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ONIT~4 > History of Lrvox + “5p the year (96o's a new cperaling Systems called “Matties ” was obey at ATET'S Bett labs. fn the year cnet >" multics Fteled ” popularly known as ONTX" fe became coldety populax fo AtaT's Bett (abs: lqgc's “the new vexsfons of UNIK called Stemi & ATatis Bett tahs- onax versions cohich ave Sold 1969. Continued his cook And Te Is > Hence >In the year System ¥ cee Psteduced at 3 AK a. claus there ome labs of y dl#tierent — Companyes ard univenstties- ane given auny by onan softwosxe cohich ts fee Se gow Can > LtNux TS epen Scuxce obtain “the Sewee Cede cantly. => Inboduction fo CENUE* a. Generic term melting do unex [tke~ compalen opoatirg urnux Kennel fre most Premfine > UPNux Ps systems boned 90 +> Thety clevelepment 85 one ot Pree and op Sowee salt the Sewce cede can be used » dist xtbuted by anqore- poco available tes mast types of hardware P' to crotn Frames” syten’ because nt eamples ob SopEmone’ freely adified and %e- lattormns esetwox #s anging fem “ppa's © anedenn operating viotual aremay , chemby ft has the ->urnvy tS powtectfon and poeemptive teatunes anutitzanking: : Suppetted by 2 horge tntixrattonal. Commu- ‘4 “4 gs built and => LINX nity ob developer and wens dedfcated to Pree open Sowice Seffieane- There Ts a very Jorge collectton Of fee software axotlable toy LINUX “they ane? v Graphical envioianmenh, © orpice applications + Develeper tod, + system als lfties © Buartney appltcatans + pocament Publishing tools eatetwork Client and +e Seaver applications > LINox specthically subs dy LENOX kernel => uowever. the Kernet ts uncles astthouk a set of teal, ard pplication, to Sun oP te = Kexnels s>tTNux Ps Most commonty estatbuted eotth this tool set and a collection of applications catled + “diistat bution” - >The Most Commen arc Redhat, Mandzake , Swe §& cebatn -spistatbution dips fo 3 barfe crays etre proces for Tnatallng sthe disteibutfon the applicatins owailoble and eprocen for frutallfng and Manag ng > Inboduelfon to, open Sources * Antveduction therxe applications -Sopen Source FS ceatifcatton mark cxoned by “the oper Sounce Poftiattve Osi: at nek to any Poogpan whose 48 ure ©9 modification as Ue ©) Other developers- open Sounds Softwore mefers do slw that *s developed, tested er 4m proved Aicough public collaboxatton and dfsta? buted wrth -the Ydea that they mut be Shared corth othe, ensuing an open future collaboration: Defrnttton * Joss $5 Compu slw whose Sowice code fs auaflable under a e swe code FS mede auaflable lrcenne that Permits ues to Study 5 change and tmp o the = (Ove slo @nd to stedfstafbule To Mmeelifted -Prom Free Programs created throagh the ebbab, of pregrammens from anound the codld- DNeadl of open Sowces + the openseunce dekinftton Fs te debamine whether © MOE ste open Sounce ynitiakive CSL used by e Gonsitered lreeme can b ay apensocnce tre distyibuted teu of oss Must comply eat th tre follocoing cnt beva bh pace medistyfbution * >The license shalt net sistoget ony paxtiy yew netting (a) giving owwoy dhe sles OS a Component of a) ognecqate slo d?steibation containing — Poegrans -from Several dttigrent Sources: “Sy The lente shall net neqitxe any -free for sale- 2. Seuice cod >We progam mut tnelide Sooove cede, and mut o fn Sowcecede as well as Comptled form: “>The Sowce Code nuit be fr the poekuable + Poozam could Mmaaltfy “he poogam santiamediate 48m auch a the output of oc preprocend Or) cranlokes axe not altowedl. The liceme mwat allow crodt fications ard desived waka, are must ailow “them “to be destotbuted unex the Same tows as the license Ob cntighnal Software: se che authas Sourwe cede + mobtek, sowice code From being Loc dtstotbutton any fo which @ 4 Tok ->Tre [Reenke Tray fn modffed form only Sxkthe leene Altes the Atstarbution of Gatch ffles) estth the Sounce Code -for “the Purpose & modttytng the. Porogam at bultd ime -

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