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Assessment Task One: Case Study Analysis

Due Date: Week 06

Type: Group (3 students)
Weighting: 10%
Length: 1,000 words (Question and Answer section, excluding Case title, Group members, References)

You are required to analyse a case study. You are required to answer the case questions. Your paper
should focus on the major issues of the case, looking at possible scenarios and solutions to the
problems identified. In particular, the case analysis should be linked to theoretical principles, concepts
and/or models discussed in the lectures.

It is expected that you will use at least 3 academic references. Websites, such as Wikipedia, will not be
accepted, other than for providing general details and these will not be counted in the minimum
references required.

Papers that have no internal referencing and/or no reference list will lose 5 marks of the 10 available

Please see more details on MyRMIT/Course BlackBoard.

Assessment Criteria
Coherence of argument
Comprehension of theoretical principles/concepts
Overall critical Analysis

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