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SIOP Lesson Plan 1 Outline

Date: June 13-15, 2017 Grade 1/Conversational English

Unit Theme: Parties and Invitations Standards:
Lesson Objectives:
Content Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, ESOLs will:
1. Understand common invitation vocabulary and phrases
2.Be able to invite a guest to a party
3. Be able to politely accept or decline invitations
Language Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ESOLs will demonstrate increasing proficiency in the
performance of the following functions and their forms:

(grammatical term and/or example, eg. Past Tense:
(in ing form, eg. Retelling a story )
The boy went to see his grandfather;)
1) Polite/formal invitation - We would like to invite you to our banquet /
anniversary. Please RSVP to the number on the
card. We hope you can attend.
-It will be held at __.
-Please join us for
-Please RSVP to 000-0000-0000
2) Polite acceptance Thank you for the invitation.
-I will gladly accept.
I would be happy to attend.
3) Polite declining Thank you for the invitation, but
-I have prior arrangements.
-I will not be attending.
Vocabulary Objectives: By the end of the lesson, ESOLs will demonstrate an understanding of the
following vocabulary words:

Academic Vocabulary Cohesion Words

Content Vocabulary (vocabulary that may need to be taught or (vocabulary that may need to be taught or
(new vocabulary to be explicitly taught that emphasized that is critical to participation in emphasized that link concepts in meaningful
is critical to an understanding of the content) academic tasks, such as categorize, list, ways, such as conjunctions and time
describe) markers)
anniversary write at
banquet create from (time) to (time)
ballroom purpose
courtyard attend
RSVP invite
location decline
guest accept
Special Cross-Cultural Considerations for ESOLs:
RSVP and the expectations for invitations are different between the U.S. and Korea. Responding to
an invitation with whether or not you can attend is a new concept for the Korean students.

30 Half sheets of blank white paper

Lesson Sequence (This may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate unique lesson plan features)

MOTIVATION: (Describe how you will build background and the specific strategies that you will use to
ensure the participation of ESOLs.)
Introduction into the topic by asking them simple questions about the unit lesson (ex: Do
you like parties? What types of parties do you know?)
Build connections to the lesson plan and the type of English they are learning in classes by
linking it to their future goals as students that are working towards learning English for the
purpose of acquiring a job at a company/business.
Students time on task will be increased through pair and group work by the arrangement of
the desks (4 students per table which will allow for both teachers to walk around the room
and facilitate the groups in the steps of each task).
The teacher classroom discourse will facilitate participation from the students by asking
content questions, such as Do you remember what RSVP is? and waiting for a general
response from any of the students (10 second time period). If no answer is given, then
either a single student will be asked directly or the teacher will state the answer and move
on to another question, dependent upon how much time is left for that portion of the class.

PRESENTATION: (Describe the specific techniques you will use to make your presentation of new material
comprehensible to ESOLs, to provide opportunities for interaction through appropriate questioning, and to
assess whether or not ESOLs are getting it.)

Use of PowerPoint slides with an attention-getting video of American parties as in The Great
Gatsby, vocabulary terms, formatted phrases for the step-by-step parts of the party for the
purpose of the party/location/Date & Time/RSVP to write on their invitation cards, and a
final review of the material learned.
The teacher will read new words and phrases and have the students repeat each one at
least two (2) times.
Sound out certain vocabulary words that students had trouble pronouncing (Ex: invitation,
RSVP, banquet, anniversary, etc.)
Asking of questions and repetition to ensure ESOLs knowledge of subject and for practice
Incorporate pictures of specific vocabulary words that students might not know to give them
a clearer picture and understanding of the vocabulary. (Ex: courtyard, banquet, ballroom,
Will give examples of Business invitations on the PowerPoint so students can get an idea of
what they look like, how they can be decorated, and the format/layout in which they can put
that information on their own invitations.

PRACTICE/APPLICATION: (Describe the activities you will use to allow for meaningful interaction and
practice using ALL language skills, the strategies you will use to ensure full participation by ESOLs, and the
techniques you will use to assess their success in the activities.)

The teacher will read new words and phrases and have the students repeat each one at
least two (2) times.
After the repeating of new words, the students will be asked if they know or understand the
word/phrase. Regardless of the amount of answers in either English or Korean, the teacher
will explain the meaning of the word in English to aid the students who may not understand.
The students will participate in an activity of creating written invitations in English, and the
teachers will wander around to different students and ask questions such as Where is the
location of your party? and What is the name of your company? as well as asking if the
students understand what to write. Informal formative assessment will be based on the
answers given by the students if they understand or not.
The students will also participate in an activity of accepting and declining invitations that the
teachers initiate to the students. The teacher will invite the student to the party and the
student has to use the accepting and declining forms to respond to the invitation.

EXTENSION: (Describe additional follow-up activities you will use with ESOLs to address any areas that you
deem need further explanation or practice to ensure their mastery of the content and language objectives.)

Role-play RSVP
Showing example invitations from other students work

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