasever reaches the Known Worlds. Indeed. few people in the Empire pay attention to stellar distances such a8 light years, such d= tails became unnecessary after the jumpgates. as travel across vast distances became possiblein the blink of an eye, Tn this environment of fractured roadways, not all worlds were claimed by the houses, Church or League ‘Many forgotten pianets began independent governments cof their own, Mostof these governments remained hostile totheirneighbors fighting centuriestongfeuds andsome Jooked upon che riches of the Known Worlds and tusted for them, Cut off from the center of the Republic, many of these worlds slowly Tost technology. devolving into Diespora-Jevei conditions or worse. ‘A few leaders of such fotlorn worlds who still had starships were able to form coalition and raid the Known: ‘Worlds targeting chose worlds that they could sweep onto, pillage and escape from before aid could arrive. The bat: barians were no longer at the gate — they were chrough it and plundering, Delphi, House Hawk woods homeworld, suffered the worst of these assaults, House Hawkwood was able to gather troops with the aid of its minor house allies. and after 2 bloody battle, fended off che assaults to their homeworld, However, i¢ was no major military victory for the bulk of the barbarian army had already left with its loot. ‘The Ten knew that the raiders’ success would soon cause more barbarians to break through. But its internal sguabbling prevented it From forming a united front ‘against the invaders ‘The barbarians, as expected, did return, and this time In greater numbers. Two large star-nations united to lay claim rooutlying worlds They succeeded. Years of sionmer- ing battle began, whereby the noble houses would reclaim. their worlds fora few months, and the barbarians would seize chem yet again. A disunited, selfish nation cannot long survivesuch, ‘outside pressure. One person was needed fo unite it and send its enemies running. Vladimir Unites the Stars The problem of @ united front against the barbarians was keenly felt by Vladimir Alecto, the recently elected leader of the Ten. Vladimir saw that the far-lungand frac- cured commonwealth of humanity would scon crumble before che might of its enemies if someone did not act to bring the Known Worlds together. His primary aim, of course, was power. The welfare of humanity may have been secondary, but important nonetheless, for it was the fuel which drove him forso he told himself} Pledging rolead che Known Worlds to victory and re- claim the embattled worlds, Vladimir began gathering al- lies. A military genius, he had a strong following among all the minor noble houses and five of the Ten (The Ten at chat time were Alecto, Justinian, Gesar, Van Gelder, ‘Windsor, che, Li Halan, Hawkwood,and the centh, che Decados) He also gained che support of the Church and the League, He won these allies exsity.for com- merce was threatened by che barbarians,souls were in dan~ get, and he promised the owners of the worlds that he would return the planetsto their power rather than claim- ing them for himself, ‘After yeaes of battle, the barbarian invaders were bro- ken and forced back to their own worlds, The jumproads connecting entry into the Known Worlds were often sealed or hidden to prevent future sorties, But Vladimir did not keep his promises it full For those major houses who had not fully supported him, he claimed theér worlds for himself. Civil war erupted. TheGesar, Windsors, Van Gelder, Decados and certain minor houses were turned against him, along with many sects and guilds. Buc the rest of the Known Worlds were behind him. The war was bloody Yearsafterit had beau, Vindimir accepted the surrender of the rebel houses and declared himself Emperor. He introduced the Great Chat ter instituting the office of the etectors, those whe could ‘vote on his successor. Each elector was given a scepter — vote rox! ~ as proof of office, and Viadimir alisteibuted these sceprers t0 all his ales ia the houses, Church and League ‘A teat coronation ceremony was held on Byzantium Secundus when Viadimir arrived to take the chrone. But as he placed the crown upon his head, fire erupted from hhis eves end he fell dead to the floor. Years of hard-won victory ended in seconds Theassassin behind the deed tas never been revealed, and many whisperchat demons were at work, Vladimir had no blood successor. A race was on to claim the throne after him, House Alecto, weak from the expenditureof its resources turing Vladimirs catnpaigns, fellzothestacusof'a minor house. Unfortunate deathsand assassinations soon destroyed the remainder of its royal line, and the House became extinet ten years after Viadimir’ death. The Gesiranid Windsorsalso became extinct, too weak from their recent surrender to carry on. They had all lost too many sons and daughters to Viadimirs war and soon lost those few who remained. Ven Gelder held onto their poweranal becamea minor house only by allying with the Decados. With this extza power, the weak Decados, using blackmail to influence other minor houses an even the ‘League, maintained its royal status and entered the race for the Imperial Throne. The Ten now became the Five, composed of Hawk wood, Decados.the Hazat, Li Halan and al Malik But che electors could come ta no accord. Instead of ‘an Emperor. they elecced a temporary regent to rule for 10 ‘years until an Emperor was chosen. The office of regent Jasted longer than anybody had planned, for when the 10 years had passed, a new regent was elected. And 0 yeats Jeter. yet anocher one. it would be cencuries until @ new Emperor would again ascend the thrane. Symbiot War ‘The Second Republic had its secrets and at Feast one ‘of these came back te haunt the Known Worlds. Not all citizens of the Republic appreciated the massive terraforming program whereby all worlds were slowly ‘cransformed inco human (Earchlike} environments, with ‘the subsequent upheaval of native atien racesand che dis- appeacance of unique flora and fauna. The Republic suf- Chapter One: The Universe 29 fered its share of ecoactivists and cerrorists. ‘One such cabal of ecorerrorists eked outa precarious ‘existence in the jungles of Chernchog, herassing the Sec- ‘ond Republic terraforming engineers Aftera particularly Successful sabotage of machinery, they retreated into un- exploced jungle to avoid the authorities intensive search, There, they disturbed a previously unknown alien race. ‘The Xolot! were awakened from hibernation and began parastically infesting the humans in an attempt to bree ‘Two of the terrorists were psychics, and the result was ex: plosive: A new race of beings.neither XolotLor human but something unique—aSymbiot. Tiansformed in body and mind, infused with an ale ‘most instinctual hate for humans. the two quickly bred, creating Symbiot progeny from their non-psychic fellows, nd from the plant and animats native te Chetnobog. At tergathering strength and practicing their newfound pow ‘ers, they assatited the human capital with fury. Unableto- withstand —or even comprehend — the weaponry of the Symbiots, the Second Republic retreated from Chernobog, ‘nd seaied the jurnpgate so that no one could get orto oF off the contaminated world. The Republic then worked to hide newsof the event from the citizenry. the last ching they wanted wasan alien threat tocause morechaas hose who argued that such @ threat was exactly what was needed to unify the fractious Republic were laughed at) ‘They managed to hide the sectet so well that che planet of Chernobog and its alien residents were entirely forgotten. ‘The Known Worlds entered the [ark Ages blissfully un- aware of the terrible chreat waiting beyond their borders Nearly a millennium after the Fall. the Symbiots ¢- armed. Sometime in the intervening years, they had et- tained jurnp capability in their organic ships, athough ‘even now ne human understands how this is possible Unabie at first to break through the sealed jumpgate to Stigmata, the Symbiots had expanded out and away from the Known Worlds. The imperial Eye is stil unsure how many wotlds they hold in the space past Chernoboe it was only a matter of time until they came back to their point of origin. A Symbiot sbip passed through the jumpgateat Absolution and landed in an outlying cty.lts Crew began slaughtering the residents without warning. ‘TheSymbiotsorganictech wasastonishing—livingships, tpattle acmor and even guns. The very thought of these things repulsed the human defenders even as they died fighting against them. The Symbiots did not caprure the world — that was never their intent, But they left the re- source extraction industry in shambles and the fharman population decimated, The attack was 2 warning, Mose ‘would soon follow. Daishan and Stigmata, other worldson the borders of Human Space, became wary and ready for attack. Buc the Symbiot forces did not arrive in fleets. They moved is ‘mysterious ways, attacking through the least expected av- enue. che very flora and fauna of the planets turned on the human “colonists” The Symbiots had planned their x Fading Suns assaults for years, having finally broken the jumpcodes to these worlds earlier, They had secretly converted whole ‘econvstemstnder the very nosesof the ignorent colonists Humans found it hard to figist off whole forests or herds of predatory beasts workingin teamsto devour scout units ‘The humans asexpected, resorted to fitehombing und ecodestruction tocliminate their opposition. But even this did not destroy the Symbiots their seeds lay deep In the fongantc structure of theirchosen planets The new growth ‘over thecharted forests grew strangely more quickly than irshouid have,and thistimestronger. more resilient vofire damage. TheSymbict planet forces learned from their fale lures and grew defenses against them. Over a number of years the colonists of Daishan were forced toevacute the planet, giving it over encirely to the Symbiots. it was clear that the Symbiots were masters of guer tilla warfare against a technologically superior force. Wile they could not immediately seize the worlds for them- selves, they coutld ensure the humansa costly defense anc an eventual route, "The regerst moved quickly toclefend Stigmata,the sys- tem theSymbiots would have to pass through to reach the rest of the Known Worlds, The Imperial Fleet was dis- patched and the battles began. Things did not go well for the Imperial forces While they had more advanced weap- onty than the Symbiots, the putasites were tenacious While the Symbiors made few advances, neither could they be casily beaten back, The regent formed a new office to handle what was turning into a long-term situation, hat of the Stigmata Garrison Commander, in charge of a ‘vast amount of Imperial military resources Finally, in one area, surprisingly and for no apparent reason, thetide wasturnedand theSymbiot forces pushed. tack. Upon in vestigation, te wasdiscovered that ¢wo people were largely tesponsibie: Friar Berthold of the then: heretical Eskatonic Order and Damiana, a Charioteer cradet, These two were unususal in that they Were both practicing occultists: Berthold was a theurgist and Damiana a powerful psychic. They were residents of the planet before the Symbiots had arrived, joined cogethe in secret coven. They had gathered other local residents gether to mous a guerrilla defense against the Symbiot invaders, a rebellion which went on unnoticed by the Imperial fleet. The friars litanies and Danntana’s piontcs succeeded where military might could net. “They had discovered the key tofighting the Symbiots ‘on something close ro even terms, However, psychic pow: ters,once the high science of the Republic, were outlawed py the Church. Covert deals had to be made before oxcult powers would be accepted TheChurch had tobe brought jnand given credit for theaffatt The Eskatonic Order hed ro be accepted into che fold. [¢ would Tater become one of ‘the major sects wying with the Orthodoxy for control oF Church resources ‘Once all was agreed upon, the Church unleashed ‘other Eskatonie Order priests and rogue psychics {prom ised absolution for their service) onto Stigmata They vwerecontracted Inquisitorsgiven the power cocleanse the sinc in any way they saw fit. It worked. Where science could not elean out the parasites, psychics and cheucelsts did. From then on. the Eskatonic Order heralded theurgy as the replacement of science. Only here could man ook tose wonders.they claimed, but only thebolies¢and most penitent of priests could work such magic. Centuries after ic had begun, che Symblot War was brought fo an uneasy standstill. The Symbiots still held some territory, but gained little new ground, The long, pto- tracted guerrilla bettle on the frontier was atan end, and an uneasy silence descended upon the front. Magic had geined a foothold on human consciousness again, one which the houses, Church and League soon found hard tocontrol Covens,undergtound organizations ‘of psychics, began to operate openiy, with agendas in con- flict with the powers that be. Individuals seeking power turned to forbidden pachs,asking ald of invisible entities whose names were whispered in occult circles. These antinomists risked theit souls ard those of theit fellow humansin their bids for power. and not the least of them ‘were members of the Five Houses who sought imperish- abie power against their enemies. The Emperor Wars The office of regent could not last forever without some challenge, While individuals had tried short-Lived bids for the title of Emperor at various times during the Dark Ages, none had come close to succeeding. Fifty years after the Symbiot Wars had calmed, leav- nga tenseand fearful populace waiting for the nextalien expansion, House Hawkwood made its bid for power. Darius Erik Hawk wood made overt offers to the Chutch and League electors for increased power in return for their votes. Thisset off aflurry of counter-offersfrom the other houses each fighting co gain scepters Decades of political, militaty and social struggle began, a struggle which ‘oftentimes threatened the borders of the Empire. ‘The houses were not the only forces seeking the Im- perial Throne. The Patriarch, fearful of giving the nobility ‘too much power, moved co gain worldsof his own, purst- ing the Church’ ancient desire for @ theocracy He was largely unsuccessful, but powerful enough to force certain noble houses in the race torecognizethesuperiority of the Church ‘The Merchant League sought a chance for increased poweramid thechacs. Yearsof waramongthe nobitity had turned the populace against the families. The League sought fo use this hatred to kick the royals out, They sought togainenough worldstosecedeand dectarea Third, Republic, They, like the Church, were unsuccessful, for a popular figure arose to appease all the quarreling forces ‘A waster diplomat and military tactician, Alexits of House Hawkwood had taken up where Darius, his uncte, bad lef off, Heevencually claimed enough hold on cure Chapter One: The Universe Time Time isa tricky issue in the Known Worlds Each world has its own method of measuring time; the ‘erraforming efforts of the Second Republic failed to change the rotational inconsistencies of al the plan cs Some worlds have longer days than others, while some have longer nights Each wosld alse has its own nitive system of marking months although such lo- calchronological systems werespurned by theSecond Republic, who relied inscead on perfect nuclear clocks, Most scarships (and nobfe mansions and merchant agoras) are equipped with nuclear clocks set at the same second as the central clock on Holy Tetra, Thus, although timeis relative, clocks are nor, ‘The Empire usesa central calendar based on Holy Terra’s solar and lunar cyetes, Citizens of the Ernpire keep rwo times their local time and Empire time. But mest peasants live solely by the local seasonal cycles, fn their hemeworlds. They measure time in spans — he time ir takes for a celestial body (the sun or moon} totraverse che sky by the length of an adulchand held up toit. Thismight seem to make for @ highly subjec- tive judgment except that there is usuallva central sun dial or water clock to declare the exact number of spans in a day of night: the peasant marches his own internal clock to the local, offical clock. exstostay in their place; toquestion isto invite revoit. The Church blames technotogy and science for btumanity’s ptedicament,and thus represses the very basis of science: questioning, And the Merchant League wishes to keep what secrets it sas for itself, sharing only with those wil ingtogivethelr money or theirservice cothe guilds. These forces together help to keep civilization from rsiny While the rebirth of civilization issought by many in Fading Suns civilization in and of ise isnot valusible. Ie is what peopie do with itchar makesit worthwhile, A false civilization’ "worth” can be seen in the weary eyes of the enslaved and subjugated alien races, whose cultures have been outlawed and dismantled by the empire of hu- masity, The Nobility Brian Li Malan bic down on her congue tokecp tke words of unger from rashing out Ske know tho old man didnt care forher tore ideas, But eo have buen completely cur oue of the legacy. She glanced over her shoulder to see her ulder brother smiling srmely, having just assumed conv ofthe famity’ hezomy. Her father had Leven buen bequeathed Evian a manor Herkaralkeye Inching toward the rapterat her hip, but she new she didn’ have enough cause to warvanta duel — yer Skescormed fram the chapel and back ta her room. Even this was ne longer hers ley brother couldn thick her out, bue with his ‘new power he enuld mate her existence here unbearable, Well, ic didnbhaverabe that way She could change herwaysto please her ferily or she could finda suitor inaother House or. she cea ive lifeon her own terms and on her ermsonts ‘She suramoned ier bodyguard Caran, the ome member ofthe household tafftoyal cher She sent him out to gather what fewaltes road on thistworld —herconfeser, Bruther Guiseppe Alustraof the Order Eskatanicyanal her oldcitthowd friend, lia Abrams, nowa pilot withthe Charioteess. None of them svould esafeon Midian nowehatherfaskerwas dead. They would ave tn find someplace different, someplace where the new Baron couldnt each zhem Somewhere in che darkening ky The Houses ‘Taday’ Royal Housesare the descendants of the nobles ‘who rose up to claim planets during the last years of the First Republic and who reigned supreme on these worlds during the Diaspora. The Second Republic never sc- ceeded in completely eliminating them, and when iccok iapsed, the noblesseized concrol oftheir planets ensuring that che Republic woutd be unable to bring events back under conteol Aste Republic spiraled out of control, the nobles claimed mote and more euthority and the franchised masses fervently supported them in exchange forood and work A fow of the noble families managed to lay clelm to more than one planet or jumpgate. Based upon spurious claims of descent for eatlier royalty, chey began €0 call themselves Royal Houses. When the Republic lay in ies death throes. they began jockeying fer pesitionamangane ‘another. and dozens rose and fell during that time Ten inouses claimed the most Worlds and formed an alliance of convenience. They called themselves the Ten.and most minor touses were forced toally with one or more them: tomuintain cheir own claims, Five of these houses fell or became extinct during Viacimirs rise co power Now five remain in poweras the major houses, though many more remain as mino: ones The big five ~ Hawkwood, Decados. the Hazat, Li Helan and al-Malik — tule, in one way oranother, most all the Known Worlds. The Emperor controtsa few other planets, the Chureh and the League have theirs, and afew worlds remain independent. Otier than those, the Roval Houses ownthestars Hawkwood During its history, House Hawk wood has seen more upsand dovrns than @ prostitute in zero‘, In is earliest days it was the leading house, and the one evervbody ex- pected woud declare itself emperor Then a consortium of other houses, Ied by the Decados, combined forces to bringit erashing down. [collapsed almost tothe point of extinction, but onemember managed toreviveisfortunes, and ebuild it. Within generationsit hed again becomeone of thegreatest houses. before rhe First barbarian invasion broke through at Delphi and devastated the House's hold- ings. Other catastrophes have come and gone, but House Chapter One: The Universe BI a Fading Suns Hawk wood hassurvived them all House Hawkwood isonceagain on an upswing much to the delight of both the family and its subjects House Hawk wood has long relied on the goodwill ofits people, rewarding ther well during the good times and protec ing them duting the bad, Howevex faraily members have hhad the House’ past drummed into theis heads, and goco extremes to live up to the standards they believe their an cestors set. Right now the House is at a crossroads. Its leader has justbecomeemperor, but hes distancing himself from che very force chat brought him to powet The new head of the House, Victorla Hawkwood has made nocomment on tins but lower-level leaders seem toffind thisdetachment galling, A number of landed Hawkwood barons have be come especially vocal in their complaints, noting that de- spite theie sacrificescuringthe Emperor Wars,the Emperor hhas not spfir che rewards of empire with them. They have not eceived additional fandsorevena break in theirtaxes since he became emperor ‘On the other hand, a number of landless Hawk wood -knightshave founda place under the Emperor, They have flocked to his bannerand serve in a number of capacities, notall of them militaristic. They help administer the Em- pire explore its darkest boundariesand bring back crucial information Leading Hawkwoods Emperor Alexius, Princess Victoria Hawkwood (current house leader), Marquis Cedirick Hawkwood (head of Emperor Alexius Imperial Security Agency), Duke Alvarex Hawkwood (Alexius brother, often at odds, Roleplaying Notes: Scarting the moment a new Hawkwood is born, the House surrounds her with evi- «dence of her inevitable destiny, By the time she turnsfive she can rattle off the deeds of leading Hawkwoods from centuries past. By the time sheS 12, she realizes just how critical House Hawk wood hasbeen in humenitys progress By the time she reaches I6 years old, she has no doubt but that every action she takes will have critical importance toeveryone in the Known Worlds Yes some Hawk woodsrebel against or break under the serain the famnily puts them under, bur chese weren't true Hawkwoodsanyway, Real Hawkwoods can deal withany- thing, Real Hawkwoods never doubr themselves Real Hiawlowoods know chat their blood makes them able to face any enemy.overcome any obstacle. Real Hawkwoods know that ailureof any kinds not acceptable, Ané most Hawkwoodsoften find themselvesdoubting that theyare real Hawk woods Still. this background enforces a certain ait of superi- cority, Hawk wood nobles can be vain, headstrong and big- ‘red, but tiney can be equally courageous, charitable and progressive. Havinga Hawkwood in change means i just ‘as likely that he will be extremely capable as there fs that hhe will be obtiviousto his many faules “This background also means that Hawk wood nobles areexrremely consciousef honcr,andl houseteaders reedlly ‘oice their approval of dueling Backing down froma chal- lenge is not acceptable. but finding an equitable sofution to the dispute (other than fighting) is. Empetor Alexius certainly became famous for hisability tecompromnise, but not alt Hawk woods have developed this ‘alent. Character Stereotypes Explorer (Sit Richard Burton}, military officer, populist (eader, duelist, diplomat, heir to tcatniess,second|+)child out co prove himy herself inbred rincef princess, spoiled bar. The Decados House Decados wasehe last of the Royal Houses to join ‘he alliance against the Republic. known asthe Ten (they were the tenth} However it claims to he one of the oldest royal houses fongexisting incognito Irs founders claimed descent from the Russian czarsthrough Princess Anastasia. Such claims have often been denounced, in part because the first membersof the House came from the intelligence services of a number of different plansetsand initially had ‘no familial ties, Only after several generations of inter breeding could most of the Decados legitimately claim to be related roone another. ‘This interbreeding has continued through the years, and noone will deny that House Decadasisan odd group, of people. The Decados claim thar this eccentricity is the prerogative of those destined to rule, while their detrac: tors say itis the sign of sick and decanged minds. What- ‘ever the case, theit perties are the subject of much gossip for monehs afterward (though this is not always a good ching SUitl, House Decados has always been one of the mest influential if least crusted, Royal Houses.Itsrolein finatly overthrowing the Republic is well-documented, though scholars sell argue just how extensive it was [n any case House Decados hs tong been an insurmountable barrier toanyone with democratic ideals It has also proven a barrier to othet Houses, and is a flerce end intractable foe. Its spies and assassins roam the Known Worlds, and Decatios leaders have an uncanny knack for knowing everything about thelr foes — even things the enemy is unaware of Addirionally.che Decades Stereotypes While most outsiders know chat each house has its owa distinct character, chey often fail to see the cliversitv within each one. Natall Hawk wood are ion corabie while some (few) Decadovare Someal-Maltkare very religious while some Li Hulan have become her tics The roleplaying hints in each section provide a brief guide for both players and gamemastets who want toadd these nobles toa game, but they should not feel forced to follow these guidelines Create char: acters who do what you wane them to do regardless of anyone elses preconceived notions have mastered the arts of body manipulation and alter: ation, Their spies are said to pass2s anyone they desite, and even change appearances numeroustimes whileonasingle asignment. ‘That chey lose the Emperor Wars despite rhis advan {age surprised 2 number of observers, Indeed, the Decados seemed ro have the upper hand until a stunning series of Hawkwood advarsces carried the day That che Decades were unable to predict the Hawkwood maneuvers has struck many people as odd. The additional fact that the Decados have been, of all things, good losers has struck them aseven odder Rumorsabound asto what the Houses ‘motivation may be, but no one seems to know for sure, ‘Leading Decados. Prince Hyram Decades (House head, ill) Duchess Satandra Decados tsecond-in-command), Raron Nicolai Decados lost final bactleagainst Alexius not seen since), Roleplaying Notes: Think of decadent Renaissance Italian nobles, such as the Borgias, and add an element of Oriental exoticism, Decados are classic twe-faces, with an act they put on for everybody else, but a secret, true face they hide underneath. The real skill in dealing with Decadios machinations is discerning chis hidden face (the most dangerous Decados are those who can project many layers of masks}. Decados, like Hawkwoods, enjoy dueling, but they tend to cheat. OF course, that goes for everything the ‘Decados do. Alls fair in love, war and everything else, Poi- soned stilettos fencing foils that project false images of where chey ate shield dampers, psychic attacks— anything they can get into the dueling atena will de, Any advan. Cage they can get in any other arena will also be taken, ‘On top of all the stories about Decadlos decadence is the rumor that the Decadasare secretly Antinomists,mak- ing pacts with demons co gatn the emperor’ throne, But chen, every vile rumor that could be made about the Decados has been made, much to the House’ enjoyment. ‘Character Stereotypes: Cruel overlord, oily spy, deter- ‘mined Machiavellian ptince/ princess, decadent caliph, isgraced son/daughter (disgraced for trying to eeform the house} fallen noble,curicusinvestigetor,cruel duelis, vain ambassador, The Hazat ‘Once the advisors to the now-extinet Chauki Royal House, the Hazat overthrew their masters electing the ast (Chauki from an airlock, and soon helped to engineer the Fall Since then the Hazat have tried to spread their influ. cence, and have been repeatedly stymied. ‘The Hazat have always relied on force of arms,and de- feated House Chauki by turning thearmy against t.In the process the Hazat found themselves forced to promise the army asignificant rofein rulingtheir domain—azolethat hhasonly grown over time This deal means chat the Hazat couldn't curtail eheir ‘military buildupeven if they wanted co. Italso meansthat Chapter One: The Universe 38 almost all young Hazat go Chrough extensive military raining throughout cheir childhood. OF course, even When the Hazat begin their military training at around Five, they are frained for a command position. During the Enaperor Wars, it was nor uncommon for L-year-old Hazat knightsto lead forces of harcened veterans ‘By the same token, the Hazat go to great extremes to prove their courageand abifity Just tela Hazat ther noone thas ever successfully wrestled the gecat tusked otter of Leminkainetanei the Hazat will beon the next space ship out The al-Malik used this fact co great effect during the Emperor Wars when they spread a tumor that a newly opened planet featured an unbeatable type of wild bull ‘The house captured a dozen Hazat who rushed into space cobe the first co fight these animals. Whileokesabout Hazat intelligenceare therefore ela: tively common, no one can deny their ability in che fete or the effect they haveon their soldiers While the Hazat may heeven more condescending toserfsthan anyone else, theyempathize with cheir soldietsand doeverythingthey can for them, Retired soldiers in Hazat society occupy @ place of honor.and haveeven been known to veto actions by the local Hazat tuler, Distinguished service by freemen within the Huzat milisary is often rewarded with money. Seifs may even become freemen, and freemen may get grants of land. Despite this, word has gotten out about at least one insurrection within the Hazat army since the Emperor Wars ended. Hazat novhles express both surprise and indig- nation at the very idea that such a thing could have oc- ‘curred, but the rumors persist nonetheless Still,no ones able toadvance a goad reason aso why the Hazat army of all armies would mutiny. Leading Hazat: Prince juan Jacobi Nelson Eduardo de Aragon (head of the family). Duke Jose Alfonse Louis Eduardo de Aragon (Hazat ambassador on Byzantitir Secundus, one of the most respected diplomats in the Known World), Betoness Lucinda Duleinea (current Sti mata Garrison Commander} Roleplaying Notes: Memhersof the Hazat pride chem selveson theit honor andubility.anda slight roeither will not be forgiven. By chesame coken, these arc the traits they ‘most valtein othersand anyone chey see with these quali ties will quickly eam their respect. Whilesonsand daugh- ters of the Hazet all rain in leadership and militery skills, they also admire people who have developed other skitis, ke diplomacy, theology and such. Stil, che surest way £0, ‘2 Hazat heart is through skill at combat. Despite this, the Hazat do not go for the dueling fad as muchas the other houses, since too many nobles hide be- hind their shields. A Hazet due! is fought shieldless and with heavier weapons, ‘Character Stereotypes: Milicary officer second (or later) son} daughter. soldier of fortune, bodyguard farrencant to, the roval house, trained as a Haza, command, peace keeper, Sheriff of Nottingham. 36 Fading Sun Li Halan House Li Halan isn old and distinguished one, but its current prestige belies its sordid past. Onee renowned for its extreme debauchery and callous disregard for its subjects, inedern historians agree that its bacchanels put those of House Decados to shame. Rumors of traffic with demons were among the milder accusations. Then. during the Barbarian Invasions, House Li alan, found the Pancreator, The entire family converted in a single night, and several prominent members were imme lately sent off ro monasteries never to be seen again. Since chen the amily hasbeen theheight of orthodexy, battling heresesancd even blocking attemptsat change within the Church itself, ‘While the Li Halunaccively tried romake one of their own, Flavius Li Holan, emperor, the House expressed no reprecat losing the Emperor Wats. Part of Emperor Alexis ‘concessions at the end of the Wis was co back an Ortho: ddox Patriarch, thusat least temporarily blocking the asph rations of the other sects, While the Patriarch has nor ac- tively opposed the Eraperar in any dealings, he is known totake muchof hisadvice from the Li Hakan. The family$ orthodoxy carries into all other aieas oF life as weil. The Li Halan are che striecest adherents co the nobles code of etiquette.and proselytize on these areas just as muuch as they do on religion, The House iesef is rigidly struceured, with each member of che family having no ‘question as to where her place is. Observers have @ more difficult time uncovering internal dissent within thisfamn- ilyehan in anyother, eumorsof occasional internal purges notwithstanding, The planersof the Li Halan have also become fas more structured. It isalmost unheard of for aserf on a Li Helan pplinet ro become afreeman,and freemen find it extremely difficule (oobtain lend. On the other hand serfsand free- men rarely complein about their lec, for the House pro- vides far mote services to its people than does any other (with the possibleexception of the Hawkwoods). OF course, ppriestson Li Helan planetsstressthe need for people tostay inthe nicheswhich the Pancreator hasordained for ther, and tradition has caused Li Halan society to hegin resetn= Dlingan extremely intricate caste system. To downy work. other than whet ones parents did, ot fo marry outside of that occupation, is becoming tarerand rarer. Leadingi Halan: Flavius iHalan (family head, resides ‘on Kish), Cardinal Fang Li Halan (main advisor to the Pa- triarch), Duchess Futiva Li Halan (has land holdings sec ond only to the Emperon) Roleplaying Notes: Li Helan nobies ate usually strict adherents to orthodoxy if all its forms Royals have high Faith, and for this reason, few have good Tech. They, fike the Church, do nor approve uf dueling, bur this has not stopped a Li Halan or two from becoming renowned dtu- clists, much like Aramis of The Three Musketeers Hous leaders deny this of course Of course, just because the Li Halan raincain firm beliefs does not mean they are dogmatic and stupid. They have more in common with Joan of Are, Thomas é Becket, or any number of noble saints than televangelists. Add- tionally, nofew Li Halan haveexplored the mystical teach- ings of the Prophet and delved into theurgy. Character Stereotypes: Crusader, pious knightor mus keteer,saint. martyr igive upall worldly goods and family position), incognito friar (posing as common man) Fisher King sectatian zebel (now otthodex}, secret pagan priest or emonist (Gile deRaish. al-Malik ‘ThisHouse is easily the least accessibleand most rarely encountered. Its members live apart from the people they tule, Keeping an air of distance about them even on those, sate occasions when they tour their domains It seems the ‘only Gime an al-Malik family member feels comfostable is when she is meeting with the members of the Merchant League, the house’ historical allies. Houseal- Malik has always been tied tothe guilds,and some historians have hypothesized that ic bought its posi- Uon as a Rovat House using money from banking and (Cradg,and might sill be involved in theseendeavors, House ab-Maltk actively discourages such speculation, however, andiescrained enforcersare more than capable of squelch- ing such rumors, House al-Malik can almost always count on League support, and al-Malik mansions are almost always filted with technological wonders. An al-Malik’sshield issure to bbe in working order, her rapier may well vibrate when it hits an opponent’ flesh, and some even carry personal think machines(which the al-Malik cryptically call“com- puters’ The al-Malik do not appear to have ary special deals with any Individual guilds, and in fact the guilds lay less exclusive claim coal-Malik planers than they do to those of other houses. In fact, the bazaar on the al-Malik homeworld is second only to the one on Leagueheita it sell, Everything is for sule, and there is 2 buyer for every- thing. OF course, there are parts of the bazsar where pious, visitors do not go, ‘These connections between the al-Malik and the guilds have attracted no small amount of Inquisition at- cention. Indeed, the al-Malik are undoubtedly che most investigated of the royal houses, However, aside froma few reprimands for low-level nobles, the house has never been officially accused of anything, The al-Malik often joke about paying their tithe directly to the Inqu Leading al-Malik: Duke Hakim al-Malik {head of house), Duchess Yasara al-Malik (Duke Hakims wife, lead- ing patroness of the arts), Baronet Salome @b-Rashman (famed explorer. Roleplaying Notes: Many noblesconsidertheal-Malik co be the mest passionate of the houses. They throw vk brant patties, like good timesand own the most interest- Chapter One: The Universe y ing devices Membersof thishouse havea good deel of sub- stance to back up thelr lash and vlitver, however An al Malik is likely far better educated than other nobles even. if she has less combat training. The al-Malik have nocom ‘mon opinion on dueling: some like it,some dont, Addicionally despite thelr reputation. thealMatik do, not dislike the common people. If anything, they like ‘them too much, They tend to hearken to latter-day Sec- ond Republicsocialist, philosophies, even though they are ardent capitalists. Their wealth affords chem the dilettante pastimesof imagininga better world, a Utopian Third Re public — heresy, of course, so they deny such rumors. But the house enemies whisper chat it has teamed up with the League in building for such afurute.Othersargue that the al-Malik love commoners because they rarely see them upelose, (Character Stereotypes: Patron fo adventurers, adven~ ‘turet, Third Republic architect, historian, beloved (or hateds dictator (Castro or Statin), political reformer. webspinning spy (building network of loyal non-toyal contacts) The Minor Houses A number of other houses have risen and fallen, through che years, some never expanding beyond cne planet, while others almost named one of their own Em- peror befisre fading away. Most of these still have descen dants in positions of power, chough some, such as the 38 Fading Suns Alecto. Gesar and Windsors.are believed to be completely extinet In fact, almost all the Known Worlds had their own unique ruling family at one point or another. Some of these families managed toextend their reach, taking over oneor twoother planets, marryingintoocherfamiliesand getting planets through dowries and inheritance, orally ing with another family coshare a planer, Others never lefC their homeworld and have slowly become less and less a Factor. Aimost every plariet has several minor heuses with, interests and representatives on it Some of the minor houses that stil) exist, fike che Sactanankka, have descended to the point of complete in: significance, their last survivors livingin squalor or tevert- ing to seridom, Others, like the Keddah of Grail, remain the primary poweron their own planet, aboveand beyond the Royal Houses or the Emperor. Almost all of the remaining minor houses owe fealty te one of the five Royal Houses, though these chains of commandureoften intricate tothe point of incomprehen sibility. For instance, long before the Emperor Wars, House TTorenson gave one of its phaners to House Keddah in ex~ ‘change for the Kedduh pledging fealty in the event of wer with the al-Malik. Before thls pledge could be fulfilled, House Dextrite forced the Torenson’ to pledge fealty to chem, Then che Dextrite were in turn subsumed by the Masseri, When the al-Malik declared war on the Masseri, the Masseri had the power coforce House Keddah {by then Inside the Noble Mind In Fading Suns, noblesate the biggest celebrities, the richest moguls, the most powerful politieiansand che greatest sportssrarsall rolled intone, Whether a noble has ever done anything worthwhile or not, he expects to be treated as if the suns only shine ac his sufferance. And, for most of his life, chat ishow he has been treated. Seeingeveryone all totheirkneesat hisappreach does something to him. Having peasants wet them: selves when headkdtesses them cannot help butaffect his mind. He becomes sure of his superiority, and ev- ervthing around him reinforces this belief. The best nobles use this ¢o bolster their parental feelings «o- ward others and feel thet they must act to help the less fortunate. Baser noblessee these eventsuscontirm- Ing thelr own unaccountability and their right todo as they please. ‘a minor House) to abide by its ceneuries-old pledge ro the almost-extinct house Torenson, The war severely weak- ened the Masseri, but before the war cauld be concluded, the Decados conquered the Masseri and have never al: lowed the Masseri/al-Malik war to end. In this way they have kept the remnants of House Kedah bound tochern foralmost acentury Still, nox all of the minor houses are on the dectine Several came into being in the last few centuries, and one, House Shelit, made itsappearance recently when the Flazat discovered a jump route toits worid {currently ehe source of the Kurga Conflict), Since chen House Shelit and che Hazat have maintained close ties, but Shelit nobles have spread their influence and wealth around the Known Worlds, House Shelit also has access to some lost think machine technology, and has jealously guarded its know! edge Despite their subservient role, the minor houses play an Important part in the Known Worlds, The Roval Houses donot have enough membersto oversee every part of their domains and the minor houses still appear to rule in a number of places, On other planetsthey ofren own much ‘of the land and industry:and house membersarehoth the cultural and civic leaders Indeed, wereall the minor houses ronnite.they might ‘very well be able to overthrow the Royal Houses The like- hood of this is infinitesimaliy small, bur it does provide extra impetus forthe Royal Housesto keep the minorones in their collective place. While members of some of the minor houses have managed to make names for then selves, che Royal Houses have prevented the complete tes- urtection of any of the minor ones. As long as the minor housesare busy carryingour the Roval Houses wishes,they will never be Free co plan thelr own rise, What follow are some of the more prominent miner houses. Minor Houses Iuandaastes{long,standing tiesto both the Vorox and the Li Obun) Justinian once major, lost badly when Viadimir died) Keddah (bound to Decados by treaty, warring with al-Malik} Masser’ (conquered by Decades and on decline) Shetit (newly discovered house with odd technologi- cal ties) ‘Thana (supported psychic research many Yeats ago) ‘Torenson (strong proponents of rigid rules of eti- quette) ‘Trusnikron (very agpressive and striet adherents to their own code of honor) ‘Van Gelder (once major, now allied co Decados for sut= vival) Xanchippestaniancient nratriatehy with strict concrot ‘over its own territory) Extinet Houses Alecto (Viadimvir Is house, lost Last sons in First Em- peror War, 2 number died in odd wecidents) ‘Chauki (overthrown by the Hazat) Gesar allied to Vialimir, lost last sonsin first Emperor War) Windsors {allied t@ Vladimir, lost last sons in first Emperor War The Entourage Nobles do not spend all their time cloistered away in dark, dank castles, scheming and brooding, They often, take their scheming and brooding on the read. They rour their domains, visit other nobies of their ows oF other Houses, look for mates, try and expand their oldingsand sometimes even seek to help their subjects Of course. no noble would be sa Foolish as fo travel alone, Not only is such a practice unsafe, but a noble caught without an en- ‘tourage would be immediately suspect or eaughingstock, Common hangers on for nobles include bodyguards (usually hattle-hatdened veterans but sometimes also members of military order. eligious advisors or conte sors, incelligence advisors {actually called spies orassassins IF they wotk for eke Decades) cueing partner, pilot or chauffeur, and hangers-on who give the noble additional prestige — paramours, aliens. entertainers scholars noted explorers sycophants, et ‘One of the odder situations is when two (or more} nobles from different houses travel together Either they will each bring cheie full entourage in an effort to intimi- dace each other or else, for che sake of their mutual sanity, will pare itdown tojust theessentials ~asingle bodyguard, trusted servant or valued confidanc ‘Traveling groups composed of nobles from different houses are not all rate: The peasantry might be amazed co see 8 Decadosand a Hawkwood stealing along arm in arm, but other nobles would nor give ita second thought. tn fact, many older nobles encourage the practice. hoping Chapter One: The Universe 39 thar cheir progeny will form lasting alliancesand perhaps bring back important information. At the very least, the nobles wit) get to know their furure enemies. Noble Etiquette Intricate cules of conduct affect all aspects of noble and royal society. governing everything from the clothes they wear to what they say when they Kill one ancthet. These rules have grown out of centuries of custom and practice, and che nobles tigidly enforce their code. Those who violate these policies «lo seat risk of condemaation, costracism and even death. Still, some cynics insist that the only reason to have these laws is so the nobles will have something to break. Most non-nobles think of these rufes mainty in regard to hospitality and courtly Jove. Theseare certainly the two best-known areas, for the bards sing of both — courtly love forthegreat songsitinspites}and hospitality (for the great imeals it gets them, These two areas are cercainly impor- tant aspects of noble etiquette, but they ate by no means the only ones, Dueling isillustrated as an example of an- other area of eriquette. Of course, these rues only apply to how nobles deal with each other, No noble would ever allow any rules to limit how she can treat her social infertors. Peasants mur. dered, pelests ridden down and traders plundered — all these are Fait play fora noble.On che other hand, address- ing a planets governor as "my lord” when 2 duke of the owning house is present is@ most unpardonablesin. ‘While each house has its own take on these conver. ions, time has codified enough of them togive all nobles afirmset of guidelines The punishment for etiquette vio lations is nowhere nearly 2s rigid, being at Teast partially determined by how important the offending nobleis but ‘no one — not even the prince of « Royal House ~ can get away with one, In extreme casts, the violator will find her self challenged toa series of duels, At the very least,an of- fender will be ignored at parties. Fellow nobles whe usee respend hours in conversation with her barely spend five minutes. Others who would have said hello ignore her completely. If theoffendingnobleis not crucially imnportanc,then, ‘other nobles will stop involving her in social Functions enciely: No more invitations Co tea parties, no more alien, huntsand no more masquerade balls Thissocial ostracism can. be bad enough, even driving some nobles to suleide, ‘but char is noc the worst punishment. The nobleiscut off From her main source of gossip. and for nobles. inform: tion is second in importance only te status, Not knowing, ‘who is hating whom and, more importantly. who is hat~ ing thar noble, can be maddening. ‘Nobles who have violated social decorum may never befullyaccented back into properseciety No matter what they do, chat element of suspicion can linger forever, col- ring everything they accomplish, Only the greatest of exploits, the strictest adherence to etiquette, or the most 40 Fading Suns stunning sosial endeavors can wipe the slate clean again. Courtly Love “The official cules for Love and marriage within the nobility have nothing te do with one another. Atranged ‘marriages, weddings of convenience, mandatory divorces Sell ate part and parce’ of being a noble. The structure suetounding marciag's igi and only rarely dotheselead tosatis?ying monogamous partnerships with commitred participants Far move common isthe einingof two people Who could care less about each other, grow to hate each other, and carry on constantly with other people “The bards have noticed this and turned ic intoa cen tral facetot nobie life probably she only facet of which ll nobles are proud, For 8 man oF women to cornit totally and completely another person is an important mo- ‘ment one which bas inspired more songs than any other subject ‘Not al sexual relationships between nobles involve courtly love infact, courtly love is somewhat rare despite all the great songs devoted to it. Nobles are as susceptible to momentary infatuation as anyone else, and dalliances axe @ common occurrence, Those involving courtly Love, however,ate far more inceresting “Tabitha al-Malik soften held upasamodelof coustly Jove. Tabitha, who lived centuries ago, married Lats Hawkwood while engaged to Juan Alecto while wooing Justine Decados. in one year she provides the bards with, sore material than most nobles can inspite ina Lifetime ‘As Tabitha taught, the wooing process begins slowiy and carefully, no matter how smitten the suitor migh€be. Rushing this point of the relationship cannot help but ruin the courtorschances The process differsony slightly ‘fone or bothyof the participantsare married tosomeone tse, Then the romance begins a little mote quiet but then nobles generally try to begin these as subtly es por sible for fear ehat word of tection might cause thern to be laughed at hy their peers. “The initial overtures inciude the traditional flowers, poemsand gifts all carted by intermediariesand seconds Pablic meetings between the two romantics should be calm and subdued, giving litele hinc to those unfamiliar With the relationship that anything's out of the ordinary OF course, those wise ro the wavs of etiquerte will me diately notice the feigned coolness and understand the Crue ituation Private meetings between the paramour shoul be both tense and exciting, Their conversation wil be Jaden with innuendo and faced with hidden meaning, Ac this point, shysical contact fs discouraged, bur often happens nonetheless Its presence isa ure ign that che ftststageis over. ‘Once both parties are suze of che oherSincerest.theit telotionshiptbecomesa matter of public ecord. Ther deat ings become more passionate, moze chaotic and, for out- siders, more interesting, Those levers burcened by the v1 H y ie) a | A f unfortunate baggage of marriage cry 0 act discretely in public, ut chis quirement Is often ignored — much to the bards’ delight. Of course, the bards delight even more in the next step — the break up. Hospitality Some cynics say that the main reason for the Inws of hospitality stogive nobles protection when they kill theit suests Since these laws detail nor only a hosts obligation tobisguests butalsoche guess‘ obligation tocheir host it iseasy ofind somechingthat oneorthe other has violate. ‘This violation can then be punished as the injured party sees rand can get away with. ‘There area great many variables in the rules of hospi- tatiey Wasche guest invited? Did she bringan entourage? ‘Was she ever romantically involved with the Rost? jst how important isahe? The fact that cach House,and each branch ofeach house hasitsown takeor these les nakes nospicality even more complex. Some chings, howeves, are sacrosanct, Once @ guest is invited into ¢ nobles home, no matter what the guests rank, the host isobligatedto protect her romall hart, matter where icmight come ftom, Additionally, he shout ‘oo great ends to ensure rhet her stay isa (east pleasant, if not luxurious Being known asa generous host is &- teemely important co almost ll nobles By the same token, guests may take no actions which: might bringscorn upon their host Should ahostask some thingof chem, they must oblige. unlessit would putthem at tisk. For instance, should a host ask some traveling nobles to escort his daughter to an Lmpperia! ball, chey should fee obliged to doso OF course ifthe hast just hep- pened to forget to mention that his daughter had recently offended the Ur-Lkar ambassador, then so be it. That shouldnt necessarily lead to trouble ‘Other rules of hospitality detail how fineagift should be given to the host’s family based on both the giver and the recipient’ social status, how good the hospitality should be for each visitor. and even how long visttors shouldstay.Commonersare usually completely bef uclied by these practices. Just why does a duke have to give a iknight a more waluable present than a baron must givea marquis? Duels The Church strongly opposes duels as well as the cer emonies and rituals that have grown uparound the prac- tice, bur this has done lttie rostem their popularity. Nobles who feel chey have been grievously offended and don't have access to an assassin can have theit closest friends (or expendable underlings) approach the offender and de- nounce the crime. The offending noble then draws his sword with a great protestation of innocence and threat: fens te cun the accuser through. At chis point the accuser will quickly proclaim that there issomeone who has been, more severely wronged than he,and that this victim seeks redress, Theaccused makesa bigshow of hisinnocenceand Chapter One: The Universe 4d says that he will do anything to clear his name. The two ‘then come roagreement abouts timeand placeto"resolve this horrid situation. Acthe appointed time and place, both parties will ap- pear with swordin scabbardand duelingshield turned on. ‘There are nosuch thingsasdueting pistols: noblesconsicier it far more honorable ro staban unermed opponent in the back with @ poisoned dagyer than to shoot her from 40 paces. The shield requires nobles to use ll their skill todo lessdamage than thestield blocks. After all, noblesdonot necessarily feel the need co fight to the death. If an oppo~ rene surrenders, che vietor will usually nor Kill hiro [n= deed, eciquette requires that @ duelist allow a disarmed ‘opponent to regain his blade (though most nobles will expect an “socidental’ follow up attack while disarmed), Teta fallen foe stand up (again, with the possibility of an accidental bit),and hold off ifan enemy’ shield ésilsacci- dental attacks in this instance are often fatal) Any violation of the code will not gounnoticed Du- els draw large crowds and are often overseen by priests, despite che Church’ opposition ro the practice. Each fighcer will bring slong as many friends and allies as pos- sible, all to ensure that nothing goes awry. Other nobles who have heard about the duet will come just for the fun of ic. Local authorities, however, wili not attend, finding business as far away as possible. A nobles duel is not open roany interiors outside of the nobies own entourage. Nore that the duclist’ coxle does pot require that the victor accept his adversary’ surrender. A noble who gets reputation for fighting to the death, however, will make even more enemies and will find it hard to stopa duel he is losing Additionally, some nobles will makea point of snubbing one of their own who is too violent —at least, one who is too viofent to other nobles. The Emperor “The most powerful individual in the Known Worlds Js Emperor Alexius, once the head of House Hawkwood. While hestill maintainsstrong ties with hishouse, he has renounced its leadership in order to establish the role of eraperor free and clear of past entanglements. Alexiuss critics say he is merely trying to establish ewo powerful forces to ensure his rule — one being the atmies of the Emperor ana the ocher being his loyal House legions. ‘Alexius now makes his home on Byzantium Secundus, the histori center of incerscellar polities. While he offically ules fewer planetsthan doanyof thehouses, hisactual powersare exceptional. The most obvious mani festation of chis might is che imperial Guard, some of the best-trained and equipped troops in human history. His ‘other strengthsare more subtle — and more powerful, Emperor Alexius officially controls the empires tox collection network, its army of scholars and historians fbusily teyingto reconstruct old technologies.its many law enforcement and espionage agencies, and the kargest col- fection of Pailosophers Stones (powerful Ur artifacts} in the Known Worlds. All of the Royal Houses have pledged their loysity and are obligated to provide hire assistance whenever he requests it. What form this asistance may take, however, has nor been detetmined. Alexius is still defining his role os Emperor, He has announced plans to consolidate more power in his posi- ‘lon and has been laying the groundwork for war against the barharians — a war he would lead, and whose troops would be beholden to him. The Royal Houses have n tention of giving him permanent control of theit troops, so noone knows exactly what wil happen, The events of the next few years will have powerful impact on the bal- ance of power for years focorne Toad him in this endeavor, the Emperor has pur out 4 call for landless nobles to join him, implying that they may find new tersitory on unexplored planets So far his call has mainly attracted his old allies tr bis family, Sut some membersof other houses haveconteon boatdas well. Afew membersof minor houses have alsoshown up. bop- ing for the chance to rebuild chelt own dynasties under his banner. There is an underground group of tnystics, soldiers and citizensof all classes who see Brnperor Alexiusas heir God- Emperor, their savior and the ane who will reignite the dying stars. The Emperor is silent on the matter, but the Church has made it clear that such views are heresy, Inquisitorsare searching for the leavets of this cult The Imperial Eye Before hisassassination, Emperor Vladimirestablished 4 fact-finding and intelligence-gathering organization called the Imperial Bye, He brought in noblesfrema nur berof royal and minor houses stave chetn extensive ude gets to establish the agency, and then died. The Eye lived Gon, however, serving the stewards aod regents who took over after VladimirS death and before Alexis rise Officially this organization secves Alexis by guther ing and analyzing information. It maps out new jumproutes. tracks economic development on the recov: ering worids and hasone department dedicated te discov: ering why the starsare fading, During the chavs and con- fusion of the Emperor Wars, however, the Eye found itself accused of activities outside che scope of its original char- er. Accusations of activities like spying, smuggling and even assassination rarely came to anything, and when at agent was tried, the agency always managed to show that he was acting outside the bounds of the Eye. No evidence ever appeared that the Eye had actually tried tomake one of itsown patriarch. The leadersof the Eye hold thernselves Lup as selfless servers of humanity, Is detractors (usually che Emperor’ enemies) denounce them as self-serving manipulators who plot and scheme against everybody Whatever the case, the Fye has a reputation among the common folk 2s an organization to avoid second on the Inqqui The Universal Church of the Celestial Sun ‘Addepe Cutsseppe Alustre wiped che sweat from hisbrine He sfrew hiscout closer ovey hs face and clutched his charred book sacktightlytwhissideashe seve hisway throxgh he filth, brate- cartlauden street Ifh2 could reach the royal berths of the starport hofore he was sighted again, he might just make it off planet alive. Curse those meddling Auesitesthe thoughts hiseyes darted abowe warily searching for signs of the heavy robesand smoking ins. When would they aceepe shat Eskatomie priests were God {fearing membersaf the Church just as thevswere? But nose grip ing — seuarian conftct isnot what this witckhuunt és al abv No Evian LiHaian’ brother hascalled them against me.attempe ing discredit Brian since Tam hey confesor fam deemed hor etic for my studies, hen she will als be tainted with the charge Brian call leave tis world haseome nome ton son Hie turne she corner of the final ane and saw the entryway at mere five strides ahead. He pushed jorward, shoving artisan fewer aside — ur then halted. staring atthe back ofthe robe swornan rushingto each the gates beforehim Smake rose upabout her tors fiom the muzzle of the flamegum she dug ow, “Aluesivo shut his eyes jor only « moment, sending a silent prayer to the Pancreator and hen ran foruardasfastashecould Ienacking the Avesite to the mumure-sained cobblestones Then ‘he was past her and rannang A yell behind and the sound of aie fgning and Alustro could smell he aivsem theback of iskeed Purning« Sects and Orders [No single institution bas as much impact on day-to- Gay life in the Known Worlds than does the Chueh, De spite che Chutch’s meny factions and sects, che average peasant sees it asa giant monolith, dedicated co soving Tnumanity from theevil inherent inthe universe. Asfaras commoners cars cell, all priest, bishops, archbishops and patriarchs work coward the same geal, hand-in-hand, fighting evil together Never mind the faet chat they call cone another heretics; the Church itself is good. The peas- anes view only changes when someone resto replace the seet of their ancestors with a new one. The Universal Church is nor so universalit is deeply divided by sectarian conflicts It would have fractured into multiple churches long ago were it not for astring of ex- tremely strong Orchodox Patriarciss who beldit together— that anda need fer unity against the nobility andthe mer- chants, There ate five major sects and dazens of minor ones Senne get along; mest don't A lot of the minor seers are branches from the major ones. but othershave alien, local coreven historical roots Chapter One: The Universe 3 Stereotypes Priests nay seemat frst tobe allof the samestripe “They usually wear che same uniformsivarvingsome- what with eot)and preach che same overal beliefs But thisisumerefacade- Looking past the catechism obes tnd soseries each pres approaches hisor her fate Ferently. White some try as hard as they can to follow the party line, many doso inthe way they best ee ft [Not all Avesites are screaming fanatics some may be calmandinteospective crulveompassionately wories about thecollecivesinsof theunivene Likewise. not al) Orthodox priests are intolerant to nonlocttinal paints of vies some ae fascinated with the new eas and perspectives cropping upon the many worlds of the Pancreator Despite the Churché often iron-handed cole in politics, the prlests who preach at the cathedrals Throughout the Known Worldsare.for the most par, truly devout and unconcemed with wortdly power. Ieisthe site ofthe soul they concentrate upon, and the fteof che soul ait leavestts mortal coll, Wichout the selfless acts and counsel of Church priests, the populaceof the Known Worklswouldsurelybe worse off and deeper in despait Urth Orthodox Orthodox priests represent the old, aurhoritarian guard of che Church, maintaining stability while fighting off heresies, They are also those most concerned with tem poral power, Traditionally {with few exceptions), the pa- trlarch has been Oxthodox, ‘They believe, following key bulls set our in the New Dark Ages that grace isachieved chrough working within the stcucrureset forth by the patriazchs, who follow inthe footsteps of he Prophet. The Pancreator works nat ‘through inner visions bue through real works, duties per formed in the material world. He shows his will through sacramental forms rituals, artifacts, stations of office, ets ‘Wavering from time-tested doctrine in this time of dark- ering light is dangerous and foolhardy, One fooi can hurt many good people, all must walk che proper path and fol- ow thecorrect guidelines These who don't may dustin us all Despite their political bent, they are nonetheless fer- vent believers and moral guardians. They aim to give suc- cor and comfort to all who need it, including serfs The Orthodoxy is the only large organization in the Known ‘Worlds that caresenough about the livelihood of thecom- moners to aid them, five among them and even educate them (although they do not seek commoner emancipa- tion). Through these good works, they have neatly eighty percent of the Known Worlds populace behind them. The «that this populace has no legal power does little to 41 Fading Suns quell the nobles fear of riots and uprisings. and thus ev eryone heeds the Orthodoxy’ desires. Membership in the Orthodox Chureh is apen toll although applicants for priesthood must undergo vearsoF training in ritual and doctrine. ‘Leading Orthodox priests: Patriarch Hezekiah the EL der {current head of the Church on Holy Terra) Hierophant Palamon (Archbishop of Byzzatium ‘Secundus), Archbishop Lyctecia of Stigenata (leader in the oly war against the Symbiots) Roleplaying Notes: While the Orthodox seanee may seem suffocatingly authoritarian in theory, in practice it allows its priests much leeway to choose theiz own means and even to interpret doctrine in their own way, The Church is Suilt upon the ongoing creation of the Pancreator and humanity’ participation in that creation, seen as. sort of passion play. The darkening light of the suns is dite to huranitys sins in overreaching their part in the play, Through humility and good works. humanity can part the curtains which block the Light from che stars ‘and again take part in the revealed light of creation. But ‘uncil that time, humans are on probation and must tem perthelr actions Each person can experience his or her role in the Pancreator’ creation. isthe duty of the Church road Ir. separating right experience from wrong perception. De monscan fool people. and only Church doctrine can guide in seeing past false experience by providinga time-proven uideline, Priests are needed te provide witness to the ‘Church’ truth for the Pancreator’ creations, However, there are many worlds, each wich their own particular problems, Lack of sapic communication prevents direct answers from Holy Terra, The training a priest receives fs designed to give him a broad framework wich which to interpeet any of the mytiad crials of lif. itis a priests re sponsibiligy to have the courage ro make his own inter: pretarionsbased on experience, with doctrineasguidance ‘Those priests whose answerstoreligious problemsare most in Fine with thecurrent Patriarch’ beliefs (somesuy politi~ cal needs}, are those who rise the highest in the Church hierarchy. ‘Nonetheless, while priest owes respect and obedience to those above him, she has the duty to rely on her own experiences and convictions (@s long as she does not slip too far into mysticism), Creation is ongoing, and the Pancreator revealshirnself te hischildren in different ways: at different times Priests must he ever alert for these omens and be ready ro provide thecortect interpretation of thers forthe leity Othess lock tothe Church for answersia priest must be prepared togive chem boklly Character Stereotypes: Confessor (perhaps personel confesortoa nobleora rich merchan, community leader, elder, wiseperson, healer, missionary, monk, pilgrimage guide, penitent, diptomat Brother Battle “Throughout history, monastic battle orders have ex isted within organized religion: the Knights Templar Hospitalers Shaolin priests jennisaries,and ochers. fn the Known Worlds there are the Brothers Battle said ro be the mast efite combat corps in history. Fanatically dedicated to defending che Prophet’ faith with might and force of arms the Brothers of this exclusive order are respected — and feared — by most Known Worlders. “The order began early in the New Datk Ages. when the nee for hard-lineundabledefendersof the faith wassteat- est. They personully Gefenced the lifeof the patriarch from in asassination attempt on Holy Terra. return for thelz service, the pateiarch ordained the order, giving it spectal powers within and without the Church, conceded to by the noble houses, who were trying to cover up theie role in the assassination atvempt. Since then, the order has grownin killnd influence, building upon roartial cect niques created by previous Brothers These techniquesare kept secret, Those who have been ousted from the order arenot allowed toteach then they are caught revealing them ro others the penalty is death, Throthers adhere o strict discipline and suffer harsh, penalties for breaking their vows. Oathhreakers must «n= destake dangerous penance quests which many do not survive. There isa strong support network from Brother to Brocher although monksare often sent on individual missions across the Known Worlds, spreading their net- swork thin ‘The order does not work well with other unitsin the secular military chain of command. Brothers wil not take odes from any but their superiors within the order, so they are rately used as common soldiers, instead being employed as commandos and special tactics units Membership requitementsare trict. Only youths un- dler ten years old are accepted, although the order adopts ‘many orphans. There have been very few exceptionsto this rule throughout the orders history. although the hand- ful of older individuals who have been accepted provide hope for many petitioners. New members ate ent to the monastery on He Meley. there to spend the next ten or "more years oftheir livesin rigorous training and spiritual contemplation, Local peasant motherson De Moley often Teave their newborn children on the monasterySdoostep. hopeful that cheir offspring wifl be taken in and begiven ‘better ifeand opportunity than a peasants son or daughy tee would otherwise have. However. the order doesnot ac cept every child leit on itsstoop. Many are let to survive or die outside the gates. Those who live longer than ex pected ure often accepted. ‘The Brother Battle order wields much power, and. muny Orthodox pacriaschs have felt chreatened by theit scrength, Their piery and military might areneeded by the Emperor on the Symblot and Barburian Marches, and while they have ravely used rhe political power gained Sy S8Gorn riers SB yO DS & ] Y Chapter One: The Universe 6 tthrough this the Orehodox anticipates the dav they must clash, fearing that Brother Battle will win out, Thus, the oder is undet increased scrutiny for heresy and any other slip-up that could lead to theit dissolution. Despitethe name, women may join although itis rare. Leading Brothers: Master Claudius of De Motey (head cof the order), Adept Falkner of Stigmata (leader of the Brother Battle unit on che Symbiot frond), Adept Aaron cf Lirth (currentiy the Brother Battle representative on Holy Terra) Roleplaying Notes: Supreme martial discipline isthe tallinarie of a Brother Battle Exercises are performed reli. giously.designed comsintain both bodyand spirit, Oncea Brother Battle has been given a holy task, he will ignore ll ‘other considerations which impede or distract from that task For hls teason, thebrothersare desired aseite guards or commandos by anyone who can afford them ~ their price, however, is not coin, bur glory to the Panctestor If the task has no religious purpose tis deemed unworthy of attention. However, thetr interpretation of religious imartetsis broad enough toinclude many things andany cask which aids the Order is deemed worthy ‘Young brothers newly ordained are urged to leaver’ne monastery for an excended pligeimage through the Known Worlds, Since Brother Battle isin one sense the ‘worldlest of orders Brothersshould iow the worlds they ‘may be called on to fight one day. They are also urged (© imix with other seetsandordersto better understand them, fortheorderiscalied to ight for them often, Likewise, per sonal understandingof nobles, merchanesund other free- men is deemed wise It s common for these wandering Brothers to attach themselves to certain groups as body- guards oreven leadersbefore eventually returning corheir monastery for further duty. Character Stereotypes Holy warrior elite commande, smiter of heathens, kung-fu master, ex-gunfighter (trying cohang up hisguns} Eskatonic Order An extremely mystical and occult order, the Eskatonicsseek to guard the light of the Holy Flame from che impending eschaton, or apocalypse. They are engaged in a personal and individual pursuit of che holy. Unlike the Orchodex Chureh, they believe here isa spark of the Holy Flame in each person, arid that itis the duty of the enlightened (those fully conscious of the Holy Flame within them, made awere Crough a personal vision) to cultivate rhisflameand fan itintoa fire, Their main means rothisend is theurgy, Their exclusive entry requirements, however, ensure that they have thesmallest membership of any ordet.and ‘thus the staallest support network. Bur their occult prac tice temperseach member into.a powerful and notewor- thy priest. They emphasize Inner mysteries and philoso- phy, with perhaps too liteleattention to outer reality. They are doom-sayers, believing the worst about humankind’ 46 Fading Suns fate. In their view only a few will recognize the light and escape the Final Darkness. They claiin to have personal experience with certain vile demon sultans who they sav are to blame for the dimming stars, and believe that only the orders wisdom and magic can avert the final doom (they also claim detailed knowledge of the "bodiless pow- ersof the Empyrean’, ot angels) ‘They also claim direct lineage from certain of the Prophet’ disciples, to whom the Prophet gave sectet lore, \wiscom which theearly Eskatonics were given the respon lity of safeguarding, They were an underground,secret seciety of Church priests until che Symbiot War, where ‘they were allowed to operate openly only by grace of their own theurgy. Eskatonic magi proved to be one of the few effective weapons against the Symbiots when they at- tempted to move past Stigmata, The patrlarch had to or dain them or tisk Josing more worlds tothe pacasiticinva- sion. Since then, the Eskatontes have been very careful ‘behave (or atleast ide their excesses well) lest chey suffer official censure and be forced undergroundagain, But the common populace often feats them, and they are con scantly at risk for Inquisitoriat searches and heresy decla- rations, Rank within the order is built around the slow dis: semination of secrets and occult techniques, The order’ fachers created a carefully wrought system of study, whereby 2 student would only be exposed (0 [ore he was capable of understanding Rank isawarded only to those who have proven themselves mentally and spiricuaily worthy of it, Then, the secrets of that rank are taught sfowlyand,cnce mastered, thestudentis ready for thenext rank. Humility is all-important during training and oré- nation. No priest is allowed co rise in rank without first ‘confessing, and these priests who do not undergo contfes- sion on.a monthly basis are shamed until they learn todo so The practice of flagetlation, the wearing of hait-shires and other selé-inflicted cortures ate aso encouraged. The ‘order believes that these ex¢reme measures prevent hubris, for the history of theorder telisof priests whose pridegrew, and whose sins caused whole wotldsto perish, While they have managed to keepthe eruth behind these dead worlds from the populace and the Church at large. there is good reason these magi are feared, Leading Eskatonics: Magus Moore of Pentateuich (head, of the order}, Magister Osanto of Manitou (keeps tabs on psychic coven) Philosophus Antonia de Cacliz(Hazat wiz ard), Novitiace Alustro (young nephew of Orehodox Hierophane Palamon) Roleplaying Notes: Eskatonicsare the most curiousof priests, Most are impatient to learn the secrets hidden in ‘he universe, and since their strict tutelage regimen pre- vents them from learning whatever they desire, they of cen leave their cathedrals for pllgcimages across the stars searching for secret fore. This is fully in line with the Prophet’ exhortations for questing, indeed, higher rank ing priests often become jealous and protective of their fpard-won lore andaare loathe to hand itdown rostudents, all he more reason for the student £0 seek on hisown. But it is a dangerous universe out there, so few Eskatonics go alone. Most attach themselves to a retinue, either a noble encourage, a merchant caravan, or seme motley group of people powerfull enough to help her search for the lore she seeks. While the Eskaronies are few in number and sorne- times jealous of one another, when they meet among the stars, they are often eager to exchange lore, for they inevi- tably become lonely for others who can understand the profound thoughts going on in their heads Character Stereotypes: Wizard, philosopher, doom: saver, occule investigator, demon-hunter, artifact hound Temple Avesti (Avestites) lnquisitors The fanatic and disciplined Avesttes are the hard-liner arm of the Church, often too regressive for ‘even the Patriazch’ tastes, although he is often thankful for the power to unleash them on victims. While not all Inquisitors cone om thissect, ox dhe Avestites ong ago gained mest ef the chars. on the Lnquiscortal Synod} ‘Temple Avesti began as a breakaway movement from. the Orthadony, composed of puritans who felt chat the ‘Church was not stern or sttong enough in punishing the excewesoftemembers(tothe Avestites everyone aimem ber of the Church whether they like it or nor}. These ex: ‘remiss built cher eraple inthe burning desert on the planer Pyre. Pledged to punish sinners lest they corrupt the faithful, che Avescices embarked from Pyre on expedi Fions to clesnse other worlds Their violent and una nounced tetzorist attacks on “sinners” angered the often- powerful victims of these attacks nobles and rich mer- chants. After too many Incidents with no response from the Orthodox Church, royal fleets rtived off Pyee to de stroy these uncontrollable zealots But che patriarchs fleet also atrived and ordered the nobles fo hal their assault. The Archbishop of Urth went to Temple Avesti and ex- plained to the sect leader the terms of thesect’s surrender to Patriarchal authority. If they did nor submit, the Church: swoutd deparcand leave chem to their fate bere the royal fleet. After short consideration, he tempiemaster relenced and threw himself on the metcy of the Church. Since then, the Avestites are considered penitcnts, owing duty to the putriatch and his bishops. While they can act on thelr own, chey must aso heed the call of rhe Orthodox priests when they require it. However, (he ex- tremes to which Avestites take any-task often tempersthe frequency of their use by the bishops. They are called on official business only when all other mechods have failed. ‘Hopeful Avestites must petition for membership into thesectand only those whoa prove hat cheyaesinless ot extremely repentant — are given entry Only the igno- tant of unleatned are alowed. for education is seen us @ burden on chesoul which ishard (extinguish. Thus, their Chapter Ove: The Universe 47 ‘membership comes from the poorest peasants, the lowest classes who often seek revenge for their lack of empower ment. Most membersnever again leavethe temple on Pyre; they spend their jivesin prayer or hard labor fer the temple, ‘Those who prove their prowessin sniffing out sinnersare promoted as pilgrims, chose who will deliver punishment tosinners across che Known Worlds. The best pilgrims are granted Inquisitorial seals and eventually become or- dained Inguisitoss Avestitesre often bigoted and anti-alien, butcan like ‘wise be pillars of nobilley and kindness — to those deserv- ing of it. Aliens are allowed in the sect f they can prove their faith likeall other applicants, Tothe sinless, Avestites ae perfect gentlemen, having learned the lesson of tem pperance from che sects humble downfall. To these they deein sinners, however, no amount of cruelty Is enough. ‘They cake the Prophet’ words about sinnersand burning quire literally, anc cheir heavy flame-retardant robes and cowls are instantly recognizable. Their high priests event prefer rocarry flamegunstoenacta literal punishment on sinners ‘Their symbol, rhe flame. is borne on pendants which, with the flick of a switch, become searing brands with which they mark sinners forcheads. Those peasants who bear thisbrand (which takes months to heal for those who cannot afford tissue regenerative serums)are shunned by heir fellows, alchough the upperclasses unfortunate enough to suffer such humiliation often receive pity and commiseration from their friends, though net publicly. Leading Avestites: Archbishop Dolmen of Pyre(ieader of the sect}, Bishop Gendo Ortiz de Aragon (head of the Inquisitorial Synod), Canon “Loose” Buchanan of Shapeut foverlord of local cathedral, chought responsible for raas- ssere of refugees from Stigmata) Roleplaying Notes. Avestitesareextiemely concerned about the level of sin going on around them and find it hard not to interfere. They are nosy busybodies wha be- lieve that everyone’ business is their business. To an Avestite, individual valuessuch 96 privacy ate seen as ex- uses to hide sin. Avestitesarcallowed litte privacy among, their own kind, living in common bunkrooms, eating to- gether, working together, praying together Never(orrately. at best) isthere time for privace contemplation. Perhaps this, iswhy Avestitesareso eager ro ger off Pureon lone pilgrim ages. But Avestitesare not liked by thecommon folk. While ‘they are feared. a lane Avestite can still easily find himself, ganged upon by bold mob and dragged incoan alley for a vicious heatingor worse, hearing criesof “Thisisfor Uncle Lon (kick), who you burned for supporting Obun rights! Ang this for Cousin Jocko (punch), corture¢ far buying, ham on RestdayP For this reason, even lone Avestites will attempt toattach chemselvestoa retinne.claiming roseek comrades against sin, but in actuality seeking strength in numbers, Character Stereotypes: Inquisitor, fanatic preacher, 48 Fading Suns cult leader, arson, religious terrorist, politieal activist (ar suing for theocracy}, missionaty, far missionary (bringing the word and the flame to heathens beyond the borders}, border guard (defending the border From aliens and bar- barians), renegade cultist (thinks Avestites go too far). spy (disguised! as member of other sect/orden), bounty hunter Sanctuary Acon (Amaltheans) Sunctuary Acon isa healing order, sekeing fo being gre und mezcy to all. While its membership i open to anyone, few people volunteer for this selfless duty. The priessof Sanctuary Aeon may befew in number bur hey are beloved by al The love the common fe bear teem for theirselfles sacrifices have provided them practically itonclad protection from Inquisitors and heresy police When Sister Vermidian was accused before a crowd of peasants on Criticoram of eonsorcng wich demons the peasants rose up and tried to hang the Inquisitor the heretic The order was begun by Amalthea,a physician who became one ofthe Prophet disciples. After the Prophets death, she tried to forge his sayings inco a Chuech dhe ent from that which Palamedes Alecro was forming. Her Temple of Eresnal Sanctuaty was almost as popular 23 Palamedes new Universal Church. But in the end, the Universal Church appealed more to peoples need for au- thoity, power, guilt and redemption, However the Eter cal Sanctuary, orSenctuary Aeon ait eventually became, shad astong following espeilly in the nttermath of harsh wars The Sanctuary was eveneually incorporated into the Chucch, and today stands asastcong voice for suey and eompason before the Paria often ten bulls TheonderShead monastery ison Artemis anda ini fates muse go there for thei initial training in healing bodies. minds and spsits The planet i flooded with tae sick and injured who can afford the journey, butcher ate never enough Amaitheans to help thet all. Once of dained, priestsareexpecred coreturn co heie homewerlds and bring ce skills co bear in elieving suffering there Otherwise, they ean choowetostay om Artemison save 8 rmendicant healers Some ae nt by the order to ic on the wat fonts neverassoldiess bur ashealersoreven dip- lommats Because thelr nunners ate smal, they demand pen- anceftomrhotetheyad,sskingforthem toperiorm asks to relieve other suffering souls, thus increasing compas sionate ats tenfold more chan thet otder could perform aloe. White Amatcheans wil aid others without prom $e ofa penance tas they ae hid by the orders leaders to {enact this promise whenever posible The nature ofthe promise is up zo the eles enacting and theres no set uiceline for ehe difficulty of the tase compared to the healing An Amalchcan wil generally ask for what she tees isthe promisercan achieve, burshels free oenacta harsh task f she fees thesufferer needs ‘The Amaleheansarea rare voiceintheChurch, preach- Ing che rights of all living beings, sentient or pot. They admonish those who seek their aid to never harm an ant mal or sentient creature even if it threstens them in re- tum; they can defend chemaselves, but must avoid killing. Leading Amaltheans. Archbishop Sakhya of Artemis (head of che order) Bishop Dean éer of Scigmata (physician in charge of war relief), Canon Teras Myrin of the Road (wandering healer, beloved by man, Cardinal Orna of Apshal ambassador to the Vaub Roleplaying Notes: Amaltheans fight against cheit ‘own negative thoughts. Like everyone else, they know anger, hate and fear, Unlike everyone else, they are often purnished severely for such thouhes Instead of giving vent totheseemotions theyare taught to suppressthem.At the same time, they are compassionate anid non-judgmental ‘of other people’ failings. This duality has created a lofty martyr complex among many Amaltheans, whereby they believe that theirsinsare worse tenfold taan those of other People, and se they must shut them out (or in) and even hide them from themselvesand otters Thistends te make hubris even worse for them, as they have no healthy way of confessing thelr guilt. Nonetheless, those Amaltheans who have effectively ‘wrestlec with their own imperfections have become pow erful foress for change in the Known Worlds, It was the unyielding hunger strike of Sister Ananda that finally convinced Patriarch Jacob fo reword his bull concerning the harsh punishment of certain sins against rhe nobility {a bull believed to have been paid for by the nobility}. But their own sense of deep sin causes many to fear being alone, believing that the presence of others will somehow prevent their committing deepersins orat least distract chem from themselves. Thus, wandering Amaltheans seek out others travelers, and few people refuse the chance to add a physician to their retinue. Character Stereotypes: Doctor. counselor, shaman, peacezctivist, wer medic, diplomat, ambassador, iconoclast (esiscing militant society). apologise (defending milieant society} Mendicant Monks (Hesychasts) Some faithful donor involve themselves with the hi cratchical orders within the Church and instead become monks retreatingas hermitstathe wilderness, ascenobies tothe monastery orasmendicant, wandering friars While these monks do not answer fo any direct authority, net ther do they partake of the full benefits of a sect or order They have exchanged the restrictions of ordained mem- bership for freesiom toseek the Pancreatorin whatever way hey will — as longasit does not smack of heresy Distanced as they are from the center of the Church, they rarely have any input or effect on theological or doc trinal issues, Bur ebe occasional mystic hascome from the wilderness toimpressall with his insight,causingastirand fa genuine revival within the Church. But this rarely lasts more chun a generation or so, as she Church bierarchy again takes precedence over subjective viewpoints Some "mystics f popular enough, ate enshrined asa saints after death, allowing che Church to claim that it isa living tra- dition open to new insights from che Punerearor or his chosen: prophets, Hermirsusuaily stakeoura territoryin rhe wilderness of adistan: planet, one far from empireand Church poli- tics. They often become the protectors of these wilds, dis: turbed only rarely by x loc peasant seeking a cure for warts ora love philter, Monastery monks rarely leave their cchosers abode, Insteed spending their lives n contempla~ tion or performing sctiptorial duties, copying Church documents for posterity: The zecent Emperor Wars took a toll on certain monasteries, leaving some ins ruins with, monks left to wander in seuzch of a new recrest, Mendicant friars are chose who have taken the word of the Prophet on the road, to deliver it to the places fur- chest from Holy Terra and bring salvation to the ignorant souls who dwell there. Heing near penniless, as scripture reqitires of most monks, chey must rely on the kindness of others toget where choy are going, This often involves ‘making deals with League merchants for passage in ex: change for prayer services, or wheedlling into a noblesen. Chapter One: The Universe 99 courage in exchange for confessional setvives (although not all monks are necessarily ordained to give confession} Friars tend to be resourceful types, and know that scrip: ‘ure must sometimes be placed aside toward the greater good of getting the word out ro the people. Renowned Hesychasts: Brother Hedrick the Bear friar tending coche Kurgan border) the Hermit of the Nowhere ‘Wostes (maximar: believed ¢o be an oracle for angelic be- ings), Brother Aris of Maelestron Monastery (renowned ‘mystic and philosopher whose works are becorning highly influential among young Orthodox priests) Roleplaying Notes: Hesychasts wane nothing of the squebbling going on back on Holy Terra, with all the ab- stract arguments over the inheritance of che Holy Flame in the soul or the proper way tosit ar morning prayer. To them, itis direct experience of the Pancrestors creation — whether in raw natuse or among the peasantry — which reveals best [hte skopos,o purpose, of creation. Monaster Jescan help weed out the useless chatter of the world and reveal the true light. ‘Character Stereotypes: Mad hermit, quiet monk, en- lightened mystic, jolly friar, lazy ex-priest, iconoclast, de- tective (Sean Connery in “The Name of the Rose,” or Brother Cadfael) Sectarian Conflicts The Church was very involved in the Emperor Wars. The Patriarch tried to institute theocracy to replace the empire, but he ceceived roo little support. After long ne- gotiations with the five Royal Houses, he eventually de clared the Church’ support for Alexius Hawkawood. giv ing him much needed populzt approval ir his bid for the seat of the Empire However,the political strugglesthe bishopsand priests involved themselves in caused @ backlash of disillusion- ment against che Church among the populace ar large. People looked ro new sects or ordersand turned away from theie rraditional sometimes many generations-long)alle- giances to their previous sects. The Orthodoxy suffered a decline in membership as other sects swelled, secting the stage fora behind-the-scenes conflict throughout all lev- elsof theChurch, from thegrand cathedralstotiny shrines im backworld hamlets — the struggle to save the souls oF Human Space has heated up. Bur chiseross-sectarian shift iscaused not only by the bishops’ nasty political dealings: growing apocalyptic fear thas caused many to desert the past and throw their ot in with any who can promise instant salvation before the suns die out. Fear of final judgment is in the back of everyone’ minds and those who.can most readily address this fear — with more fearand guilt or by compassion and understanding — benefit the most More information on Church theology and cosmot, egy can be found in Chapter Five: Occult, 50 Fading Suos The Inquisition The Inajisition is perhaps the most feared organiza. tion in the Xnown Worlds Bven the Empercr’tnighty e- sions asdeadlyasthey are.donos stirchefeasof the popu lace as much asa single Inquiscor knocking at the door The Inquisition is empowered to scour the Universe for anything which might pose « danger tothe souls of hhumanity. as devided upon by the Church, Such things incluce proseribed technology: demon-worship, paychie powers pagan cults strange allen goings-on, and peomle who pore a political danger tothe Chureh Yer despite what peasants and sinsers believe the In- quisition is nor everywhere Ic akes a special meeting of the Inquisitorial Syned (council oF priests) co award an Inguisitorial Seal to pees or grou of pests). and each, ceal usually has 2 specifle mission attached co the pet formance of unasociated misions dees not necesstily hhave the backing of the Church. With Church backing, Inquisitor are nigh-immune ro punshmest fr any 3c tion they undertake while inquisiting, Without such tucking disgruntled orinsuteed nobles er merchants can handle the rransgressor however they ce it — withie the limits of the law of course ‘seal can bescripped from itsbesrer by thesynoc.the patriarch or the council of atchbishops Ifa seal was awarded by a lesser synod ta meeting of local synod mem- bers, not comprising the full council it can be nullified fy the planet’ archbishop. Such lesor synods ate often convened (© It focal affairs not important enough te summon the whole courell Calling ehe fall synod to- gether takestime, forthe members must cravel from their various worlds ta che synod chambers a Holy Tera, Oaly rave and long-term threats suffer from full synod stu tiny Inguisitorial sealscan be awarded toanvone thesvned deems only priets hur nobles orany feeraan. However, such privilege and power is racely handed to those who have not proven thernselvesloval to whatever political cause the synod pursues Then chete are Full-time Inguistrs, hose who have thee given bread seals with Bifetimae durations These dan- gerousenforcers havean extreme degree of poster, able ro cruise che universe at will dispensing justice however they sce fit While they ate officially immune from say buc Church prosecution, someof the more overzealous ar imn- politic Inquisieors have suffered cragic ur unexplained “aeeldents” The Merchant League Julia Abrums buedfed behind dhe erates in the musty old warehouse She shel a peak aver the tp of the bx ut uledher head bck down as sam as she sew a shadou mee pst the front door Sheexpected some dissatisfied enstomers buenos ta thisex- rene You woudd think people hud never paid tos: much for emk Jewsiry efore So what iftheywerentwuthentic Vawerystal’iaia had never said they wore — just cha they might be Wel twasegnadthing Director Hendrix of thelocal Chas btcers fad just asked hero fsa ship ous to some frontier word Julia hed Boen itching co gether hands arom a good ship con srolsagain, and whilethiswasnt exactlya good ship, iewnuld do Musbe Evian Li Halon wold he interested in vacation on Past demonium, Now if only she coutd just gee ot of this sarre- hose The Guilds All thet remains of the massive conglomerates that ‘once ruled the Second Republicare the merchant futlds, grudgingly united in the Merchant League. Five guilds have risen to prominence, but none of them has enough auchority alone to control the entire League. In fact, dle- spite cheir prestige, even if they worked together {an un- Jikely event) they would have a hard rime foreing che League to do anything ifall the lesser guilds were united against chem) The five leading guilds ate the Charicteers,the Engi- neers, the Scravers, the Muster and the Reeves, They have each established their own speciaities and defend chem vigorously. However, none of them hold 2 complete mo- nopolyinany of cheiratess All guild members understand that thefr sucess astsas longas they can make it last and nota moment fonger-Guild membersconstantly seek out ‘ways to expand their reach, and if that means undermin: ing theit brothers and sisters then s0 be it. The main guilds have carved out their own hegemo, nies, bethey in tertiary, product or service. On some pla etsa number of different guilds get along fine, each cater- ing to their own customers and engaging in friendly ti- valries. On other planets, ¢he sameguilds ight it our tooth and nail, sing every weepon in their arsenal to destrov the competition. Still. no matter how fiercely they compete with one another, they all understand that they have common en mies. Should nobles or Church leaders attempr to take advantage of the League’ internal squabblings the guilds will do their best (6 puc up a united front. By the same token if League memiseris being unjustly chreatened by outsidets, other guild members may act to protect her. OF course if they feei they have nothing ra gain and every: ching fo lose, chey will abandon her without a second thought and only slight regret. Guild Teaders, called deans, try to maintain some sort of order within the league, but trying to get this many Chapter Oue:The Universe ST Stereotypes ‘The guilds gut whore they are today by attracting a certain type of micmbers, But chat membership has hecome more varied as time has passed. The roleplayinghintsin each section providea bret guide for bot players and gamemasters who want to add these guild members toa game, but they should not feel forced to follow these guidelines. Create charic= tets whodo what you want chem fo do regardless of anyone ese’ preconceived notions. strong-tiinded and competing individuals co agree on anything isa task, Each Leaguemeistes, che official head of all the guilds, comes to power with a pledge te lead all he guilds its harmony, but somehow this never seems to work out Charioteers The Chariotcets hold the most prominent position among che guilds because chey control the roads to the stars Any citizen who watts passage on a ship Orust go tiwough theChavioteetsfor Travelers Gull asthey areal called They own mostot the juraproutes and maps.and woe be to thowe who muscle in on thele territory. The Charioveess are what most common folk ink of when they tale abour tbe gulls Most corarnon merchants are members of this guild orltssubsidities, They ate the most well-known traders and their craveling “medicine sows" and bazaars ane a popular seasonal feature on many worlds TheCharioteers began asastarpiltsguild Many Second Republic citizens owned and flew their own ships nd began their own crade ingbusineses between the worlds(one of the more pops Inestarc-upsat the time}. many of them sougheentry inte the guild, This transformed the Charioeers into a more active merchants guild. “Te leadership of che guild i pesbaps the most active in the Knows Wolds, Even ic oldest denns continue to rule the trade routes, buying fowand selling high. Most people have sem ot least ome ofits members, dressed! in ‘lathes which could enly have been designed! o attract #s rnuch attention as possible, standing in a town square. making the gue lation eal, “You wane got it” People friend!y with the Chatioteers can buy almost anything fom them, ani ts guile members hove acess tooncof the geeatestinfocmation networks in existence, lowing hen tosel knowledges wellas goods However, its members ae renowned for giving lipservice €0 what~ exer etigion will ct them ehe mos sales that day. an oF tenattract unwanted atention feom the clergy Some noblesseetn to believe that che Charioteerssup- porr the eration of the Thitd Republic and ae secretly behind building i While no evidence has yet been une covered, metchants of the Charloceers re often watches carefully On theother banc commerce bec ween thestars 52 Fading Suns would stepcompletelyifanything happened to this guild ‘They own far moreshipsthan any ther group. and While they may not have as many warships as the Hawkwoods ortheDecades,theitsrall merchant vessels are sometimes, surprisingly well-armed Leading Charioteers: Dean Zele Gallhreath thea of guild, armored advocate of epublicar ideals) Consul Kis Chartash renowned trades head of omeot the largest shi ping organizations), Consul Lilian Stages (we-krown explorer, now runsthe extremely famous passenger service called Stagg Lines — "Wel Take You Anywhere’ Roleplaying Notes:Other guilds ike to jokingly refer to the Charioteers’ split personalities. On the one hand, chevarethe most friendivoutgoingteadetsin the universe They seem sute that everyone is their Fiend, that every thingis wonderful and thar tee only thing that car make Life betier for yourto uy heir merchandise On theother hand, don'.ever think about crossing themon their own spaceships Theseate thetaciturs, no-noncense pots who cate roich moze or their machines than any human This perceptton is partly che result oF a rowing split within the gail ber ween its best tadersand ts best pi Tots. While in the past rhe Charioteets' lenders have been Tolented in both areas its onsuls have tecome more and mote specialized of late The sameis becoming true of the rank and fie Dea® Gatltveath has only recently begun battling this trend, anc has ried to promote more mem betsskilledin both areas Character Stereotypes: Pilots or vehicle operators oF anytype,merchantsarchaeclogistsorartifact dealers wa dering teachers, earny attractions (traveling freak show downers or participants). The Supreme Order of Engineers High technology fs at a premium in the Known Worlds forthose whounderstand rare few: Manyot them remembers of thisyuild. When astashipneedstobecon- structed or repaired, when. personal shield hasbumnt out and needs fixing, when an arm has been blown off anc needs replacing, an Engineer isthe only onetosuanon, This sone of the least-known guilds fr it makes 10 effort to sell product te the peasantry Instead ft has con centtated itseffortson developing new technologies and fensuting that no one else makes the same discoveries. ts hidden labsand von ceed factorieshove churned out ex- rtaordinary innovations in cybernetics genetic engiaeet- inggexpiosives spaceflight, medicine and other areas. The Englnects have in cure, made the esults of these break chrouzhs available cote rich and powertul for only the wealthiest car afford them. Ausitionatly. the Engineers havegone to reat lengths to ensure raat thelr euscomers, clomnor try to duplicate the technical innovatlons Forthisresson, ¢hereare many woo refuserodeal with the Engineers erat eat thats what they 3 Others note thar the Engineersappeas tobe their own best customers andthatsexcremely urmerving tomanyitstaretomect an Engineer who hasnot used hisown body alteringteci- nology on hiraself, giving himself cybernetic implants physical modifications or strange cosmetic additions. A first tneeting wich an Engineer isguaranteed to beat least unnerving if not downright pecrifving An additionally upsetting aspect of the Supreme Or- det of Engineersisits connection to the Chutch, No one eitherin the Church or in the order, will deny that almost 1000 yearsago che Engineers were once either a holy order of part of a holy osder. Whatever happened in those an- cient tirmes remains a mystery today, but Church leaders have done little to-elther discipline this group or ting it back into the flock Some guild members worry chat thie Engineers have maintained thelr ties tothe Church Some Church officals worry about the same chingand whisper that the holy order che Engineers broke away from still exists in secret ‘Theit worries ace heightened by the fact chat the Su- preme Order of Engineers isalsoone of the most secreti guilds Getting information from the Engineers smextto impossible, and even other League members find it diffi cult to communicate with ther. The Engincers have steuctuted theic guild in stuch @ way that new members know almost nothing. and discretion isa key component coadvancerent, The gutld is the only one of the hig five swith its own titles for advancement. The head of the or- der is not called 2 dean but a master enginecr. Associates arcapprencices chiefs are engineers, managersare entered engincersdirectorsare fellow enygneersconsulsarecrafter engineers Some even takeon new names upon joisingthe guild Leading Engineers Master Malice Hereditis(head ot suild, never seen but rumored tobe far more machinethan human), Crafter Wavefinder Luceta (Experc with thin ing machines, unnacutally beautiful}, Crafter Phili Mordeia (former priest, guild arntbassacor co Hely Terra. Roleplaying Notes: While Engineersare renowned for theirsrandoffishness chisin no way dliminishestheie value tocthers. Many nobles consider ita point of prestige to hhavean Engineer in their entourage, and even priests rec ognize their occasional usefulness Scill, many Engineers are more than a littleinhumen and can disquieteven their best friends. Most Engineers seem driven to advance within the guild, The rwo quickest routes are chrough service or in vention, Protecting guild secrerscan bes valuable co peo motion ascreating new innovations Guild feadersddoseem to have their own criteria, however, and) most low-level members do not know exactly what will Bring them fa they do their best at both, ‘Character Stereotypes Starship engineers, inventors, scientists of all cypestincluding med sientists,repairmen, weaponsmiths, crafters cyberfetishists Chapter One: The Universe 58 Scravers Scravers hide behinda vencer of “respectability” in the form of a scavengers guild, They make their mark by re covering and refitting derelict spacecraft, patching to- gether Second Republic artifacts everyone else deemed beyond rederaprion,and by findingartifacts wherenoone rought any could be But this is only one part of their interstellarenterprise. Anythingthe Charioteersor Engineerscan ell legit ‘mutely somehow ends up in theScravets handsand passes through their vase network with no questions asked. \When casinos appearon2 planet, theyare protubly owned by the Scravers. Ifa brothel appears protected from both thelawand theChurch,itprobably befongstotheSeravers If peasantsbegin organizingand demanding better wages, nobles blame the Seravers, The Scravershave mastered the art of findingincome everyone else has passed on. ‘They tend to hide behind the cover of various su-guilds and are master spies. They have dire on just abouevery major political figureimaginable,anctate ready co use i #f dhe nobles, prest.ete try te squash them, The coxcasional crime clean-up effort ispllowed, but no real a= {Compt to destroy this guild Is tolerated. They operate an underground network of spiesand assassinsforhireorhe roval houses Mose citizens really dont link the scaveners to the mob, since high-profile erime crials have cleared thescav= S4 Fading Suns cengers guild of wrongdoing (sure, chere are always stories about rigged trials but most peasants trust the Taw because they're medieval Innocents, net twentieth century deconstructionists} The Scravers have their handsin most cf the usual guild businesses, but they continue to spe~ cialize in repairing and reselling old and (usually) aban doned equipment, Buying from a Scraver means paying a cheap price but gerting what vou pay fot Seravers.also have strong investments in gambling fa- cilities, and some of thelr largest rehabilitated ships have become theiz interstellar casinos in space they escape the scrutiny of the antigambling sects, and this also allows them to pick up highs rollers rom every planet. OF course, their gambling ties also mean ¢hat thevare constantly ac~ cused of having ties coevery organized crime figurein the Known Worlds — a charge they only half-heartedly deny. “The Scraversare made up of many small local groups payingfealty todeans but each claiminga lot of autonomy. They must pledge their lovaicy both te their local organi zation but alsoto (he umbrella group. Thisisa blood oath: joining one branch Is for life, and a hidden rattoo fs re quisedasa mark of lovalty. TausScraverscan find welcome everywhere, lbeit a suspiciousone. Leading Scravers: Dean Benita “The Fox" Ivankov thead of guild, only dean of a major guild who does not liveon Leagueheim, Consul Carlos"Two- Time” Ong (head of che Leagueheim Bazan}, Consul Oliver Lords (uncov: ered Second Republic military depot and sold i to Hawk woods; now League ambassador to Emperor, Roleplaying Notes:"Anything for a Bird” coud be the mottoof this guild. While ics members re fiercely protec- tiveof their own operations, they have no compunctions about musclingin on other peoples projects. Theycan also find innovative ways to make money from someone elses Job. Ifans Engineer runsaspaceship repatrstation, hes prob- ably paying Scraver for parts Ifa Charioteer needsa ware- house, he’ probably paying a Seraver te have his goods loaded and untouced By the same token, Scravers are famous for the risks they take in search of profit. They are more than willing to put theirown lives(oranyoneelseS}on the line. Rumor of a cache of Second Republic vases will send them scur- ving into the heart of an unexplored jungle. Tell them that the heud-hunting Vorox guarding the vases like 0 satnble will send them there twice as fast Character Stereotypes Smugglers archeologists, geng- sters, scavengers, asassins, information brokers, hit men, gamblers, extortionists (Royal Houses are dangerous but rewarding rangers) pirates The Muster (Chainers) Whilemostguildés makethetr money off of gooxtsand services, the Chainers make theirs off living beings Their ships ferry mercenaties, technicians, anienals. foodstuffs and, some say slavesto their many customers. People who buy from ther find themselvesconstantly able cocquire skilled help for aimost any situation. They may also find Themselves shanghaied or facing che wrath of chose who miss the skilled help. The Muster isthe freepersons labor guild, providing {rained (but union-regulated) labor for freepersonsco vat- ouscontractors Sinceskilledand trained talent isnot eas tofind sincethe Fall, sf you want jobdonerright, you must go through the Muster. The guild was begun long ago.asa soldier rights group for mercenariesin the centuriessince the Fall it bas become che union forall laborers. However, this does not mean they are liberal watch- dogs looking out for human tights: the only rights sacred tothem are those of guild members (onty freepersonscan apply) It isone of the hardest gullds in which toxin mem- betship, because members (skilled labor) get good benefits and security for the rest of their lives. The Muster crives ‘hard bargains for its skills For most Muster contrects, the work force is made up cof “temps” hired by the guild, with the sweet, managerial positions going to Muster guildmembers Thisis usually good place for characters to find a job when all else fails However, the Muster prefers not to pay its labor fase at all, and for chat reason it acquires slaves This hasgiven it the nickname “Chainers. Slaves rarely provide more than grunt labor, but there’ a lot of that needed in the wide universe. Chainers are well-known among the peasantry forkidnapping people on small worldsand shippingchers ‘of far away wherethey'l never be recognized. The Church frowason thisand punishes it when discovered. Chainers tend to wear armorand armozlike clothing, and most carry weapons wherever they go (even today, the high-ups in the guild are usually ex-mercenaries. They ‘often travel in packsand racety pass upan opportunity te raid for staves. They are also thought to dabble in psycho- Togical conditioning and tohave modified their merchan- dise accordingly, Leading Chainers: Dean Kryanida Halostro Sekimen {head of guild, master military strategist), Consul Erwin Gerhardt (leader of the famous Desert Tigers armored Je- gion and teacher of tacties atthe League Academy), Con- sul Teteza Solace (rumored to be both psychic and head of the guilds slave operations; sometime called the cruelest person in the universe Roleplaying Notes: Members of che Muster are ex- tremely proud of cheirskillsand abilities abouc che records of Muster mercenary units and artisans, and about the variety of contracts they can fulfill They are much less willing to talk- about the slaves who make much of what they do possible. They may enjoy the fear their repuration causes, but iC often seems they would prefer net to have chat reputation at al ‘Thishas made the Musterextremely League conscious. Muster leaders reinforce the guilds’ unity st every oppor tunity. No member of a guild isto be injured if iis at all avoidable Other guilds get huge diseountson Muster set vices. Noguilel member willbe enslaved. OF course if some fone takes untoward advantage of the Muster’ good na- ture. Character Stereotypes: Professional mercenaries excsoldiers looking for work, freelance jack-of-all-trales, artifact hunters adventurersfor hire,ex-slave given mem: betship for saving owner’ life, slavers {human hunters, “most dangerous game’t professional tradesman (yeomnen of all rypes). psychologists, The Reeves (Gray Faces) The Reeves hold the reinsof commerce and economy. ‘They are the Known Worlds bankers They also govern higher leaning and education, producing lawyers and philosophers. Many non-papal courts require a Reeve tO preside. In avdition, the current Leaguemeiste ise Reeve {as was the fast one) The Reeves also provide some of the most calented advocates for helping decide imporcanc matters. Chuseh leaders will usually accept a Reeve todefenda heretic when they would aceept no one else, Nobles caught up in dis- putes with one ancther are happy to have a Reeve heat their disagreement, but would prefer to have oneon their sige OF course, in 2 League dispute, any guild would like tohave a Reeveadvocate on itsside The Reevesdonotengage in trade neariyasextensively asthe other families do, but they are recognized as one oF the leading guilds primarily for theis incredibly extensive money-lending operations. Long ago their ancestors Chapter One: The Universe 58 crafted special agreements between themselves and some ‘of the Royal Houses to ensure rhat the Houses would bor row from no one bur them. While most of these Houses have since faded co irrelevance, the Reeves have grow in prominence, often ending up with most of the Houses possessions when they fall to pay off theit loans, Those al- Hed with the Reeves do not receive much in the way of trade benefits, but they yet their loans at extremely Low rates. However, the Reeves are very quick to mobilize the League Fleets or other enforcess at the first sign of some one going inte default Ofcourse, money Ssnorthe only thing Reeves demand in exchange for their loans They have been known tode- Jay of even eancel required payments, but then get the debtor to do certain favors for them. These favors have ranged from slmple labor to obtaining party invitations ro attacking enemies to obtaining noble titles to, as the story goes influencing the vote that made Alexius em- peror Publicly the Reeve leaders appear Co be the most com servativeof the League leaders, but morethen onchis g0t- ten into rouble with the varioussects for acts considered ‘extremely unorthodox. Usually the Reeves manage to get these incidents covered up,and do their best to maintain staid and discreet appearane. Never expect a Gray Face to wear the gaudy cloaks of the Charioteers or the omi- nous rohes of the Engineers. By the satne token, the Reeves have gone to greit lengths co suppress stories that would cast doubt on their legitimacy The one which gains the greatest credence, aad which seems to drive Reeve leadees into fits of indigna- tion, isthat the earliest Reeves made theit money as pirates andi their first loans were in fact ransoms, Noenecan prove thar this wasthe case, but neither can the Reevesdisprove that ships under thelr protection are the least likely tracked by corsaits ‘Leading Reeves: Leaguemeister Tycus Spear {head of the League. reniowned jurist and advocate), Dean Melissa Winters (leading bankes one of the richest people in the Known Worlds). Consal Carmichael Yoster (recently ab pointed admiral of League Flcet though his military abil- ity isin question), Roleplaying Notes: There are many stories as to how che Reeves acquited the nickname Gray Faces,but themost common one has todo with how fervently they strive to, avoid controversy They have a reputation for composing, arguments and opinions with so many exceptions that chey can mean anything, Even when you hire one uf the famed Reeve aclvocates you have no way of knowing that he will support you the next time chis issue comes Up. ‘growing number of Reevesare fighting this old car cature, however. They have become moreaetive in League politicsand in affairs ouside the guilds, seeing it as their duty to show people howto better resolve their differences, Leaguemelster Spear has not officially endorsed theit ac tivities, but younger Reeves say he supports them, Older 56 Fading Suns Reeves however mutterabout chisunseemiy behaviorand meet behind closed doors, Character Stereotypes: Wealthy adventurer, lawgiver Gheritf, deputy for hire), philosopher. gentry wanna-be lsceks landed tte, such as baronet, lied, etc). Third Re- public architect, loan enforcer, statesman, royal chamber- lain, seneschal, crusading advocate, ardent capitalist (hires other chatacters fo help out with ger rich quick schemes} The Lesser Guilds Nobody knows just how many guilds exist throughs jut the Known Worlds Atleast ows hundred are part of the League and many more have ne official sanction. Many of these onlyexist on one planet and often oniy in one city on that planet Seill,any activity a freeman might ‘want to engage in probably has guild to support bim, Some ofthe better known of these lesser guildscater to artists and entertainers: Musicians and troubadours haven extremely infiuencial alliance slegacions of psy- chic taining nor withstanding. They, and several other aullds, have forced the tenowned League Academy to pro- vide aclitis for its members Even the court estershaves small but venerable guile andone of itsfinest members's con the Academy faculty Lesser auilds have made theirmark on the League ina number of ways. For instance, a printers guild has done :much to preserve non-religious books,thougth it bas been careful noctodisseminateaaything of which the Church night ispprove (Chueh criticism information on tech, nojogical developments or accurate histories, Not all of the printers work isin print, however They have also be- un transcribing old documents keptinan electronic for- mat Some of these guilds provide a wile variety of func clonsbutlimicthelr activitiesroa smal!area For instance, the Morticus Guid of Tethys originally beyan asa farsily bakery several hundred years ago Its members became vweulthy enough {and their liege impoverished enough) that they were able ro buy cheir freedom. Now they con- trol a numberof different trades on Tethys inciuding la ‘boron new buildings hauling gocdsherween itstwo min cities, providing workers or artifact recovery and oversee- lngall transactions between the pianetS human and na- tivealien populations. ‘A few guilds limie their accvities eo Leegueheima i self Since Leagueheim’ population is made up prienarly of freemen, mast ofits people have joined guilds Thusthe Courtesan Guild, Metcurians, Ancient Society of Sacred Alchemists and the Purloiners Guild may have branches elsewhere, but they deny it. They can be found on Leagticheim, however, displaying their goods and services proudly Independents Not all freemen belong toa guild, Some have either Jost cheit guild affiliation or never had one to begin with, ‘These inciependent agents often work for the guilds, but sacrifice the protection and stability such an organization coffees for freedom and autonomy. They cannot call on back up when they are in crouble, bur they slso do not havetosubmit tosomeoneelseS commands. Thisarrange- ‘ment is far from the norm in the Fading Suns, for almost everyone isbeholden tosomeonvelse, Independent agents are the only people without @ liege of some kind (though even they must professalleyiance ta che Emperor While the guilds provide these independent agents ‘with most of their work, they are not the only customers whotakeadvantage of these uniquearrangements Nobles will seek them our, especially when they do not want the guilds to become aware of certain. tasks orif they want to be able to deny any involvement. The Church supports the feudal ordereven moretiercely than the nobles do, but Ie uses free agents in its fighe against heresy: Afterall, bet= ter that someone livingon the outskirts of society tisk her soul than someone at its heatt, A player interested in taking on the role of an inde: pendent agent should determine not only what skills his character has developed, but why he has become an in dependent agent. fone of the guilds kicked him out, then doeshe maintain any ties tothe League? fa noble evently mace hima freeman, then why.and what abligarionsdoes he still have to chat noble? If the character ran away from. his previous obligations, be they to a nable or co the Church, then does his previous master still pussue him? An independent agent cakes a great deal of risk in making his way through the Knows Worlds These char acters ate best suited for life on che outskirts of elviliza ton, pethaps near the barbarian worlds or om newly redis covered planets The closer an independent gets to the ‘heart of civilization, the more pressureshe will eel tovony mic coa master Guild Territoriality While most people know better than totrustarrader, few understand just how deep the League’ involvement Cbroughout the Empire goes. Most people only sce guild members visitinga planet, setting upasmallshopand sell- ing their wares. The guilds actively ¢ry to maintain this view of their operations, concealing their massive instal- lations and armies of mercenaries, Those in the know be lieve che Merchant League has committed itself to bring- ing about a new republic. Others point to guild involve- ‘ment in sabotaging technical research and restricting plan- etary production assignsof a more sinister gol Most of the guilds have a monopoly on at least one resource ot device. They guard these attas zealously. going co exttemes to ensure their continued mastery: For in stance, the Engineers have long been the sole provides of Lypee-55,0 key ingeedient in longevity serums Rumor has itthat at one poine House Li Halan began synthesizing the liquid in cheir labs on Manitou The Engineers uncovered ‘what the Houst was up toand offered the Li Halan a huge sum of money for it ro stop, When the Li Hular: made it Chapter One: The Universe 57 Guild Safe Houses ‘The Mecchatt League hus no illusions bout sts popularity in the Known Worlds, Nobles rax almost every¢hingit does peasants look forevery opportunity to steal froat its shops and the Church condemns its ‘very existence. So the League makes friends the only sway ft knows how — it buys them. Almost every planet has at Yeast one non-League person who, at guild expense, wil take care of League members or goods. Most planets have one in every major city, This person usually Keeps his ties ¢o the League secret, but provides essential services, He will store guild merchandise, hide people on the ran, af ange clandestine meetings. and help guild members in trouble. ‘Sometimes one guild payshhisexpenses and other simesa number contribute cothe pot, buceither way, that person will usually do what che League needs done, The trouble comes in finding this person. No reps of these agents exists Ifthe Charloreets have paid for someone on Cadavus to look after their interests then they are untikely co cel} other guilds about ic ‘A problem the League often faces with these agents that they often believe that che League will sanction their activities, no matter what they might the Ac least one of these safe houses turned aut (0 be home toa coven of wariocks,and the League has since tried to be more careful abour who it pays off, OF course, there is no way for the League toever be com- pletely confident. clearthar they would do no such thing, the Engineers of fered them @ Philosophers Stone. When that didnt work, ‘a number of Manitou power plants malfunctioned and exploded. Only one was nuclear, burit took oucthe main, laboratory complex —and theneighboringcity of 100,000 people. The Li Halan have made no further study of Lypee-55. “Additionally, individual guildsoften battleeach other, both militarily and financially. Alliances within the League seem to shift with the solar winds and toduysaily becomes tomorrow’ stepping stone, While most of the gulls have staked out the area they claim as theie own, providing a variety of goods and services within that re- gion, the boundaries are rately fixed. Itis not uncommon for a Royal House to “request” that 2 guild set up shop in. territory previously conteolled by another guild. Thisere- ates competition within chat territory.drivingdown prices and stimulating che local economy, It can also have the unintended effect of creating viclent competition. wreck. ing the local econamy and killing scores of innocent bY stander. “The guilds usually hire outside agents to handie these matters preferring to keep their most loyal forcesengaged 58 Fading Suns against non-merchant opponents. Freelancers can een & ‘reac ceal raiding enemy guild warehouses, stealing theit secretsand assassinating key people. These same freelancers are often the first ones sacrificed when the guilds make up or need ro cover their tracks Academy Interatta Despite the incessant battlesbetween theguilds. when they have worked togerher they have accomplished some incredible feats. One of these is the mighty League Searfleet. “Another, and perhapsmore important.achievernent isthe ‘Academy lnteratta,the only major educational facility nor under the Church control, Located on Leagueheim, the ‘Academy isthe one place where guild members can meet peacefully, get to know each other before learning how t stab one anotherin the back. ‘While this is the view most people have of the Acad cenmy Interatta others tela darker story. No research is or bidden at the Acaderay, thev sy, and its teachersand stu dents have detved into the darkest areas of knowledge, Of ‘outs, the guild dismisses such stories as Church propa- tzands, but the legends persist. Tales of researchers whose hair turned white overnight, professors who went mad after viewing vile videotextsin tsfamouslibraryandstt dents sacrificed to dark gods abound. ‘Other people say thac these reports grew out of the constant polities that go on between and within the “Academy smany departments Profesorsanid department ineads have accused each other of everything from body odor eo plagiarism to pederasty to murder to genocide. Sometimnes the accusations are true; usually they are ust additional weapons in the battle for Academyfundingand prestige ‘While che politicking within the Academy is usually related to the different departanents and not the differ- entguilds individu guildscertainly make ete presence felt. The Muster has ensured that the Acadenay fund a mili- tary affairs department with ties Co the League Starfleet The Engineers influence much of the technical research cartied out at the Academy: Even the Courtesans Guild had | amazingly little difficulty in adding one of its members tothe faculty. “The Academy itself isa sprawling entity, with classes und research taking place lover Leaguehteim and even at ‘afew locationsoff planet.Studentsand guiles ay the pro fessors directly, and the professors pool much of their in- ‘comeinordertomaintain ond upgrade the facilities Much of the Academy’ best features have been donated directly byone guild oranother Indeed, theentire League kacksthe Acaderny interatta to an extceme degree Many League Jeaders spent at Teast ome time as students a the Academy. and most of these have fore! memories of their rime there. They also recow. nize its need asa central storehouse for knowledge. One of the Academys strongest departments, as well as the one shich appears most Free of guild meddling, fs the Recla- maton Denartment This agency fs dedicated to Being fd recovering lost adam, and i revels incredible amountsof Fungi this purpose Watleit usualy pays For fst dita, thas ben iow Co send heavily armed mercenary feamsto recover ancient records and old space- shiplogs Since rere peratons rene eouser priesand nobles wherever the mercenaries go, the Reclamation De- purtmen tomy resorts tosuch tfors when fetstheneed Isgreatet oF when ecan get avay witht Piracy None oF the powersin che Fading Sunsofiallycon- ones pracy but itcontinues nonetheless, Nobis Dame che gus the quld lame rhe noblevandeveryonecsts awrriedyeatonte ofthe more fervent ets Noonecan deny that be problen grew during the Emperor Warsand continuesat high levels, The Emperor hassaid he will bring itunder conto but has commited most of his esources to he new wars again the feria Whar lite he has sentagenat te pirates as not me wit euch succes ‘The League woul seer have the moat ces From the pias ft has dome cle more than the Empere: Aside from some highly publicized attacks on frelance pieces the ilsscem to prefer paving ransomsto moun ing prate-huntingexpeations Thisdoesnothingtoguell tales guid-inanced piatesor mbushescaried outby one guild on an enemy within the League. Of course, everybody tries ro pass the blame off on barbarians and aliens, In fact, both barbartans and aliens have been captured raiding merchant vessels Some of the mostextteme alien independence organizationshaveeven attempted (0 license privateers or raid shipping on theit ‘own, These have rafsed an immediate hue and cry from the noblesand guilds, who combined forcestodrive these pirates From thestars, Contrary ro popular belief the pirates’ yeneral strat egy ismor ro attack @ merchant ship with fusion cannons blazing, This creates far too much risk of losing valuable cargo. Pirates infinitely prefer fast ships to heavily armed ‘ones and they close with their targets as quickly as pos- sible, broadcasting threatsof what they will dotoanyone who resists them. Mest ships have only minimal crews anyway, most of whom have little ¢o lose if pirates take the ship. Pirates rarely kill ship ctews, only punishing them if they resist ‘Most crew members prefer to surrender at once or after putting up only # token resistance. The pirates board at will, take the cargo(and the shipif they haveenough men) and get the crew adritt in lifecrafe. There are exceptions to this rule. Mad Casnegie Jones gained a reputation for torturing and killing the crews of the ships he capcured, jettisoning their bodies off into space. His career ended shortly before the Emperor Wars whena mezchant ship resisted and ended up ramming his craft, The attack destroyed both ships. and Jones was left todiein space Chapter One: The Universe $9 Searchingout space piratesis especially difficult since merchants tend to fly certain predetermined routes de cigned tomake space travel as fast andl inexpensive as Pos: sible, pirates have litle problem ambushing suitable tar- get. Additionally, pirates who.operatein certain areasseem to haveexcellent contacts in the nearby space ports These can tell chem about tempting targets as well as possible ‘hteats Pieate hunters rarely have these Suxuries. They have totry to discover where pirates make theit bases. disguise thernselvesand sail the trade routes or capture space port informants, Then they have to defeat the pirates in Battle Aliens COnganggorak crept on all ses through the wind-shajing sedds The sharprats weve unatse of his presence. That would suon change estopped and stole peck okead, The royaiand her ence age bere sit gathered stupiay around thetr downed Lanter, Tonaly arguing abot whose fact wus thatthe Sp seas sinking trea morans of dagrosh, Ong shook hishead in exasperation, the deay he had seen araans do then they disapprowof something He ducked down again and froze at the sound of the “shaxprats,Thepackwasadvancing on the haplssentotragefrom tow man divections Ong realized he couldn take dem alt dou, attomee, but if he cou seare them, would give the Bumars ¢ ‘Ghance 10 react before shey were devowred. He hunched up and Git ew mic breath drawing his ambesh swords, He then Fmched himsef in a leap over the head of the closet sharprat lexting Loose aol ian Li Halan screamed and held her earsat the horrible shriek which suddonky split she mugey air, She looked across the tall gnassand sawa Vorox leaping ever che halcomceatel skl- like head of ascavengerbeast, Before it landed, iscrescent swords sliced chrough the top layer ofgrass taking the beasts heed off als Squealer ot from acres the grasa and shapes ¥° eae othe hadowsof he suarnps The Voroxscanied she grass mors then straightened up and walked nver co ce startled hu ‘Greetings, noble and entourage the fared, sic-limed gb anesaid in eloquent Urthish,flowrshing theee of his fowr arms: What brings fine lady ike you to aswearnlike this” Known Worlds Races “There are a number of sentient races Iiving in the Known Worlds. Almost all of them have suffered some indignity at the hancs of umans For most. it was the Claiming of their homeworld by human colonists and che resulting terraforming which utterly changed their ances tral home, Many of these races became homeless refugees, herded onto reservationsa mere fraction of the sizeof theit previous homes — or worse, ontodif ferent worlds entirely For others, it wasthe wars which decimated their poptla- tions leaving the survivors (o eke out a living from hus man chatity, carefully watched for any sign of rebelKon. ‘Most of these poorsouls yearn to escape human space, even. “ Fading Sons ifiemeansleavingthelr natural environmentsbebindand aliens ae in the forefront of new space exploration. Not all are unhappy, however. There are moze than 3 few cases in which aliens have benefited from human in~ tervention, The Etytl of Grail were in danger of dyingout ue to che predation of vicious beasts before they could develop sufficient tech to save themselves from helt hunters Buc humans acvived, recognized the Etyris sen lence, and built safe reservations for them, also providing ‘weapons which more than evened the odds against theit prodarors “Three other major racesclaimsome political,economie or military power, and ate granted certain concessions from the empire, giving them more rights and freedoms con their homeworids than most aliens enjoy. Waite they have all been under human rule since the Diaspora (Sec- ond Republic at the latest). chey accept this for the most partalthough chereave chose indivictuals who chaff wn Ger such “bondage.” These three races are detatled below. The Children of the Ur The Ur races jalso known as the Anunnaki) are the oldest known races. They disappeared before humans reached thestars leaving behind many powerful artifacts, including the jumpgates which make star travel possible “Their purpose isa mystery, 2s fs the nature of their legacy ‘What happened to them? Did they intentionally leavethe jumpgntes for the younger races (0 Use? Too many ques tions remain unanswered. “The t irate known to have interfered with certain races before these races achieved solar system or stas travel, and many believe that they cizectly helped the Vau to reach, the stars, Hushans argue about thelr secret influence 58, Sneient human affairs, although there is no definitive provf of chis. Their influence in the Known Worlds can ont clearly be seen in the cousin races, the Obun and the Uikar, These young racesare calied the Children of the Ur, cor moresimply,the Ur-Obun and the Lit-Ukat While these Ur Children know very little of the ‘Anunnaki, their mythsand Ieyendlstetlaf godtike beings Aehosbaped their culeures, weaving the fates of Oounand Ukat alike for good or ill in a sort of cosmic chess rnatch, One pantheon of gods is believed to have Won Out Over their rivals, with the result that che rivals pawns were re mnoved from their homeworld and placed in a vielous, Edversatial environment to rebuild theircattered and gis- placed culture: che Ukar Thee Obun, pawnsof the victor ‘usgods enjoyed a golden aye of peace, learningand spit ‘ual study. “Then, the yous withdrew from the lives of mortals, leaving the Obun and the Ukar to develop on cheir own. That wasmany miilenniaago,and the two races have trav ‘elec down cadically different pathssince. During chistime, the bur fell back inrobarbarism, but regained chele civ lization cheough a eenewal in spiricual dacerines and ds" cipline The Ukar have had a warlike and aggressive cut Cure ever since the gods betrayed them, Regardless of the vast amiount of time which passed! during their separation, the Obun and Ukar language has, remained similar enough chat fluent speekers of one Congue can sometimes understand the othet, The appear anceand design of their tech shows obvious Urinfinence, but istarely more advanced than current Known Worlds standards, Ur-Obun The Obun hed not explored beyond {heir solar system hefore the Second Re- public arrived ro usher them ineo the commonwealth of Known Space. They were treated better than most alien aces due (0 their obvious tink ro the Ur but they were no longer the mas: tersof theit own destiny, ‘One of the first Obun to ex plore the stars became one of the Prophet’ eight disciples, and ce- turned to Oben after the Prophets death to preach her message, creating what would become the Qbun sect uf rhe Universal Church However,am unforcunateineident during tke Dark Ages involvingan Ur-Obun priestandaChurch bishop resulted in arefigious war which wiped outa farge part of the Li-Obun population. They live now exclusively on their homeworld, governed by House Hawk wood Obun have no strictly defined famity units. They honor their mother and father, but the task oF raising @ child is taken up by every bun. An uncle or aunt will often take charge of @ childs schooling bur all Obun have a tesponsibility to the chile, When an Obun goes bad {be- comesacriminal or murderer}, taiaxe Obun involved in hig upbringing blame themselves and usually retreat from. heir worldly duties for spiritual contemplation or pilgrim: age, pondering what they did wrong, ‘TheObun have agovernment composed of an elected Ruting Council. Candidates must valursteer for public duty, and must pass the “Ordeal”: a rigorous test of the applicant’ physical, mental and spiritual capabilities Once ‘the candidate has passed this test (most do nod), his her seat on the coun is rarely contested. They are one of the very few races in the Known Worlds who do not have a noble caste, although there are levels of rank én the Rul- {ing Council which are somewhat equivalent. Appearance: Obun are brown-skinned, as if deeply tanned, Their hair is usually black snd their eyes vary: c: ther green, hlue, yellow or brown {rarely black) They tend tobe thinner than theaverage human, but they are genct- ally more nimble. Leading Ur-Obun: Sole! HanSeer (head of the Rutt ing Council}, Bishop Forsti HanKavak {head of the Obun Church}. Bran Botan vo Karm (Emperor Alexius left-hand. counsel) Roleplaying notes: The Ur-Obun ate souight out as third parcy diplomats and peacemakers, but they can be iousif they turn eheir minds ot. Their culture values learningand philosophy over ull ocher pursuitsand Obun, havea knack at unswering questions which have long plagued others While their culture dittors from that of humuns in the Known Worlds, they have lived among humans long enough co mix well (picking up as many bad influences as good, some Obun say) An Obun can expect a respectful ifsome- what cold) reaction from most humans he meets. Most Ui-Obun are horn with ad- vanced occult abilities (either Psi or Theurgy), and have a well-devel- oped, moral belief structure to support their powers Forthistea son, they are often more rusted as psychics than are human psychies. Character Stereotypes: Diplo: ‘mat, mystic, priest. pilgrim, citi ous merchant. archaeoiogist, an= gry iconoclast (looked upon asde- ranged by Obun society) Ur-Ukar The Ur Ukar obviously did por belong. ‘onthe planet from which they began their star faring The surface of Ukat ishostile tolifeand the Ur-Ukarate forced to live beneath the surface in a network of tunnels ci cling the globe. Their legends speak of a greet wrong done byonc of their kind in“heaven,’and they were ban- ished by the godsto this hell in fetribution. ‘The Uker achieved space travel before their cousins, the Obun, but were blocked by theSecond Republicafter colonizingonly twoothersystems.A blockade war against the Likar homeworld lasted for decades, with the Ukat fi nally suing for peace and accepting reservations on their claimed worlds while the Republic took over the gover- nance of these planets, Natives of the Ukar homeworld live the first five years Of chett livesin near or total darkness. At age six, they are “brought to the light," or slowly acclimated to light and surface living. Due to their lightiess beginnings. touch is more important to them than sight, although their sight, ‘has never become atrophied. They carve their bodies with raised tattoos spelling our their names{om theit faces) and thelr deeds ion their chests, arms and legs). Ukatish as 2 written language [sa sort of short-form Braille. meant to be “read” off someone’ skin (although the language has Chapter One: The Universe 6 6 Fading Sons been adopted for books). kar from reservations on other worlds have similar traditions, but they often livein lightsince birch and usu- ally donot reed Ukar tattoosaseasly There [soften a low level but mutual disdain between homeworldersand ez" Ukar They come from strong family clans and wage feuds ageinst rival clans. These feuds began when the early Ukar fought over limited resources, bur resencmenc has been hhanded dow: generstionally even in cimes of abundant resources Certain clans hold leadership positions over other clans because they were able to convince human noble houststo recognize them over other Ukar clans al- though they do not seem well-léked by the "lesser" clans ‘Appearance kar resemblethe Obun in overall phy’ calcharacteristies excepcthat theyre extremely palégusu- ally with white or light blond hai Their eves are always black or brown. Leading Ur-Ukan Torquil 0) Borduk (chief of ruling clan, recognized by the empite as leader of dhe Ct-Ukan, Baal oj Ak (Znfamous psyehic terrorist, Doming "Many- Scars* Corduvan (leader of FAR) Roleplaying notes: The UrUkar are a violent but crafty race. more worldly thar their spiritual cousins They ate often secretly sought out by houses or guilds to peor vide cercain ‘services’ that their subterranean origins al- {ow them to perform wel: chievery und assassination, Their sense of hearing and touch are better than a human and they find it easy to move quickly and fight in enclosed spaces. The harsh necessities their rave faced early on caused them to develop a better sense of rechnol- ogy than their cousins or even most humans Like the Obun, they are born with advanced occult abilities always Ps, but havelctle morality guidingitsuse Lacking societal guidance, most suffer from an overactive Une. ‘Character Stereotypes Thief.assesin,zepuir technician (che grimiest work in the tightest spaces), terrorist, biter diplomat, optimistic leader (ighting against Ingeained re- seneenent and tribalisrm) Vorox Malti-imbed monscrosities: The ultimate predators con Cheir homeworld, the Vorox should never have achieved sentience. All the known rulesabout natural se lection deny it But they di and with seemingly na coax ing from without, Certainly itisa crude and unsophistt cated sentence, but this may simply be due to the limica tions of their eruceculeure. Critics debate; Ate Vorex the equal of human intelligence? Evidence suggests not, but those few who have escaped the bonds of their violent culture have proven otherwise ‘They have colored furand ate immune © many poi- sonsa by-product of their very toxic, nasty evolutionary environment)and they canteat vegetables They can walle con owo legs (leaving four arms free, four legs leaving two Freeh or six legs for the best speed. ‘Thereare cwo types of Vorox: fecal and civilized, Fetal Voorox are not unintelligent: they simply do not have the benefits of a technological society. They are not allowed off planer, for they are considered brutal and dangerous, Civilized Vorox ate those who fave had their claws cut, and ate chus “tamed.” This cutting usually takes place at puberty and the Vorox is then educated in what culture and learning exists in their crude society Civilized Vorex ate allowed off world and perform a variecy of functions for Known World governments. The de-clewingceremony began as a ritual imposed on Vorox culture by humans ‘but eventually became a source of pride for the civilized Vorox.a sign that they had evolved past their brutal cous- {insof the jungle. They have an odd religion (although no ‘Theurgy) which guaranteesasoul only to those Vorox who have accepted civilization — the rest are believed to be fe ral animoals trapped in a cycle of meaningless eating and being eaten The royal caste of Vorox are allowed to keep one claw, which secretesa poison deadly to humansand Vorox. This, potent symbol of their rule has often gotten them in trouble off world, Appearance: Large. fur-bearing mamsmals wich six limbs four of which can double or armsor legs (each hand has opposable thumbs). Theit growl is loud and grating cnding with a note not audibie to humans but jarring nonetheless Leading Vorox: Kummanga (king of ruling caste}. Urgumantangu (Ghaman of Vorox church), Arng-erng. rng (warrioress famed for Symbiot Kills) ‘Roleplaying notes: Vorox ate like hyperactive teenag: ersin puberty — they ate passionate. quick toanger or play, rowdy and widle-eved, Most Vorox find this whole culture thing, with its ruies and regulations, to be a burden, but some find ita challenge. ‘They seem tohavean instinctual respect for powerand an urge for clannishness (feral Vorox hunt in packs, for their planets other predator are more than a match for a single Voroxt, which helps to uphold their ruling families and leaves thera somewhat in awe of upper-class Known, ‘Worlders. They seem tocrave respect and want desperately tobe considered members in good standing of whatever group they join, Many a Church Patriarch: has upheld ‘Vorox aspillarsof of the Prophet primary vir- cues, Indeed, Vorox ace fiercely loyal co thei friends fam- ily oF group (guild, house, sec, ete). But there are no set ‘guidelines for resolving conflicts between allegiances,and ‘many Vorox have gone mad trying to decide which takes precedence when these groupsare at odds Passionate trag- ‘edies have been written about noble Vorox raised rocivili- zation against harsh odds brought low when forced to ‘choose between roval family andi chosen friends or friends and sect loyalties Vorax are highly sought by inumans as shock troops ‘orguertilla warriors. They were gleefully dropped on Syra- biot planets during the Symbiot Wat, bur when converted \Vorox recurned with Symbiot abilities they wreaked more havoc than could be imagined. They aren't allowed near Symbiotsanymore, Character Stereotypes: Warrior, bodyguard, gladiator, jungle quide, explorer, League stevedore, fanatic priest,in- ‘cognito feral, cultured orator (trying to break down anti \Vorox stereotypes), famed athlete, Craveling companion. Other Races There are numerous other sentient races in the Known Worlds, Almost every planet with a jumpgate seems¢o host an inteltigent race in varying degrees of ad- ‘vancement, although only the Children of the Ur had achieved space travel by the time humans encountered them. Some of these races were dislocated from theit hhomeworldsby landgrabbing humans, but most still heve 4 reservation or two on their planet of genesis, Below are some of the more well-known aliens, even chough they are rately met away from their homelands. Gannok: These squat, monkeylike beings are from Bannockburn, neat the Symbiot Frontier, Bannockburn hosts some of the strangest Lit ruins known, the Gannck lived among these ancient monoliths, building odd de vices from the leftover technology. Scholars believe the Gannok ere somewhat new to sentience, since little evi cenceof previousculturesexist on theit world. They have Little native tech of their own, but they are clever tooi-us ffs, with an amazing inclination for invention. For this reason, they are prized as starship engineers, as their phy siques {including short, prehensile tails) allow thermo to craw intocramped spaces. The outer layerof skinon theit armas, Iegs and back is made of a silicon-based shale, pro, vvidingchem with aflexible but sturdy layer of protection. Their bodies also have remarkable immune systems and heating facuities However, they also havea pranksters way about them, but little common sense. Shantot: An equine race from Shaprut. The passion. ateShantor were victimsof humanitysFirst Contact;they now live on reservations scattered actoss the Known ‘Worlds and are few in number. They have a warrior cul- cute that highly values family ties and worships 8 solat deity, although they believe this deity resides in theit homeworldsun. They have trouble speekingUrthish, but can manage welf enough fot limited communication, Their spokesmen wear specially made voicebanes which allow them ro simulate human vocal cords Ascorbites: Bloodsuckers rom Severus Thecurapacedt but humanoid Ascorbiteshad little timeto developacivi- lization of theit own before humansatrived and relegated them to the status of primitives and savages. They have since lived up to these designations, refusing to livein cit- iesand running wild ir the junglesof Severus Some claim, ‘however, thet they have villagesdeepin che wilderness end hhave developed strange psychic powers plocting to use these against humans, Chapter One: The Universe 63

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