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Notes Description Total each Number Total

A1 Actors 942 10 9,420

A2 Assistant Stage Manager 942 2 1,884
A3 Deputy Stage Manager 1,176 1 1,176
A4 Company Stage Manager 1,413 1 1,413
Total 13,893

Creative Fees

Notes Description Total

A5 Director 2,500
A6 Set/Costume Designer 1,489.69
A7 Lighting Designer 748.8
A8 Sound Designer 700.8
A9 Composer % of final earnings
A10 Production Manager 2,500
A11 Producer 3,500
Total 11,439.29

Rehearsal Costs

Notes Description Total

A12 Audition Cost 270
A13 Script/Copying 175
A14 Rehearsal Rooms 1,200
A15 Rehearsal Hires 175
Total 1,820

Production Costs

Notes Description Total

A16 Set Construction 1,500
A17 Props 950
A18 Costume/Wigs 1,000
A19 Masks
Total 3,450
Marketing Costs

Notes Description Total

A20 Advertising 300
A21 FOH Displays 375
A22 Print 766.40
A23 Photographer 250
Total 1691.40

General Administration

Notes Description Total

A24 Opening Night/Entertainment
A25 Get In/Out 300
A26 Transport 134
Total 434

Total Capital Costs 32,727.69


Notes Description Per Week No. Total

B1 Ticket Sales 24,000 4 96,000
B2 Programme Sales 750 4 3,000
B3 Mask Making
B4 Merchandising 1,500 4 6,000
B5 Local Authority Grant
Total 105,000

Running Costs


Notes Description Total Each No. Total

C1 Actors- Normal Minimum 1,320 8 10,560
C2 Actors-Subsistence 378 8 3,024
C3 Actors- Weekly Touring
C4 Actors- Contingency 2,000
C5 ASM- Normal minimum 1,320 2 2,640
C6 ASM- Subsistence 378 2 756
C7 ASM- Weekly touring
C8 DSM-Normal Minimum 1,652 1 1,652
C9 DSM- Subsistence 378 1 378
C10 DSM- Weekly touring
C11 CSM- Normal Minimum 1,980 1 1,980
C12 CSM-Subsistence 378 1 378
C13 CSM- Weekly Touring
Total 23,368

Creative Fees

Notes Description Each Perf. No. Total

C14 Author Adaptation 80 20 1,600
Total 1,600

Production Costs

Notes Description Per week. No. Total

C15 Lighting Hire 175 4 700
C16 Sound Hire 175 4 700
C17 Misc Hire 150 4 600
C18 Repairs 150 4 600
Total 2,600

Marketing Costs

Notes Description Total

C19 Print 383.20
C20 Advertising
Total 383.20

Total Running Costs 26,351.2

Balance Sheet

Notes Costs Total

D1 Capital 32,727.69
D2 Running 26,351.2
D3 Total 59,078.89
D4 +15% 67,940.72

Notes Income Total

D5 All income (excluding investors) 105,000

D6 Balance 37,059.28

Notes- Vinegar Tom Budget

A1- I have decided to have a Cast of 10 actors, similar to the original production as they coped with
the two males multirolling all male characters, this means we dont have to pay an additional 3
actors with minor roles. Minimum pay for actors week is 314 a week, of which there is 10 of them
and rehearsals are 3 weeks long. Its a Local performance, Gloucester, so there will be no need to
pay for travel costs.

Amount of Actors x (TMA Rehearsal rate x 3 weeks of rehearsals) 10(314 x 3)

A2- As this is minor production with fairly minimal props list etc. I will only be hiring two Assistant
stage managers.

Amount of Assistant stage Managers x (TMA Rehearsal rate x 3 weeks of rehearsals) 2(314 x 3)

A3- Deputy Stage Manager

(TMA Rehearsal rate x 3 weeks of rehearsals) 392 x 3

A4- The Company Stage Manager will be supervising the ASMs during the rehearsal process, as the
theatre has a Stage Manager our CSM can help manage the show and keep on track with the cast.

(TMA Rehearsal rate x 3 weeks of rehearsals) 471 x 3

A4- Director-
(TMA weekly x 3 Rehearsal weeks + Creative fee) 402 x 3 + 877.34
A5- Set/Costume designer- TMA Freelance Designer, Commercial Theatre, Straight Play. Vinegar
Tom is a play with songs therefore not a musical.

A6- Set/Costume designer- TMA Freelance Designer, Commercial theatre, straight Play

A7- Lighting designer- Pay scale Human Capital- Lighting Designers average wage per year.
(Pay scale Human Capital yearly minimum wage / 365 Days in a year= Average daily wage

Average daily wage/ average working day (9-5)) 18,208/ 365=49.88/ 8 = 6.24 per hour

A8- Sound Designer- Pay scale Human Capital- Sound Designers average wage per year.
(Pay scale Human Capital yearly minimum wage / 365 Days in a year= Average daily wage

Average daily wage/ average working day (9-5)) 17,060/ 365= 46.74/8= 5.84 per hour

A9- Composer % of profit?

A10- Production Manager- Estimated compared to other fees.

A11- Producer- Estimated Compared to other fees.

A12- Audition Costs- 2 Audition days at Murray hall Scout Hq, Tuffley. Which is a short bus journey
from the centre of Gloucester. By posting / handing out flyers locally and at Local events building up
to Auditions we dont have to pay for advertising apart from Admin costs such as;
photocopying/Printing. Etc.

(6 Hours of auditioning per day x 2 Audition Days + Admin Fees) (60 x2 + 150)

A13- Scripts/Copying

A14- Rehearsal Rooms- We will be using Murray hall also for rehearsals as it Is only a 15 minute bus
journey from the theatre (A Small travel cost may have to be incorporated)

3 weeks rehearsal (8 hours of rehearsing per day x 5 Rehearsal Days) 3(80 x 5)

A15- Rehearsal Hires- Temporary props and furniture hire for rehearsing. Vinegar Tom requires a
minimal set so temporary props/ furniture should be minimal and in-expensive.

A16- Set Construction- This is an estimation of the resources and the Cost of a carpenter to build
some of the set. The set is fairly minimal so not a lot of construction will be required.

A17- Props-Props can be locally sourced as Gloucester is very rural based in areas which would allow
us to find props for some of the scenes easier. ASMs can also alter or make some props. This is an
estimation of the fees needed.

A18- Costume/Wigs- Costumes Can be Ordered from Amazon and altered by Seamstress to reduce
fees of transporting costume. (Estimation of fees+ seamstress fees)

A19- Masks-

A20- Advertising- Firstly we can advertise on social media platforms (such as; Facebook) for free
which will appeal to some of the younger generation before spending 100 a week in the local
newspapers during the 3 weeks rehearsal period. We will also have an interview with a heart (local
radio show) where we will discuss our upcoming play which will also assist our advertising.

(Cost of advert x 3 rehearsal weeks) (100 x 3)

A21- FOH Displays- This is an estimation based on the cost of local FOH ads in nearby theatres. We
will have One Large display and four small.

A22- Print- 10,000 double sided leaflets (gloss/ A5)

A23- Photographer- This is an estimated fee for taking photos during the dress rehearsal and some
final images will be minimally edited and all images will be presented on a USB at no extra cost. The
photographer is an associate of the business and will offer discounted prices.

A24- Opening Night/ Entertainment-

A25- Get In/Out- This is to cover the possible need of extra hands to carefully more, prop, set,
costume and un-expected costs.

A26- Transport- Cost of two days hire (Get in/ out) of a small minivan to transport props/set from

B1- Ticket Sales- As the theatre hasnt opened yet I decided to sell the tickets on an average of 10
per ticket. The seating is said to be 800 due to the size of the premises in the popular Gloucester
quays. As we will be performing a popular play and will be the first performance there I estimate
that we will sell approximately 80% of the seating. 10 x 800=8,000 / 100 x 80= 6,400 per
performance, we plan on doing 5 performances a week, 6,400 x 5(performances) =32,000 a week.
The theatre will take 25% of all ticket sales. 25% of 32,000= 8,000. 32,000- 8,000= 24,000 from
ticket sales a week.

B2- Programme Sales- I estimate on selling 200 per performance at 1.50 each, (the cost of printing
is) 0.75 x 5 performances per week. 0.75 profit x 1,000 per week= 750 per week

B3- Mask Making Workshops-

B4- Merchandising- I am going to sell pin badges, mugs and t-shirts with Typography style quotes
from the play and famous feminist quotes etc.

B5- Local Authority Grant-

C1- Actors- Normal Minimum 330 (TMA once Nightly performance) x 4 weeks of performing=

C2- Actors- Subsistence- 94.50 x 4 performances weeks=378

C3- Actors- Weekly Touring

C4- Actors- Contingency- For understudy obligations and performances

C5- ASM- Normal Minimum 330 (TMA once Nightly performance) x 4 weeks of performing= 1,320

C6- ASM- Subsistence- 94.50 x 4 performances weeks=378

C7- ASM- Weekly Touring

C8- DSM- Normal Minimum 413 (TMA once Nightly performance) x 4 weeks of performing= 1,652

C9- DSM- Subsistence- 94.50 x 4 performances weeks=378

C10- DSM- Weekly Touring

C11- CSM- Normal Minimum 495 (TMA once Nightly performance) x 4 weeks of performing=

C12- CSM- Subsistence- 94.50 x 4 performances weeks=378

C13- CSM- Weekly Touring

C14- Author/Adaptation- Royalties 80 per performance

C15- Lighting Hire- The theatre will be fully equipped with lighting so special effects such as a smoke
machine etc. will be the only additional costs I will need.

C16- Sound Hire- The theatre will have the basic equipment and minimal sound effects or tracks are

C17- Misc Hire/ Consumables- contingency

C18- Repairs- Budget for making repairs to props, set and technical equipment
C19- Print- Contingency for if posters and leaflets need re-printing estimation of half of the original

C20- Advertising-

D1- Capital-

D2- Running-

D3- Total of All Costs

D4- Total of All Cost Including % Contingency

D5- Total of All Income

D6- Balance showing estimated profit of my production providing that we sell 80% of our tickets for
every show.

TMA Union Rates

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