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Campo, Edison Jr. R.


1. State the functions of the following components of a computer.

1. CPU
It is the main brains and heart of the computer that receive data and command
the computer system to perform it based on the datas instruction.
It is the processor between input and output.
It can decode all the executable programs.
It can store the output data to the memory after executing instructions.
The CPU can fetch data from program counter and execute it.

It is temporary program data storage because if the computer system will
reboot all the program data information will be erased.
All the stored data in RAM will be transfer to the hard drive if the
computer is shutting down.
It can retrieve and locate data from the hard drive.
The data will be stores randomly and the processor can access it
randomly from RAM storage.
RAM can hold data or instructions that are needed to be complete.
3. Input/Output

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