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Article 1

Title: Students' Learning Styles in Two Classes: Online Distance Learning and Equivalent On-Campus

Authors: David P. Diaz & Ryan B. Cartnal

Date: 25 Mar 2010


The idea that people learn differently has been around for a very long time. Most teachers will notice
that students prefer certain methods of learning over others such as visual over audio. Some students
need to see a representation of what the teacher is saying in order to fully understand. One of the best
things that teachers can do for their students is understand that everyone learns differently and fully
accept that. Although many teachers do know this, they tend to ignore it or try to just hit every style
briefly by teaching sporadically. That doesnt help students, even though you feel as though you hit
every style.

Even though students sometimes take distant learning courses, they still need to learn the same way
that students would in a class setting. Students that need visual and physical representation still need
that when they are learning over a video or even just reading. A popular way of measuring learning style
is the Kolbs LSI. Dille and Mezack used this to identify predictors of high risk students in distance
learning courses. Successful students in the distance learning had lower scores for preferences on
concrete experiences. The students who scored higher on concrete experiences tend to have a greater
sensitivity to feelings and would need more inactions with peers and the teacher.

Article 2

Title: Online vs. On-Campus Learning in Teacher Education

Authors: KayDee Caywood, Jane Duckett

Date: April 1, 2003

Article 3

Title: Psychometric Properties of Student Ratings of Instruction in Online and On-Campus Courses

Authors: Debbie E. McGhee, Nana Lowell

Date: 15 December 2003

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