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1. Who was Margaret Kerrs murderer?

2. Why did Robert Kerr go to see Inspector Logan?

3. What was Margaret Kerr wearing in the photo?

4. Why was Tommy sure of the day and time when he saw Margaret Kerr?

5. What happened at Tantallon Castle?

6. How did Margaret Kerr die?

7. Why did Inspector Logan need to talk to Andrew Buchan?

8. Why did Margaret leave Dr. Buchan?

9. Why was Margaret killed?

10.Why did the two siblings when to see Inspector Logan?

11.Why was the brooch a vital clue?

12.Why was the phone good evidence?

13.What was there at Dr. Buchans house?

14.Why didnt Grand call Logan madam?

15.Who did Inspector Logan call in chapter 5? Why?

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