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Revenue by Project

Total Saleable Area

% of units sold / total no of units available for sale

Area sold by total area available (Will help you in consumers in next project)

Cumulative cost (Construction Cost, Land Cost, Total Project Cost)

Man power cost, Constriction cost, Interest cost, Land cost

Inflow cost by month (Collection for month, inflow for period)

Outflow during the year

Inflow during the year

Net cash flow during the year

Equity IRR (Make pr)

Borrowings (Long term(Banks) & Short Terms (Internal Entities), Equity)

Real Estate Office

Advertising and promotion
Average commission per sale
Average commission per salesperson
Commission margin
Net profit
Office cost (telephone, fax, and other office cost)
Rent cost of premises
Sold homes per available inventory ratio
Total income
Wages and salaries (including commissions and vehicle allowances)
Year-to-year variance on average sold price

Real Estate Investor

Average gross multiplier for portfolio

Cost per square foot to value per square foot ratio
Equity to value ratio
Gross multiplier per commercial property
LTV (loan to value) ratio per property
Mortgage rate index
Overall LTV (loan to value) ratio for portfolio
Price per square foot to value per square foot ratio
Profitability per square foot
Property value growth (market trend)
Purchase price-to-appraisal value ratio
Rental value growth rate ROI (return on investment)

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