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The general impression that the new season of the show was going to be as exciting as the

previous one turned out to be too optimistic.

It is essential that we manage to increase our sales; otherwise, we will face a financial crisis.

Subjunctive: Very limited in English. It consists of the infinitive without to.

Words often followed by a subjunctive are:

Verbs: Insist, suggest, request, order, recommend, propose and think.

Adjectives: advisable, essential, desirable, preferable.

Nouns: decision, insistence, demand, requirement and condition.

I suggest he (should) stop as soon as he gets tired.

Should here is optional.

Other report verbs: claim, say, tell, ask, promise.



a) adjective
b) noun
c) noun
d) adjective
e) noun
f) both


a) correct.
b) correct.
c) incorrect.
d) correct.
e) correct.
f) correct
g) correct

a) correct
b) incorrect
c) correct
d) correct
e) correct
f) correct
g) incorrect


a) Its my experience that people have completely distorted views about the EU.
b) Its certainly possible that we will get there in time.
c) Its an old tradition that new members have to buy the first round.
d) The fact that my brother completely forgot about my birthday upset me.
e) I find it ridiculous that William believes in ghosts.
f) It was believed that the new government would make radical changes.
g) Their answer was that they were not going.
h) The truth is that the company runs at a loss.

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